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"Return of the Rod of the Seven Parts" - D&D

Silver Moon

In our later module "League of Assassins" the family of Cheveyo (the part-minotaur/part-demon) finally caught up with him and the Silver Moon adventurers. In the same module Hiroshi finally got to use a pair of the animal statues, and he also consumed the Potion of Youthfulness given to him by the party (as he was targeted by the assassins for having purchased Cheveyo).
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Silver Moon

Module 102: “Tiger by the tail" Played August 12, 2001 + January 6, 2002 (Games #782 & 799)

Part 1: September 29, 1018:

It has been two-and-a-half week since the high-level party departed for the Orient. Activity on the island has continued, with party members busy getting their homes back together. All of the fallen timber has been converting into building lumber, building stones have been gathered or quarried, and architectural drawings have been completed for all of the new buildings.

Included with construction plans are new houses for all fifty-five crew-members; a barracks for the thirty-four Jawlt navy enlisted personnel, individual quarters for the six Jawlt navy officers; docks for the four ships as well as visiting ships; farmhouses and barns for the six new farmers; a new tavern; reconstruction and expansion of the inn; a new general store; a new livery stable; reconstruction of YON church; and finally walls and fencing to identify the public vs. private sections of the island.

With the approximately two hundred laborers available (including the ships’ crew; Jawlt navy sailors, Thenossian mercenaries, and twenty-four dwarven volunteers from both Nova and Zalpar) a schedule is set to get most of the exterior construction completed prior to the first major snowfall, which is anticipated for mid-December. Interior construction will continue throughout the winter. Spring will then be spent preparing the farmlands for planting and the construction of the walls and fences. Jerry will serve as the project manager, delegating construction team supervision to Silver Moon Ship Captain Jacob, Jawlt Navy Ship Captain Milner, the Zalparian dwarven construction worker Harback, Inn and Tavern keeper Henry, and the monk Luekia.

Beulla, Jaime, Kharole and Vincenzo have been busy preparing the school for an influx of new students (the new farmers, the Jawlt Navy officers and some of the new crewmembers have families with children, as well as the addition of Prince Matthew). Alton and Silas have been repaired the newly acquired stagecoach, to be used daily to transport the children between the town and school (with Silas Junior continuously whining how they should use Alton’s Jeep instead, as it is more fun since it goes a lot faster). Having gotten a taste of “adventure” during the recent island escapades, Beulla’s daughter Janet has organized a group of the older children as a self-contained adventuring-team, under the name “Silver Moon: The Next Generation”, necessitating a change in the school curriculum to include team training sessions (with Isaiah suggesting that these teamwork sessions be mandatory for select party members as well).

Instead of Cassie or Serita, those player’s character chooses Jaime (aka Mrs. Sweetness), much to the regret of Dennis’s player who comments “Look what Dennis will have to put up with.” The day begins with the characters of Blake, Blip, Dennismore, Guice and Jaime gathering at Jerry’s Café (the makeshift tarp and tent setup that he is using as an interim tavern until the weather gets too cold). Each of these four had the same dream the night before about needing to go to Jawltorn. Both Dennis and Guice’s players comment about how modules, which begin with dreams, are usually bad news for everyone.

Since they are planning to now go to Jawltorn, Jerry says that he’ll give them a few thousand gold pieces to buy more booze with, as the construction crew is close to wiping out his current supply. “A few thousand, great..” says Dennis, holding out his hand. Jerry returns with a large sack of coins, looks at Blake, Blip and Dennis, and says “You know that old cliché about there being honor among thieves. Well, I don’t believe in clichés” and hands the bag to Jaime.

They request the use of one of the ships to take them to Jawltorn. Jacob questions whether he can spare any of his men from construction detail to crew it, until Jerry points out that they are running low on alcohol. The ship Bronze Star is immediately assigned, with Hans and Ssam as the ship officers, along with ten crewmembers – five experienced and five of the new ones. Jaime and Blip gather some of their own handmade items to sell during the same trip. The ship sets sail late morning.

