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Rel's Faded Glory II (Thanks Old One) Final Update 7/14


Thanks for the feedback, Rel. Although I think that the snafus are more dramatic (I must have a RBDM streak to me, for I take some secret pleasure when things blow up in the players' faces), I'm going to be rooting for this party so that we can get to the end of the campaign.

Good luck, guys!


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Hmmm. Perhaps I should start picking up some more goodberries. I think it was the limit of 8 per day per person that slowed me down on those. I keep thinking, a single first level spell by Raven has better potential than the goodberries. I have been playing with Regenerate Light Wounds a bit of late. It has been useful as often as it has not. I've recently brewed up a batch of RLW potions so Scar can just drink and run. I like the RLW because it will automatically stabilize anyone and also has a better upward potential if cast early in the combat. Still a bit of a trick to pull off right.

As for the splitting up call, it was risky, but without my spells I'm just a mediocre spearman. So the plan was for me and my 2 kestral friends to wing out, I'd sleep in bird form, pray in bird form and then return. I don't like unnecessary risks, but this one seemed necessary. Speaks is a survivor and not a hero, he just keeps getting pushed into different corners and having to fight out. My allies have repeatedly gotten me into things better left alone, but I'm afraid that this time I may be getting them in over their heads. My respect for Great Root (and certainly he is the most likable of my neighbors) is immense and his urgency is my urgency.

But this has lead to the present state where my paranoia has been kicking in to overdrive. Without spilling the beans, I need more allies and I need them now. But I really don't trust anyone but the dwarves. A bizarre situation for a druid to be sure. The Coritani I trust, but I also know that they are in no position to lend aid. The Glyndeners are unstable allies at best. I may be better off allying with the kobolds or gnolls, or at least try to engineer the gnoll/ogre alliance into confrontations where we can use them against the undead. Of course, Raven's frown at this suggestion was deep and steadfast. If I wish to keep dwarves on my side, I will have to forgoe any alliance with the gnolls and apparently tricking them is too similar to working with them for Raven's liking.

Let's see. There is the church of St. Cuthbert. I'm not too comfortable with that idea, but Scar vouches for them and I do need clerics. There is the church of Elhonna and the Druid Circle back in Emor, but I am too far out to send an animal messenger to them. Plus there are other problems related to these ideas, which will be revealed soon.

Sometimes, I miss the simple days of orc shamans and banelars.


First Post
Lazybones said:
Hey Rel,

P.S. Do you follow Old One's convention of rolling the dice in the open and letting them fall as they may? During that battle with the ghouls, I was waiting for that failed save (seems both you and he have a gift for hitting the players with just enough to lead them to the brink of total disaster without crossing over, leading to some very dramatic moments).

With only three players, do you and they expect the possibility (probability?) of a TPK in the future? Do you think they would accept such a disaster, if the dice suddenly turned against them?


Like Rel said he rolls these monsterous dice in the middle of the table for all to see and it's a great way to run the game. After months of playing in this style of game I wouldn't really want it any other way. When Rel is rolling out in the open for combat it adds to the suspense and realism to the game. Another part of realism is the fact that with Rel rolling the dice in the open it adds immensely to our sense of accomplishment. We took on the bad guys and won, nothing was fudged in our favor and we don't feel like the encounter/adventure was given to us. All in all it's a good way to operate.

As an aside after we planned this bold and brazed assualt last session I had this thought pop into my head as I drove home. Mind you it was totally unbidden and un-Raven like but none-the-less it was funny. It's almost as if we are doing a parody of Star Trek were Scar and I are two willing and eager Red Shirts waiting for the Captain's (Speaks with Stone) orders. And we all know how it ends for the Red Shirts............ :D

Raven's Player


First Post
Speaks With Stone said:
I may be better off allying with the kobolds or gnolls, or at least try to engineer the gnoll/ogre alliance into confrontations where we can use them against the undead. Of course, Raven's frown at this suggestion was deep and steadfast. If I wish to keep dwarves on my side, I will have to forgoe any alliance with the gnolls and apparently tricking them is too similar to working with them for Raven's liking.

