Resolute PR Department - WITHDRAWN


The discussion of the training room got me thinking about downtime activities for less combat focused PCs or simply providing variety for those who have already been in training a while.

The Public Relations Department would be designed to get the heroes out and interacting with the general populace in ways other than actively saving their lives. An attempt to build up the reputation of the organization. Things like heroes going to a school assembly, or Carrion appearing on Letterman, or Gremlin filming a PSA (remember kids, rockin' the ganja stunts your growth!).

None of this stuff would have any awards or affects, but it could be used to later provide complications (that same school you visited is now being held hostage!).

I thought it could provide an interesting insight into the characters' personalities. I could flesh out the proposal a bit more, but I figure I'll get initial reactions before I go on, make sure I'm not barking up the wrong tree.
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Rystil Arden

First Post
That sounds really cool--Sierra is doing things like that already now (she got bored of talking to the Resolutes and went out to mingle), admittedly incognito and not going around telling people she's a Resolute, but it would be nice to be able to play it out.


The man with the probe
I'm not sure we need an actual room/thread about it. I built in a running gag with Psyren about a photo shoot in a fairly skimpy resolute's "Uniform" as well as a calander, and it was just something I did.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Bront said:
I'm not sure we need an actual room/thread about it. I built in a running gag with Psyren about a photo shoot in a fairly skimpy resolute's "Uniform" as well as a calander, and it was just something I did.
Sure, it's easy to just do that in the case of a picture or photo-op, I guess--I think the point of such a thread would be for letting the PCs who claim to be doing that to have something to do. Like if I want Sierra to go clubbing for a few weeks, I realistically can't have her say "I'm going clubbing for a few weeks" and then return to the Ready Lounge thread two days later in real life when the others have only managed to say two sentences worth of text, saying "Just got back from two weeks of clubbing", right?

Rystil Arden

First Post
Bront said:
Do we have a lot of clubbing super heroes?

Out side of combat I mean ;)
Sierra does. Clubbing, dinner parties, chatting it up with important people. Wine, women (she provides this), and song--Sierra lives the good life!


Bront said:
I'm not sure we need an actual room/thread about it. I built in a running gag with Psyren about a photo shoot in a fairly skimpy resolute's "Uniform" as well as a calander, and it was just something I did.

I think the point is the same as the training room. You can run practice combats yourself, offline, or simply mention what you did in the training room in some other post. But if you want to play it out more, get more detailed, or have more than one character involved, it's better with a thread.


The man with the probe
The training room was provided to give people a place to practice using the combat mechanics as much as anything else.


First Post
Bront said:
The training room was provided to give people a place to practice using the combat mechanics as much as anything else.
That's the way I always viewed the training room. I have been trying to talk about off screen stuff with Titan, but I'm not sure if I want to RP him spending two weeks at deer camp getting hammered with his buddies. What about just doing a story hour and posting it in the Ready Lounge as a story you're telling to someone? How would the thread work?


I agree with Salix.
This just seems like cooperative fiction. If elements of the story involved other PCs without thier consent or some kind of Earth Shattering Event they could be summarily ignored and not considered part of 'continuity'.

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