September 30, 1018:

The ship arrives in the city of Jawltorn mid-afternoon. Showing that their priorities are in order, the three thieves and Guice decide to go scout out the best place to buy the alcohol. Jaime yells out after them “If you guys get arrested I will be very angry, and have to put you into a time out.” “Who does she think we are, her kids?” comments Blip. Looking at Blip and Blake Dennis replies “Well, you two are short enough to be them.”

After making arrangements to buy the booze the next day, they find Jaime. The players look to the DM and ask “The dream told us to come here. Where in the city are we most compelled to go?” “Other than jail, out of habit,” Tim comments. The DM says that there is no place in particular. Jaime suggests “Going to a church to seek divine guidance.” “I’d rather sit on a spike,” answers Dennis.

The party debate staying at Kindor’s castle, but opt instead to find standard lodgings. They find rooms at the Inn of the Creaking Cricket, as Jaime says that a cricket is a good luck symbol. “Fine, as long as there aren’t any actual crickets keeping us awake,” comments Dennis. The group gets some supper, leading to a side conversation about the recent PBS documentary about hot dog stands, a follow-up documentary in a series that included ice cream stands, diners and amusement parks.

October 1, 1018:

During the night the five characters each have another dream, telling them that a messenger will approach them this evening at suppertime. In the meanwhile, they finalize the purchase of the booze and arrange to have it delivered to the ship. Blip and Jamie carry out their own business transactions with the homemade craft items.

At suppertime all are gathered at a table in the inn, and are then joined by the monk Purge, who they have not seen in over two years. “Hello tall, dark and weird, long time no see,” says Dennis. “You wouldn’t happen to be the messenger we’re waiting for?” Jamie asks. “The one we are waiting for? What is this, a ghost from ‘A Christmas Carol’? comments Guice. Purge indicates that he is, and that he has been asked to lead them to a place a few miles outside of the city, where someone will meet them at midnight.” “Great, then there’s no huge hurry,” says Blip, “have a seat and get a bite,” says Blip. They ask if they should bring their stuff, to which Purge says he does not know, but they should probably be prepared for any eventuality.

Shortly after sunset they reach the spot that Purge had been instructed to bring them, around two hundred yards off the road, a few miles northeast of the city’s northeastern gate. They stop in front of a rusty sword sticking out of the ground. “What’s with the pig-sticker?” asks Dennis. “It is a grave marker,” Purge replies. “How nice, a grave, just where I want to be after dark,” Guice says. “Whose grave?” asks Blip. Purge reads a small plaque affixed to a stone near the sword, which reads “Here lays the grave of Sir Goodfellow, a Paladin of YON”.

This leads to a brief conversation of who Sir Goodfellow was. “Wasn’t he killed attacking a castle? asks Blip. “I believe he got run over by a wagon,” comments Blake. “No, he got killed by orcs while leading the party to Grammel, Says Dennis. “I think that was Denny” answers Guice. “Not me,” says Dennismore. “No, Denny not Dennis,” says Guice. Don’t you guys remember, we helped his ghost out before,” says Jamie, “He had us resurrect a bunch of people including my sister Beulla.” “Oh yeah,” says Dennis, “that was a long time ago.”

Purge reminds them that the group who participated on that adventure included all present except for Guice. “Then why am I here?” Guice asks Purge. “Don’t look at me,” says Purge, “I just had a dream that told me to bring you guys here.” Jamie remembers that previously Sir Goodfellow appeared before them at midnight, and suggests that they wait until them. Dennis comments “I don’t know about this Scooby Doo kind of stuff, it’s always the black guy who gets killed first.” “There was no black guy in Scooby Doo?” Guice’s player adds. “Sure there was, when they teamed up with the Harlem Globetrotters,” the DM answers.

October 2, 1018:

At mid-night, the disembodied spirit of Sir. Goodfellow appears before the party. “Hello again,” the deep and melodic voice says. “Hello,” Jaime says in a perky voice, “Are you having a nice day?” “A nice day? Jaime, he’s dead,” comments Blip.

