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Corwyn Burlisk

*A figure of medium build, probably in his midtwenties reads through the gathered messages a small and knowing smile of nostalgia painted on his features. His leather scale armor stirs in the wind as he turns on his heel, making his way from the Emporium. The message left reads as follows.*

"It has been far too long since I let slip my sanity long enough to wander these worlds of wonder. And longer still that I've forgotten my former friends and allies, for this you have my most sincere apologies. I hope to see you soon, and hope too that some of you may yet remember the foolish young anarch I was.


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Agudo Archmage


Artwork copyright © 2003, Gordon R. Quigley

A note has been left in fine golden parchment.

Corwyn old friend you are always will be welcome to come teach at my school or just stop and say hello. I believe you know where it is. If not let me know on this note, and I shall send my best stead’s to escort you as my honored guest.

Agudo the Archmage of Light


Corwyn Burlisk

*See's Agudo's note and leaves one of his own.*

"My thanks Agudo, if there's one thing I can count on you for it's a warm welcome. And while my schedule finds me enwraped for quite some time I will attmept to visit the school on occasion. I do of course know where it's located so no escort is neccessary, though I appreciate the gesture.


Corwyn Burlisk

*Looks over his reverie one last time, and shrugs.*
o O 0 (Unmissed I guess) 0 O o
*Sighing, Corwyn lights the parchment, a far too desperate loneliness falling with the ashes of the now burned and wind-swept memories*

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