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Rel's Faded Glory Campaign (Thank You Old One!)


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Rel said:
Unfortunately, the party made all nicey-nice with the Kobolds before I got a chance to tell Scar, "The hairs on your neck stand up and you turn to see a Kobold gripping a shortsword emitting a baleful glow that strikes terror into the very depths of your soul."

Too bad. I was kind of looking forward to that.

Hopefully, over the weekend, I'll be able to write up the final chapter of the party's time in town. After that, they're off on another wild and wacky adventure (where I almost pull a total party kill in the first encounter!).

Ya, give it to them! Nearly TPKs are cool! Way to go, Rel!

As for Scar... that sword could be easily stolen by someone else... you sure got some villains around, ain't that so? :D

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First Post
... lol

Wow... your EVIL Rel, lol. Man I tell you what if our group had saved a town (twice) and they pulled crap like that, well lets just say there might of been alignment shifts all around :D Naw seriously though great story the intrigue with the St. Cuthbert heavys is awesome. Also the way you portrayed Krase's fathers grief was very moving. I know for myself it's easy when playing DnD to lose sight of what real effects a players death might have upon the game and NPC's in it. And as for Speaks, you have flame strike right ? Cause if I were you and came back to find some Nazi's of St. Cuthbert waiting around to... question me :p Well I think that a few charbroiled NPC's wouldn't be totally out of question, hehe. Anyways good job as always,I hope the party manages to come out of this with their skins and reputations intact.
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Liquid Awesome
Distrust, Betrayal and Oathbreaking Part 5: The Inquisition

Scar backed away from the crowd gathered outside the church. He tucked the medallion inside his tunic and made his way back toward the barracks in search of Kyndalyn. He had some questions about the Inquisition and wanted to talk to Father Tomas or Kyndalyn and since Father Tomas was inside the church with the Inquisitors, Kyndalyn was the obvious choice.

He located the Captain of the Glynden Guard in the market where he was obviously doing his best to make sure that the men at arms who accompanied the Inquisitors didn't come to blows with Tarsheeva and her men. Kyndalyn ultimately had both group back away from Tadius' wagons and put a group of guardsmen in between them. Scar observed that if the battle hardened caravan guards and men at arms decided to do battle, the handful of green troops from Glynden would be easily swept aside or crushed between them.

After a few more minutes apart, tensions began to ease and Kyndalyn had time to speak with Scar. They stepped aside into the hollow between a guard tower and the main wall. Scar asked Kyndalyn about the Inquisitors and their legitimacy. Kyndalyn knew little about them but he could make a few assertions about what was and what wasn't within their power.

As the principal religion in Emor, the Inquisitors had the authority to bring individuals into custody in order to question them. If they were found to have committed wrongdoing of some kind, they were turned over to the secular authorities for justice (although this system was heavily based on information obtained by the Church).

But Glynden lay outside the Empire now. The Northlands had been abandoned to their own fate and although their laws were heavily based on those of Emor, the Inquisitors lacked the same authority they had within the official bounds of the Empire. That said, virtually all of the town of Glynden were worshipers of St. Cuthbert and if the Inquisitors decided to do something that wasn't strictly legal, there was probably little that Kyndalyn could do to stop it.

Scar absorbed all of this and tried to figure out where he would fit in. He was a worshiper of St. Cuthbert, but was only a lay-person, not a member of the clergy. Furthermore, he hadn't done anything wrong and resented feeling like some kind of criminal just because of the amulet he wore.

Kyndalyn informed Scar that he intended to go straightaway to talk to the Inquisitors and find out what was going on. Scar decided to hang around the market and see if a fight broke out.

Another hour or so went by before the head Inquisitor returned to the market plaza. He collected his men and then walked over to Scar. "You are 'Scar' if I'm not mistaken?"

"That's right."

"I'd like to have a word with you if you don’t mind. Would you please accompany me back to the Abbey?"

Scar agreed.

Back at the Abbey, the Inquisitor introduced himself and took Scar into the sanctuary. Scar saw that it now bore several new bits of accouterment including a large table set up near the front that was draped with a cloth bearing the symbol of St. Cuthbert. Lucius invited Scar to divest himself of his weapons and armor if he would be more comfortable. Scar indicated that that would not make him more comfortable.

