• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Redclaw's Eyes of the Lich Queen RG


First Post
The Party--A band of childhood friends, with a few additions picked up along the way, now a chartered adventuring party and newly established guild.
Bregan Swiftstride--Shifter Scout (OnlytheStrong) Overwhelmed by the danger and left
Cholas Burden--Human Favored Soul of the Silver Flame (WakkaWakka), killed by blackscales
Talas Burden--Human Duskblade (EvolutionKB)
Drekhad Drevin--Kalashtar Crusader (Creamsteak)
Alexa Shaless--Human Bard/Crusader (Zurai)
Chevri Brightleaf--Shifter Druid (Pathfinderq1)
Hedowin Darvan--Human Wizard/Sorcerer (S@squ@tch)
'Kason'--'Human' Rogue (Graf)

Character Creation Guidelines
Abilities--28 Point Buy
Starting Level--5th
HP--Full at first, 3/4 each thereafter (4 for d6, 7 for d10).
Starting Wealth--6,000 gp (plus some goodies--see below)
Races available: Core, Eberron core, Spellscale, Kobold, orc, goblin
Classes available: Core, Artificer, PHB II, Crusader, Favored Soul, Scout, Swashbuckler, Warmage
All prestige classes are by approval, and that will almost always be based on role-playing prior to selection or validity of backstory.

Feat and Skill Selection--
Open use of Core, Eberron CS, PHB II
Available with DM approval--Races of Eberron, Magic of Eberron, Five Nations, Bo9S, Magic Item Compendium, Complete series

Don't forget to identify Region of Origin, which for most of you will be Breland.
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Male Kalashtar Crusader 5
LG medium humanoid
Senses: Listen -1, Spot -1
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Aura: stances
Languages: Common, Draconic, Quor, Riedran
Region of Origin: Breland
AC: 24, touch 11, flat-footed 24; (+9 armor, +3 shield, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
Hit Points: 48 HD: 5d10+10
Delayed Damage Pool: 10 (steely resolve)
Action Points: 7
Power Points: 5
Immune: dream and nightmare spells
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3; +2 against mind-affecting spells and abilities; zealous surge (1/day)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), can’t run; 30 ft. (6 squares) when unarmored
Melee: battleaxe +7 slashing (1d8+2/x3) or short sword +7 piercing (1d6+2/19-20) or warhammer +7 bludgeoning (1d8+2/x3)
Ranged: longbow +5 piercing (1d8/x3)
Space: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk: +5 Grapple: +7
Atk Options: furious counterstrike, maneuvers
Combat Feats: Psychic Renewal, Stone Power
Combat Gear: corsair's eyepatch, ring of brief blessing
Crusader Maneuvers Known (IL 5)
3rd – white raven tactics (WR3)
2nd – battle leader's charge (WR2), mountain hammer (SD2)
1st – crusader’s strike (DS1), leading the attack (WR1), stone bones (SD1), vanguard strike (DS1)
Stances – iron guard’s glare (DS1), leading the charge (WR1)

Crusader Maneuvers Prepared (IL 5)
white raven tactics, battle leader's charge, mountain hammer, crusader's strike, stone bones

Psi-Like Abilities (ML 2)
1/day – Mindlink
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 16
Feats: Psychic Renewal, Stone Power
Skills: Balance -1 [5 ranks], Bluff +5 [-], Concentration +10 [8 ranks], Diplomacy +13 [8 ranks], Disguise +5* [-], Intimidate +13 [8 ranks], Martial Lore +5 [3 ranks]; *includes a +2 racial bonus on disguise checks to impersonate a human.
Possessions: 20 arrows (1 gp/3 lb.), backpack (2 gp/2 lb), battleaxe (10 gp/6 lb), bedroll (0.1 gp/5 lb.), belt pouch (1 gp/0.5 lb.), cold weather outfit (8 gp/7 lb.), crowbar (2 gp/5 lb.), flint and steel (1 gp), holy water (25 gp/1 lb.), longbow (75 gp/3 lb.), sack (0.1 gp/0.5 lb.), silver holy symbol (25 gp/1 lb.), short sword (10 gp/2 lb), 2 sunrods (4 gp/2 lb.), trail ration (0.5 gp/ 1 lb.), 3 torches (0.03 gp/3 lb.), warhammer (12 gp/5 lb) waterskin (1 gp/4 lb), whetstone (0.02 gp/1 lb.); amulet of natural armor +1, corsair's eyepatch, +1 full plate (2650 gp/50 lb), +1 heavy steel shield (1170 gp/15 lb), ring of brief blessing, ring of protection +1 (2000 gp); 101 gp, 25 cp. 118 lbs.

XP (11,850/15,000)
200 xp (rp reward)
100 gp (plot reward)
500 xp (first battle)
750 xp (blackscales)
300 xp (dusks)
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Bregan Swiftstride Longstride Shifter Scout level 5
Alignment: NG
Origin: Breland (near Silver Lake)​
Age: 21                  
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 157lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Bright Blue

Str:   10  +0 mod
Dex:  19  +4 mod (+1 level adjustment + 2 racial)+2 shifting
Con:  14  +2 mod 
Int:   12  +1 mod (-2 racial)
Wis:  12  +1 mod 
Cha:  6   -2 mod  (-2 racial)

AC: 20 (21 when shifting) (21 with skirmish) (22 with skirmish and shifting)
             [10+ 5 armor + 4 dex + 1 ring] 

HP: 42 (8+[6x4]+ 10 con mod)

Action Points: 7

Saving Throws:  
        Fortitude: 4 (1 base + 2 con mod + 1 battle fort.)
        Reflex:     8/9 (4 base + 4 dex mod) + 1 when shifting
        Will:        2  (1 base + 1 wis mod)

Initiative: +7  (4 dex +1 battle fort.+ 2 shifter insticts)

Speed: 40ft (50ft when shifted)

Base Attack Bonus:  +3
       Masterwork Composite Shortbow:
                 +8 (+9 when shifted)   dmg:1d6  crit:x3  range:70ft
       Masterwork Dagger:
                 +4      dmg:1d4     crit: 19-20x2

       Grapple:  +3  (+3 base + 0 str mod)

Skills:  (only those with ranks)

   Balance:  ~~~~~      14         (4 dex mod + 8 ranks + 2 racial)
   Disable Device:~~       9          (1 int mod + 8 ranks)
   Hide: ~~~~~~~    12/17         (4 dex mod + 8 ranks)+ 5 Elvenkind Cloak
   Knowledge: ~~~        11          (1 int mod + 8 ranks + 2 synergy)
   Listen:  ~~~~~~      13         (1 wis mod + 8 ranks + 2 racial +1 shifter Insticts)
   Move Silently: ~~      12         (4 dex mod + 8 ranks)
   Sense Motive: ~~      10         (1 wis mod + 8 ranks + 1 shifter insticts)
   Spot: ~~~~~~~       15         (1 wis mod + 8 ranks + 5 H.S+1 shifter insticts)
   Survival: ~~~~~    9/11         (1 wis mod + 8 ranks) +2 above ground synergy

Feats:  (1st level, 3rd level, and bonus feat)
   Point Blank Shot: +1 to hit and dmg within 30ft
   Shifter Insticts: +1 to listen, sense motive, and spot checks
                         +2 to initiative checks   (from Races of Eberron)
   Least Legacy (Hunters Shelter, +5 to spot)

Class Abilities:
   Skirmish  +2d6 to dmg after moving at least 10ft
                +1 to AC
   Battle Fortitude
   Uncanny Dodge
   Fast Movement +10ft
   Trackless Step

Racial Abilities:
   Low Light Vision
   +2 to balance, jump, and climb
   Can shift 1x per day for (3+con mod) 5 rounds



Masterwork Composite Shortbow ~ 375gp ****** 2lbs
Masterwork Dagger ~~~~~~~~ 302gp ****** 1lbs
Arrows (20) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1gp ****** 1lbs
Belt Pouch (2) ~~~~~~~~~~~ 2gp ****** 1lbs
Tindertwig (20) ~~~~~~~~~~~ 20gp ****** ---
Small Steel Mirror ~~~~~~~~~~ 10gp ****** 1/2lbs
Ring of Protection ~~~~~~~ 2,000gp ****** ---
Cloak of the Elvenkind ~~~~~ 2,500gp ****** 1lbs
[+5 to hide when hood is pulled up]
Potion of Invisibilty (2) ~~~~~~ 600gp ****** ---
Cure Light Wounds Potion (3) ~~ 150gp ****** ---
Hunter's Shelter (gift) ~~~~~~ ----- ****** 25lbs

Total: 5,960gp********30 1/2lbs

Gold Left: 40gp

Carrying Capacity:
L.L. = 33lbs
M.L. = 66lbs
H.L. = 100lbs



Bregan has 2 braids in his long black hair. One is a symbol of his loyalty to his companions, the other is a symbol of a promise he made to the same elders who presented him with Hunters Shelter. He promised to find and unlock all of the item's powers or die trying.

