Red Box Essentials Unboxing Video

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First Post
Liked that there is a self run adventure (before you even write down a ability score you are in the adventure).

Didn't think the comparison to an MMO starting area was quite right, but it would ring with the audience of that particular show. To me, more accurate way would be those old "choose your adventure" books in the 80s.


Liked that there is a self run adventure (before you even write down a ability score you are in the adventure).

I'll have to pull out my old box to be sure but I think the original had a "solo" adventure bit as well.

Hopefully this red box will be a good way for new folks to play D&D as the original was fer me.


First Post
Unboxing Video

Thanks for the link.

I really enjoyed the video. As someone who started with the original Red Box in elementary school, I have been anticipating this release. I have been running 4e since the compiled preview material showed up here on Enworld but I still find myself excited for this release.

I work at a game store (Mayhem Comics in Des Moines IA) and I get quite a few people wanting to get into D&D. I have noticed that many of the people are parents who played with thee original red box and are coming back to the game 25yrs later with their children. The new essentials box is a great starting point.

While I enjoy the PHB it can be daunting for new players. I can sit down and explain the game to new players very quickly but I feel that the current line of books does not do an adequate job of explaining the game in a simple and straighforward way. The current range of books assume that the reader has a certain base knowledge of RPGs and that can be intimidating for new players.

I love how the book walks you through character creation in a simple narrative fashion, much like the original red box. I still remember encountering the snake in the original, as well as the cleric Aleena. I include a cleric named Aleena in every game I run.

I also like that the box contains dice, a map and some monster counters. Many new players at my store are confused as to exactly what they need to play. They have seen others playing the game with vinyl mats and boxes of miniatures and think that they need all of that to play the game.

Overall I think this looks like a strong introductory product. I will pick it up, but honestly I buy all the 4e books so I do not have an unbiased opinion.


First Post
Great item for people who are new to DnD, and I LOVE the artwork on the box!!! It doesn't seem like it'll be doing any favors for those that have been playing for years already.


First Post
I totally like this "full game feel" for casual players who are only used to boardgames. I see they have changed the power cards layout and made them more like the layout in the books (just like I did some days ago for my own set of power cards :D). I'd like to see a close-up of the new cards and character sheets.


Red box nostalgia

I totally like this "full game feel" for casual players who are only used to boardgames. I see they have changed the power cards layout and made them more like the layout in the books (just like I did some days ago for my own set of power cards :D). I'd like to see a close-up of the new cards and character sheets.

Pretty much ditto for the most part

Oh and pardon my manners, thank you for the link the box looks great!
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Looks nice! Packed with stuff. This fills a niche which has been sorely lacking in D&D for quite some time. Not for me, but from the looks of this video, a solid product.

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