Then Lucius asked if he would mind the use of several divinations upon Scar, including ones that would determine if his possessions were magical and would compel everyone present to speak the truth. Scar agreed to this. Both Lucius and another cleric set about performing spells.

Lucius asked Scar if he would remove the amulet he wore and lay it on the table. Scar complied. The Inquisitor proceeded to inform Scar that the High Priests of St. Cuthbert had foretold the coming of a powerful force of evil and corruption. Some of the other information they had receive from their oracles seemed to point to this force originating in the Northlands and that it would bear a symbol that resembled the form of the amulet.

The Inquisitor asked where Scar had obtained the amulet and Scar told him that it was given to him by Speaks With Stone. A series of questions followed this probing into whether Scar knew where Speaks had gotten the amulet from and what he knew about Speaks and the others with whom he had recently adventured.

The more questions that were asked, the more reticent and evasive Scar became. This only served to make Lucius more suspicious and his frustration started to become evident in his tone. Finally, he dismissed Scar after asking if he knew the whereabouts of Raven, Speaks and Rhys (Scar knew that Raven was in town but did not know where to find Speaks and Rhys).

One of the men at arms was dispatched to Nan's where he knocked on the door of the room that Raven had rented. Raven answered and the man at arms informed him that Lucius would like to speak with him at his earliest convenience. Raven replied that he would be willing to talk with him in the morning. The man at arms thanked him and departed.

Raven arrived at the temple in the morning and was generously welcomed by Lucius who offered him some tea. Raven accepted. Lucius then got down to business and asked if he might use some of his divinations to determine what items of a magical nature Raven carried. Raven declined. Without missing a beat, Lucius asked if Raven minded if they were under the influence of a Zone of Truth. Again, Raven declined stating that his word as a dwarf should be assurance enough. Lucius replied that he wanted Raven to be assured that he also spoke the truth.

Raven asked, "Do ya' plan on lyin' to me otherwise then?"

Lucius returned, "Not at all."

"Let's get on with it then. I've got work to do." Said Raven.

The interview with Raven was considerably shorter than that with Scar. Lucius asked a series of questions about his involvement with Speaks With Stone and what he knew of the amulet that he wore. Raven reported that Speaks seemed a decent fellow and had comported himself with bravery and honor. He knew little of the amulet or its origins.

Raven also said that he thought that Speaks was getting a raw deal with the townsfolk who seemed fairly unappreciative considering the service that Speaks had rendered to them. As he had only just arrived in town, Lucius could not speak to that particularity but did say that he had received some disturbing reports that Speaks With Stone had threatened violence against some of the townspeople without much provocation. Raven had little else to say on the matter. (There's that 6 Charisma coming into play)

Lucius concluded the interview by telling Raven that the High Priests of St. Cuthbert had received ominous visions about an evil arising in the Northlands. He hoped that Raven would remain vigilantly on guard for any signs of corruption among those with whom he came into contact.


Meanwhile, half way across the northlands in the depths of the Darkwood, Speaks located the source of what had been calling him. It was an enormous Treant standing in a lush clearing. Speaks landed before the mighty oak and transformed back into human form.

The Treant addressed him in a low bass voice, "Greetings, Speaks With Stones. I thank you for heeding the call of the wood. I am Great Root."

Speaks was awed and humbled before the incredible power and antiquity of the being before him. "I…I am honored to stand before you. How can I serve you."

"Word of your deeds has spread on the wind and reached my leaves. I know that you are a faithful servant of the wilds, as am I, although different paths call us. I belong to the will of Elhona. If you shall serve anyone in this forest, it shall be her."

Speaks knew of the goddess, Elhona. She was the more nurturing partner of the Green Man, Obad-Hai. "What is it that you ask."

"I would ask you to do a terrible thing. For in so asking, I would require that you face horror beyond imagining and that you become an Oathbreaker. And so, I shall not ask. Because if you were to take on such an onerous burden simply because I, whom you have only just met, asked it, I would not want you as an ally. One so easily swayed as that is not staunch enough to make it through the trials ahead.

