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Red Star Rising: Commentary


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I'm starting this as a place to discuss my M&M game, whether it be in-game events or other things that warrant it. I'm especially interested to hear some feedback about how you guys are finding the game and what things I might need to work on to make it more entertaining for you. I understand that I'm rusty at the GMing thing and we're all still learning the system to some extent, but I'd appreciate feedback on what I'm doing well and where my weaknesses are, just to help me down the line.

So have at it. ;)

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AIM-54 said:
I'm starting this as a place to discuss my M&M game, whether it be in-game events or other things that warrant it.

I'm especially interested to hear some feedback about how you guys are finding the game
Excellent. I am, quite frankly, just enjoying the opportunity to play. Merlin is certainly an amusing character, but I find that I keep forgetting some of his marginal abilities (such as the fact that his blast tracks targets, granting him a second chance to hit if he misses). Aside from being caught off-guard at the Nazi-for-Pinko substitution in the last session, the story seems to be moving along sensibly, and at a fairly comic-book-ish pace. It seems relatively indicative of the genre, as well. Of course, grandiose pronouncements and other, generally villainous dialogue has been largely absent; I would like to see more of that, as my character is also given to grandiose pronouncements. ;) In short, well done, and keep it coming!

and what things I might need to work on to make it more entertaining for you.
Bear in mind that, if nothing changes whatsoever, I will remain enthralled. I find the sytem wonderfully entertaining, and I think you're doing a great job, even if you consider yourself relatively rusty.

Most of my questions/criticisms have to do with the world, overall. Stylistically, you're doing fine from my perspective. M&M has fairly rekindled my love of comic books - if I had more money, I'd be subscribing, again!

That being said, I'm still not entirely sure I understand where and how supers fit into the world, exactly - part of that is because we haven't really encountered the "normal" public anywhere, so we have no idea how the non-super populace thinks of us. I mean, the characters might, but we don't. Accordingly, the threats in the game thus far have been directed squarely at our characters, rather than at the wider public with only us to stand in the way of the threat, as is often the case in comics or cartoons - while we certainly have a stake in self preservation, I wonder if some innocents at risk (be they general public, or the PC's families and friends) might add some dramatic depth. Similarly, who are some of the other supers we know of? Obviously, we're not the first generation of gifted individuals (Merlin, himself, is some 40-50 generations removed from the rest of the PCs). Who's died? Who's lived? Who's disappeared?

Secondarily, I'm not sure where our little team fits into the world organizationally - we're a sort of independent NATO team, as far as I can gather, but who we ultimately answer to remains hazy. While I don't want an NPC to lead us around by our noses, having a solid "contact" with "the Authorities" might be helpful. In a more general sense, I'm still not certain how NATO commands our loyalties. If indeed we are under NATO authority, rather than our individual nations (who are nevertheless coordinating their activities), we would be both entirely unique (as far as I can tell) and well ahead of our time. If we have individual national commanders in charge of our activities, working as a sort of council, or something, it might be interesting to meet those authorities, and come to some resolution as to why some of us who are decidedly non-military in origin are taking orders from a decidedly military organization.

Lastly, I think the team needs a name, of some sort.
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Also, some information about Atlantis would be keen; also, I'm wondering why the authorities we DID deal with seemed prepared to dismiss interdimensional techno-Nazis as a non-threat?

Has anyone ever encountered Atlanteans before? When did they stop appearing entirely? What can my grimoires tell me that we could not/did not summarize in the 10-15 minutes in which we initially discussed it?


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On a slightly different note, as far as we're aware, we have:

3 "enemy" supers on the loose: Ghost Bear, Mr. Black, and Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg, we think, is German; the others? Who do these guys work for, exactly? Since we now have both Nazis and Pinkos to contend with, the "org chart" for the bad guys has suddenly become a great deal more difficult to draw. I'm especially concerned about Mr. Black, since he seems relatively important to the Doctor's schemes - and he's been encountered in both "bad guy" camps. Since he more than likely has control of the guy who remains our primary objective (Blitzkrieg), we need to figure out a little more about this guy. Surely, there has to be a dossier on him SOMEWHERE. If we can figure out where that is, perhaps our master thief can acquire it for us? If the supers are considered non-traditional weapons (as they seem to be, at least partially), surely allied "normal" espionage apparatus's have done some work tracking enemy supers as well, just as they track enemy troop movements, etc. What can they tell us?

