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Relic Hunters in Tekumel (IC)


First Post
After the ice was broken and a warmer reception followed, Bella let out a small breath of relief and when Angie is invited over, Bella takes the time to introduce them, informing Chaturgha that Angie was her captain, and oldest and dearest friend. After that Bella remains quiet while the questions are asked. They are satisfying questions and Bella has nothing more to add.

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First Post
Elsbeth is approached by a robed man in a frightening silver mask, but his eyes are warm and he talks in a soft voice. His name is Kallel, and when asked about his mask he says it is to keep spirits of the dead away, as they mistake his visage for one of them and therefore not a human with a soul to take. He asks Elsbeth about the significance of the raven images she wears and if it is true to the rumors that she can talk to birds.

Elsbeth greets the man and introduces herself, "I am known as Elsbeth, the raven images I wear are because in my traditions the raven represents a light bringer, a force of creation, and the bridge between the worlds of the living and the worlds of the dead. It is true that I am able to speak with birds, but not all birds. I can show you this skill if you wish, and allow you to understand as well."

She focuses her attention to Branwyn sending a feeling of loneliness hoping to bring the familiar to a window.

Deuce Traveler

After a few more moments of conversation, there is a sound of flapping wings and pecking at the door. A servant opens the portal, allowing Branwyn to land on Elsbeth's shoulder to the guffaws and glee of the Tsoylani. The priest says, "That is indeed a wonderful gift. I would be pleased to have you and your feathered friend visit my temple sometime tomorrow afternoon. We can have lunch together inside and speak of spiritual matters. I can show you some tricks that might help you on your journey, and give a blessing to aid you on your journey."

Chor tells Briony as he saddles up next to her and rises to her knees to make a demonstration, "I do like the cuauholōlli, a type of mace with a copper head, when used in close quarters since it can break the bones of an enemy even though they may be well-armored. But I have a confession about my love for the short spear. I know it's a simple and inelegant weapon, but it has so many uses. I can defend myself with it from enemies quite larger than me by setting it for a charge, I can slash with its tip, and if need be I can throw it with a strong thrust and impale from a distance. I always start with the spear, then go back to the mace when the spear fails me. I'll give you a demonstration sometime if you'd like."

Laona chimes in and touches Zephia's arm lightly, "Friend Zephia, you should see a demonstration too. Chor, let us take Zephia and Briony to the practice fields tomorrow. Zephia can show off her technique that I want to see, and you can show Briony the spear and mace. Also, the two of you would benefit, for we can show you how to fight the hlutgru, which we fear you will likely encounter on your quest."

Chaturgha hiTokeshqu frowns and nods in acknowledgement. "Ah yes, the hlutgru..." Before she can continue, you hear a door down the hall open and numerous feet move out. It seems like another meeting was in progress and just ended; and this is confirmed once an older Tsoylani with a bald head comes in whispers a few words in Chaturgha hiTokeshqu's ear. She smiles at him, looks at Bella knowingly, and whispers something back. The man turns, nods politely to Bella, and walks out the way he came. "That was news about your male counterparts from Dlam of the Grey Cloak Clan, who are related to us of the Grey Wand Clan. Their meeting was concluded, and Dlam was impressed with their tales of prowess but doubts they can handle situations which call for tact and etiquette. So we will be sending them to the first route north of the swamp bogs where a joint military trading post of Shen and Imperial Sapphire Guardsmen operate. North of that trading post are some main roads used for trade, but south are bandits and creatures of the bogs. Their job will be to see if they can penetrate south through bandits and hlutgru towards the temple, and to support the trading post in scouting if need be."

"You will be going to a village west of the bogs, run by members of the Black Earth Clan, and we will finance your expedition fully as well as provide for you passes allowing you temporary allowance for travel for the next few weeks. We have reason to believe that the Black Earth Clan is involved in some disappearances of Tsoylani citizens, and it was they who suggested to the merchants that they traverse the swamp and bogs to the ruined temple, which resulted in the expedition nearly being all slaughtered by the four-armed hlutgru flesh-eaters. Because of this, you will be accompanied by a member of the Azure Legion. She will be working with you as a guide and will be operating undercover. Get her safely to the Black Earth Clan and give her cover to conduct her investigations into that clan and we will ensure that each of you will be given a charter allowing you full access to the city of Jakalla for the purposes of trade and contract work, and you will also be allowed access outside of Jakalla as long as you are doing so in the service of a legalized contract. There are many in the city that would procure your services, so this should open many doors for you."