Bregan has 1 tattoo, a symbol of the group of scouts he was a part of. The tattoo is clearly visible on his left forearm, down the entire forearm. It is of an arrow, the shaft fading into a tree with a bear paw under a crescent moon carved into the tree. The arrowhead points to his wrist, the tree nearing his elbow. (the paw and the crescent moon are symbols of his family, while the arrow fading into a tree is a sign of the scouts he was a part of). [/sblock]

[sblock=Bregan Swiftstride's Background]

Bregan was raised on the outskirts of town. He always felt like he was stared at when he was in the town. He never really understood that though. He would rather spend his time alone in the wilderness then in the village. A goblin or bugbear was easier for him to handle than a couple of people on the street slinging insults.

He was one of the several shifter scouts that assisted in keeping the town and nearby woodlands clear of any vermin which may make life more difficult. They would have shifts and would usually travel alone through their part of the wilderness. The way the scouting was ran, required a decent amount of good judgement. There were always at least 8 scouts out at a time. If something was too dangerous for one scout to handle, he simply relayed a message to his companions to come aid him.

Bregan got into the habit of following some of the groups that travelled through the lands. He didn't really care about the group, just figured that it would be less of a mess around the town if he didn't allow travellers to be slaughtered. Bregan had been following caravans through the wilderness for the last couple of months, even began to become amused at some of the people that ventured through it. Most had no business being in the wilderness, some should never of left a city. Every once in a while, a group would travel through that Bregan knew could handle themselves. He usually left those groups alone, since he couldn't find a reason to follow a group that could kill nearly as well as he.

He found a group that could handle themselves. A couple of them were brothers it seemed, though drastically different. He followed them through the wilderness, even got ahead of the group and let them walk into his camp. He got to know them pretty well, though it was quite apparent they would need his help to get out of this wilderness. There was one among them he didn't quite understand, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. The man was slightly crazy. He was going to form a guild. He even went so far as to invite Bregan to join it.

Bregan still isn't sure why he said he would, but he did. He parted ways with the group and said he would find them in the near future. He had to go back to his village to explain to the elders that he was leaving.

He told the appropriate people in his village and was shocked when they gave him an item. It was clearly magical. One of the elders told him it was called Hunters Shelter. They even told him some of the story behind it, he hung on every word that was spoken. When their story was finished, he was told how to bond with the item, how to unlock part of it's power. He had to locate four evil humanoids, return to a goodly place, then find and destroy the creatures.

He left that night and ventured for quite a while before he found anything which he could deem as from just the tracks. He ended up in the mountain regions, on the trail of bugbears. They must of been a scouting group, as there were only 5 of them. They were experianced though and carried rather nasty looking weapons. He observed them for a whole day, watching them move with a patience rare to their race. He also witnessed them slaughter several creatures for seemingly no other reason than because they could. He left the mountainous region and traveled back to his home village and gathered a few supplies.

He returned to the place where he had left the bugbears as soon as he could get there. Total it was only a 4 day trip and spent the next day finding a fresh trail leading to the same group of bugbears. He was shocked that they hadn't moved very far at all. He spent two days thinking of a plan to destroy these bugbears. None would escape.

Bregan decided that tricks would work, but only after he got their attention. Bregan spend all his time downwind of the smelly creatures, so that they wouldn't catch his scent. He found a good place for his plan and set it into motion. He managed to set up two snares with some of the rope he had brought. He was quite proud of his second set of traps, sharpened sticks. He had pushed them through small pieces of bark so that they would stand upright. The sticks were large enough to go through the bugbears feet, crippling them. He mentally marked his path through the traps and headed back toward the camp.

Bregan began the encounter by shifting into his longstride form. He stalked in close to the camp and took note of the bugbears positions. They were resting, except for one. He was half keeping guard, half keeping tabs on the ongoing fights his companions were having. Bregan notched his bow and took careful aim.

His first arrow took the guard square in the throat, killing it with little other noise than a gurgle and the sound of the body falling on the hard mountainside. The other four bugbears looked around confused, unsure as to where the arrow came from. Bregan moved roughly 15 feet, so that he could retreat down the path that he had laid the traps on. He stood and fired again. He caught the second bugbear in the chest, but failed to lay it low. That second arrow was enough for the 3 uninjured bugbears to locate the Shifter and they took up arms.

Bregan fired again, then turned and retreated. He did not watch his arrow travel, but was certain if found it's mark as he heard a slight groan, a thumb, and the remaining bugbears growl. He ran down the path, carefully skipping past the areas where he had set his traps. His shift wore off while he was running. He didn't mind, he was far ahead of the bugbears. Heard is snare go off, dragging one of the bugbears over a cliff. He smiled as he imagined the face of that one, still not sure what happened.

The screams of the other two let Bregan know that his spikes had worked their part. Three of the five were dead. It was time to finish off the other two. He found a path and circled behind the bugbears. They had given up the chase and were trying to treat their wounds. Bregan's heart was cold as he remembered what these bugbears had done to several creatures. His shot rang true, striking the bugbear in the back near his spine. It howled in pain but oddly only moved his arms.

The other bugbear tried to stand, but caught an arrow in the stomach. They both knew death was coming. A second arrow followed the first, nearly in the same hole his first arrow had made. The bugbears bowels spilled over the rocky terrain. The paralyzed bugbear had stopped struggling and was screaming something in a language Bregan didn't understand. It didn't matter. It's life was over. He fired two more arrows, making the bugbears arms useless. Slaughter leads to slaughter, the weaker by the stronger, he said to the bugbear. He calmly placed his bow on the ground and drew is knife. A single slash put the rest of the bugbears lifeblood onto the ground.

Bregan followed their trail back to the camp and suddenly was noticing things he never noticed before. He spotted bugs crawling and hopping along the ground. He spotted birds far up in the air. Bregan continued along the trail, disarming the traps he'd laid and double checking the bodies to make sure they were dead. He looked over their equipment to see if there was anything of value to take back to his town. There was some things, but very little. He gathered what he could carry and headed back.

He gave it to the elders, everything he had carried back. He owed his newfound sight to them and they deserved the profits of his task. He slept at the village for a single night, then headed off to find this guild he promised to join.



Bregan believes he is the best at what he does and may not be that far off. He rarely really cares about others not of his race, though a few have managed to find a soft spot with him. He may not have "knightly" qualities, but he does have a sense of duty and honor. He feels like it is his duty to destroy the "evil" races, and sometimes does so without stopping to think if the creature itself is evil.

Summary: ( :) )
Bregan is rude. He acts cold hearted, but is anything but. He doesn't like new people.

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First Post
Talas Burden
Male Human Duskblade 5
CG medium humanoid
Senses: Spot +0, Listen +0
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Elven
Region of Origin: Breland
Exp: 13350
AC: 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18; (+6 armor, +2 shield, , +2 dex,)
Hit Points: 42
Action Points: 0
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4;
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) or 30 ft. unarmored, 74/230 carried medium load
Melee: +1 Flail +9 bludgeoning (1d8+4/x2) or light pick +8 piercing (1d4+3/x4) or dagger +8 slashing/piercing (1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged: longbow +7 piercing (1d8/x3) or dagger +7 piercing/slashing (1d4+3/19-20)
Space: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk: +5 Grapple: +8
Atk Options: Disarm: +15 w/flail, Arcane Channeling
Combat Feats: Improved Disarm, Combat Expertise
Arcane Attunement: Can use Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sounds, and Read Magic. Castable 5/day

Armored Mage: Can ignore ASF for light and medium armor and light shields.

Arcane Channelingl: As a standard action, Talas can channel a touch spell with a melee attack, no AoO, and spell must be able to be cast as a standard action.

Quick Cast (1/day): Once per day a spell with a normal casting time of one standard action can be cast as a swift action.