So, in total, we now have two, competing objectives (freeing/capturing blitzkrieg and stopping the interdimensional nazi threat), which may recombine into a single objective, depending on what we learn. However, until then, they seem only to overlap. We have official sanction, so far, for one. I think we'll get official sanction (but no back up) for the other. How do we want to tackle these?

I think the first step is getting more information about Mr. Black, and a better idea of what sorts of threats Atlantis can provide.


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Tried to post this yesterday, but ENW was down. So, here it is. :)

The_Universe said:
That being said, I'm still not entirely sure I understand where and how supers fit into the world, exactly - part of that is because we haven't really encountered the "normal" public anywhere, so we have no idea how the non-super populace thinks of us. I mean, the characters might, but we don't. Accordingly, the threats in the game thus far have been directed squarely at our characters, rather than at the wider public with only us to stand in the way of the threat, as is often the case in comics or cartoons - while we certainly have a stake in self preservation, I wonder if some innocents at risk (be they general public, or the PC's families and friends) might add some dramatic depth. Similarly, who are some of the other supers we know of? Obviously, we're not the first generation of gifted individuals (Merlin, himself, is some 40-50 generations removed from the rest of the PCs). Who's died? Who's lived? Who's disappeared?

Supers are sort of off the screen for the general public at the moment. While they played an important role during the war, afterwards, generally at the behest of the normals, they receded into the background. Most people were happy to pretend they never existed, while governments went about rebuilding and figuring out what to do with their supers and programs related to them (whether they be creating them, managing them, or discovering them). In the immediate aftermath, they could be sent to find missing Nazis and Nazi supers or thwart occasional disturbances of rogue supers abusing their powers. Since governments had essentially conscripted and commanded the supers during the war (which was the first major appearance of large numbers of supers), most governments and supers continued this arrangement (which I'll discuss further in answer to the next question).

As for supers you know, Merlin is the one who's probably been exposed to them the most, while Titan and Angel (?) have probably run into them peripherally during their stay Stateside. Ice Queen probably knows a few Norwegian/Scandinavian supers. Miss Placer might know a few from her work on the Eldridge. What you might do is each make up 2 supers contacts that you have. In addition, I'm going to list some major supers you've either met or heard of.

Meteor--Soviet Fire Blaster, served in the Red Army and was instrumental in the battle of Stalingrad. Spent much of the post-war period doing PR throughout the USSR. Last known location was in the vicinity of the USSR-China border.

Hurricane--British weather controller, played a significant role in the Battle of Britain, killed along the Rhine by Psy-core.

Psy-core--German with mind powers. Fought in North Africa, Italy, and the Allied drive to Germany. Killed in Berlin by General February.

General February--Soviet Cold Controller/Ice Blaster. One of Stalin's closest confidantes and general trouble-shooter. Last known location: Moscow.

Skipjack--American Naval officer and Speedster. Well known in the Pacific theater, major contributor to island hopping campaign. Very popular among the military, where he continues to serve in Japan.

Boomer--Canadian infantryman during the war, with Sonic powers. Left the military to do intelligence before being posted to The Castle, where he recently arrived.

Stretcher--German medical officer with elongation and healing powers. Killed at Stalingrad.

Flying Tiger--American shapeshifter. Served in China during the war, though he went rogue afterwards choosing to stay and fight for Nationalist China. Last known location: Taiwan.

Ronin--Japanese martial artist. Fought throughout the Pacific campaign. Committed Seppukku upon Japan's surrender.

Screaming Eagle--American with flight powers and strong close-quarters battle skills. Served in Europe during the war and recently was posted to The Castle.

Charlemagne--French warrior with strength powers and a powerful sword. A returned hero in the mold of Merlin, serves as the defender of France and worked with the French resistance during the war. Currently in Paris.

Saracen--Turkish warrior, with speed and mental powers. Did not appear during the war, but has been seen in various allied capitals with Turkish diplomatic delegations. Last known location: Ankara.