Instead, I ask that you go to a place within these woods and seek what may be found there. If you do, you will know what must be done and can decide if you have it within you to do it." As Great Root spoke, he reached out one his giant limbs and touched Speaks with the twigs at the tip. As he did so, Speaks' mind filled with the image of a dark and foreboding temple sitting in the midst of a black and gnarled wood. He now knew with complete certainty the precise location of this place and could walk there with his eyes closed if necessary.

Speaks asked tentatively, "Is there danger there?"

With the utmost solemnity, Great Root replied, "To your very soul. I am aware that you have close friends and allies. If they will join you, you may survive the dangers of That Place. Without them, I fear you will have little chance of success."

Speaks replied, "I will seek what can be found in the depths of the Temple. But I fear for my own woodlands in my absence. The townsfolk of Glynden seem less tolerant than they once were."

"Your woods will remain inviolate. I shall see to it." Great Root spoke with utter certainty.

There seemed little left to say. Speaks gazed up the enormity of the Treant and said, "I will go."

NEXT: Distrust, Betrayal and Oathbreaking Part 6: Messages
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Malachi, you have no idea.

The Inquisition description above was given to me 2 WEEKS before I was able to do anything about it. As noted I headed off on my own, and while I the player knew about the inquisition, I the character had no idea. I was already pissed off at the town and then here comes the witch hunt. The town's reaction was reasonable and I have a long standing feud with Jucadius, but man! Also, poor Raven got an ear full, too. I sent him a message via pigeon that explained why I would never again submit to the authority of Glynden and that I consider myself to be a political unit unto myself. I have granted lands larger than Glynden, so why not. I sent the same messages to Father Thomas and Kyndalyn. I explained that I intend to be a friendly neighbor, but that as I have been treated as an outsider, I would make myself such in fact as well as in name.

(This went over real well as the Inquisition had just come to town and I was unable to address that issue. The Inquisition somehow took this in the wrong way, like I had something to hide. I knew it would look bad, but I had already decided that this was how I would react prior to getting player knowledge about the inquisition.) Bad luck.


Liquid Awesome
Distrust, Betrayal and Oathbreaking Part 6: Messages

Speaks decided to walk back to Glynden rather than fly in eagle form. He had a lot of thinking to do about what Great Root had asked of him.

The second day of his journey back to Glynden, he decided to send word back to town ahead of him. He penned notes to several people to send vial animal messenger.

(These notes were sent to me by Speaks With Stone's player via e-mail.)


As I have informed Father Thomas, I have discovered an evil temple to the north. Based on information provided by the servants of Elhonna, this is the source of a great evil and as a byproduct is runining the gnolls south into your lands. I have committed myself to facing whatever evil lies within this temple before it can corrupt the Dark Wood, my forest, or Glynden. I will be returning in a few days to explain the details, but I seek hearty souls who are willing to represent the interests of Glynden in this endeavor. This will not be easy or pretty, but it is necessary.

Rhys, I think you should sit this one out. You have had a traumatic time of late and this may be especially difficult for you considering the nature of the evil we face. Instead, I only ask you to deliver this message to Scar, Tarsheeva, and Tadius. I have enclosed a second message with this one for you to deliver to Raven. Please do so as soon as possible.

Speaks With Stone


After much reflection on recent events, I wish to inform you that in the future I will not accept the authority of the Glynden Council to settle disputes between myself and the Glynden Council. If you feel that a 3rd party must decide the dispensation of any future treasure, then I will submit to that request. But I will never again allow those who stand to profit from the outcome of the decision make the final decision. Those wealthy landowners have no right to the silver. They didn't know it existed and certainly had no way of retreiving it. Claiming that these people owned the mine in the recent past is dubious proof. Since their ownership of the mines has passed into barbarian, gnoll, and kobold hands. Before the Emorian Empire conquered these lands the mine was the property of the barbarians and before that I'm sure it was someone else. And long before any sentient owned the mine, it belonged to the creatures of the land that lost their homes to sentient encroachment. To give the silver to the Council seems rather arbitrary in thatlight, but if a 3rd party so judged, I would feel it fair. But to allow the Council to decide how much they wish to profit off of our actions and blood isdispicable. You put it to the council and did nothing to ensure a fair ruling on the matter.