Duskblade Spells Known CL: 5
2nd – Dimension Hop
1st – Resist Energy, Shocking Grasp, Ray of Enfeeblement, True strike, Chill Touch
0th - Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Acid splash, Ray of frost

Spells per day: (6/6/3) DC: 12+spell level

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8

Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Somatic Weaponry, Combat casting(bonus from Duskblade)

Skills: Concentration +10 [8 ranks](+14 when casting on the defensive), Knowledge(Arcana) +10 [8 ranks], Knowledge(Religion) +10 [8 ranks], Knowledge(Nature) +10 [8 ranks], Knowledge (Planes) [8 ranks]

Possessions: +1 Displacement Chainmail(1/day Displacement 5rds)(-gp, 40lb),+1 flail(2308gp, 5lb), Longbow(75gp, 3lb), Dagger(2gp, 1lb), Light pick(4gp, 3lb), Arrows(20)(1gp, 1lb), light wooden shield+1(1151gp, 1lb), Restful Crystal(500gp,-lb, MIC), 2 Fountainhead arrows(612gp, -lb, MIC), , 3 potions of cure light wounds(200gp, -lb), Backpack(2gp, 2lb), Bedroll(.1gp, 5lb), 2 Belt pouches(2gp, 1lb), 50' of silk rope(10gp, 5lb), spell component pouch(5gp, 2lb), waterskin(1gp, 4lb), Everburning torch(110gp, 1lb), 2 potions of enlarge person(100gp, -lb), 3 Scrolls of True strike(100gp, -lb), 2 Scrolls of See invisibility(300gp, -lb), 2 Scroll of Scorching Ray(300gp, -lb), Platinum Ring(focus for shield other, 50gp)15pp, 16gp, 9sp

[sblock=appearance]While his twin is tall and willowy, Talas is tall and muscular. Talas's black hair is kept short and his eyes are a vibrant green. He only takes off his family's armor when he bathes. A small wood shield hangs on his right arm, and a shining flail is held in his left. His belt has several loops to hold his belt pouches his potions and scrolls. Although he was the firstborn, he nevertheless looks to his brother for leadership, albeit grudgingly.[/sblock]

[sblock=personality]Cocky and sure of himself, Talas holds arcane magic above all other forms of magic. He is constantly reminding his twin that his art is superior. Although he looks like a warrior(and he is)Talas is not shy to spout off random bits of knowledge, whether it be about the creatures they face in battle or just a specific type of tree in the forest. On the outside all appears normal, but Talas is plagued by doubts of his worth. Being raised with The Silver Flame in their lives, Talas and his twin were to follow the edicts of the Church. However, when Talas talent in the art of the arcane began to materialize, he left the ways of the Church behind him. That fact makes him guilty for his brother became a powerful priest of The Flame, like their Mother. Talas wonders what fate has in store for him, why two people that look so alike can be so different.[/sblock]

[sblock=background]Talas and Cholas were born identical twins, children to a priestess of The Silver Flame and a great warrior. The priestess handed the twins to their mother, each nestled into their mother’s shoulder. “The Flame burns bright in both of them, but more strong in one of them.”
Their mother, dark-haired and beautiful, looked at the priestess-midwife and smiled. “We shall love them both the same.”

* * * * * * *

The children seemed to grow quickly. Cholas the younger of the two, had many friends, and was a natural leader. He sought the wisdom of The Flame from a young age. Talas was quite different. As the older son, and heir to the Burden name, he spent much time with his father, training in the martial aspects of life. If something were to happen to their father, Talas was expected to be the father figure, and be able to work. The martial exercises helped Talas grow strong, much stronger than his church favoring brother.
Their father was hard on Talas, berating his failures and barely recognizing his successes. This caused the older twin to withdraw from making friendships, for if his loving father couldn’t find anything right with the boy, how could his peers?
Talas excelled in school, the boy’s favorite topics included the stories of monsters and creatures that the Church kept on record. Talas excelled in the areas of religion and arcane arts as well as other topics. He neglected the more boring topics of history though, often skipping class to join in father in his strict training.
The family lived in a rural keep in Northern Breland, a gift long ago from services done for The Silver Flame. On day when the boys were near coming of age, Talas was given a gift. It was a beautiful set of chain mail, one of great magical power. It was handed down from generation to generation in the Burden family. The young man, was much smaller than his father, and Talas was sad that he had received the armor so soon. He would have to wait to wear it. Talas’s father insisted he try it on, and to Talas’s amazement it tightened around his form, to fit snugly and confortably.

* * * * * * *

Talas and his father were sparring one day, in the fields outside their home. The constant work has strengthened the man even further, and he was getting better at dueling with his father. The boy was smart and used to this to recognize patterns in his father’s technique, Talas was getting closer and closer to besting him in their duels. All of a sudden a man stepped from between the reeds. He was huge, standing a head taller than his father. He was shirtless and dark-skinned, a large flail held in his calloused hands. Talas recognized him from his father’s stories. The of the barbarians from The Demon Wastes. He approached without hostility, but the pair of Burden’s held their weapons at the ready still. Strangers were few in this area.
The stranger seeing the nervousness of the father and son, placed his flail on the ground and spoke. “I have been tracking a group of goblins in the area. They are far from their home, and I need a place to stay.” The man had been watching the two from the field for some time and knew that the boy had much talent, much more than his father could realize, talent that spanned centuries. The heavily muscled man continued. “I wish to use your home as a base of operations for a time. A month perhaps. I have gold to pay as well as other things. He pulled valuable pieces of crystal from a pouch at his waist. Golden and beautiful, they were powerful Siberys dragonshards. If that is not enough, I am skilled in combat, I can help to train the boy. The Burden elder narrowed his eyes at the stranger, then looked to his son.
Talas was in awe of the man, he was hugely muscular with broad shoulders and in the peak of physical condition. His trunk was criss-crossed by scars, this man must be a mighty warrior to survive so many blows. He nodded eagerly at his father. The stranger approached his father and they shook on the deal, Talas noticed a green mark covering the strangers back. The color was faded and the back was heavily scarred, that Talas could only make out a pair of wings.

* * * * * * *

The next morning the strange warrior introduced himself to Talas as Yortran. In the mornings Yortran continued his observing of the goblins, during the evening when Yortran’s vision was poor, he trained Talas in the lit courtyard of the keep. Although Yortran fought unarmored, he was able to deftly defend against Talas’ by keeping his flail moving defensively and then counterstriking back. Talas learned much from this style of fighting and adopted it as his own. He even took a one handed variety of the flail as his favorite weapon. Talas was a quick learner and was soon skilled with the defensive style of combat, that with a flick of his wrist he could disarm, his father even. Yortran saw the intelligence in the young man and how quick of a learner he was. He began to encourage the side in Talas that only he could see. Magic was in his blood, and Yortran began to coax it out, first it was only small rays of cold, enough to cause numbness and pain, but the wounds would heal in a day. Soon after, Talas learned a spell that gave him insight to where Yortran’s blocking flail would be. After casting the spell he could easily make it past Yortran’s guard.

* * * * * * *

“Talas wake up quickly!” It was Cholas, armor and weapon on him put on obviously in a hurry. “Goblin’s march towards the keep. We must go!”
The twins fled, down a secret passage in the keep that lead to a nearby river. Many of the servants were already there, along with their parents and Yortran. They had all boarded several small rafts that they kept for such an emergency. They drifted downriver for several days, until finally coming near a small town. Without much of anything left, the family established a small house and took jobs around town.
Everything went kind of back to normal, the twins(more Cholas) had made friends with a pretty, petite serving girl in the local inn. She seemed harmless enough. Not soon after they started getting reports from the militia that a goblin scouting party had been seen in the woods lately. The town needed help, so they sent the twins, and the girl(they were the most able-bodied people in the small town not already entrenched in important jobs or defensive measures), to Sharn. The three traveled to Sharn, and in doing so passed through a forest. Constantly they felt like they were being watched, and it was Alexa that spotted the source of the feeling. A shifter had been tailing them for several days, and he seemed harmless enough, just curious. When the trio left the woods, the shifter didn’t follow so they paid it no more heed. When arriving in Sharn, they were amazed by the towers and magic were common in the city. They spent hours wandering the dizzying heights, until they found The Church of the Silver Flame in they city. This was their best bet for help, but before they could enter, a strange hooded man cut in front of them.
He seemed crazy, but he said he had a guild and they that would defeat the darkness that plagued the world. Where the remainder of his guild was, he could not say, but he did say they would be joining them soon. He asked the trio if they would like to join his guild. The trio agreed, but only if they could gather their forces and return to their small town to defend from the goblins. The strange hooded man agreed and that he would meet them outside town that afternoon. That afternoon, after gathering supplies for the trip home, and the Church momentarily forgotten, they left town. They found the crazed man yelling about stopping the eternal darkenss from swallowing the world bit by bit. He was alone.
“Where is your guild?!” Talas said, angry that they have been duped.
The strange man replied rather convincingly, “They are meeting us outside a few days away.” The trio was convinced by the strange man and journeyed off, towards home.
Now that that group was nearly complete, they went onward. They reached the forest where the shifter lurked. They initially wanted to go around it, not wanting to anger the feral one. That would not be the case, two score goblins were camped, blocking the way around the forest. The crazed man, who had eventually introduced himself as Drekhad, had to be bodily restrained to keep from going after the goblins, which he called “small ribbons of blackness that will tie and suffocate you with their numbers.”
After they calmed him down, they took the only way possible, back through the forest. Once again, the shifter followed him, and when the twins warned Drekhad of the shifter and that he meant no harm, Drekhad stopped in his tracks, yelling at the top of his lungs for the shifter to emerge and join the guild to stop the encroaching goblins. Amazingly the shifter stepped from the undergrowth and did agree to accompany them on their journey. The twins shared a bewildered glance at this, but simply shrugged it off.
They returned to their home without other incident and explained the number of goblins to the town leaders. The leaders admired their courage in this leg of their journey and he appointed them to lead the militia in the assault of the goblin camp.
They struck from cover on the edge of the forest, that was Bregan, the shifter’s idea. Arrows rained down from the militia as well as Bregan and Cholas. A black ray from Talas sapped the leader’s strength. Drekhad gave a blood curdling scream as he charged the front line of disorganized goblins. Talas and Alexa followed soon after, cleaving through line after line of goblins. Drekhad inspired them to great feats, more than could have done on their own. The arrow fire slowed as the militia followed behind, cutting down any who tried to flee. Cholas followed behind his brother, picking off goblins with his bow, and healing those few militia members that were wounded. Alexa fought with her curved kukri, spinning and fighting like a dancer, inspiring the rest of the group to fight harder and harder and she cut down foes. When they had finally slain all the goblins, the group returned to the town victorious. During the celebration, Yortran pulled Talas aside.
"You are one of us, I know it, so you must listen closely. The fiends are coming from Khyber, you must be ready to defeat them. I have done my part and set the gears in motion that will let you see who you really are. You will meet one, similar to me, with the tatoo like I have. They will tell you more of your destiny, until then I bid you to awaken the Flame inside you and burn bright once more." Yortran's cryptic comments left Talas feeling confused. He was sure of his abilities and of the arcane magic that he commanded. But of The Flame? He had always neglected his respects to The Church of the Silver Flame that his mothe and brother adored. Surely this could not be The Flame that Yortran spoke of.
They left soon after, feeling the glory was addicting, as was all the treasure they had recovered from the marauding goblins. This was not to be the last of their adventures together….[/sblock]
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First Post
Cholas Burden, Human Favored Soul 5
Alignment: Lawful Good
Region of Birth: Breland

