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Redclaws Protectors OOC


Redclaw said:
All of those "acquisitions" make sense to me. She could also have some residuum, picked up from Phillian's stockpile. That would give you a bit of flexibility in terms of ritual components.
50 gp worth?

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Walking Dad

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Redclaw said:
Walking Dad--HP should be 25 (12 + con score), which puts your surge value at 6.
--Where is the extra trained skill coming from? As far as I can tell you should have religion +3 others.
Oops, you are right about HP. will change it.

Extra skill (Arcana) comes from the 'Initiate of the Arcane' feat

Graf said:
Neither of those, you're fine. I'm thinking I may just roll over the gp I get into rituals (if the book & rc say I can).
And we could give each other access for copying ;)

You will be an asset to the team even if your highest score was a 12 :).
Thanks :)

-If- you go wizard then I agree that you need an area of effect power (more to hit rolls = greater chance of actually hitting).
You could take Warlord and get another healing ability. :) If you find you're having trouble hitting directly then "swapping warlord" later will let you attack-through-the-other-members (i.e. activate the groups base attacks, etc).
Especially if we're facing high AC/ref monsters a warlord power along those lines -might- be a good option. (In however many levels it would take for us to get there...)
I will look into the warlord stuff and crunch some numbers.
Edit: No, to much str dependence or doing the same as cleric powers.

My love of thunderwave has been mentioned before. In normal circumstances I'll be dropping an area of effect power every round (the only power I have that isn't area is mm) but if we see a lot of minions then hittingattacking 5~6 and killing 2~3 is a good action.

While we're talking about it: personally I wouldn't lead with scorching under normal circumstances... it just doesn't do enough damage to be worth it for non-minions. Obviously, as a low level wizard I'll probably wind up using it (the average damage to a group is much higher than mm and thunderwave, obviously, requires being closer than I'd like) but I think that you have better options most of the time...
I wanted to maximise my benefits from 'Hellfire Blood' next level. I also like the fire thematics ;)
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First Post
Walking Dad said:
Extra skill (Arcana) comes from the 'Initiate of the Arcane' feat

I wanted to maximise my benefits from 'Hellfire Blood' next level. I also like the fire thematics ;)
I missed that piece of the feat. Sorry.

The fire theme certainly fits for a tiefling. :)


First Post
Good deal on the hiding. As things are coming together tactic PC design-wise, I'm getting more and more excited for this game. I will post a more or less complete character sheet for other player comments later tonight.


First Post
Alright, here's Immeral's updated stats and complete Appearance/Personality/Background:
[sblock=Immeral nar Rayya]Immeral nar Rayya
Male Eladrin Ranger 1
Alignment: Unaligned
Deity: Sehanine
Region: Evenfall
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair: Silver, worn in an intricate braid interwoven with colorful scraps of fabric, strips of fur, and beads
Eyes: Pale jade green
Skin: Fair
Age: ~60
XP: 0

Str: 11 (+0)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 13 (+1)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 12 (+1)

Hit Points: 25 Bloodied: 12
Healing Surge: 6 Surges per day: 7
Initiative: +4
Speed: 6
Perception: 19 Insight: 12
Action Points: 1

AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 15 Will 13

Basic Melee Attack: +3 (Longsword) Damage: 1d8 or 1d8+1
Basic Ranged Attack: +6 (Longbow) Damage: 1d10+4

Arcana			+8 (+5 Trained, +1 Int, +2 Racial)
Athletics		+5 (+5 Trained, +0 Str)
Endurance		+6 (+5 Trained, +1 Con)
Nature			+7 (+5 Trained, +2 Wis)
Perception		+7 (+5 Trained, +2 Wis)
Religion		+6 (+5 Trained, +1 Int)
Stealth			+9 (+5 Trained, +4 Dex)

Defensive Mobility
Initiate of the Faith


Class and Racial abilities:
+5 Racial bonus to saving throws vs Charm effects
Considered a Fey creature
Hunter's Quarry
Prime Shot

Nimble Strike (At-Will Attack, Standard, Ranged attack + shift)
Twin Strike (At-Will Attack, Standard, Two weaker ranged attacks)

Evasive Strike (Encounter Attack, Standard, Shift + strong ranged attack)
Fey Step (Encounter Racial, Move, 5 square teleport)

Hunter's Bear Trap (Daily Attack, Standard, Strong ranged attack + ongoing damage and slow)
Healing Word (Daily Class Feature, Standard, Self or ally uses a healing surge and gains surge + 1d6 hp)