Again, I should have spoke more plainly at the time, but there is bad blood between myself and members of the council. I should have explained better, but I was so tired of fighting, death, and disagreement, that I avoided the conversation. But the Jucadius family has great enmity to me for interupting their torturous treatment of their livestock. These people gave us no fair consideration and even now rumors spread around the town of Glynden speaking evil of me, my works, and even my motives. You spoke to me of the rightful owner, but Jucadius has done nothing to deserve that silver. I have done many great services to the Town of Glynden and they have yet to treat me fairly. For helping in their war and bringing peace with the barbarians, they gave me a share in a mine that they did not possess. In order for me to receive my pay, I had to provide an additional service of regaining the mine. I would have rejected this if my companions had not been so anxious. Though I do admit that I felt a certain amount of revenge was necessary for the gnolls.

Let me explain further, that while I respect the authority of Glynden, I am not bound by their laws. I have my own land and my own laws. Much I assume is the same with you. I respect the will of Glynden so long as it does not violate my own. I'm certain that if it were unlawful to grow a beard in Glynden, you would flout that law or else avoid the place. I take the same stance.

But I have dwelled too long on this. I will speak of this matter no further. Graver matters have come to light of late. My desire to embrace life has met with bitter returns. When I return in a few days, I will explain further, but I have confirmed the rumors of a great evil in the north. I have located an ancient temple that may be the source of the darkness that has forced the gnolls south. I have met with servants of Elhonna and they confirm that this temple has lain empty for centuries, but now has new occupants. I have agreed to face whatever the temple has within. To that end I pray that yourself and Scar are willing to aid in this endeavor. I would understand if you wish to travel on to the StoneTooth, but I could certainly use a stout friend and I am afraid that I have never made many friends of any kind.

I pray this message finds you well and that all goes well. I look forward to trying on the new armor and hefting the Fang of Aark. If I must face battle and evil again so soon, then at least I will be well dressed for the occasion.

Speaks With Stone


Father Thomas,

I have further investigated the rumors of evil to the north. I'm afraid I have ill tidings. An ancient temple of evil, long-deserted, has become active again.
The servants of Elhonna have asked me to investigate the temple more closely. Their comments on what I will see there is not promising. I will return shortly to begin this expedition, please ask Scar if he would consider joining the expedition, he would be a welcome addition. Any others up to the task are also welcome, but I want only experienced individuals who can care for themselves.

I wish to inform you that I have enlisted the aid of various guardians to protect the forest in my absence. I have begun to feel that I am not as welcome in Glynden as I was in the past. For this I sorrow, but it makes me more cautious of our arrangement. Be certain that no one violates the forest, they will not appreciate the experience.

While I suppose I could return to my old ways of blessing crops and healing livestock for Glynden, it seems to me that those services did little to engender good will. Returning victorious from the Winter War gave me good relations for barely 3 months. A poor exchange for the pain and blood involved in that endeavor. The barbarian folk embraced and accepted me in a few weeks, whereas the people of Glynden have not accepted me in a few years. I'm afraid that the needs and expectations of your folk are far greater than my patience. While I still am inclined to peaceful relations, I have decided that I do not need Glynden and will no longer seek to ingratiate myself to your people. I will be a friendly neighbor, but not one who visits and brings lunch every Sunday.

So in the spirit of such friendship, I send my regards and wish to counsel with you on the matters of the temple and what we two communities can do for our common good.

Speaks With Stone



As I have informed Father Thomas, I have discovered an evil temple to the north. Based on information provided by the servants of Elhonna, this is the source of a great evil and as a byproduct is running the gnolls south into your lands. I have committed myself to facing whatever evil lies within this temple before it can corrupt the Dark Wood, my forest, or Glynden. I will be returning in a few days to explain the details, but I seek hearty souls who are willing to represent the interests of Glynden in this endeavor. This will not be easy or pretty, but it is necessary.

I also wish to inform you that I have enlisted the aid of various guardians to protect the forest in my absence. I have begun to feel that I am not as welcome in Glynden as I was in the past. For this I sorrow, but it makes me more cautious of our arrangement. Be certain that no one violates the forest, they will not appreciate the experience.