S 12
D 14
C 14
I 10
W 10
C 15+1

Action Points: 7/7
Initiative: +2
AC: 18 (+2 dex, +6 armor)
HP: 8+24(4d8)+10= 42
ST: (base+stat+resistance)
	Fort 7 (4+2+1)
	Refl 7 (4+2+1)
	Will 5 (4+0+1)

Bab/Grapple: +3/+5
Bow Attack: +3 Bab +2 Dex +1 Weapon Focus +1 Enhancement
Quarterstaff Attack: +3 Bab +1 Str

Attack: +4 Quarterstaff (1d6+1)
Full Attack: +0/-4 Quarterstaff (1d6+1) 

Attack: +7 Bow of the Blessed Hunter (1d8+1)
Full Attack: +5/+5 Bow of the Blessed Hunter (1d8+1)

Ranged, w/in 30 ft. (Point Blank Shot):
Attack: +8 Bow of the Blessed Hunter (1d8+2)
Full Attack: +6/+6 Bow of the Blessed Hunter (1d8+2)

Spells Known (CL 5):
0th: 6/d	Cure Minor Wounds, Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food & Drink	
1st: 7/d
	Convinction: +2+1/6 lvls morale on STs, Touch, 1 min/lvl
	Divine Favor:+2 luck on attack & damage, Personal, 1 minute
	Entropic Shield: 20% miss chance vs ranged attacks requiring an attack roll, Personal, 1 min/lvl
	Shield of Faith: +2+1/6 lvls deflection on AC, Touch, 1 min/lvl
	Shield Other: +1 deflection AC, +1 resistance ST, take only half hp damage while I take the other half, Close range, 1 h/lvl
2nd: 5/d
	Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement to Con, Touch, 1 min/lvl
	Close Wounds: 1d4+CL (max +5) cure, Close range, Immediate Action
	Resist Energy: Energy Resistance 10 (20 at CL 7, 30 at CL 11) to a specific energy type, Touch, 10 min/lvl

Human: Point Blank Shot
Lvl 1: Precise Shot
Lvl 3: Rapid Shot
Bonus: Weapon Focus (Longbow)
Legacy: Least Legacy (Bow of the Blessed Hunter)

Class Features:
Fire Resistance 10

Skills (Ranks + stat):
Concentration	10 (8+2)
Spellcraft	 8 (8+0)
Diplomacy	 6 (4+2)
Sense Motive	 4 (4+0)

Bow of the Blessed Hunter
Longbow +1
Detect Undead @ will
Ignore Undead DR

1200 gp	Breastplate +1
1000 gp	Vest of Resistance +1
1650 gp	Necklace of Fireballs, type I (1x 5d6, 2x 3d6. DC 14 Refl half)
 100 gp	2x 50 gp ring (focus for shield other)
 750 gp	Wand of Cure Light Wounds
 600 gp	4x Scrolls of Cure Moderate Wounds
 750 gp	6x Scrolls of Lesser Restoration (1 from Talas)
  50 gp Antitoxin
   -    Quarterstaff
   3 gp 3 quivers of 20 Arrows (20 in quiver, others in backpack)
  40 gp 20 Silvered Arrows (in a quiver in the backpack)
   2 gp Backpack
   1 gp Flint & Steel
   1 sp Bedroll
   1 gp Waterskin
   2 gp Rations (4 days)
  25 gp Silver Holy Symbol
  26 gp, 9 sp	Cash - mixed gp & sp
 100 gps - Cash from our employer (need to double check)

Cholas is tall and willowy, with longish hair. While not overtly muscolar, his right arm hides a lot of power - hey, those are the effects of all that archery training, and of being a cleric: when white magic and divine powers flow within you incessantly, something is going to be altered.
You've seen him almost always in a plain breastplate, with some minimal lacquers - just the simbol of the silver flame over his heart. Under that he wears white tunic and leggings, with the same symbol embroidered in red and silver, that double as "civilian clothes".

Cholas has grown in the church of the silver flame - he shall suffer no evil - but during his time on the field he's been tempered and now has more... vision in what he does. Every action has consequencies - and those need to be carefully weighted.
After they burned down the goblin outpost, he understood that they were falling - down, lower than the goblins.
So he's looking forward to finding who sent those goblins to slaughter and be slaughtered - that's the kind of evil he's seeing as a menace for all who want to live pacefully.
Now he's a more relaxed outlook on life than most touched by the silver flame: he looks to the bettrement of the lifes around him, to their happiness more than to the utter destruction of everything evil - it still needs to be stamped out, but he has no hate toward those who have fallen. Only sorrow.
He has a more humane outlook now.
The Bow of the Blessed Hunter
[sblock]This relic of a lost past hasn't found its way into my hands by pure chance - it was presented to my by our village priest when, near the end of the goblin plague, there was a sudden burst of greenskin activity. It was all the help the main church had the resources to spare for our village.
So little the goblin leaders cared of the underlings they flung at us, that they were being returned them from the dead. Zombified. Their leaders weren't satisfied wasting their mortal lifes.
Of the few survived, we were the only group that already had done some successiful sorties in the goblin camp - it fell onto us to destroy the abominations, along with the shaman controlling them.
In retrospect, it was easy - we already knew the terrain, and when the voice in the bow started pointing out each undead, even hidden, it become one of our smoothest skirmishes.
It scared me when the bow started to talk, waking up when his arrows hit the abominations, but that really made it easier on us all.
And finally there's someone to talk to, that understands our true calling...[/sblock]
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First Post
[b]Alexa Shaless[/b]
[b]Female Human Bard 4/Crusader 1[/b] 
[b]Alignment:[/b] NG
[b]Deity:[/b] The Silver Flame
[b]Region:[/b] Breland
[b]Height:[/b] 5'7"
[b]Weight:[/b] 90 lbs
[b]Hair:[/b] Dark red, worn in a long intricate braid
[b]Eyes:[/b] Emerald green
[b]Skin:[/b] Fair
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]XP:[/b] 13,350/15,000
[b]Action Points:[/b] 2/7

[b]Str:[/b] 12 (+1) [4 points]
[b]Dex:[/b] 14 (+2) [6 points]
[b]Con:[/b] 12 (+1) [4 points]
[b]Int:[/b] 10 (+0) [2 points]
[b]Wis:[/b] 10 (+0) [2 points]
[b]Cha:[/b] 17 (+3) [10 points, +1 level]

[b]Class and Racial abilities:[/b] 
Bardic Music (4/day, [i]inspire courage[/i] +1, [i]countersong[/i], [i]fascinate[/i] two targets, [i]inspire competence[/i])
Bardic Knowledge (+4)
Steely Resolve (5 points of damage delayed until end of Alexa's next turn)
Furious Counterstrike (+1 to hit/damage per 5 full points delayed, minimum +1 at 1 point delayed)