I thought the pressure of the situation had addled Speaks brain when I heard this suggestion. Not only did I frown because of personal reasons, I pulled out "The Book", flipped to the relevent passages that concerned Druid Morality and that was all I needed to do to end that question.

You see we found this book that was a history of sorts and we all had agreed that what the Druids did in "The Book" was wrong and how could they have done such a thing?? It was an object lesson in the nature of Druids and why it is a good thing Speaks has a steadfast companion in myself to point out the just and good path. :)



Liquid Awesome
Now, now, Raven. Let's not confuse the nice readers by getting ahead of ourselves. Plenty of time to for them to read about your likely impending, gruesome deaths later.

(Besides, you're giving them some sense of how far behind I still am on writing the story hours up.)


Registered User
Hear ye, hear ye!

Rel said:
Now, now, Raven. Let's not confuse the nice readers by getting ahead of ourselves. Plenty of time to for them to read about your likely impending, gruesome deaths later.

(Besides, you're giving them some sense of how far behind I still am on writing the story hours up.)

Hehe. Nice to hear that we still got a plenty to read :)

Btw: Would you guys promise to write a storyhour about the next campaign you start :D? Who's going to DM then?

Rolling in the open... Can't say I like it (though we do it regularly). The DM in one of my groups uses to roll a statistically impossible number of 20s against my char.


Liquid Awesome
Darklone, it's still up in the air as to who will be running the next game. Raven and Scar's players are both interested in running a campaign so it will be one of them.

I certainly can't promise that the GM of that game will want to post a Story Hour. But as a player, I tend to keep a journal of what goes on and I will certainly post that.

The present campaign is projected to run at least through the end of June and in total, will probably have lasted just shy of a year. That is a pretty good run for this group. It isn't that we exactly get bored of a given setting. It's more that everyone in the group is a talented GM and sooner or later we all find our hands itching to get hold of the reins. There are just too many good campaign ideas floating among us to stay with any one of them for much more than a year. That is to say nothing of the army of character concepts we've got.

But don't fear. I think me and my group are pretty much a permenant presence on the ENWorld Story Hour boards.


Liquid Awesome
'Bout time for another update, don't you think? Here ya go...

Visions of Fire

Speaks settled onto a low branch of a large tree and huddled up next to the trunk. His keen eagle eyes scanned the forest for any signs of enemies. Being as close to the Dead Zone as he was, there were few animals of any sort about. With the Dark Druids about, any creature could be the enemy.

Satisfied that he was safe and alone for the moment, Speaks tucked his head under his wing and tried to get some sleep.

Raven and Scar settled into their own camp. As per usual, Scar was allowed to take his nap first. The half-orc only needed a couple of hours sleep each night thanks to the magic ring he wore. Raven was tired from the day's fighting and travel but he kept a watchful lookout around the camp as Scar slept.

By the time that Scar woke, Raven was ready to get some shut-eye. He doffed his armor and settled into his thick bedroll seeking shelter from the cool spring night. His sleep was to be a restless one.

In his dreams, Raven found himself lost in a void of the darkest blackness. Presently, he spotted a single point of flickering light. As he observed it, the distance to the point seemed to grow smaller, although he couldn't tell if he was moving toward it or it was moving toward him.

As it came closer, it resolved into a humanoid shape but it seemed to be made of fire. Raven felt drawn to this figure. It became closer. He could now see that the figure was not made of fire, it was on fire. Raven could feel the heat draw beads of sweat to his face, just like when he stood in front of his forge. The figure drew closer. Raven could now see that the flesh of the creature was blackened and cracked. In places, blood oozed through the cracked flesh to sizzle and boil in the flames that never quite consumed the being. It drew closer.

