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Remnants of the Horde-Flight from Aruth


Durgo grunts noncommitally, not having thought of that. (In truth, the ogre thinks of little besides what is directly in front of him.)

Turning back to the hag, he calls out,

"What we fight at hag-sister's? Just woman? She have slaves like dem?" He points to the gathered the assembly of the mouth-sewn, "Mojo like you? Shay'mans? Uh...traps?"

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As the group stands in "court", Midnight Fang is apparently lost in contemplation, at first merely looking up and nodding when her name is mentioned (and not at first realising that it is her actual name that is called...).

As the ogre and the gnoll converse, however, she blinks back to reality and takes a step forward, ignoring Durgo, and speaks in Abyssal, the almost vulgar syllables of the ancient language rolling naturally from her tongue.

"I am certain that the task you request of us is fair for what you offer as well. However, our success may depend on what we know when we set forth; even such a dimwitted beast as this ogre finds that much to be obvious. What can we expect from your sister? Will she likely anticipate our intentions or attempt to welcome us as you have? Does she have as much talent in illusion, and if so, how can we even be certain to have slain her? And also, just how mortal is she? I have several potent poisons on hand, but I would be loathe to spend them fruitlessly."


Living EN World Judge
The Hag addresses Durgo My SIster has forces simliarthough not identical to my own. You will encounter Ogres,Orcs,perhaps Fiends as well.She has powerful Magic, though not so powerful as Mine, I think. Traps and Wards? Yes, I should think so...'

The Hag turns an appraising eye to Selanais and replies in Abyssal 'Obviously, my Sister's Cottage is going to be a deadly affair, Daughter of the Abyss. I assure you, however, the rewards that you garner as well as those that I have offered, namely Passage back to Myrach,will be more than sufficient for your losses. Just make sure that You are not one of the inevitable casualties...As to a hag's Mortality? I think your Poisons are best used against her Scions, though she is not Immortal. The extraction of her heart will kill her, never fear.'

The Hag smiles a shark-toothed grin at Kurg, aware that he can understand her.


Durgo gets most of her first words, but none of the rest. Nevertheless, he nods understandly and turns to leave.

"Time done for talking. We go."


First Post
Before Kurg turns to follow the ogre out, he gives the Hag what passes for a return smile among gnolls, a toothy fanged thing that would imply a swift bite to a lesser being, but nothing more than understanding here. Kurg knew that she had spoken to the fiend-tainted elf in a language he knew for a reason, and he would take her words to heart. Because, if nothing else, Kurg was determined that he would live to reap whatever rewards lay ahead. for the same reason, he knew better than to trust one such as this implicitly. Hags are as tricky as they are powerful.

He stays close to Bargo, maintaining his policy of allowing the brutish thing to stand for him in physical combat when possible, and as a missile shield when needed.


Living EN World Judge
OoC:providing all of you are ready

IC: The Two-Headed troll leads you back down the long Halls and corridors to the front Door.

Turning to you, he opens the door. Outside awaits a hunched figure, a green-skinned creature, long stringy hair hangig over a sallow yellowish face. One eye bulges, while the other is a squinty thing hidden beneath an overhanging brow.
The Creature wears an odd mismatch of skins,dried weeds and scaled reptileskin armor. A bow is gripped in his hand, while a wicked axe is stuffed into his belt.
the Troll's Right Head says 'This is Ogune, one of the Madam's Sons...' the Troll pauses, as if the worn left a foul taste in his mouth, then he continues 'He knows the way to the Cottage as well as any in the marsh. Indeed, he is the best tracker in all the Mars. He will show you the way, wait outside and lead you back when you are finished. May the Dark Gods smile on your Mission.'

The Hag-Born waits for you, eager to begin.


Bargo yawns and belches while scratching his chest. The blood lust had slowly faded away and now left him bored, anxious, and a little hungry.

"Little freak leads Durgo? Him no look very fast to Bargo. Stumpy little legs..."


Durgo had layed eyes on many freaks as a part of Zuregath's army. If he had any sense of irony, he might have laughed at Bargo's comment but the idea is lost on his simplistic thought-process. Anyway, this one seems no worse than the others.

The ogre slowly lowers his gaze to meet the bulging eye of Ogune.

"Durgo ready. Lead," he says, waving a digit randomly at the ominous bog around them.


Wekerak eyes the Hag-Born with professional curiousity and personal disgust. In the tribe, such a misbegotten spawn would have been thrown straight into the cooking vats, rather than allowed to live - and possibly breed.

Best to keep an eye on this one. Frst, to make sure does not lead us badly, and second, to learn what secrets of the marsh he lets slip.

Wekerak scowls. He has no faith in the promises of any creature, let alone a hag. But for now, there is no choice.


First Post
As the group gathers outside, Midnight Fang reaches into a small pouch at her hip and draws forth a small vial. Unstoppering it, she draws one of the throwing knives and smears a syrupy liquid on it before resheathing it.

She repeats the process with a different vial and a different knife, then pulls out her dart and opens a third vial, which emits a faint trail of a very caustic gas that overwhelms even the stench of the swamp. Smiling slightly, she changes her mind and closes the vial and replaces it.

She then looks up and says "I am ready."

OOC: Applied large spider venom to one knife, eyeblast to ther other. The third vial was balor bile.

Voidrunner's Codex

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