Goodfellow thanks them all for answering his call, reminding them of the mission he had sent them on exactly five years and four months earlier. He says that that mission took place eight years following his death, but that mission was not done properly, so he was being made to wait another eight years. The gods took pity on him, and have only made him wait two-thirds of that amount of time before calling back together those to fix what had not been done right the previous time.” “You’re saying we screwed up?” says Blip. “Well, that’s kind of our motto,” comments Dennis. He then looks to Goodfellow and adds “Look buddy, you paid for the B-team, you get B-team results.”

“What did we do wrong?” Jamie asks. Goodfellow explains how with the resurrection of one of the bodies, Vilicus Dulcis, the body was found in the town of Nottingham, in the basement of a house of ill repute, which was run by were-tigers. The party had been told that the were-tigers had great influence in the town, and the party left it that way, with the neutral-to-evil creatures still in charge. Now, over five years later, these creatures wield even greater power, and it is this situation that they need to correct.”

“OK, that’s them, what about me?” comments Guice. Goodfellow explains how in addition to the other five present, the party on the previous mission included a cleric named Morrgan, but that he is now dead. Guice was chosen to fill his spot, as there are currently no Paladins on the Island, so a ranger was chosen as he was one of good alignment. “Gods help you all,” says Guice, shaking his head, “I’m your moral center!”

Goodfellow explains how a total of six were-tigers now run the town. In addition to the four at the cathouse, there is another at the town’s main inn as well as one at the local hospital. Through these three places they have had access to all of the prominent people in the town, including the YON high priest. They have attacked each of these prominent people, enough to cause lycanthropy, but through the inn and hospital have continuously administered an antidote to keep this condition in check, with the people being under the control of the were-tigers without fully becoming lycanthropes themselves. Goodfellow says that the party needs to infiltrate this hospital and inn, to remove these antidote potions, to expose the were-tigers.

Blip immediately sees the flaw of this plan, saying “Wait a minute, won’t that just turn ALL of the town into were-tigers? How will that make the situation better?” Goodfellow has no immediate answer, commenting “I don’t know. That is all I was instructed to tell you. Perhaps by making it more obvious that they have been exposed to lycanthropy they can then be cured before fully succumbing to it?”

Jaime reminds everyone present that during the earlier mission they had personally promised the lycanthropes that they would not expose them. She turns to Goodfellow, asking “Are you now telling us to break our promise? How is that the lawful-good thing to do?” Again, Goodfellow has no immediate answer to this line of questioning. He reminds them that these lycanthropes are evil. “So are you saying that it is OK to lie to evil creatures?” asks Guice. “No,” says Goodfellow, and replies to Guice “YOU never made that promise”. “No, he didn’t, just the rest of us who he will be with,” comments Blip, “How does that make it any different?”

Goodfellow says that he will have to ask these questions to the servants of YON that sent him here, but that he has been told that this is the only way that he will be allowed to move out of limbo and on to his preferred afterlife. He says that he will seek the answer to these questions and speak to them the following night at midnight. He suggests that they move on in the direction of Nottingham, as the full moon is only six days away, and at that point the were-tigers strength will be at its highest. The spirit then leaves.

Blip is the first to speak, saying “Full moon in six days? Sounds like the best time for us to be there is two weeks after that.” “Goodfellow probably can’t wait that long,” says Jamie. “Why not?” asks Blip, “He’s been in limbo for over thirteen years, what difference do a few weeks make?”

The group has a discussion about what to do next. Blip says that it doesn’t make sense that a party of mostly thieves, and no cleric, would be sent to cure a town of lycanthropy. “No, but we are the best qualified to steal this antidote,” says Dennis, “which we figure will only make things worse.” “This whole thing doesn’t make sense,” says Guice, “Why would lawful good deities ask you guys to break a promise that you made?” “For the greater good,” comments Purge. “Greater good my ass,” says Dennis, “there’s nothing in it for us, and who wants to make enemies of lycanthropes?”