Raven felt himself start to be burned, but he didn't care. He only sought to draw closer to the flaming figure with an obsessive fascination. It drew closer. Raven could see that its mouth was a black void, seemingly incapable of being illuminated by the fire that surrounded the creature. It drew closer.

At last Raven stared directly into the face of the burning thing and could see its eyes. Its eyelids were the most tenuous bits of charred flesh and the eyelashes must have singed away long ago. But untouched and apparently untouchable by the flames were the eyes themselves. They were a deep, brilliant blue and contained a myriad of emotions. Chief among these were fear and enduring agony but somehow underneath lay a sense of triumph. Into these eyes, Raven felt he could somehow find a new meaning for life. He longed to punish whoever was responsible for the pain that lay in those eyes.

Suddenly, startlingly, the burning thing let out a howl of terror and agony that pierced Raven to the soul. The cry seemed to stretch off into forever until it finally dissolved into an ululating cackle of triumphant laughter. Just as Raven felt on the verge of dedicating his soul to the burning thing, a sound rang out through the void. To Raven's trained ear, it was the unmistakable sound of a hammer ringing on an anvil. The sound broke his reverie and he felt pain in his chest.

Raven woke with a start and a burning at his breast. He sat bolt upright and tore at his shirt until his hand found the Amulet he wore. He tore it from his neck and threw it to the ground where it lay, glowing red-hot. Raven rubbed his burned fingers and his burned chest. As he did so, his hand encountered the cool metal of his holy symbol and it soothed the pain somewhat.

Scar had noticed Raven awaking so suddenly and came over to insure that his companion was well. "What's wrong?"

Raven rubbed his fingers together, already feeling the blisters rising on them. He stared down at the Amulet where it sat on the floor of the unholy forest, its heat fading to a faint glow. "Bad dream."

NEXT: The Cathedral

Scar checking in

Been a while since I posted, so I'm not gonna do any blow by blow recounting of events from Scar's perspective, but just some general commentary. Scar is a simple creature, just point him in the general direction of those that need a dose of boot leather to the posterior, and let him go to work. A bit of healing from time to time is greatly appreciated (hint, hint).

Scar is a bit of a diversion from my usual character - not very bright, not very sneaky, not very...rogue-ish, you might say. He's fun to play when the fur starts flying, but is at a bit of a loss when more subtle means to an end are the way to go. Scar doesn't do subtle. At all.

While Raven and Speaks are cooking up the next intricate, clever plan, Scar is pacing back and forth muttering under his breath 'Time's a'wasting - let's go!!' If the question is: Should we press on, or run away, the answer is 99.44% 'Press on' from Scar. That Scar, often wrong, never in doubt.

Some operating priciples:

Find the biggest mofo on the battlefield, and take him out - fast. The others should lose heart and be easier to take later. Besides, getting nickeled and dimed by the small fry decreases your chances of taking out the big boy with ease. That's why they are there - ignore them when possible.

Kill the magic using types asap (duh!)

Best way to deal with an ambush: Bull through it to the other side - if they could take you in a fair fight, they wouldn't bother with an ambush.

If you are in a temple of evil, and the baddies won't come out to play, pee on the altar - that'll bring 'em running. Not to mention, it's just fun to do.

Always keep forward momentum - retreating to regroup is not keeping forward momentum....

The good stuff is usually downstairs - when you start setting off traps and alarms, you're getting close. Press on!

Bull Strength is good. Bull Strength is very good.

Yell stuff in combat - try to be insulting to the enemy's parentage, race, religion, appearance, smell and combat prowess. This gets results... of some kind, anyway. Not to mention, it's just fun to do.

If the priest tells you the amulet you are wearing is evil, believe him. It'll give you bad dreams, or worse.....

Taking your pet into the middle of a screaming melee with blood an gore spraying everywhere is just a bad idea - particularly if that means spending healing on the pet and not the fighter ;)

Anyway, thanks for reading this Story Hour - Rel seems to get a real kick out of it, and a happy DM is a good thing.


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