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Remnants of the Horde-Flight from Aruth


Tsu'koka is finishing up with the Orgres as Durgo greets them. There is a ragged cheer, expected of course.

Turning, he watches the two captains strut offstage. and nothing has been sorted of course.

Tsu'koka rounds up the hobgoblins and Ogres and together they get to work gathering up the assortment of items taken and wanted. He pushes them hard, time is short, but he also shares in their pleasure as they pull gold from the dead elvan troopers' pouches. Later, he conspiciously palms some gold from the elf wizard and tosses it out to them as they work. However, he keeps a keen eye on them to ensure nothing else is pocketed. The other items from the "champions" he collects in a cloak, which slings it from Blood's saddle. Bodies are collected for the feast - two apiece to the ogre. The rest are laid out in lines. The troopers are puzzelled by this, but Tsu'koka does not explain.


One the way back Tsu'koka notices Vespazian glancing irritably at the troopers. Leave them be. Of course they are racaus. They are alive, and they could so easily have been dead. But they are doing what needs to be done. As they have so far, in case you had not noticed mighty captain. As thet march, Tsu'koka moves amoung them gathering their recollections of recent events.


Back at the keep, Tsu'koka gets the (remaining?) loot under guard, lock and key, and with the sargeants, the guard shifts and barracks sorted. He joins the festivities for a while, telling stories and tales of the day, as well as of the great heros.


Finally he withdraws to his room. Blood raises his head at Tsu'koka approach, but returns to his rest once he smells who it is. A short time later, a deep growl from the beast announces the arrival of another. Tsu'koka turns to see who comes. Bargo does.

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Durgo looks at the hoo-man for many moments, face frozen in a calm, impassive stare. Odd, since most of the time the Muragar looked angry. But this mission, this most important of all missions, was something he had repeated to himself over and over since watching Captain Varn die. Even now the hoo-man reminded him of Varn. Somewhere, a seed of respect took root and began to bud.

One step is followed slowly by another as Durgo ducks into the room and crosses to the table in three easy strides. He lowers his chin so that he may look the hoo-man squarely in the eyes.

"Only Zuregath? Hmm?! ... You no listen to Durgo. Zuregath. Not. Dead. Dem's like Zuregath no die for long. But need to find shay-man," the ogre jabs the dark blot on the map which demarkates the Castle, "and Durgo think him dere. If hoo-man know of better ones, we go. Him don't, we find way to Castle. Durgo piss on South Road. No matter now. Only Zuregath matter."


Bargo looks at the cute puppy and tries to come up with a compliment. "Him look like him swim in elfie blood guud."

Wrestling with the words begins to make Bargo irritable though. This not way Bargo do things. But if Bargo eat hobbie, him no help Bargo. Bargo must remember, not for eating.

The thick skulled brute furrows his brow up and totally loses track of what he was saying as he seems to be having some kind of argument with himself. Though his mutters sound like he is arguing with his stomach.


Jeremy said:
Bargo looks at the cute puppy and tries to come up with a compliment. "Him look like him swim in elfie blood guud."

Wrestling with the words begins to make Bargo irritable though. This not way Bargo do things. But if Bargo eat hobbie, him no help Bargo. Bargo must remember, not for eating.

The thick skulled brute furrows his brow up and totally loses track of what he was saying as he seems to be having some kind of argument with himself. Though his mutters sound like he is arguing with his stomach.

Tsu'koka considers the ogre for a moment. Probably trying to work out how he can have his goblin and eat it too. But if he just wanted food, he would have stayed below.

He and his band have done and seen much, and that could be useful to know.

"When I met you, I thought "These soldiers have done much fighting and travelling. It would make a great tale. Have a drink, and tell me about it."

Tsu'koka gets up, takes a jug and fills a mug and passes it to the ogre. The only seat large enough for the orge is his own, so he motions for Bargo to take it, and sits cross legged on the floor, leaning against Blood.


Hah! Bargo smarter than hobbie. Talk stuff work perfect! Bargo grins ear to ear as if proud of himself for something or other and slams his rear down in the chair. The mug he is passed is awefully small, but Bargo's weak elfie blood can't handle muragar tar so he drinks somewhat cautiously.

"Bargo guess him can tell you some," he says like a bad gambler, luring someone into an obvious trap.

Bargo's tale is disjointed, rambles, and focuses entirely too much on the things Bargo killed and the stoopid choices Durgo made (all of which apparently were). But eventually all the actually important details of the journey come out.

By the end of it Bargo is once again grinning ear to mangled-chewed-off ear. His repulsive face bobs up and down with greasy hair bouncing in front of it as he answers questions the hobbie puts to him. Bargo is excited to spread tales to a Song Speaker how strong Bargo is and how stoopid Durgo is.


Tsu'koka listens, letting the orgre talk as he will. But makes supportive noises, but he stays clear of getting drawn into any comparison between Bargo and Durgo.

Interesting. There is much to think about here.

When the telling finishes, Tsu'koka rises.

"I am going to see how the guards are getting on. Do you wish to come with me? They would be honoured."


First Post
By the Abyss, I had better equipment then this hidden from my mother! This wizard must have been almost useless... Forlash cleans off the chemical covered table with the scraps of rambling notes on magical research the previous occupant had left behind. He goes through his own equipment and begins the arduous task of checking his supplies and making sure nothing had been damaged during the recent battle.
He opens the book his mother had given him and his eyes open wide...I KNEW this was too good to be true...oh wellShe'll have to wait until mornig..
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Jeremy said:
Bargo looks confused, but shrugs and agrees.
Tsukoka heads first to the kitchens, collecting a bag of food and skin of mild wine. He then tours the perimeter of the castle, a quiet word to, a joke with, whatever, along with some food and a swig of wine for each of the guards. To each of them he introduces Bargo, stormgiant slayer. By now the tale is all around the keep. On of the two mighty Muragar. The priest, the spellcaster, the goblin scout, the hobgoblin song speaker. Tsukoka has been busy today, careful to ensure that the tale tells of the mighty deeds of all involved.

Who knows who's support will be needed in the future?

Voidrunner's Codex

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