[b]Hit Dice:[/b] 4d6+1d10+5
[b]Hit Points:[/b] 31
[b]Delayed Damage Pool:[/b] 0
[B]AC:[/B] 17 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex) [Touch 12, Flat-footed 15]
[B]Init:[/B] +2 (+2 Dex)
[B]Speed:[/B] 30ft 

Fortitude +4 [+3 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +6 [+4 base, +2 Dex]
Will +4 [+4 base, +0 Wis]

[b]BAB/Grapple:[/b] +4/+5
[b]Melee Atk:[/b] +7 (1d4+1/18-20/x2, masterwork kukri)
[b]Ranged Atk:[/b] +6 (1d4+1/19-20/x2, dagger)

Bluff				+11 (8 ranks, +3 Cha)
Concentration			+9 (8 ranks, +1 Con)
Diplomacy			+11 (4 ranks, +3 Cha, +4 Synergies)
Gather Information		+7 (4 ranks, +3 Cha)
Perform (Dance)			+11 (8 ranks, +3 Cha)
Sense Motive			+5 (5 ranks, +0 Wis)
Tumble				+6 (5 ranks, +2 Dex, -1 Armor)

Weapon Finesse (1st level)
Dodge (Human bonus)
Song of the White Raven (3rd level)


[b]Spells Known:[/b]
0th - [i]Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Resistance, Message[/i]
1st - [i]Focusing Chant, Cure Light Wounds, Inspirational Boost[/i]
2nd - [i]Bladeweave, Sonic Weapon[/i]

[b]Maneuvers Known:[/b]
Crusader's Strike (DS strike), Vanguard Strike (DS strike), Leading the Attack (WR strike), Stone Bones (SD strike), Douse the Flames (WR strike)

[b]Stances Known:[/b]
Bolstering Voice (WR)

masterwork kukri, 308g, 2 lbs
2 daggers, 4g, 2 lbs
[i]chain shirt +1[/i], 1250g, 25 lbs
[i]badge of valor[/i], 1400g, - lbs
[i]shiftweave dress[/i], 500g, 5 lbs
[i]devastation gauntlets[/i] engraved with the crest of the Silver Flame, gifted, - lbs
[i]sandals of sprinting[/i], gifted, 0.5 lbs
[i]Heward's handy haversack[/i], 2000g, 5 lbs
~bedroll, 1s, 5 lbs
~small steel mirror, 10g, 0.5 lbs
~5 days' trail rations, 2.5g, 5 lbs
~waterskin, 1g, 4 lbs
~whetstone, 2c, 1lb
~5 sunrods, 10g, 5 lbs
~soap, 5s, 1 lb
~potion of [i]shield of faith +2[/i] x2, 100g, 0.2 lbs
~potion of [i]cure light wounds[/i] x4, 200g, 0.4 lbs
~2 [i]sending stones[/i], -g, 1 lb
~5 vials of antitoxin, -g, - lbs
~Cholas' wand of [i]cure light wounds[/i] (CL 1, 46 charges remaining), -, 1 lbs
silver holy symbol, 25g, 1lb
spell component pouch, 5g, 2 lbs

170 gp in assorted gems
9 gp
35 sp
38 cp

42.5 lbs, light load
0-43 light, 44-86 medium, 87-130 heavy
[sblock=Appearance]Alexa is shorter than most people, but she has a dancer's body: compact, lithe, and beautiful. Her emerald green eyes flash with anger or sparkle with happiness, and her intricately braided long red hair swirls and sways with her movements.[/sblock]
[sblock=Personality]Alexa craves adventure. She always knew that she wasn't destined to be "just an innkeep's daughter", much to her parents' disapproval. She's always ready to try new food, new games, new dances, new fighting styles - anything new is an adventure to her. Still, she doesn't shy away from old things, either. Her holy symbol of the Silver Flame, for example, has been with her since she was a small girl, and is worn around the edges from constant use in prayers.[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]Alexa Shaless was born to Edim and Hara Shaless, the owners and operators of a small inn in a small town in backwater Breland. Her parents are staunch Silver Flame supporters, and this is one of the few things Alexa follows their example in; her faith in the Flame has never faltered through all of her experiences. Alexa has always been light on her feet, and when she was little her parents often found her dancing or swaying to music - real or imagined. At first they tried to discourage her, but Alexa mostly ignored them and continued to grow in skill as a dancer. Edim finally gave in when locals started asking for "that sweet little dancer girl" to serve their food - more out of frustration than greed or pride.
Alexa's outgoing personality served her well during her time at the inn, earning her the friendship of most of the town, including the Burden brothers. When the goblins started attacking their town and Alexa heard that the brothers were planning to lead a group to deal with the goblins, she begged, pleaded, wheedled, and flirted with them mercilessly until they eventually gave in and let her tag along - she did have some blade-skill, at least, having been taught basic self-defense by a passing Knight of the Silver Flame years ago.
No one really thought Alexa would last even a night out in the wilds, but to everyone's surprise - even her own - she proved a capable fighter, and her graceful sword-dance and fearless nature seemed to inspire everyone to greater heights of courage and skill. Within the first two days, her place was cemented in the small band.
After the group finally returned home, Alexa refused to return to her old life as a serving girl for her parents, which caused tension in the family, much to her regret. Alexa loves her parents, but not enough to settle down to a 'normal' life after such an exciting adventure! She used her part of the goblins' loot to buy a small place in town to call her own and lived in relative comfort until she was approached with the idea of re-forming the group as an official chartered Adventurer's Guild. The idea excited and inspired her, and she became one of the proto-guild's staunchest champions and advocates.[/sblock]
[sblock=Shiftweave Dress]Alexa's shiftweave dress, normally a plain-looking off-white dress shot through with random shimmering threads, has five alternate appearances:
  • A plain tan peasant's blouse and long brown skirt.
  • A sturdy traveler's outfit, complete with long pants and gloves.
  • A royal blue gown covered in ribbons, gold and silver threads, and dangling gems.
  • A formal dress of peach-colored fabric with a light green corset.
  • A loose-fitting dancer's outfit of diaphanous red silk.
[sblock=Alexa's mini-stats]ALEXA SHALESS
Human Crusader/Bard
AC 17, Touch 12, Flatfooted 15
HP 31/31 - Delayed 0/5
AP 2/7
Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +6; +2 Will vs fear

Inspire Courage: INACTIVE
Bardic Music: 4/4
Sandals of Sprinting: 3/3
Devastation Gauntlets: 3/3
Badge of Valor: 3/3
Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
Stance: Bolstering Voice
Active Spells: none

Readied: (1) Crusader's Strike, (2) Vanguard Strike, (3) Leading the Attack, (4) Stone Bones, (5) Douse the Flames

Granted: Leading the Attack, Vanguard Strike, Crusader's Strike
Expended: None

0th level: 2/3
1st level: 3/3
2nd level: 1/1
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First Post
Hedowin Darvan

Hedowin had reached the glass-ceiling at Morgrave University.

He recently had a breakthrough on his own, in which he could manifest minor magics without the aid of long, studious sessions in the library. Sorcerers are not uncommon in Khorvaire, but sorcery was seen as something inherent, and not compatible with hours of intense studying of arcane symbols and runes.

He advanced his ideas upon his teachers about the intermingling of prepared and spontaneous magics, which they wanted to hear nothing about. Instead, they instructed him to get back to his tomes and books, like a good wizard would.

He had practiced each day, trying to find any connection or bridge between his two talents, but so far has come up short -- much like feeling that the answer is there right in front of him but he cannot quite see it.

His studies now have been directed (in secret) to gathering more information on any reference in the old tomes to others who pondered the same questions he did.

After several weeks of sleeping in the library, he unearthed an odd reference to a "Sargeen", who was ostracized hundreds of years ago for advancing questions similar to his own. After successfully slipping past the wards put in place by the Masters, Hedowin was able to infiltrate the basement record room for the University. It took him several nights to track down the students history -- this "Sargeen" summarily was expelled from the University, was was rumored to head back to his homeland in Q'barra.

Now, Hedowin feels that there is nothing more for him to learn at the University, and is now preparing to set out into the real world in search of Sargeen -- although he is expected to have joined the Host many decades before now. Any reference, journal, or notes hopefully could help spur the breakthrough that Hedowin feels that is so close...