Jaime says that “We should help Goodfellow, but what really doesn’t make any sense is that YON and his followers have broken the promise that they made to him. They promised Sir. Goodfellow in 1013 that if we successfully did all that was asked of us, he would then be granted his afterlife. We did that, and they then reneged on their promise to him due to a technicality, which wasn’t even part of the original mission. Does that sound right? When do lawful-good gods break their word to their paladins?”

The group discusses what to do next. Blake suggests just doing as asked, and heading towards Nottingham until the following night, when Sir. Goodfellow can get them answers to their questions. Jamie say that going to Nottingham sounds OK, but instead of opposing the were-tigers they should meet with them to discuss the situation. This sounds like a really bad idea to the others. The unanimous decision reached is to “sleep on it, and decide what to do in the morning.”

Silver Moon

Module 102: Part 2, October 3, 1018:

The group wakes up and discuss what to do next. Jaime suggests talking to the YON church. Dennis interjects “Why bother, those Lawful Good types never get anything done…no offense sweetie.” Jaime comments “That’s not what we teach the kids at our school.” Dennis replies “That’s one of the reasons I dropped out of school.” “WHAT,” Jaime exclaims, “You didn’t finish school! We don’t let anyone off of the island without at least a G.E.D. As soon as we get back I’m signing you up for classes. He answers “Look, if I ever need a diploma I’ll just steal one.”

Blip comments “How do we know that was even Goodfellow?” This leads to a discussion about the sword burial marker, and who put it there, as nobody remembers seeing it in 1013. “Maybe you can ask that Wilma chick,” comments Guice. “You mean Ilma,” comments Jamie. “I think we need to find a YON cleric.” “This gets worse and worse” comment Guice. They decide to head back to the city, to the YON cathedral, to ask the High Priest Augusta. They enter the building, and an snooty cleric gives them the once over, and rudely asks what they want. “Tell Augusta that Jamie of the Silver Moon and her party wish an audience.” The cleric does so, and they are soon ushered into a room with the High Priest.”

They inform him of what has happened, briefly describing the previous night’s encounter, as well as what they had done five years earlier. Dennismore carefully omits the part about borrowing the Rod of Resurrection from the YON shrine in 1013, and cringes when Jaime fills in that part. Augusta dispatches clerics to investigate both the status of the Rod as well as Goodfellow’s burial site.

They have a brief discussion about Goodfellow, and Augusta confirms that he doesn’t really know anything about him, having not met the Silver Moon until a few months after he had died, their first meeting being when Kohlorahdooh’s troops attacked them at this Cathedral. As none of those present were with the Silver Moon at that time, Blip asks “Isn’t that what you got in trouble for, and executed.” “No,” he answers “I got in trouble and executed when I hired a group of losers from another continent for a non-lethal mission against Kindor that got bloody.” Guice slowly moves back and shirks, not wanting to remind Augusta that he had been part of that team from Liebercrantz.

It takes a few hours for Augusta to get the information. He confirms that the YON church did hold a service for Goodfellow at the burial site, leaving the sword and marker, on the tenth anniversary of his death. “Why did it take so lomg?” asks Jaime. “Paperwork error,” comments Augusta, stating that the service three years earlier was held at the request of Goodfellow’s family. “Why weren’t we invited?” Jaime asks. Augusta reluctantly states “Err, well, his parents partially blame the Silver Moon for his death, so didn’t want you there.”

Regarding the Rod, Augusta declares that it is at the shrine, and is nearly depleted of charges. This is a shock to everyone, with Jaime and Blip blurring out that “We were lied too. We were told that it would become fully recharged at the end of that mission.” “So you admit that you were responsible for depleting this item,” Augusta comments. “Only if you want to be a stickler for the truth,” states Dennis. “Look, we were lied too,” comments Blake.

They decide that they need to speak again to the Spirit of Goodfellow, and ask Augusta if he will accompany them. He says that it sounds like he needs to speak to his deity, to try to ascertain the whereabouts of the Sir Goodfellow, but that he will assign a cleric to accompany them. A fifth level cleric named Ezekiel is assigned to them, who immediately gets annoyed at Dennis and Guice referring to him as “Zekey” and “The Zekester”.

