Regular dad food?

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Meat - chicken, beef, pork, turkey, goose, squab, mutton, goat, horse, dog, squirrel, giant space hamster, fish, mollusk, squid. etc. Prepared in an infinite variety of ways - raw, baked, broiled, stewed, fried, jerked, smoked, or dew-picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in the finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and sealed in a succulent, Swiss, quintuple-smooth, treble-milk chocolate envelope, and lovingly frosted with glucose.

Fruits, vegetables, nuts. Whatever is appropriate to the terrains that the race in question lives in but almost certainly there ought to be one or two particular dietary staples - wheat, rice, soy, corn, etc.

Drink - water, fruit juices, milk products from domesticated stock, and of course anything and everything animal and vegetable that can be fermented.

What the AVERAGE person eats will be whatever is able to be most readily and widely produced in the immediate locality, or imported at low cost.

Dwarves won't be eating a lot of fish - but I like the idea of the sides of many of their mountain homes being terraced extensively for rice paddies. I see elves as being fond of orchard crops - lots of fruit and nut trees. Halflings are, of course, prone to overeating foods of ALL kinds which means they produce foods of all kinds.

Biggest concern of any society as far as their dietary standards goes will be the availability of water. They won't just need it to drink but to sustain crops and animals. For crops, if it's not going to be a matter of irrigation then it still has to mean that there will be enough precipitation every year to sustain crop yields.

Mostly, however, I try not to overthink it and most races everywhere will produce and eat most of the same sorts of stuff - especially unless the PC's are travelling FAR FAR away from home.

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