[B]Name:[/B] Hedowin Darvan
[B]Class:[/B] Wizard 4/Sorcerer 1
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] N
[B]Senses:[/B] Spot: +0, Listen +0  (+2 to both when familiar is within 5')
[B]Deity:[/B] Sovereign Host
[B]Region of Origin:[/B] Breland
[b]Action Points:[/b]: 5/7 (Conc check vs Dracotaur, crossbow shot at blackscale in temple)

[B]Str:[/B]  8 -1 (0p.)	[B]Level:[/B] 5	[B]XP[/B]: 10000
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1 (4p.)	[B]BAB:[/B] +2		[B]HP:[/B] 21 (5d4+5)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (4p.)	[B]Grapple:[/B] +1	
[B]Int:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)	[B]Speed:[/B] 30'	[B]Stat Increases:[/b] Cha +1
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 -- (2p.)	[B]Init:[/B] +1	[B]Spell Save:[/B] 
[B]Cha:[/B] 16 +3 (8p.)	[B]ACP:[/B] N/A	[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 0%

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+0	+0	+1	+0	+0	+0	11
[B]Touch:[/B]	11	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 10

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+3	+1	+1	+1
[B]Ref:[/B]	+3	+1	+1	+1
[B]Will:[/B]	+7	+6	+0	+1

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
Dagger     		+1	1d4-1	19-20/x2 	------
Light Crossbow		+4	1d8	19-20/x2 	 80ft


[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Giant, Sylvan


- Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. 
- Human base land speed is 30 feet. 
- 1 extra feat at 1st level. 
- 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. 

Wizard Abilities

[B]Feats: [/B] 
L1: Human Bonus: Collegiate Wizard: +2 bonus on Knowledge Arcana checks. At 1st level gain 6 1st lvl spells, each level after, gain 4 new spells.
L1: Wizard Bonus: Scribe Scroll
L1: Wizard Bonus: Call Familiar
L1: Extend Spell
L3: Combat Casting

[B]Spells prepared[/B] (Save DC 13 + spell level): 

[U]Wizard Spells: (CL4)[/U]

0 -(4)-  Ray of Frost, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze
1st -(4)-  Mage Armor, Lesser Orb of Fire, Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Acid
2nd -(3)- Mirror Image, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility

[U]Sorcerer Spells: (CL1)[/U]

0 - (5)
1st -(4)

[B]Spellbook/Spells Known:[/B]

	0 - All Cantrips
	1st -(13) Color Spray, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Identify, Grease, Enlarge Person, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Tenser's Floating Disc, Reduce Person, Lesser Orb of Acid, Lesser Orb of Fire, Ray of Enfeeblement
    	2nd -(5) Flaming Sphere, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Levitate
	0 - (4) - Touch of Fatigue, Acid Splash, Message, Light
	1st -(2)- Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement

[B]Spell-Like:[/B] None

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 48	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 8/4
[B]Skills		Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc[/B]
[U]Bluff[/U]       	+5	2	+3	--
[U]Concentration[/U]  	+9	8	+1	--
[U]Decipher Script[/U]	+7	4	+3	--
[U]Know: (Arcana)[/U]  +13	8	+3	+2
[U]Know: (Religion[/U])+9	6	+3	--
[U]Know: (Planes)[/U]  +9	6	+3	--
[U]Know: (Nature)[/U]  +9	6	+3	--
[U]Spellcraft[/U]  	+13	8	+3	+2

[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
MW Light Crossbow	335gp	4lb
19 bolts   		2gp	2lb
Dagger    		2gp	1lb
Explorer's Outfit	10gp	5lb
Belt Pouch		1gp	0.5lb
Spell Component Pouch   5gp	2lb
Arcanist's Gloves       500gp	--lb
Eternal Wand of Identify 820gp	--lb
Eternal Wand of Shield	820gp	--lb
Armband of Elusive Action 800gp	1lb
Vest of Resistance 	1000gp	1lb
Headband on Conscious Effort 2000gp	1lb
Empower Spellshard - Magic Missile 1000gp	1lb

[U]Backpack 		2gp	2lb[/U]
Spellbook 		15gp	3lb
Sunrod    		2gp	1lb
Chalk (3 pieces)	3cp	0lb
Pen and Ink		8gp	0lb
Paper (10 sheets)  	4gp	0lb
Flask        		3cp	1.5lb

Cure Moderate Wounds x3	600gp	--lb
Lesser Restoration x2	600gp	--lb
Unknown potion (Dracotaur)	?gp	--lb

Scroll Case with:           	1gp	0.5lb
Glitterdust (CL3)           	150gp	--lb
[S]Invisibility (CL3)            	150gp	--lb[/S]  (used on Bregan to scout Temple entrance)
Grease (CL1)                 	25gp	--lb
Tenser's Floating Disk (CL3) 	75gp	--lb
Enlarge Person X2 (CL3) 	150gp	--lb
Reduce Person X2 (CL3) 	150gp	--lb
Lesser Orb of Fire (CL3)    	75gp	--lb
Lesser Orb of Acid (CL3)     	75gp	--lb
Mage Armor (CL1)     	25gp	--lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]25 lb	[B]Money:[/B] 97 gp 9 sp 4 cp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	26	53	80	160	400

[B]Age:[/B] 19
[B]Height:[/B] 5'10"
[B]Weight:[/B] 154
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Black 
[B]Skin:[/B] Pale

[B]Familiar:[/B] Ebony (Raven)
Size: Tiny animal
Hit Dice: 5d8 (10hp)
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 Natural Armor), touch 16, flat-footed 15
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 40 ft. (average) 
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse, Improved Evasion, 
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Speech (Common), Empathic Link, Share Spells, Deliver touch spells, Speak with Master
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +8 
Full Attack: Claws +4 melee (1d2-5)
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First Post
Name: Chevri Brightleaf
Race: Shifter (Wild hunt); Age 23
Gender: female
Class/level: Druid 5 (with shifter druid substitution levels at 1, 4, and 5)
Size: medium (5'1"; 110 lbs)
XP: 10000
AP: 6/7
Current status: [sblock] STR 9/10; HP 27/37; as of 6/11/08[/sblock]

HP: 37 (8+4d8+5 CON)
AC: 15 (t 12/ff13; armor +2, DEX +2, shield +1)/or 16 (t13/ff13 with DEX boost from Beast spirit)
Alignment: NG
Religion: Druid
Region of origin: Eldeen Reaches
Senses: Listen +8/+10; Search +1; Spot +7/+9; Low light vision, Scent (only while shifting)
Movement: 30 feet (6 squares)
Initiative: +6 (or +7); +2 or 3 DEX, +2 Reckless nature, +2 shifter instincts

STR 10 (+0; 2 pts)
DEX 14 (+2; 4 pts, +2 racial) (usually 16, +3; includes bonus from Beast spirit trait)
CON 12 (+1; 4 pts)(14, +2 while shifting)
INT 12 (+1; 6 pts, -2 racial)
WIS 16 (+3; 8 pts, +1 at level 4)
CHA 10 (+0; 4 pts, -2 racial)

Feats: Shifter instincts (level 1); Augment healing (level 3); Alertness (free, from beast spirit)

Racial abilities: +2 DEX, -2 INT, -2 CHA; shapechanger subtype; low light vision; +2 bonus to Climb, Jump, and Balance skills; size medium; move 30 feet; Shifting (2x per day, lasts 8 rounds, grants +2 CON and Scent special ability)

Class abilities (including substitution levels): Beast spirit (sub; grants Alertness, Extend shifting, Feral empathy, Will of the spirit); Nature sense; Wild empathy (+9 to roll); Woodland stride; Trackless step; Reckless nature (sub); Wild shifting (sub)

Skills (total/skill//points/ranks/bonuses):
+2/Concentration//1 pt/1 rank/+1 CON
+5/Handle animal//1 pt/1 rank/+0 CHA, +4 feral empathy
+11/Heal//8 pts/8 ranks/+3 WIS (add +2 with kit, +13 total)
+2/Knowledge-geography//2 pts cc/1 rank/+1 INT
+13/Knowledge-nature//8 pts/8 ranks/+1 INT, +2 nature sense, +2 synergy
+5/Knowledge- religion//8 pts cc/4 ranks/+1 INT
+8/Listen//2 pts/2 ranks/+3 WIS, +2 alertness, +1 shifter instincts (add +2 if Wild Instincts is memorized, total +10 until spell is cast)
+2/Spellcraft//1 pt/1 rank/+1 INT
+7/Spot//1 pt/1 rank/+3 WIS, +2 alertness, +1 shifter instincts (add +2 if Wild Instincts is memorized, +9 total until spell is cast)
+15/Survival//8 pts/8 ranks/+3 WIS, +2 class, +2 wild hunt (add +2 synergy in natural aboveground terrain, +17 total)
+2/Climb//0 pts/0 ranks/+0 STR, +2 racial
+2/Jump//0 pts/0 ranks/+0 STR, +2 racial
+4/Sense motive//0 pts/0 ranks/+3 WIS, +1 shifter instincts
+1/Search//0 pts/0 ranks/+1 INT

Languages: Common, Sylvan, Druidic

BAB: +3 (melee +3/missile +5 or +6/Grapple +3)
FORT +5 (4 base, +1 CON)
REF +5 (or +6)(1 base, +2 DEX (or +3), +2 Reckless nature trait)
WILL +5 (4 base, +3 WIS, -2 Reckless nature)

