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Reinventing fantasy cliches

Cor Azer

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Dlsharrock said:
Shouldn't that be 'ugly elves'?

Tolkien's orcs had a similar source. They originated from elves captured by Melkor in the Age of Stars and corrupted in the dungeons of Utumno into the twisted and hideous forms of the orc. I believe the trolls were also corrupted Ents.

Tolkien's basis for orcs was part of my inspiration, I just moved it up to happening in recent history as opposed to the distant past.

And the elves in the party insisted it be ugly humans, as they (in a rare burst of arrogant roleplaying) wouldn't admit to themselves that anything originally an elf could be so ugly.

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Staff member
I wonder how you would do bikers in fantasy. Riding horses is eh; you need something else to fit the biker motif of having some sort of cool ride.

Re: Replacing the "eh" Horses:


Horses with some kind of template? Clockwork? Multiheaded? Aberration? Living Construct?

Griffin riders?

Riders of enslaved Centaurs?

Re: the rest:

Given the modern biker gang's penchant for gunplay, archery (both standard & mounted) would fit, and they'd probably favor crossbows (esp. repeaters) over standard bows.

Proficiency with small but brutal concealable weapons would be important, as would (non) spiked chains and improvised weapons in general.

Some kind of income stream from illicit acts- drugs, slavery, protection rackets, etc. Think of them as a mobile Thieves' Guild, with an emphasis on using the UA Thug variant Fighter.

They would probably find some way to gain access to magical/psionic tattoos similar in effect to- but different from- the ones of the Tattooed Monk.


mmadsen said:
Bikers are pirates.
Wouldn't that just make them vikings?

Hmm. Chariots pulled by some sort of scary-ass animal. Like boar, vicious dogs, etc. That might work.
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First Post
Dlsharrock said:
Please tell me the dwarfs are all Hell's Angel bikers, easy riding in their horned helmets and leather studded armour!

I didn't originally say anything about the Dwarves in my campaign, because I didn't want to be accused of taking the thread in a political direction. My Dwarves are right-wing, sexist, racist, environmentally-destructive capitalists, who believe everything has to be privately owned. Even personal names are owned, and Dwarves who want to give their baby a name have to purchase a naming license from the owner of the name. My Dwarves aren't bikers, but are more an absurd parody of the Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter crowd.

Basically, my Elves are the stereotype Republicans have of Democrats, and my Dwarves are the stereotype Democrats have of Republicans.

I like your idea about Dwarven bikers though!


Clavis said:
I didn't originally say anything about the Dwarves in my campaign, because I didn't want to be accused of taking the thread in a political direction. My Dwarves are right-wing, sexist, racist, environmentally-destructive capitalists, who believe everything has to be privately owned. Even personal names are owned, and Dwarves who want to give their baby a name have to purchase a naming license from the owner of the name. My Dwarves aren't bikers, but are more an absurd parody of the Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter crowd.
Actually, sounds more Ayn Rand.

So, are your campaigns at all serious? :)


First Post
To counter the whole "dwarves hate the environment" trope, there's a fairly easy reinterpretation of their actions. Dwarves don't live underground and mine because they hate plants. They live underground so they have as little negative influence upon the environment as possible. Dwarven agriculture relies on cultivating symbiotic fungi on treeroots.

Oh, and elves? Those chic houses made out of living trees they have? You know how painful that is for the tree? Elves are the ones who manipulate and abuse nature, uncaringly bending it to their whim.

Well... except for the drow.


First Post
So one cliche, that isn't just fantasy but sort of universal is the "Old dude that sees the future and predicts the end of times". Brainstorming some ideas, I gave this old cliche a turn around and came out with:

Just as how the Old Dude predicted. a huge age-ending monster descends to the earth and starts to do it's job. For hundred of years people the monster will be the result of everyones living in agony as the monster torments and punishes them or so the prophecy goes. But wait! The monster doesn't kill everything on the planet and restart humanity, in fact it hardly does much at all before it is slain! Yes, the Eater of Time is killed by a mass effort from some combined humanoid opposition. But the prophecy is fulfilled none the less, because its not the original monster that does the deed, its this new organization that just destroyed it and fills the power vacuum left behind. So now this organization (maybe a very powerful religious order or military force) with all its might decides something like that should never happen and plunges the "known world" into a hundred years of torment and punishment as it stamps out all heretics, non-believers and naysayers by the sword!


First Post
Clavis said:
I didn't originally say anything about the Dwarves in my campaign, because I didn't want to be accused of taking the thread in a political direction. My Dwarves are right-wing, sexist, racist, environmentally-destructive capitalists, who believe everything has to be privately owned. Even personal names are owned, and Dwarves who want to give their baby a name have to purchase a naming license from the owner of the name. My Dwarves aren't bikers, but are more an absurd parody of the Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter crowd.

Now you're just taking the thread in a political direction.

Dannyalcatraz said:
small but brutal concealable weapons

Like flick-axes?


First Post
Rechan said:
So, a general question.

I've noticed that to some extent, a game needs some sort of monster or race that is Irredeemably Evil. The kind of creature that you can feel no qualms about putting to the sword. This even includes its young. Because if you add too many shades of gray, the game becomes "We can't attack anyone because we don't know if we're justified!" But in many a game, people like kicking in doors and killing bad guys. To aid that, sometimes you need to let the players breathe and go "Okay, we DON'T need to ask questions about THOSE guys, we can DESTROY them." Sort've like fighting Nazis. They're nazis, so it's okay.

There's another way to avoid the "we can't attack anyone because we don't know if we are justified" problem (as in, game problem). Just work on what constitutes "justified".

My current campaign does have truly evil stuff, but most opponents are not irredeemably evil, many are neutral, and some are good.

But that doesn't really matter much, what matters most for the PCs is: Are you with or against us? If you oppose us, then we're justified to take action, and what action is taken depends on the circumstances.

If some barbarians raid their country's borderlands, they feel no qualm about killing the raiders. If they find out that there's some trouble farther north, and the raids will stop when that problem is solved, fine. But if they can simply kill every raider and the border's safe again, that works too.

If a foreign noble is blocking a trade agreement they want, they might look into what service they can do for the noble, to sway his opinion. Maybe help reconcile him with his brother. Or they might blackmail the noble, or arrange an accident for him. Whatever works best.

It comes down to what's more beneficial over all for them, their gods, friends, and country. That's all the justification (most) of the PCs in my campaign need.

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