Red Dragon--Chinese paragon. Served with Mao's communist forces during the war. Last known location: Near the USSR border.

Mario Mario--Italian soldier with some strength powers and a penchant for hurling objects. Fought on both sides during the war. Last known location: Florence.

Shadowstrike--Greek communist with mental powers. Fought the Nazis during the war, still fighting the Greek state, despite the recent end of the Greek Civil War. Last known location: Greek/Yugoslav border.

Athena--Greek nationalist with mental powers and a magical spear. Fought the Nazis during the war and the communists following it. Badly wounded in last engagement with Shadowstrike. Last known location: Athens.

Rock of the Marne--American soldier with strength/density powers. Looks remarkably young for one of the few supers to have lived through both World Wars. Currently serves as supers liaison with France in Paris.

Wraith--Soviet super with invisibility and sonic powers. Little is known about Wraith other than a tendency to appear when least expected. Last known location: Magnitogorsk.

Red Blade--Chinese weapon master. Fought the Japanese and the Chinese nationalists during and after the war. Last known location: Beijing.

The Flying Dutchman--Dutch weather controller and flier. Fought the Nazi invasion and served with the allies in North Africa, where he was killed by the Submariner.

The Submariner--German naval officer with water control powers. Major player in the battle of the Atlantic, also served in North Africa and Italy, where he disappeared in 1943.

Anyway, I think this is a decent start on that. There are certainly others, but those are some of the major ones.

Secondarily, I'm not sure where our little team fits into the world organizationally - we're a sort of independent NATO team, as far as I can gather, but who we ultimately answer to remains hazy. While I don't want an NPC to lead us around by our noses, having a solid "contact" with "the Authorities" might be helpful. In a more general sense, I'm still not certain how NATO commands our loyalties. If indeed we are under NATO authority, rather than our individual nations (who are nevertheless coordinating their activities), we would be both entirely unique (as far as I can tell) and well ahead of our time. If we have individual national commanders in charge of our activities, working as a sort of council, or something, it might be interesting to meet those authorities, and come to some resolution as to why some of us who are decidedly non-military in origin are taking orders from a decidedly military organization.

I recall mentioning the military liaisons in the first session, but it's no surprise that has been forgotten. For clarity I'll describe it here. You, as well as other supers, have been assembled by the allied nations, and NATO members in particular (though Germany is not a member yet), as a way to maximize responses to Soviet activity. You are each considered part of your home nations forces (most have some military background, even if its science related, and all have been put under government authority) sent to The Castle as part of putting together an allied face to Soviet aggression, particularly that involving supers. Now, NATO is a new organization, so it's a bit of an experiment. You are beholden to your countries leaders, elected or otherwise, but at the moment are serving under the Supreme Allied Commander Europe. He is the ultimate military commander, though the various NATO member heads of state wield power above him.

NATO Heads of State
Various military commands including NATO Supers Command (NATOSUCOM)

NATOSUCOM is commanded by Dr. Ian Wesson-Smythe, because of his long experience with supers. Under him are the liaison officers: Colonel Richard Bennett (USA), Colonel Marcel Devereaux (French Army), Colonel John Roberts (British Army), Colonel David Rickenbacker (Canadian Army), Colonel Guiseppe Amonte (Italy), Colonel Henrik Van Nostrum (Netherlands), Colonel Francois Dumont (Belgium), Colonel Ivar Christensen (Norway), Marcos Silveira (Portugal), who basically run daily operations and serve as a link between the supers and their governments. At the moment there aren't enough teams to warrant their being a link to the commander, thus your meetings with Wesson-Smythe. As more teams are stood up, the liaisons will likely play a larger role.

As a note, the first Secretary General was not appointed until 1952, thus the absence of that position in this very basic org chart.

In case I haven't adequately addressed it, let me emphasize that my understanding is that every player has a government connection military or otherwise, which has led to their being assigned to this position by that individual government. That government can choose to move you elsewhere (Miss Placer could be reassigned to her scientific work for example). Whether any character has any loyalty to any particular government is a different matter.