"From there, you and the agent will go east towards the reported location of the temple so that she can investigate what cult the structure was made. We fear that it may be an illegal cult, and if so we might have to send a larger force to destroy the building, and the agent's mapmaking skills will be vital for your mission. Return with the agent's report and you will be given three crates of Tsoylani silks and one crate of rich baharat spice which I understand is now a sought after delicacy in your homeland. Should you by chance find a strangely shimmering sphere in the center of the temple, know that we would be quite grateful for its recovery. Even if you fail in your first two missions, we would still offer the same rewards just for the artifact, as the ruler of Jakalla himself, Lord Bedrántu hiSegutháne, has tasked our clan with its recovery. Further, we would offer either 20,000 gold kaitars (coins) or a clan artifact of equal value in trade."

Completely oblivious to the negotiations between Angelina and the Tsoylani delegate, Briony rubs her thigh against Chor's leg. "I'd like a demonstration of your short spear. Very much. Perhaps we'll have time before we leave on our next journey? If not, then when we next return. Spears fascinate me."


Queen of Everything
Angelina pauses for some moments, considering the offer. They didn't need the money but they could certainly use the access outside of the city and an artifact, now they were talking. The items for trade were just the cherry on top - still she didn't want to seem too interested. She made a little more small talk and gave some knowing glances to Bella.

Finally she smiles widely. "Madam, you make an interesting offer. How soon would you need us to leave?"
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First Post
After a few more moments of conversation, there is a sound of flapping wings and pecking at the door. A servant opens the portal, allowing Branwyn to land on Elsbeth's shoulder to the guffaws and glee of the Tsoylani. The priest says, "That is indeed a wonderful gift. I would be pleased to have you and your feathered friend visit my temple sometime tomorrow afternoon. We can have lunch together inside and speak of spiritual matters. I can show you some tricks that might help you on your journey, and give a blessing to aid you on your journey."

"I would be most happy to meet with you and see your temple, and I welcome the blessings of your people, I will most certainly meet you there tomorrow if our mission does not require we leave tonight"

"Branwyn, please tell Kallel you're happy to meet him."

"hEl-ooo KAW-el, vERRY happY meet YOU!"

It almost appears as if the Raven curtsies.

Deuce Traveler

The rest of the evening goes pleasantly and it is agreed that tomorrow will be a time for preparations, and the morning after will be the time to head out. Bella and Angelina get along quite well with Chaturgha hiTokeshqu, finding her a charming host as she finds their command of Tsoylani language and customs to be greater than she had expected. "I will come to you early in the morning and take you into the city in order to give you a tour of the equipment you will be using and so that we may visit the bureaucrats who will give you the certification to travel," she promises.

Chor and Briony get downright cozy, the muscular Tsoylani showing that he is also experienced in the good game of flirt along with his own offers to show the tall warrior some Tsoylani cultural experiences of his own. After the martial training, of course. If Chor's sister, Laona, has any kind of protective feelings about the two flirts she doesn't show it, instead laughing merrily at Zephia's stories.

And Elsbeth also has fun, losing herself in a philosophical discussion with the Tsoylani priest, who calls himself the awkward name of '1000 Faces'. "In Tsoylanu, demons do indeed have the power to steal souls. If you ever believe yourself to face a demon never give it your name. Even worse, never allow it to have your true name or else it can exert control over your will and mind. Sometimes you have to take on another identity to protect yourself, but then you add the new burden of struggling to remember who you really are." He talks cryptically and Elsbeth finds from him that his faith is not that large and some of his beliefs are extreme even among the Tsoylani. "Tomorrow we'll meet again after you gain your certificate. We have much to discuss," He says the last in a whisper.

An hour later the meeting is concluded with warmth from all except the stone-faced member of the Azure Legion who continues her quiet observation from the back of the room. Promises of future friendly visits are made, and you get the impression that these are mostly genuine. With the meeting concluded, the Relic Hunters return to the Realms soiree, and the jolting cultural change to wine drinking, gowns and military uniforms, and violin music. Of course Lord North prods the different ladies of the team for information on the meeting, and receives the basic versions of what transpired, which gives him enough to be simultaneously worried and pleased.

After another hour of high-society properness, the heroes decide they have had enough for one night and return to the Crawford Estate in order to rest up for the morning activities. Along the way they notice two people discussing something along a side street. Both wear the uniform of the Azure Legion, and the smaller figure seems to be the woman who was silent during the recent meeting. She grudgingly hands the taller figure, a gray-haired man, her azure tunic and seal of office. The Relic Hunters decide not to stick around since it is none of their business, and making it so could lead to more trouble than it is worth. And so it is to home...