Speaks With Stone


These notes sped their way to Glynden as Speaks continued his thoughtful foot journey back home. As another day passed, he awoke to sounds of an approaching animal. It turned out to be a large bear who inquisitively approached him. Speaks used his empathic abilities to establish a rapport with the bear. When he had time to prepare his magic, he used the powers of nature to speak with the creature.

The bear told him that it had been sent by Great Root to see him safely through the forest (still plagued by Gnolls). The bear also admitted that Great Root had bribed him to assure him a mate when he returned home. Speaks decided that with most of his flock of birds released, he could use a new Animal Friend and so he befriended the bear and decided to call him "Scrub".


Raven had spent almost the entirety of the last two weeks working at the local forge crafting enchanted bits of arms and armor for himself and his fellows. This left him with a great sense of satisfaction but almost completely broke. He also noted that Speaks was unlikely to want to return to town soon with all the ill feelings toward him, not to mention the Inquisition.

Raven decided that all of these factors pointed to one conclusion: He needed to leave town too. Based on the words contained on the Edict Stone, his fate was inextricably linked to that of Speaks and he needed to join up with him as soon as possible. Since Raven had virtually no chance of locating the Druid within the woods, his best chance was to go camp in the woods near where Speaks lived and wait to be found. So he packed his things, bade Nan and Jaffray goodbye and ventured out of town.

He set up camp a half day's walk to the northwest of town and settled in to wait for Speaks. He was presently working diligently at crafting a number of small, stone boxes and lids for them.

Two days after he left Glynden, he heard hoof beats and the Inquisitors and their men at arms rode up. Lucius inquired as to why Raven had left town. Raven replied that he was running out of money to pay the innkeeper and decided to camp outside town. Lucius then asked told Raven that he had still been unsuccessful in gaining an interview with Speaks or Rhys and wondered if Raven knew their whereabouts. Raven told Lucius that he didn't know where either of them were but was waiting for Speaks to return.

That being the case, Lucius asked Raven if he would mind if a couple of his men camped alongside him so that they could ask Speaks for an interview whenever he came calling. Raven said that would be fine so long as the men didn't interfere with his work. Lucius detailed two, Cornelius and Mercatius to stay behind and then he and the others departed back toward Glynden.

NEXT: Distrust, Betrayal and Oathbreaking Part 7: Return and Departure

Re: Yihaaa!

Darklone said:

Ya, give it to them! Nearly TPKs are cool! Way to go, Rel!

As for Scar... that sword could be easily stolen by someone else... you sure got some villains around, ain't that so? :D

Ahh, and we hear from the RBDM fanboy association. Thanks, Herr Schadenfreude :rolleyes:

I wonder sometimes if our campaign is being run for the enjoyment of the players, or the enjoyment of the Story Hour readers. Of course, it's Monday and I'm feeling bitchy after a long day at work, so my perception is skewed right at the moment.


Registered User
Re: Re: Yihaaa!

The Lone Corndog said:
Ahh, and we hear from the RBDM fanboy association. Thanks, Herr Schadenfreude :rolleyes:

I wonder sometimes if our campaign is being run for the enjoyment of the players, or the enjoyment of the Story Hour readers. Of course, it's Monday and I'm feeling bitchy after a long day at work, so my perception is skewed right at the moment.

Fanboy association :D! *laugh*

Luckily, I am not that young anymore and I am trying to do my very best to make my players not feel like having an easy time too ... They happen to die more often than you guys... But after all: You usually do better. At least it seems so.

Raven at the inquisition: Cool! Many guys would have p**d in their pants!

Rel: Fantastic storyline developments. You made me feel good again for creating my chars with higher charisma...
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Liquid Awesome
Re: Re: Yihaaa!

The Lone Corndog said:
I wonder sometimes if our campaign is being run for the enjoyment of the players, or the enjoyment of the Story Hour readers.

Neither, of course. It is being run to feed my own personal meglomaniacal control freak tendencies. Wasn't that in the campaign background info I passed out to you guys?



Liquid Awesome
Thanks, Darklone. Sorry I've been a bit remiss with the postings lately but we've got family visiting from out of town and I haven't had much time. Also, seeing that the post count on this thread is very close to the magical "200" mark, I think the next post will be the last for this thread.

I'll wrap things up in Glynden and then start the new thread with the start of their latest quest.

As usual, thanks for your patience.

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