Leather Armor, 25g, 15 lbs
Longbow, 30g, 3 lbs
60 arrows, 2g, 6 lbs
Longsword, 15g, 4 lbs
Standard adventuring kit, 15g, 33 lbs
Climber's kit, 2g, 11 lbs
Silver Holy Symbol of Sehanine, 10g, 1 lb

1 g
[sblock=Appearance]Immeral is a tall, thin, but athleticly muscled Eladrin. His long silver hair is arranged in an intricate braid and reaches halfway down his back; intertwined in the braids are a series of leather strips, colored gemstone chips, fur and cloth ribbons, and other assorted colorful decorations. His eyes are a pale jade green shade, almost pastel in hue, and his skin is fair even after weeks in the wilds. He wears clothes of rich green, dark brown, and brilliant blue, often with silver emroidery. His "working clothes" consist of a suit of plain and battered hardened leather armor over dappled brown and green clothing. He carries a simple but functional longsword as well as a beautiful longbow made of a pale silvery wood.[/sblock][sblock=Personality]Immeral is slow to anger, but also slow to befriend. In point of fact, he does not consider himself to have any friends, although he's on a first name basis with many of the townspeople. He isn't standoffish or rude, however; he simply chooses to stay out of the spotlight, stopping by in peoples' lives only long enough to assure himself that nothing is terribly wrong. Still, he has become attached to the community in the decades he's lived near Evenfall, and regularly patrols the wilderness around the town in an attempt to root out and destroy any evil creatures that roost nearby. He gives respect to those who show him respect, but witholds no scorn from those who are overtly rude or disrespectful towards him. People who are indirectly rude or disrespectful are simply ignored and avoided.[/sblock][sblock=Background]Immeral nar Rayya was born in the court of a Ghaele of Spring. It was a marvelous place to grow up; jewel-like flowers bloomed eternally, the trees and grass were shimmering emerald green year round, the brooks and streams that criss-crossed the realm ran clear and clean. The people of the court were a joyous people, spending much time with parties, galas, dances, and balls. Every night candles and light spells would festoon some noble's tree-mansion, and the sound of laughter and merriment could be heard for a league outside its walls. His parents and, indeed, all the Eladrin in the court, were happy people who instilled in Immeral an immense love of life, of laughter, and of knowledge.

The Spring Court was a marvelous place to grow up in. It was not, however, a marvelous place to mature in. As Immeral reached his mid-teens, he began to grow more and more restless. There was very little change in the court; the same people did the same things every day and every night, the landscape was eternally fixed in a beautiful but static springtime state, and even the animals were idyllic, living in harmony with each other as much as possible thanks to the Ghaele's magic. Immeral yearned, above all, for change. So, when he reached his maturity, he said goodbye to his parents and left the Feywild completely, charting his own course in the wilderness of the natural world. His parents, while sad to let him go, acknowledge his need to see new sights and gifted him with an ornate holy symbol of Sehanine and a book of her teachings. It was their hope that faith in a wanderer's God would strengthen him and aid him in his journey.

In the first few years, Immeral wandered through the vast wilds of the natural world without aim. He sought only to experience new things. At dusk when he climbed into the boughs of a tree or sat inside the entrance of a cave or made a tent of thorny bushes, he would pull out the book his parents gave him and read. All through his trance he would read Sehanine's teachings by the light of the stars and moon - as befits a God of the night. What he read therein spoke to the deepest core of his being. Sehanine's message of making your own destiny, following your own path, and avoiding extremes of thought or action were exactly what Immeral himself felt should be his own path through life. When he finished reading the book, he started over again, searching for deeper and more subtle meaning within; he was not disappointed. As he read and re-read the book endlessly in those years, Immeral's faith in Sehanine grew into a devotion fit enough for any priest, cleric, or paladin. He decided that his wanderlust was a divine spark within him, a message from the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow. It was his religious duty to wander the world.

After his epiphany, Immeral set out with a renewed vigor for his aimless wandering. Quickly he realized, however, that perhaps his aimless wandering wasn't so aimless, after all. He found that no matter which direction he set out in at sunrise, his trail always gravitated towards the northeast by the end of the day. Giving in to the inevitible, Immeral followed his calling right up to the town gates of Evenfall - the first town of any significant size he'd encountered since leaving the Spring Court. He didn't stay there long, assuming that whatever he was being guided to was beyond Evenfall. He shortly found out, however, that he was similarly drawn back to the town after leaving its environs for more than a week's travel. Immeral, being trained in the theories of magic if not the practical applications thereof, carefully studied the town, himself, and his surroundings; he could find no magical effect that would cause such a lodestone effect. He was forced to conclude that, for some reason, his path at this time ended in Evenfall.