The Relic Hunters get up early, more due to a sense of professionalism than real desire, and breakfast together. A knock is heard upon the front door, which James answers, and are the heroes are joined shortly afterwards by Chaturgha hiTokeshqu and 1000 Faces. "It is a lovely morning for a walk and I am eager to show you some of the sites," Chaturgha hiTokeshqu announces. Before you can set to leave, however, there is another knock on the door that James answers. He has a stern exchange of words with someone in the Tsoylani language before entering the breakfast parlor ahead of someone.

"Ms. Crawford, a representative of the Collar of Bronze Clan is here to talk with you. He says that your employee, Ms. Jacquotte Delahaye, has just claimed some potential property from him and that he is seeking compensation for the loss if you intend to back her claim," James reports in thinly veiled disgust.

Chaturgha hiTokeshqu looks perturbed and says, "The Collar of Bronze Clan are slavers and although their work is legal, they are not thought of highly in our society due to the nature of their work. I would recommend not allowing him into your home, for doing so would be treating him with higher regard than he is due. Meet him outside instead, and if you would like a Tsoylani witness to your discussion I am willing."

Of course you know about the Collar of Bronze clan, as does James which explains his disgust. "I agree, madame, but we do not know what Jacquotte Delahaye has done, though I suspect it has something to do with filling out the ship's crew compliment. Anything that is said outside will be heard by passerbys... and the man has a black eye and sour manner, which seems to be attributed to the work of Ms. Delahaye. There was a rumor of another tavern brawl late last night and supposedly our crew was involved and did a bit more damage than usual."

OOC: Out of all the night's to be responsible and miss a good tavern brawl. So do you meet the slaver outside the estate or in? Will you allow Chaturgha hiTokeshqu and her people to attend in order to witness and advise?


"Ha! He probably deserved the black eye and more besides."

Zephia leaves the decision making to those better suited to such things. She had been preoccupied all morning, plotting.

[section]Briony's attention is torn from Chor. "Wha--? HUH? Bar fight?" She hopped to her feet, Chor forgotten for the moment. Schiesse. Rolf and I were in a bar fight last night. Same one, or different? Best go find out. Briony muscled her way to James, drawing her blade as she went. "Outside. We should definitely take it outside." Briony eyed Angelina, clearly leaving to her the decision whether to invite the Tsoylani to observe.[/section]


Queen of Everything
A little flashback...

After the meeting finishes Angelina returns to the party in need of a drink or three, as do her girls. They had a new mission now, and they would be racing against Jack and his crew, so would need to be well rested and mindful of their actions. Still, she enjoys a few glasses of wine as a reward for earning the job.

She spends some time dancing with merchants and nobility that she has done work for. This was always a boring but necessary part of their jobs, and a good way to get future work. Angelina dances with Lord North while he peppers her with questions. She answers politely but is quite bored of the inquisition and wearing the tight corset was starting to get very uncomfortable and making her grouchy and less likely to be respectful. She begins eyeing the exit over the Lord’s shoulder.

Angelina’s gaze is suddenly torn from the exit as she is spun out of Lord North’s hands and is whirled into the arms of none other than Jack. One hand holds her hand as the other wraps around her waist, holding her close to him. That damn grin on his face. “May I have this dance?” he asks with a mocking tone in his voice. “No,” replies Angelina as she tries to wriggle from his grasp, instead Jack begins to waltz with her, his firm grasp half carrying, half dragging her across the floor.

‘You look absolutely radiant tonight,” he whispers in her ear. “No one else here even comes close.” Despite her best efforts she blushes at his words and finds herself starting to dance, swaying to the music, yielding to his warm, firm grasp and the intoxicating musk of Jack. She hated him for being able to do this to her and she hated herself more for succumbing to it.

“Thank you,” she finally answers as they sweep around the dance floor. “You look handsome as well. For once,” she adds with what venom she could muster. Jack smirks at her. “Well I knew you would be here so I figured I had better get cleaned up. I know you like certain parts of me dirty but this called for something different. ” Jack’s grip never flags and he holds her tightly to his body. They were easily the most elegant couple on the floor and the passion and tension between them is palpable.

The music ends as does the current dance. Jack leans in close to Angelina’s face and whispers in her ear, “I shall miss you while we are in the jungle, but the thought of our last tryst, and the hot, sweaty passion we shared shall sustain me,” he coos before kissing her neck and bare shoulder sending chills down her spine. Jack then releases Angelina from his grasp, bows low and kisses her hand before turning and with a nod of his head to summon his men, leaves the party.
Angelina stands there a bit flustered and very frustrated. “By all the gods, I do hate that man,” she mutters.

Angelina has a few more obligatory dances before she grabs a bottle of wine and slips outside. In the cool night air she takes a swig from the bottle. Her mind is racing between the task, the route, her crew and that damn fool popinjay Jack. The cool night air refreshes her after the warm ballroom, clearing her head and letting her plan what she would need for the jungle trek. She meanders back to her house, her mind full of plans and needs.

