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Rel's Faded Glory III: Glory Reborn (FINAL UPDATE 6/22 - SHE'S DONE, BABY!!)


Liquid Awesome
Westward Into Danger

As the newly formed band of adventurers made their way out of Glynden and set their feet on the increasingly frequented road to Aquae Sulis, they were a quiet lot. This was typical for Speaks who usually kept his own council when traveling (and couldn’t talk in any event since he wore the form of an eagle at the present time) and the other party members all seemed lost in thoughts of their own as well.

For Lazarius, those thoughts were of his family, particularly his older sister, Solvaria. He came from a large family but seldom got a chance to see his siblings very often as his duties to the Imperial College had kept him busy for the last several years. His posting with the 2nd Cohort of the Coastal Auxilia Guard along the Sythian border had been boring but he had been a time to relax and enjoy the camaraderie with the other men and his most recent mission to the Northlands had certainly been interesting at times. But he worried about how the rest of his family was getting along, especially his older sister who had always been a bit of a “free spirit” to use a polite term. He hoped she was staying out of trouble. He felt there was plenty enough trouble on the horizon as it was.

Cathal was ahead of the rest of the group on point where he liked to be. It would have been difficult to travel as slow as the rest of them even if he had wanted to for he wore a pair of magical boots that had been purchased on his behalf by his Chieftain in thanks for his efforts during the Winter War. Those boots lent him incredible speed and he could outrun even the swift horses employed by the Almani scouts. If they also kept him somewhat distant from the others in his current party, so much the better. The folk of the Fodor may have made peace with the people of Glynden but traveling with so many men who hailed directly from the Empire made him nervous. It was hard to forget that just a few generations ago, their forefathers made slaves of many of his people. And the tribes east of the Fodor had been exterminated entirely. To these men who now journeyed west with him, he would offer his aid freely. His trust would have to be earned.

Marcus rode eagerly into the unknown ahead. He had been itching to come to these lands for over a year and he was finally getting his chance. Not only was he anxious to prove himself a devoted warrior to the cause of St. Cuthbert, but he had a personal stake in what lay ahead. Raised as an orphan in a monastery in Oar, he had only recently learned that his father, a Holy Warrior for St. Cuthbert himself, had been slain by Orcs in the Northlands. Further, his mother had fallen at his side and it had been revealed that she came from one of the Barbarian tribes of the Fodor. Somewhere up ahead was part of his past and those who had robbed him of it.

Marius tried unsuccessfully to spark some conversation with Lazarius and Marcus but neither seemed in a mood to talk. Just as well for he preferred to take in as much of his surroundings as possible to enter into his travelogue when time permitted. Already his journey north had shown him things he’d never seen before, though certainly nothing beyond what he’d imagined.

Behind him lay the city of Opal, where he’d begun his journey, sitting upon the southern edge of the Crescent Sea. It held the signs that the Empire was bootstrapping itself out of its long slide into decline. The western part of the Crescent Sea now nearly swarmed with ships from the Imperial Fleet, even boasting a few War Galleons as hadn’t been seen in years. It seemed that the Emperor’s son, Flavius was serious about trying to rid the Crescent Sea of the Corsairs that had so long plagued northern shipping.

In sharp contrast to Opal was his arrival in Oar, a city that was almost a caricature of the glory of the Old Empire. It still maintained a veneer of the Imperial ways, but the cracks in that veneer were not well hidden. Even a minor official such as himself, a representative of the Imperial Explorers Society received a handful of invitations to meet with various factions seeking advantage in the rat’s nest of intrigue that comprised the politics of Oar. He was thankfully able to beg off of these meetings, citing the urgency of his journey if he were to arrive at his destination before the winter snows set in.

And thus he found himself on a road seldom traveled, bound west through a town that once was the northwesternmost outpost ever established by his once great country. That in itself was a bit of a landmark, wasn’t it?

To Be Continued...

Sorry for the slightly truncated update. It seems I've come down with a bit of a cold so I didn't get much more writing done over the weekend like I'd hoped. But I'll keep pressing forward a bit at a time. Hope you enjoy some insights to the personalities of the new members of the group.

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Liquid Awesome
gerg861 said:
Hoodyhoo! More Faded Glory! This campaign is what originally got me hooked on EN world a few months ago. :)

Well golly, here's a reader I didn't even know I had. I'm glad you have enjoyed the story, gerg. And I'm honored that a full 50% of your posts are in my very own thread! ;)

Great to have you aboard!