October 3, 1018, 12:00 A.M.

The Spirit of Goodfellow arrives. Jamie immediately exclaims, “Somebody is lying to you.” He is taken aback by this greeting, and says “What?” Blip says, “You remember that Rod you had us take five years ago. It was never recharged, and now they’re pinning that on us.” “What, how could that be?” says the spirit. “Maybe because you’re a lying sack of doodoo,” says Dennis.

They turn to Ezekiel, and say “Well.” The cleric casts a few spells, and confirms that the Spirit is both a type of undead, and lawful good in alignment. The party questions him about who he has been talking too. He says that he naturally believed them to be Servants of YON, as that is what they told him. “I could tell you I’m Lord Kindor, but that wouldn’t make it true,” Dennis exclaims. Guice presses him for more information, to which the Spirit says that these beings who spoke to him have been his only contacts in Limbo. “I think you need some new pen pals,” comments Jamie.

“What did you get from them for answers to our questions?” Blip asks. Goodfellow says that he found out that they were to no exchange the lycanthropic antidotes with Holy Water, to cure the townspeople. The party discusses this, and consulting Ezekiel, confirm that “That wouldn’t work. Holy water by itself wouldn’t cure them.” Guice suggests “Maybe you should change your name from Goodfellow to Gullible-fellow.”

“Where would we get the Holy Water?” asks Jamie. “Steal it” Dennis interjects. “Oh come on,” says Dennis “A Yonnie wouldn’t steal a pail of water even if he was on fire.” “He’d have to,” adds Guice, “Nobody else would put him out.” They tell the Spirit to “Go back to wherever you are, and we’ll try to find out the truth.” The Spirit of Goodfellow fades out. They all head back to the city, with Ezekiel putting them up in guest rooms for the night.

October 3, 1018, 9:00 A.M.

The High Priest Augusta joins them for breakfast. He says that he has spoken with Ilma, and that she has confirmed that Sir Goodfellow never arrived for his afterlife at the Plane of the Twin Paradises, the home plane of YON and his followers. “You’re telling us this whole thing is about him getting lost on the way home?” Jamie asks. “So where is he?” asks Blip. Augusta replies “She doesn’t know, but she’s looking into it. I’m to check back with her each day until she has an answer.”

He then says that there is no point in them just sticking around in the city, as he has to make a visit to their Island anyway to consecrate the ground for the reconstructed church and that Timothy has also asked him to remove the evil barriers Roger placed in the Southpoint Island caves. He makes arrangements to be away from the Cathedral for the next week, and joins the group at their Ship the Bronze Star. Both Ezekiel and Purge say goodbye to the others.

October 4, 1018:

The ship Bronze Star arrives back on Silver Moon Island. Augusta shares Timothy and Isaiah’s temporary quarters

October 5, 1018:

A formal ceremony is held re-consecrating the YON church. As Augusta is technically the High Priest of Halla, the city where the eighty-two human construction workers are from, so they attend out of respect for his position, setting a new record for attendees at any YON service on the Island, (a record that will probably never be broken).

October 6, 1018:

Augusta accompanies the party to the Southpoint Island Caves. He is able to identify the barriers as “Pieces of Hell,” stating that Roger somehow managed to “overlap the two dimensions”. This also explains why the occupied Bags of Holding could not be thrown through them, as there were already two dimensions occupying that spot, so a third was blocked from entering. It is suggested by Guice that “Maybe we should leave one of these as a hamper for Narg’s socks.” Augusta is able to magically remove two of the four barriers this day.

October 7, 1018:

Augusta removes the other two barriers from the Southpoint Island caves. Touring the caves, the dwarven construction workers from both Zalpar and the town of Nova discuss the prospect of using these caves as their temporary quarters during the upcoming winter on the island.