She retreats to her room without any fanfare. She knew she was left wanting in the ballroom and she didn’t want to take out that pent up frustration on anyone. When she gets to her door she notices that the light is already on inside, so she quietly draws her hidden dagger before opening the door. When she opens the door she finds Jack pouring wine into two glasses, the table has a large bouquet of rare and beautiful orchids, along with a plate of a local dessert made from honey and coconut.

Without hesitation Angelina throws the dagger at Jack’s head, missing him by inches as the dagger imbeds itself point first into the bed post. Jack doesn’t even flinch. And that makes her angrier. “GET OUT!” she screams at him. Jack just grins back, “And waste this wonderful wine and dessert? Surely not?” he replies calmly. Angelina advances on Jack, a second dagger appearing in her hand, “I said get out,” she says coldly as she can muster.

Jack stands there wiggling the glass of wine in his hand as she advances with the dagger. She gets close enough to stab him and he just stands there with the stupid grin on his face. There is a long pause as she considers before she screams in frustration, plunging the dagger into the table. “Fine, give me the damn wine,” she says as she sits in a huff.

She drinks down an entire glass as she lets herself calm down, she knew her strength to resist him was already waning. Finally she says, “I thought you already said your goodbyes.” Jack responds sincerely, “I already missed you, your enchanting sweet scent, your sparkling teal eyes, like the waves of the sea,” he reaches out and touches her hair, “This blazing long deep red hair like a phoenix newly risen from the flames, your voice that sounds like angels singing in my ear,” His eyes begin to wander over her as his fingers travel from her hair to her face, his fingers running down her cheek, “The exquisite beauty that cannot be matched on either side of the portal.” His hand slowly moves to under her jaw as his finger runs down the side of her neck, “Your most perfect soft skin.” His hand moves down to the curve of her bosom, “The passion that fuels your heart and desires.” He sighs, “I missed everything about you Angelina Crawford and I just had to come see you again before we both left.”

The wine flows and the desserts slowly disappear. Jack and Angelina talk and laugh, not about their current rivalry, but instead of their childhood homes, their father’s adventures and growing up together and when they would play innocent games with each other. Their games today were either deadly or decidedly adult. Jack pours the last of the wine into Angelina’s glass, no more than a mouthful really. She downs it, licking her lips to savor the last drops. Jack stands and draws her up to him, placing a long, lingering and wet kiss on her wine drenched lips. “The wine doesn’t compare with the intoxication of your lips,” he whispers.

It is as if the unspoken barriers break and they are a frenzy of embraces and kisses. Jack’s deft fingers quickly find and untie the lacings on her dress. Angelina shivers in longing as it drops to the floor. Jack picks her up and tosses her onto the bed, admiring her generous figure as she lay there. With that stupid grin again, he pulls the dagger from the bed post and crawls over her. Using the dagger he gently but quickly slices down the laces of her corset. “That would have taken too long to untie and I am not a patient man,” he whispers. Angelina nods in agreement as she pulls Jack’s head to hers in a frantic and passionate kiss.

Hours later as dawn arrives, the wine is gone, as are the sweets. The candles have burned low. Clothes are strewn about the room. Jack and Angelina lay in her bed for some time, spent from the culmination of their passions.

Angelina wakes to find Jack dressing and she asks sleepily while eyeing him, “Were you going to leave again without saying goodbye?”

Jack responds with his usual laugh, “What? I have a job to get done. Can’t lay around all day eating sweets, now can I? I’ll leave that you and your girls. Some of them seem to be slacking on the job as of late… I mean, it was ridiculously easy to get in here and,” he passes his hand over his moustache as that infuriating grin grows, “And take what I wanted.”

Angelina gets out of bed and slaps Jack hard across the face. “I hate you,” she growls. Jack rubs his cheek where Angelina left her affection. “I know,” he says with his maddening grin. “I despise you,” screams Angelina as she slaps him again. The grin is gone now, that one really hurt. But Jack merely replies, ‘I know.”
“If I ever see you again I will kill you,” she grits her teeth as she goes to slap him again. Jack catches her wrist before she can slap him. He looks her in the eyes. “I love you too,” he replies with surprising sincerity before dropping her hand. He kisses her hard on the lips, and before she can react he turns quickly and leaves without looking back. A split second after the door closes there is the crash of a large vase of flowers hitting the door with force.

Angelina grabs a dressing gown and grabs a bottle from the side board and sits back on the bed. Taking a long swig she says, “I really hate that man.”

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