Lastly, I think the team needs a name, of some sort.

Sure. I'd love to hear some of your (collective) ideas on the matter. :)

Hopefully that adequately answers your queries!
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First Post
AIM-54 said:
Tried to post this yesterday, but ENW was down. So, here it is. :)

Supers are sort of off the screen for the general public at the moment. While they played an important role during the war, afterwards, generally at the behest of the normals, they receded into the background. Most people were happy to pretend they never existed, while governments went about rebuilding and figuring out what to do with their supers and programs related to them (whether they be creating them, managing them, or discovering them). In the immediate aftermath, they could be sent to find missing Nazis and Nazi supers or thwart occasional disturbances of rogue supers abusing their powers. Since governments had essentially conscripted and commanded the supers during the war (which was the first major appearance of large numbers of supers), most governments and supers continued this arrangement (which I'll discuss further in answer to the next question).

As for supers you know, Merlin is the one who's probably been exposed to them the most, while Titan and Angel (?) have probably run into them peripherally during their stay Stateside. Ice Queen probably knows a few Norwegian/Scandinavian supers. Miss Placer might know a few from her work on the Eldridge. What you might do is each make up 2 supers contacts that you have. In addition, I'm going to list some major supers you've either met or heard of.
These, by the way, are awesome.

Meteor--Soviet Fire Blaster, served in the Red Army and was instrumental in the battle of Stalingrad. Spent much of the post-war period doing PR throughout the USSR. Last known location was in the vicinity of the USSR-China border.
Perhaps meeting Red Dragon for something nefarious? Best we should keep an eye on him.

Hurricane--British weather controller, played a significant role in the Battle of Britain, killed along the Rhine by Psy-core.
Ah yes! A man (woman?) of valor! Unfairly taken by the brutal Saxon; I curse the day that a man guilty of regicide was able to defeat Psy-core, while more honorable warriors were barred from the task!

Psy-core--German with mind powers. Fought in North Africa, Italy, and the Allied drive to Germany. Killed in Berlin by General February.

General February--Soviet Cold Controller/Ice Blaster. One of Stalin's closest confidantes and general trouble-shooter. Last known location: Moscow.
Not only cold, but cunning. He could have made a great warrior in a different time. I cannot help but respect his abilities, even as I loathe his ideology.

Skipjack--American Naval officer and Speedster. Well known in the Pacific theater, major contributor to island hopping campaign. Very popular among the military, where he continues to serve in Japan.
An amusing fellow from the Colonies; a bit too loose with authority, but certainly a man worthy of respect. If only he could be brought to show proper authority to the King!

Boomer--Canadian infantryman during the war, with Sonic powers. Left the military to do intelligence before being posted to The Castle, where he recently arrived.
A kindred, if common spirit. Still, he shows proper homage to the throne; surely his low-born status can be overlooked for all that.

Stretcher--German medical officer with elongation and healing powers. Killed at Stalingrad.
A German who, despite his allegience, was always popular with the gentler sex. I cannot say I see the charm.

Flying Tiger--American shapeshifter. Served in China during the war, though he went rogue afterwards choosing to stay and fight for Nationalist China. Last known location: Taiwan.
A man with such easy loyalty is a dangerous quantity; still, better to have a wayward son of Britain among the Mandarins than to allow them to go their own way, entirely.

Ronin--Japanese martial artist. Fought throughout the Pacific campaign. Committed Seppukku upon Japan's surrender.
Though a Nippon, clearly a knight of uncommon honor, if also poor judgement. His people are right to mourn him, even as they ought to chear the death of the Empire he served.

Screaming Eagle--American with flight powers and strong close-quarters battle skills. Served in Europe during the war and recently was posted to The Castle.
I am glad to see more of the commonwealth's resources posted here. The Eagle is a dependable sort of fellow, if uncreative.

Charlemagne--French warrior with strength powers and a powerful sword. A returned hero in the mold of Merlin, serves as the defender of France and worked with the French resistance during the war. Currently in Paris.
A long-time acquaintance; we share both enemies and allies. It pains me to see him beholden to that pompous Frank, deGaul.