Once he made the decision to stay, at least for a time, in the area of the human town, Immeral set to work making himself more comfortable. He slipped back into the Feywild and hunted fey animals for their tasty meat and beautiful furs; these he traded in Evenfall for supplies and labor to build himself a small tree-cabin out in the woods. His goods caused quite a stir in town due to their high quality and unnatural beauty; everyone who saw them tried to find out where Immeral had gotten them. Immeral was no fool, however, and realized a good thing when he saw one. Being an exclusive supplier of rare and extraordinary luxuries in a small isolated town would bring with it status and outward, if not necessarily inward, respect. Immeral refused to give anything but extremely cryptic answers to any questions about his goods - "Yes, they're quite un-naturally beautiful, aren't they?" and "I found that one sleeping under the moonlight; I took it as a gift from my Goddess." being two of his common, vague, responses.

Once he settled into life near Evenfall, Immeral began to explore the area, looking for whatever it was that drew him to the area. The first thing he stumbled across, much to his horror, was a den full of slinking goblins. Over two dozen goblins lived in a small cave complex only a day's travel outside of Evenfall. They weren't a direct threat to the town itself, but they could easily overwhelm any of the isolated farms, cabins, or shrines nearby - including his own. He only had to watch as they tortured a rabbit to death to decide that he had no choice: he had to eliminate this blight on the land. He kept careful watch on the den for a week, noting their haphazard patrols, familiarizing himself with each individual goblin's personality, and determining who their leader was. Once he felt he could wait no longer, he ambushed a hunting group of four goblins, burned the corpses, then picked off each, increasingly more frightened, patrol as they were sent after the missing hunting party. By the time the goblins stopped sending their patrols, Immeral had killed half of them.

With a dozen fighting goblins left alive huddling in the cave, Immeral knew that he had to be extremely careful. He couldn't possibly fight all of them at once. He crept up to camp unnoticed and waited for one of the inevitable arguments to spring up inside. Once most of the goblins had joined in the ensuing scuffle, Immeral began his attack. His first two arrows caught the two goblin sentries - who were paying far more attention to the fight inside the cave than threats outside it - through their throats, and the faint gurgles they made as they died went unheard by the squabbling mass inside the cave. Watchers disposed of, Immeral aimed his shots carefully, thinning the ranks from the outside in. By the time the arguing goblins realized they were under attack, there were only 8 left. They grabbed their weapons and howled out of the cave, chasing every imagined attacker. The goblins scattered to the wind in their frenzy to kill their unseen attacker, and Immeral was able to pick each off, one by one.

In the years and decades since, Immeral has never found what draws him to Evenfall. He continues to patrol the wilds nearby, keeping the area relatively clear of danger - though, as young Valamir's family found out, one Eladrin cannot keep out all the evil. Immeral has kept himself separate from most of the townsfolk, although he has accepted occasional invitations to dine with Phillian and discuss history, religion, arcana, and other subjects with him and, later, his "daughter" Mirna. He is also friendly with several of the herbalists and apothecaries in town, although he still confides in no one but himself. With the patience only one of the Elder Races can have, Immeral continues to wait and to search...[/sblock]


Walking Dad said:
And we could give each other access for copying ;)
Lets definitely RP in that direction.

Kinda irritating that it takes 10 gp to do animal messenger.... otherwise we could totally have an in town communication network...


EvolutionKB said:
Good deal on the hiding. As things are coming together tactic PC design-wise, I'm getting more and more excited for this game. I will post a more or less complete character sheet for other player comments later tonight.

Speaking of warlocks and tactics...
(and not meaning to be a **** in any way shape or form)
Warlocks suck in melee... you have nothing that is not ranged.

If you get stuck you will not be able to fight your way out. Our only option may be for us to "focus fire" on something you've cursed and generate a teleport effect.


First Post
Graf, no offense taken at all. I realize warlocks suck at melee. I do intend at this point to take no part in melee combat. I do realize that this is 4E however, and that multiple creatures are part of encounters now more than ever. If we make it to level 4(doubtful, never seen a PbP game have that much advancement), I will have a paladin melee power(based of Chr of course, so I have a chance to hit). Hopefully our controller can control, our defender can defend, and us strikers can stay out of harms way. An ambush, like what happened in KotS would not make good for anybody, especially strikers/controllers.

Sigh...I just finished reading all the classes/powers, now it is time to find my favorite to play. Hopefully I don't die in these 4E games quickly enough where I have a chance to play them all. I've always leaned towards melee characters before, though some of my highest level and most fun 3E characters were a wizard, cleric, and druid. On that note it feels a little weird not playing a cleric in 4E. In all my previous edition experience, my first character was always a cleric.

