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Relic Hunters in Tekumel (IC)


Zephia found herself agreeing with Rolfe, but allowed the ambassador his little monologue. By that time the subject had changed and so she shifted mental gears to discuss the potential mission, though she snuck in a dig about their outfits all the same, "I have very little care for wars or who is fighting them. If there's profit to be made, fine, but don't expect me to care who is offended or impressed by our deeds, our manners, or what we're wearing. All of these puffed shirts and inflated egos can go swim with the sharks for all I care."

She sits back and hoists her feet up on the table, crossing her legs, with her hands behind her head, as if to emphasize her point while daring the ambassador to say something about it.

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Queen of Everything
OOC: Is this Ambassador Lord North or someone else? Apologies if it's been stated somewhere and I just missed it.

Angelina sat ladylike on the edge of her chair, stiff backed in her corset. Her eyes remained fixed on the Ambassador as he spoke, ignoring the antics of Jack's crew, especially the crooked grin and stare Jack was giving her in which she knew he was undressing her in his mind. This was her job, which she took more seriously than just about anything in her life, and her demeanor looked it.

However, inside a war was raging. She loathed the fact that her body reacted to that man, physically and emotionally, reacted in ways no other man or woman had ever brought out in her. She KNEW he was bad for her and she had built a very tall wall to keep him out yet every time he somehow managed to squirm his way back in. She pondered what life would be like without that constant grin on her mind. She wanted to punch him in the face to rid him of that grin but she had tried that before, more than once, and it did not work. It all came down to the fact that she never knew if his words of affection were lies to get what he wanted or truths he just did not know how to handle. In the end it didn't matter for she could and would never trust Handsome Jack with anything of value, most especially her heart. Later she would get drunk pondering it, then use some poor boy to make the confusion go away, if only for a little while.

She pulls herself out of her head and gets back to work. "Ambassador, any idea what kinds of relics they are searching for? And you've mentioned deeper regions of Tekumel. Are we talking deserts? Jungles?" She pauses for an answer then adds, "And are suggesting our two groups go at this together? I think we'd both agree we work better separately."

Deuce Traveler

The ambassador, Lord North, responds, "I do not know too much more except that they are excited about the location of a ruined temple they found far from here. Again, they have the details though I'd appreciate a report after you meet with them. And it sounds as if there are two approaches to the temple from this location, both of which traverse dangerous but different challenges. You can really think of this as more of a race between your two teams and a test of your skills."



Zephia took her legs down and sat forward, "You have to be kidding! Do you want the job done or do you want to place bets on a pony race?" She glances at Angelina apologetically but continues, "We're professionals and that means we need to worry about getting the job done. Stuff like this is dangerous enough as it is. We don't need to be worrying about them," she waves her hand dismissively at the men across the table, "getting in our way and making things even worse."


Jack smirks at Angel throughout the Ambassador's speech. But laughs out loud at Zephia's comments. "Oh Zephia, it won't be a race, that would imply that Angel-eyes over there could actually lead you to the temple. Well, perhaps, she does get lucky every now and then" adds Jack letting the innuendo hang in the air for a moment as his grin takes a more salacious turn towards Angelina.

"However, Lord North. I think you underplay your power. The Tsoylani have to be cautious in their protestations. Should they press too hard, you can pull up stakes and trade with the enemy." Jack lets the implied threat sink in.

"But I do have my house here, it would be a pity to have to move" he sighs "so, have no fear Lord North, I will of course retrieve this artifact to strengthen your position here." says Jack with a smug grin and a wink towards Angelina


First Post
Bella catches her father's glare and offers him a glare of her own. Ever since joining Angelina he has been less and less supportive and it shows. After all she learned everything from her father, who was one of the best navigators in his time for Angie's father. Now Bella is using what she learned from him against him.

"Please Jack, we all know you'd be a lost little boy without my dear father there. If this is a competition, I'm afraid you've already lost. If it's information you need we can get it. Did you not see the men out their drooling?"

She pauses to flaunt her new attire.

"Hell we had you guys stumbling for words."


Zephia shakes her head in disgust, "This is pointless. A competition creates more problems than it solves and will only lead to failure." She turns to the ambassador, "If you want this relic and you want all of us involved, then I say we work together."

She glances first at Angelina and Jack and then at Bella and her father, "At least then the distractions won't take up quite as much time. And who knows, maybe you'll resolve your differences."


Queen of Everything
Angelina tries her best to avoid Jack's antics, she knew he was trying to bait her and she refused to fall for it. But inside she was simmering with... Anger? Passion? Something not good.

She looks to her friend, "It's alright Zep, this is no different than any other time we've gone up against Jack and his friends, and while he my have stolen a gem or two from us, more often than not we come out ahead. I'm not worried about that. Lord North says there are two approaches and no doubt we won't agree on how to do the job right. And someone has to do it right," her voice changes to a mocking tone, "We wouldn't want poor Jack over there to have to move, now would we?"

She looks over her girls to gauge their feelings before carefully adjusting her attention back to the ambassador. "Of course we'll meet with the representatives, when are they expecting us?" she asks with her smile back in place. From the look of her friends, she already knew this party was going to end in fireworks.
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First Post
"I think I agree with Zephia, a race seems foolish and immature. Surely we can simply handle this job and there's some fetch and carry that's more up to Jack's speed?"

Elsbeth lets out a soft giggle.


First Post
Bella feels a bit foolish after being chastised by the rest of the crew. Her antics comes to a stop and she straightens up. Acting like a child just to throw something in her father's face will only encourage his scorn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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