October 8, 1018:

Augusta finally gets a response from Ilma. He tells that party that “Goodfellow was correct about being held in Limbo, but not by followers of YON. His spirit was apparently intercepted following his death by followers of Loki, who have been using it for mischief since then. Apparently Loki takes great amusement with causing minor trouble for other pantheons. She also said that these were tigers in Nottingham had been followers of Loki, who recently spurned him for another deity, so this current mission was a way of enacting revenge on them.” When asked what to do next, Augusta says that “Ilma says that she will try to find a way to get a message to either Thor or Odin, making them aware of what Loki has done, and let them put a stop to it.” Later that day the Bronze Star is dispatched to return Augusta to the City of Jawltorn.

[DM’s note: This module was quicker than I had planned as the players figured out the clues that things weren’t on the up-and-up. I also planned to do the final part of the Goodfellow trilogy, dealing with Loki, shortly thereafter, but still haven’t gotten around to it.]

Silver Moon

Module 103: “Coronation” Game # 800 (1 game), Played January 13, 2002 - player dates October 26th 1018 to January 1st 1019

Cast of Characters
Alyssa, female human 2nd level spellcaster (TBD)
Aradyn, male elf 6th level archer/ranger
Bitsey, female half-elf 3rd level bard (2nd Edition)
Blip, female gnome 4th level thief/illusionist
Calvin, male human 0 level magic-user
Cassie-Andra, female half-elf 8th level magic-user/cleric
Dani, female half-elf 3rd/3rd level fighter/magic-user
Guice, male elf 5th level ranger
Han-Shang, male hengeyokai 2nd level - class TBD
Lannon, male dwarf 8th level thief
Mojo, male elf 7th level fighter
Narg, male half-elf 8th level fighter
Serita, female half-elf 9th level druid
Vallessa, female elf 4th level archer/ranger

Part 1:

October 26th to December 29th, 1018:

Activity on the island continues during this nine-week period, including the following:

Framing and roofing us done for all new structures in the town;
Construction is finished for three of the five planned docks;
Construction is completed for all six barns, which are then filled with finished lumber, to be used in the spring for further construction projects;
Construction to approximately half of the tavern is completed, with a make-shift wall erected between it and the section still being built, to have a usable tavern for the winter;
Repairs are made to the Church of Yon;
The repaired ship Golden Sun is sailed back from Gelorynth;
The visiting dwarven workers from Nova and Zalpar move into the Southpoint Island caves, with daily transportation to and from the town arranged by the pegasi riders;
Li-Tak’s daughters undergo extensive classroom training at the school, which in addition to self-defense and Silver Moon history classes, includes Common Tongue linguistics lessons from Hiroshi, and Hengeyokai history and ability classes by Ebony Shadow.
Hiroshi’s family settles into the city, establishing a home in large building in the southwestern corner of the city, south of Cassie and Serita’s homes;
Hiroshi is given the party’s Potion of Youthfulness, giving him the option of prolong his lifespan;
The part-minotaur assumes the role of clerical-assistant to Vincenzo; and
The drow Aleshear moves in with Dennismore and Lono.

Additionally, Vallessa has a long talk with Aradyn, Fiona and Timothy regarding their Pegasi. She reminds them that, while they were away in the orient, she was boarding and caring for all four pegasi. As a direct result of the emotional mood swings brought on by Vallessa’s pregnancy, the three-year-old pegasi mare linked to her also experienced these emotions, which triggered her into the mating cycle. She says that a mating flight occurred between the mare and Timothy’s pegasi. Vallessa adds that “It was rather intense. It is a good thing that Timothy was away in the orient, and out of range of the emotional link, as the experience would probably have killed him.”

“So, we there will be a new baby pegasus next summer,” Fiona states. “More than one,” Vallessa answers, gesturing to Aradyn and Fiona and continuing “As my mare is the daughter of your two and mentally linked to them as well. Her mating flight triggered them as well.” [A side conversation then follows, where it pointed out that since Biz, Guy, Jon and Steve each already have a character with a pegasus, then Kris and Tim should get the new ones. Kris suggests that the new foals be swapped with unrelated ones from the Cloudriders, to add more diversity to the bloodlines].