Spells memorized:
Level 0 (5): cure minor wounds, cure minor wounds, guidance, guidance, light
Level 1 (4; DC 14): Cure light wounds, cure light wounds, cure light wounds, entangle
Level 2 (3; DC 15): flaming sphere, restoration (lesser); wild instincts (RoE)
Level 3 (2; DC 16): call lightning, cure moderate wounds

non-core spells approved: Wild Instincts (RoE); Vigor, lesser (and other Vigor spells)

Equipment (6000 gp initial; 7gp, 6 sp left):
Ring of sustenance (2500 gp)
Hewards handy haversack (2000 gp; holds most mundane gear)
Wand of cure light wounds (CL 1; 39/50 charges, 750 gp)
MW leather armor (160 gp)
small wooden shield (3 gp)
cold iron shortspear (2 gp; +3, 1d6+0)
dagger (x2; 4 gp)
sling with 20 bullets (2 sp; +5, 1d4+0, RI 50 feet)
explorer's outfit (x2; 10 gp +free)
druidic ritual garb (5 gp)
healers kit (x2, 20 uses; 100 gp)
holly/mistletoe/component pouch (x3, 15 gp)
waterskin (1 gp)
tinderbox/flint and steel (1 gp)
whetstone (2 cp)
small steel mirror (10 gp)
chalk (8 sticks, various colors; 8 cp)
sack (x2; 2 sp)
signal whistle (8 sp)
torches (x10; 10 cp)
identification papers (standard; 2 gp)
belt pouch (1 gp)
scroll case (x2; 2 gp)
scroll: Remove disease (375 gp)
scroll: Faerie fire, Faerie fire (50 gp)
Circlet of Solace (campaign bonus)
Boots of landing (campaign bonus)
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (Loot; 30 charges)

Description: Chevri is a small and slender young shifter, just barely into her adulthood. She has chestnut hair, more red than brown, which she wears in a simple braid just past shoulder length. Her skin is deeply tanned, from a life lived almost entirely outdoors, and her eyes are a very faint grey-green- contrasted with her dark skin, this gives her eyes a distant, almost vacant look, as if she were constantly staring far off into space. She rarely speaks any more than absolutely necessary, and her normal voice is little more than a whisper- it is only when invoking her spells that she speaks loudly or firmly. She prefers to dress in simple, durable clothing- stout walking boots, loose sturdy shirt and trousers, and cured leather armor; she wears a cloak only in the worst weather (it serves more often as a crude bedroll than as an outer garment). A heavy leather satchel hangs over one shoulder, and a light wooden shield over the other- her spear is most often employed as a walking stick (for combat she prefers the sling).

Personality: Chevri is an optimist and an idealist at heart- she tends to focus on the positive or cheerful aspects of a given situation, though she is perfectly capable of recognizing danger when it arises. In addition, she usually tries to be a helpful or beneficial influence on those she encounters- she tries to focus on tasks of healing or helpful magic, while leaving combat or vengeance to those better suited or trained in such endeavors. She genuinely enjoys nature, though she is more interested in plants and weather than in animals. She is also interested in the myths and religions of other folk, and in exploring new places. For the most part, this is because she really does miss her home and since she has accepted that she had to leave there, she is trying to put the best possible face on the situation by embracing all the new environments that her nomadic lifestyle will expose her to.

Background: Chevri is a shifter, from deep in the Eldeen Reaches. From a small village, and a rather isolated one, she had little contact with the outside world while she was growing up- some rare travelers sought ought the local elders for their wisdom and advice, but that was all. Chevri was noticed at an early age for her magical gifts and for the strength of her spirit, and she was apprenticed to one of the local elder druids. She would have been content to stay within the friendly and familiar trees of her home for her entire life, serving the needs of nature and her own tiny community- but that was not to be. As she approached adulthood, both Chevri and her mentor were plagued by recurring dreams- while the details varied, the central message was clear. Chevri was meant to be a druid, of course, but she was not meant to stay in the friendly confines of the Reaches- in fact, if she did stay, it would mean disaster. She was marked, meant to wander the world at large, to study and experience the power and majesty of nature in all its guises. Only after years of wandering and study would she find her way home. And so it was that she left that tiny village in the Reaches- first to Aundair, then out into the wider world. Years have passed since that day, and she has developed powerful gifts, especially as a healer- and she has wandered far. Only recently has she traveled into the jungles of Q'Barra, and the experience has not been a pleasant one- for the lizardfolk have been less than welcoming.
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Kil'x (AKA Kason Freeman)

Status: spent 1 AP, 13 damage from fall into dragon lair

[sblock=Apparent Background]
Kason Freeman is a burly rough looking fellow. He's go the scars from a half dozen bar fights, and is missing a chunk of one ear. Agreeable and likable in general, he shows a hard edge during business.
Named after the "brilliant Brelish thinker King Kason" his opinions on political matters are extreme and he's a member if several "Breland first" political movements.

Kil'x grew up in a Cyrian monastery dedicated to the silver flame. Before that he has vague, unpleasant memories of a black walled temple and fighting. His parents were cultists he was told "some strange mix of the dragon below and the shadow". The order had wiped them out; the boy hated the monks and his life but had no reason to doubt them.
He ran away from the monastery in his teens and lived on the streets of Metrol for several years before catching a case of patriotism and enlisting (under the name of someone else of course). He was quickly selected for an elite scouting unit where he served with distinction (something he is excessively proud of now -- which is difficult for him since he can't tell anyone about it--, but thought was annoying then).
He made lieutenant, grew disillusioned with the prosecution of the war and gave up that identity after a disastrous raid into Karrnath.
He moved to Thronehold operated as a mercenary, met Sur'kil, did several unpleasant jobs for him, became a spy, and rediscovered his patriotism (he loved his country, he just hated taking orders). He was mugging a Karrn diplomat for some papers when the Mourning hit.
In shock and on the run from the emerald claw he lost himself for a few years before turning up in Sharn. He adopted a temporary identity of an agreeable, typically Brelish patriot, named, ironically for their (idiotic to Kil'x's mind) grandfather of the (overrated to Kil'x's mind) current king.
Angered by his country's fortunes and the terrible poverty endured by the masses while certain (unpatriotic in his mind) nobles lived lives of luxury he started a mini-crimewave, targeting noble Cyrian families. The seventh house he hit, that of a minor line of nobles, one of a handful of elvin nobles in Cyre, already looked like it had been "hit" by someone else. The sight of a beautiful young woman arguing by candlelight with a banker for a larger loan to fund an orphanage moved the changeling; she'd sold everything down to the furniture in her efforts already and was attempted to get more based on a claim of land in the Mournland. Some digging about ensured that the girl, Aya ir'Greenbreaze was sincere and had a tragic story of her own as the only survivor among her family; a day or two pretending to be an orphan at the orphanage she was founding was an all too painful reminder of his own past. Mindful, as well, that he had no real idea how to actually spend the money he was rapidly accumulating,Kil'x developed a new identity, that of a wealthy Cyrian elf. Kil'x put a lot of effort into this new identity, and was confident it would achieve the desired effect.
Kil'x had difficulty admitting to himself that he was as interested in the woman's affections as he was in helping other Cyrians, which almost certainly compounded what would become a troublesome situation. His deception came off perfectly, at least in so far as he was able to convince Aya that he was boorish self-important noble of dubious character with a fortune whose origins were equally dubious and whose attentions toward her were manifestly poorly hidden. She took his money, but only for the cause (very much to Kil'x's irritation, after a fainting spell during one of their meetings he found himself making periodic nighttime excursions to her villa to surreptitiously replenish the larder) and saw him only so much as she had to to ensure the gold kept flowing.

Around this time, annoyed by the Brelish treatment of Cyrians he pushed his Kason identity, always meant to be temporary anyway to a further extreme. Embroiling himself in extreme Breland First and Anti-Cyrian groups. Kason, always ready to start a fight (ideally one the Brelish would lose, badly) and fearlessly ready to cause trouble (anything rash that would make the movement look like a bunch of thugs) quickly found himself popular within the growing movement.

The popularity of Kason with Brelish extremists seemed to be inversely linked to Aya's feelings about his elvin identity. During a particularly awkward "date" with his elvin persona the woman simply left (almost leaping from the sky carriage Kil'x had arranged). The irritated changeling was certainly going to leave her, but wound up doubling back in his Kason persona "just to check on the brat". She had, in fact, gotten herself into serious trouble and "Kason" wound up saving her from a pack of thugs on an isolated bridge. After he got the bruised girl home safely he found her behavior toward him (not that she knew it was him of course) vastly changed. A quick followup visit the next day by Kason confirmed it, it seemed to him that she vastly preferred the boorish Brel to the refined Cyrian he'd spent months developing.
Finding this development to be beyond his capacity to tolerate Kil'x simply deposited his stolen wealth in a bank under the woman's name (save for a small trust to be doled out in small enough increments that she'd have trouble donating it and would hopefully use it to buy food), arranged for his elvin identity to take a long hunting trip to Q'barra and went looking for some sort of unpleasant nasty job miles from civilization.