Saracen--Turkish warrior, with speed and mental powers. Did not appear during the war, but has been seen in various allied capitals with Turkish diplomatic delegations. Last known location: Ankara.
A heathen Mohammedan from the lands once ruled by my own family. It pains me to see Byzantium lost to the Turks, but Saracen seems a fine fellow for all that. He seems familiar, but I cannot place where I might have met him before - I cannot help but wonder if he, like myself, is older than he appears.

Red Dragon--Chinese paragon. Served with Mao's communist forces during the war. Last known location: Near the USSR border.
Almost certainly meeting with Meteor; an inauspicious gathering of our earthly foes. Even as our cause takes us from here, our allies must closely watch this meeting.

Mario Mario--Italian soldier with some strength powers and a penchant for hurling objects. Fought on both sides during the war. Last known location: Florence.
Never before have I beheld a man with a skull so strong. I cannot say that his frequent head injuries have aided his disposition, but they have lended him a certain kind of bravery...

Shadowstrike--Greek communist with mental powers. Fought the Nazis during the war, still fighting the Greek state, despite the recent end of the Greek Civil War. Last known location: Greek/Yugoslav border.
A man (woman?) I once respected, but no longer.

Athena--Greek nationalist with mental powers and a magical spear. Fought the Nazis during the war and the communists following it. Badly wounded in last engagement with Shadowstrike. Last known location: Athens.
If only we could have been there! Athena needs our support!

Rock of the Marne--American soldier with strength/density powers. Looks remarkably young for one of the few supers to have lived through both World Wars. Currently serves as supers liaison with France in Paris.
A man of gravitas. One of the few American supers that Merlin considers an equal.

Wraith--Soviet super with invisibility and sonic powers. Little is known about Wraith other than a tendency to appear when least expected. Last known location: Magnitogorsk.
He bears watching!

Red Blade--Chinese weapon master. Fought the Japanese and the Chinese nationalists during and after the war. Last known location: Beijing.
Another erstwhile ally. I wish I had not saved his life...

The Flying Dutchman--Dutch weather controller and flier. Fought the Nazi invasion and served with the allies in North Africa, where he was killed by the Submariner.
Another fallen ally. Rest in peace, sirrah!

The Submariner--German naval officer with water control powers. Major player in the battle of the Atlantic, also served in North Africa and Italy, where he disappeared in 1943.
Vengeance for the Dutchman's death will not be swift, your cowardice has seen to that. When we find you, however, you will pay.

Anyway, I think this is a decent start on that. There are certainly others, but those are some of the major ones.
And they were awesome. The above are mostly "in-character" comments from Merlin. Please feel free to change/modify/use them as you will!

I recall mentioning the military liaisons in the first session, but it's no surprise that has been forgotten. For clarity I'll describe it here. You, as well as other supers, have been assembled by the allied nations, and NATO members in particular (though Germany is not a member yet), as a way to maximize responses to Soviet activity. You are each considered part of your home nations forces (most have some military background, even if its science related, and all have been put under government authority) sent to The Castle as part of putting together an allied face to Soviet aggression, particularly that involving supers. Now, NATO is a new organization, so it's a bit of an experiment. You are beholden to your countries leaders, elected or otherwise, but at the moment are serving under the Supreme Allied Commander Europe. He is the ultimate military commander, though the various NATO member heads of state wield power above him.
Excellent. I know my Liaison is listed below, but do I ultimately answer to another British Authority? Or is Dr. Wesson-Smythe my main contact? So I have a contact in the Home Office, or perhaps MOD?

NATO Heads of State
Various military commands including NATO Supers Command (NATOSUCOM)
NATOSUCOM is a great organizational name, by the way. Good stuff.