Edit: I've got the star pact, so no teleporting. It gives me a +1 per cursed opponent dropped on a d20 roll by the end of my next turn.


First Post
[sblock=Character Sheet]Valamir
Human Male Warlock(Star Pact) 1
Alignment: Good
Deity: Pelor
Region: Evenfall
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190lbs
Hair: Blonde, short and wavy
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Sky Blue
Age: 20
Exp: 0

Str: 13(+1)
Con: 14(+2)
Dex: 12(+1)
Int: 11(+0)
Wis: 10(+0)
Chr: 18(+4)

HP: 26 Bloodied: 13
Healing Surges per day/HP healed per surge: 8/6

Initiative: +1
Speed: 5
Passive Senses: Perception/Insight: 10/15
AP: 1

AC: 16 Fortitude: 13 Reflex: 13 Will: 16

Basic Melee attack: +4 vs AC, Dagger, 1d4+1
Basic Ranged attack: +4 vs Reflex, Star Blast, 1d10+4

Arcana +5 (Trained +5, +0 Int)
Bluff +9 (Trained +5, +4 Chr)
Diplomacy +9 (Trained +5, +4 Chr) (Bonus from Soldier of the Faith)
Intimidate +9 (Trained +5, +4 Chr)
Insight +5 (Trained +5, +0 Wis) (Bonus from Human class feature)
Religion +5 (Trained +5, +0 Int)

Soldier of the Faith
Armor Proficiency: Chainmail

Common, Elven

Racial Abilities:
Extra Trained Skill(already included)
Extra At-Will Power(already included)
Bonus Feat(already included)
Human Defense Bonus(already included)

Class Abilities:

Warlock's Curse: Minor action once per turn, place on enemy nearest than can be seen. Lasts until end of encounter. Once per round after damaging a cursed enemy, an extra 1d6 damage can be applied. Upon a cursed enemy being reduced to 0 hp, Valamir gains a cumulative +1 bonus to a d20 roll made on his next turn. If this bonus is not used it is lost.

Prime Shot: If Valamir is closer to an opponent than any of his allies, he gains +1 on ranged attack rolls against that target.

Shadow Walk: If Valamir moves more than 3 squares on his turn, he gain concealment(+2 AC) until the end of his next turn.


Dire Radiance: +2 vs Fort; Range 10; 1d6+2 Radiant Damage. Target takes an additional 1d6+2 damage if moving nearer to Valamir
Eldritch Blast: +4 vs Reflex; Range 10; 1d10+4 damage.
Eyebite: +4 vs Will; Range 10; 1d6+4 Psychic Damage and Valamir is invisible to target until the start of his next turn.

Dreadful Word: +4 vs Will; Range 5; 2d8+4 Psychic Damage and the target takes a -1 to Will defense until the end of Valamir's next turn.
Divine Challenge: Minor Action; Close Burst 5; Target takes a -2 to attack rolls that doesn't include Valamir as a target. If the target attacks somebody other than Valamir, the target takes 7 Radiant Damage.

Curse of The Dark Dream: +4 vs Will; Range 10 3d8+4 Psychic Damage and you slide the target 3 squares. Valamir can sustain as a minor action, whether hit or miss, sliding the target 1 square, with a save ending the effect.


Holy Symbol of Pelor
Adventurer's Kit(backpack, bedroll, flint/steel, belt pouch, two sunrods, ten days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, waterskin)

[sblock=Appearance]Valamir is relatively tall and solidly built from a childhood spent swimming and rowing in the river from which his family made their living. His wavy blonde hair and warm blue eyes are the least of his handsome features. Even in a small town of Evenfall, his has no shortage of admirers. His only mark is the unsightly black burn mark on the palm of his left hand, where he grabbed the Silver Star.[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality]Valamir is easygoing and a hard worker. Trying to do the best he can at everything he does. Valamir is good at deceiving people, though he does so only to spare their feelings, and is good at reading people. The death of his family is not something he likes to talk about, he believes somehow he was the cause. When angry, his blue eyes turn completely black as he draws upon the power of the stars to menace his foes. He feels he is in debt to Immeral, the Eladrin saved him from drowning, and will defend the ranger at all costs.[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Valamir was the son of a fisherman, who lived in a house on the banks of the Thornwash. Valamir's father plied his trade on the waters in a small canoe, hooking and netting his catch for later drying and salting. He traded his bounty in Evenfall.