Back in Thronehold Sur'kil had been known for always having dangerously extreme jobs that nobody wanted to take. Kil'x had picked up word that he was in Sharn and looking for people. Showing up at his door and revealing that he was, in fact, the same dwarf who'd worked for the man all those years ago in Thronehold, was enough to get the now broke "Kason" a job. Days later he was sweating his way through a steamy jungle in the middle of no-where.[/sblock][/sblock]

Kil'x fancies himself a cunning rationalist. The reality is that he's painfully detached from his own emotions the way that a shapechanger brought up in a restrictive monestary might be. Negative emotions he experiences are invariably the result of "irritating or annoying" people/events. He unabashedly loved Cyre (unlike his parents, or his teachers at the monastery he thought it would always be there for him) and it's destruction has left him rudderless and emotionally vulnerable (not that he shows people, he just comes off as prickly and unpleasant).

The Kason persona is much more agreeable and pleasant; "Kason" isn't burdened with Kil'x constant paranoia that people will abandon or betray him.
Kil'x isn't introspective enough to see the extremities of Kason's political views mirror his own; only the target is different.[/sblock]

Kil'x never found a fair fight he liked. He just doesn't have the staying power (->hit points) to stand around taking hits.
His preference is to take out any sort of serious opposition by finding out where it lives and killing it in it's sleep.

His Kason Freeman persona likes brawling and bar fights but Kil'x prefers to engineer those fights some place where no one will notice a few low blows (he's willing to take a roughing up at Cyrian hands as the Brelish Kason but the prickly changeling has limits).
He carries around a huge sword specifically to avoid fighting (of course, with no intimidate skill it mostly seems to get him into trouble).[/sblock]

"Kason" Freeman (CL 5) -- Brelish Human Rogue
[sblock=Stat Block]Changeling Rogue 5 Lawful Neutral (with "practical" tendencies)
Init +2; Senses Spot +8 Listen +8 Search +10
Languages Common
AC 16 (armor4/dex2/ring0) [+1 vs traps]; touch: 12 ; flat-footed: 16
hp 32 (5 HD)
uncanny dodge (dex to AC if flat footed), Trap sense +1 (included)
Fort +4 (con2/class2) Ref +6 [+1 vs traps] [Evasion] (dex4/class4) Will +2 [+2 vs sleep/charm] (wis0/class2)
Speed 30 ft (6 squares)
Attack Melee +1 Falchon +6 2d4+4 (18-20)
Sneak Attack +1 Falchon +8 2d4+4 +3d6 (18-20)​
Attack Ranged Throwing Dagger +5 1d4+2
Ranged Sneak Attack Throwing Dagger +7 1d4+2 +3d6​
Base Attack +3 Grapple +5
Attack Options sneak attack +3d6
Combat Gear Flash Pellet x5x4 (DC 15 or blinded then dazzled), Eternal Wand of Shield , Healing Belt, CLW potion x2
Action Points 7ish (?)
****************************** ************************************
Attributes Str 14 Dex 15* Con 14 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 10
* received improvement for level
SQ change self, Natural Linguist, Shapechanger subtype
Feats EWP (Falchon), Sly Fortune
Skills Balance +2ubs/+8a Bluff +4** Climb +2s Diplomacy +0u Disguise +10u# Disable Device +10git Escape Artist +0su Hide +13scl Intimidate +2** Jump +2s/+4sa Listen +8/10n Move Silently +8sl Listen +8 Open Locks +10gt Search +10 Sleight of Hand +2sg Sense Motive +4** Spot +8 Swim +2u Tumble +8ls Use Magic Device +8
[sblock=Skills detail]u=untrained
**=changing racial bonus
#=change self bonus
b = balance pole
l= potential luck reroll (sly fortune)
i= potential item reroll (chronocharm)
g= potential bonus from gloves
c=cloak of elvinkind
t[/t] = masterwork longspoon theives tools (can do it from one square over, too! that sounds vague disgusting doesn't it...?)
n=listening cone (what do you want from me, I've already got an l, i and a c.... just say coNNNe)
a=alchemical pellet bonus (remember it's not drugs... it's alchemy!)
s=includes chain Shirt armor penality
Balance Bluff 2 Climb 2 Diplomacy 0 Disable Device 8 Escape Artist 0 Hide 8 Jump 2 Listen 8 Knowledge (x) 0 Knowledge (x) 0 Move Silently 8 Open Locks 6 8 Search 8 Sense Motive 2 Sleight of Hand 2 Spot 8 Swim 0 Tumble 8 Use Magic Device 8​
Possessions combat gear + The Pitted Blade (+1 falchon WoL), Scroll Detect Magic x4, Chronocharm of the Laughing Rogue (MIC 86) , Gloves of Manual Prowess (MIC 106), Cloak of elvinkind , Listening Cone (CAd 123), Balancing Pole (CAd 122)
Thieves’ Tools, Longspoon: Masterwork (CAd 123), Eternal Wand of Shield, Scroll: Detect Magic x4, Alchemical: Flash Pellet (CAd 118) x5, Alchemical: Leap Capsule (CAd 121) x2, Alchemical: Stability Capsule (CAd 121)x5, Daggers x8 (belt), Daggers x2 (each boot), Travel Documents (multiple identities Aundair, Karrnath, Breland/Stormreach, Q'barra, Talenta Plains) masterwork thieves tools (backup set), collapsible 10'ft pole, and traveling gear.
[sblock=Traveling Gear]two sacks, 2 sunrods, 6 torches, bed roll, backpack, 2 weeks of trail rations, several spare set of clothing, 20 steel spikes, hammer, 200' of silken rope (knotted for easy climbing), chalk (red, white), 4 waterskins, 2 grappling hooks, [/sblock]

As always spreadsheet has details.

[sblock=Old rejected Equipment block]
[sblock=The Pitted Blade]+1 Falchon
Kil'x's prized possession discovered during a disastrous battle with Karrnathi forces that ended his military career. This +1 byeshk falchon is twisted and pitted as if it were dipped in a powerful acid. In the right hands the weapon, which supposedly dates back to the hobgoblin empire, will supposedly drip acid, increase damage from sneak attacks (deadly precision), improve his chances of getting a lucky shot (improved crit) and even return when thrown.
The fact that the right hands are apparently not Kil'x's is a source of no little irritation to the changeling. He stubbornly totes it around anyway (though he stopped trying to throw the damn thing after he took off a chunk of his ear). He doesn't like to think about the possibility that the gnomish sage was just having him on.[/sblock]
[sblock=The Cloak of Shadows]Grants darkvision 30'. Also for five non-consecutive rounds a day the user can hide in plain sight, provided they aren't in natural daylight, the effects of the daylight spell, etc[/sblock]
[sblock=The Centipede Gauntlet]
The Centipede Gauntlet. Kil'x won this gauntlet from a warforged assassin named Leaper during a particularly intense game of cards in Thronehold. (Leaper foolishly bet "his left arm"... Kil'x let him bargain him down to the component he was wearing on it). Kil'x had warforged component modified to allow a human sized creature to wear it. The gauntlet is constructed of a night black metal and features dozen of small wires and jointed legs. When worn it allows the user to extend their senses into the gauntlet; the limbs and legs of the gauntlet are extremely sensitive almost self-aware, and help the user find and disable traps and open locks.
When worn the gauntlet provides a +5 tool bonus to search (traps only), and +5 to disable traps and open locks.
The two-fingered gauntlet is poorly suited to other activities that require fine control (slight of hand, etc) and Kil'x avoids wearing it when he's not doing B&E or Tombraiding.
Leaper was killed by a trap a few weeks after the game. (Kil'x felt a certain amount of relief, he wasn't known as being the sort to lose gracefully) When he's dealing with a particularly tricky trap or lock Kil'x sometimes finds himself talking to the dead warforged.[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Build Details]
Hit points 6 (Rog1) + 4x4 (Rog2-5) + 10 (con) = 32

[sblock=Skill Points spent per Level]
8 ranks in Hide, ms, listen, spot, tumble, Search, Disable, UMD,
6 ranks in Open Locks
2 ranks in Climb, Jump, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Bluff
no ranks in disguise, intimidate, escape artist :/

[sblock=Class and Effect Breakdown]
rogue 5 requires no explanation I think

[sblock=Feat Progression]
1st: Sly Fortune (1 luck reroll)
3rd: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Falchon
4th: Dex +1
6th: unbelievable luck (+2 rerolls)
8th: Dex +1
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Voidrunner's Codex

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