NATOSUCOM is commanded by Dr. Ian Wesson-Smythe, because of his long experience with supers. Under him are the liaison officers: Colonel Richard Bennett (USA), Colonel Marcel Devereaux (French Army), Colonel John Roberts (British Army), Colonel David Rickenbacker (Canadian Army), Colonel Guiseppe Amonte (Italy), Colonel Henrik Van Nostrum (Netherlands), Colonel Francois Dumont (Belgium), Colonel Ivar Christensen (Norway), Marcos Silveira (Portugal), who basically run daily operations and serve as a link between the supers and their governments. At the moment there aren't enough teams to warrant their being a link to the commander, thus your meetings with Wesson-Smythe. As more teams are stood up, the liaisons will likely play a larger role.
Most of the supers above are natural-born, right? Are any of the more mundane intelligence authorities tracking who these supers marry/couple with? Looking for other "spontaneous" super births? If someone's not on that already, it seems to me that someone should be - I can't imagine that Supers production will rapidly decline, now.

In case I haven't adequately addressed it, let me emphasize that my understanding is that every player has a government connection military or otherwise, which has led to their being assigned to this position by that individual government. That government can choose to move you elsewhere (Miss Placer could be reassigned to her scientific work for example). Whether any character has any loyalty to any particular government is a different matter.
I am, of course, fanatically loyal to Britannia!

Sure. I'd love to hear some of your (collective) ideas on the matter. :)
I don't have anything yet. I am, however, looking forward to more answers!


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Shadowstrike--Greek communist with mental powers. Fought the Nazis during the war, still fighting the Greek state, despite the recent end of the Greek Civil War. Last known location: Greek/Yugoslav border.
Merlin REALLY hates Shadowstrike. A lot.


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also, I'm wondering why the authorities we DID deal with seemed prepared to dismiss interdimensional techno-Nazis as a non-threat?
It's not so much that they see the Nazis as a non-threat, but rather that the powers that be are still organizing their supers resources in an allied fashion (rather than strictly on a nation-state basis) and at the moment, resources are stretched thin trying to deal with the Communist threat. The Greek civil war has only just ended, Italy is still struggling with its Communists, though its election went the "correct" way, at least partially due to Allied supers preventing Communist supers from successfully tampering with the populace, France is occupied in Indochina, there are rumblings in Korea, and the two China's issue remains fresh. The Nazis, from your report, seem occupied trying to complete the conquest of Atlantis and have, as yet, shown no particular interest in immediately sending forces back to the Earth dimension. Of course, your team is very likely to be sent there in the near future, but the politicos have to have their say, as well.

The_Universe said:
Also, some information about Atlantis would be keen;
Has anyone ever encountered Atlanteans before? When did they stop appearing entirely? What can my grimoires tell me that we could not/did not summarize in the 10-15 minutes in which we initially discussed it?
Atlantis has always been a separate dimension from Earth proper, but in the past the dimensional barriers between them were much thinner, allowing travel between them, generally through dimensional gates, of which two are known, one in the Mediterranean and one near Bermuda. As human civilization advanced, the Atlanteans saw the human thirst for knowledge and love of technology as a danger to their more environmentally aware (if you will) society and worked to strengthen the barrier between the two dimensions. Any unwanted or accidental crossings of the barrier were met with lethal force. The last likely interaction with the Atlanteans was in the mid-16th Century, though details are sketchy. Most likely it was the observation of a gate opening and a last Atlantean or group of Atlanteans departing Earth, perhaps after working to diminish human recollection of them. From what you've gleaned, Atlanteans all tend to have some powers, allowing them to live comfortably both above and below water, though anything beyond that is somewhat rarer (I think I'm going to use the Atlantean template in the Mastermind's Manual as is for standard Atlanteans). Those with greater powers are also generally within the realm of natural powers (elemental control etc).

Atlantean society is based on an enlightened monarchical system. The royal family strongly exhibits super-characteristics, though not all of the Atlantean nobility are similarly blessed. Knowledge and philosophical thinking are among all Atlanteans favorite pastimes, though scientific experimentation is discouraged out of fear of what could result. The arrival of the techno-Nazis has certainly borne out the danger of such things for many Atlanteans. The middle and lower classes tend to be merchants/artisans or farmers/fisherman. There are strict rules guiding Atlantean agriculture to ensure harmony with the elements. Art and literature are particularly valued pursuits and class is no boundary to an Atlantean with talent in those areas.

Hopefully, that provides some more insight. :)


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Here's a map of Atlantis. It differs from my original description in-game, but this will trump that.


  • Atlantis.pdf
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