Valamir's mother assisted his father in preparing the fish for drying as well as doing paintings. She was well known in Evenfall for her watercolors. Her work varied from the beautiful sunsets paintings of the river and it's landscape, to the horrific, a realistic portrait of a recently gutted trout.

Valamir had two siblings, a brother and sister, twins. They were four years younger than Valamir. They were adept and repairing the nets their father used as well as helping their mother clean the fish. Valamir spent his days carving fishhooks from bits of bone, or collecting crusteaceans from traps laid near shore.

Valamir, as the oldest child had his room in the loft area of their small house. A skylight in the ceiling allowed most of the light in during the day, as well as an outlet for the smoke from their cooking fire. It also provided the family with drinking water. An invention from Phillian, Evenfall's wizard, helped collect rainwater and channel it into storage containers, all the while keeping it relatively dry inside.

When it was cold on clear nights, Valamir often slept beneath the skylight looking at the stars. His father told stories of the constellations, stories of the characters that they represent. Heroes of ages long past.

However, on balmy summer nights, Valamir often snuck outdoors, rowing the canoe out to the middle of the Thornwash. He'd throw a weight down into the water and sleep under the full of sky of stars, dreaming of being a hero like those in the constellations.

On one such fateful night, Valamir slept fitfully, perhaps he was getting to big to lay in the canoe or maybe he was just restless. He passed the night, staring up into the heavens, counting the stars. All of a sudden a shooting star, low and bright, trailed by white flame crossed over the constellation of Hevelka, Slayer of Dragons. It arced towards the horizon, and struck a hill with an loud crash.

Valamir started, he was certain his parents would come to investigate the noise, and find him lounging about in the canoe. But they never came. Valamir looked around nervously, then rowed the canoe towards the opposite shore. He walked for what seemed like hours until he saw the hill, where the fallen star smoked against the coming dawn. As he strode over to it, he saw a small crater had formed around it. The fallen star itself was broken up into pieces. Several black chunks of rock lay around a shiny, perfectly round silver piece of what seemed like metal.

When Valamir picked up the silver piece, it burned his palm, leaving an oddly shaped black mark the size of his palm. It caused him no pain, though at the time it smelled horrible. Valamir shoved the silver star into his pocket and returned home.

Neither parents noticed his absence, for he quickly got to work. When they questioned the burn, he said he had touched the pot in the cooking fire. They seemed satisfied that the burn caused him no discomfort and was not leaking puss or anything of the sort.

In the weeks afterward, things began to change for the child, he discovered when he was angry he could project a silver beam of energy from his burnt hand. He discovered this while gathering crawfish traps. He encountered a nasty snapping turtle that decided to challenge him for taking his meal away. After blasting the shelled one into oblivion, Valamir decided that this ablity could be related to the silver star he carried with him whereever he went. The star blast was only the least of his abilities.

Things then took a turn for the worse. Valamir doesn't remember much of anything from the night, but what he does is horrible. He awoke in his loft to a strange gurgling sound. He rolled to the edge of his bed, to find water a mere few inches lower than his bed. His entire house was flooded! He panicked, and in the process, the silver star fell from his pocket. Valamir dove for the object, and his hand clenched around it, just as it fell beneath the surface of the water. That is all that he remembers.

The next thing he knows, he is being tended to by a young girl in what appeared to be a large room. She said he was found floatingin the river by one of fey. An elf appears, announces himself as Phillian and that they are in his tower in Evenfall. Valamir demands to know where his family is. Phillian states that once his father stopped coming with fish, they investigated. What they found astounded even Phillian. The grass around the family's home was brown and dead. The entire house was waterlogged, as if it had been submerged underwater. Even stranger was that area around the homestead was untouched. His family could not be found

The second thing Valamir asks is where his silver star is. The elf denies knowing of the object(the wizard actually took the object for further study, he recognized magic within it). Valamir, once healthy, returns to the place he called home. He found the stories the elf told were true, and searched the home for his silver star. With his search fruitless, Valamir goes into a rage, nearly bringing the house down around him with his magic, until he realized he didn't need the star to power his magic after all.

After going back to Evenfall, for that was the only place he could go, he found himself adopted by several families. He soon proved his worth, as he brought home game from the surrounding areas, using his ability to fire star light at his targets.

A decade has passed since then, and although only Phillian and his adopted daughter know of his powers, he thinks that others are beginning to catch on, especially the one that saved him from drowning in the river. Valamir is beginning to wear on the day to day activities in Evenfall. They are getting to be boring and he secretly wishes something unexpected would happen. Perhaps then he could be a hero.[/sblock]

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