Well, here, have another reader you didn't know you had. I just polished off the first two threads, so now I'm left champing at the bit for the third series. Champ, champ. Keep up with good work.

Any chance the PCs will have any better luck with complex tactics than the last time around? Nahhh, that sounds too much like work.

. . . . . . . -- Eric

PS -- Couple new players, yes? Or have I mistaken some NPCs for players?


Liquid Awesome
Pyske said:
Well, here, have another reader you didn't know you had. I just polished off the first two threads, so now I'm left champing at the bit for the third series. Champ, champ. Keep up with good work.

Any chance the PCs will have any better luck with complex tactics than the last time around? Nahhh, that sounds too much like work.

. . . . . . . -- Eric

PS -- Couple new players, yes? Or have I mistaken some NPCs for players?

Great to have you as a reader, Psyke. So far in the latest rendition of the campaign, the battles have been hit and miss (as you are about to see). The individuals are performing fairly well but I'm not sure I've seen too much in the way of cohesive group tactics yet. But that's as it should be since the group is newly formed.

And yes, we've got three new players in the group, in particular those playing Cathal, Marcus and Marius. There are no NPC's traveling with the party at present (unless you count Scipio, Speaks' animal companion).

Thankfully, so far, the cold has not hit me as hard as I was afraid it would. I might be able to sneak in part two of the post above sometime tomorrow night.

I think tactics would be a great plus - especially knowing how much thought Rel puts into the bad guy's tactics. I also don't think you are likely to see any brilliant moves on our part. At heart most of our players are very individualistic and we also have a lot of players who are fairly new to the rules and at least one of the new characters isn't really optimized for combat all that much. Right now setting up flank attacks seems to be the extent of our tactics and that is rather hit or miss.

I hope that we can build up some synergy as everyone gets used to their characters - but we'll see.

On the up side, we have a lot of character building and interaction. We all seem to have clear ideas of who we are and I think that is a fun part of the game. We have always been a little less effective in combat, but we've always had good character reasons for being that way (if that makes any sense).

Oh, and as to the Awakened animals and tree . . . I was really psyched at the end of the last campaign because I had made it to 9th level. I loved the idea that during the downtime I'd be able to make the woods more "enchanted" with awakened critters and trees. But then Rel informed me that he wanted everyone to start at 8th level. Since I lost a level at the start of the campaign, Rel did allow me to rearrange a few feats and stats and gave me some awakened critters to account for the lost level. I dropped my strength and improved my charisma to reflect the greater reliance on shapeshifting and spells as well as diplomacy. I didn't really intend for Speaks to be so diplomatic - I mean he wears a wooden mask when he meets most people so it's a little hard to form trust - but it's a role he fell into in the last campaign. Anyway, he's not much better at it, but enough to get by on. I like to think of Speaks With Stone as his own political unit north of Glynden. I came to see him that way during the Inquisition. So the awakened animals gives me a more communicative population to lead. Also, it allows me to make absences without worry of my wood being unprotected.
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Liquid Awesome
Darklone said:
So you lost a level, Speaks? Hmm. Guess we saw enough Flame Strikes already.... ;)

This was not intended to be a punative measure in any way. What happened was that in the intervening year and several months since we had last played this campaign, Speaks' character sheet got misplaced. We tried to remember what level he was and knew that he was either just shy of 9th level or just barely over 9th level.

Lazarius was 8th level and I had three new players coming in who needed to make new characters too. Speaks (the player) asked if it would be fine with me if he were to just remake Speaks (the character) at 8th level to the best of his memory but with a few minor changes (like his Str and Cha changes he mentions above). I told him that was fine by me.

So everybody created their characters and just about a week before our first session, we found the old character sheet for Speaks. He had indeed just made it into 9th level but, in the interest of keeping everyone the same level to start the new campaign, we decided to go forward using the "NEW and IMPROVED" 8th level Speaks. But, in deference to those lost XP, I let Speaks have a half dozen or so Awakened wolves and trees in his woods.

It looks as though he'll make 9th level (again) next session.


Liquid Awesome
Darklone said:
Ahh... Do you usually like to keep your characters at one level?

Only at the very start of a campaign. The alternate XP system that I use combined with the possibility of the occasional character death conspire to have the party advance at slightly different rates. But in this case, even though we were continuing on with the same setting and a couple of the same characters, I considered it effectively a new campaign with more than half the party being completely new to it. Under that circumstance, I prefer a level playing field.

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