December 30, 1018 [last day of the year: all months in the Phlooredah calendar have 30 days]:

The group of Aradyn, Blip, Cassie, Guice, Lannon, Mojo, Narg, Serita and Vallessa teleport to the city of Karjjil Valley, the capital of the Thenossia Lordholding, for the coronation of Queen Jennifer as the continent’s ruler. Before leaving Narg and Vallessa have a difference of opinion about her joining them, Narg being concerned about her traveling “in her condition.” Vallessa assures him that “I feel fine, and as a former Queen of Phlooredah my absence from the coronation would be seen as an insult.” “But are you sure you will be safe?” Narg asks. “Don’t be a schmuck,” Serita comments. Vallessa tells Serita “He may be a schmuck, but he’s mine schmuck”, then whispers to her “I think this protective thing is cute, not that I’ll actually follow one word of it.”

Kindor arranges for the majority of his navy to take up position around Silver Moon Island during this time, to prevent a possible reoccurrence of the attack on the island while the “big guns” are away.

The nine teleport away, and then settle into rooms at Grimway’s Inn, the place of lodging where they stayed during their last visit to this city, back in the summer of 1012. The party are joined for lunch at the Inn by Vallessa’s daughter Dani, and the other youngsters from Da’Bears. Vallessa explains how she had invited her daughter to attend the coronation, and that they traveled to Karjjil Valley from Eldamar City with the Dragonstalkers.

The party recognize the other two teenage girls with her, Bitsey and Alyssa, but are unfamiliar with the pair of twelve-year-old boys who are acting as the girls servants. The boys are introduced as Calvin (who mutters about wanting to be a magic-user) and Hun-Shang (an oriental boy who exhibits poor public etiquette, scratching himself inappropriately, and sniffing at whoever gets near him). Both Cassie and Serita both recognize the name Hun-Shang from Mordenkainen’s Journal, reminding them of this one remaining “loose end” from that adventure, as this boy had been Mordenkainen’s Hengeyokai spy who had infiltrated the party as a stray dog that the tavernkeeper Henry adopted. When Henry sent his daughter Alyssa off to join the Da’Bears in August she brought her dog with her.

Since the girls clearly know that this boy is more than just a boy is, Cassie and Serita choose to talk to them privately about this. They let the girls know that they are aware that this boy is also the dog “Scruffy”, and tell the girls about him having been placed with the party as a spy. The girls explain how they only discovered the dog’s Hengeyokai nature a few months ago, and how Hun-Shang has no memories of the prior four years, with his first recollections being on the ship with Da’Bears in August (this is consistent with the Hengeyokai at the Castle that Mordenkainen had controlled). The girls indicate that they have been teaching the boy about the world, and that the grown-ups at Patrick’s Sculpture Shop are unaware of his Hengeyokai nature, knowing him just as the dog Scruffy. The girls plead with the spellcasters to let them keep this a secret, saying that Hun-Shang is a nice boy, and that Calvin enjoys having a same-age roommate. Cassie and Serita reluctantly agree to this, but say that they will keep a very close eye on the situation.

Following the meal Vallessa and Dani head off along for a private conversation, as the girl does not know yet about her mother’s pregnancy. Vallessa rejoins the other eight members of the Silver Moon late afternoon, as they had been invited for a private reception at Jennifer’s Palace (which the party is thankful that the Da’Bears kids have not been invited to). There are approximately one hundred guests at the reception, many of which the party recognize as nobles and aristocrats that they have met before. King Matthan is present, but none of his advisors are, with him spending most of the time with his son Prince Matthew. Throughout the evening he appears to be intentionally avoiding both the Silver Moon and Kindor.

Teakas, the female dwarf fighter/cleric from the Dragonstalkers, asks Lannon to dance. The Yon High Priest Dominic asks Blip to dance. Jennifer dances with Mojo several times, stopping to re-introduce him to her elvan swordsman bodyguard, Diego, who she says “Will soon be leaving my employ.”

Several hours into the event, Daniel Boyer, the aristocrat from the Cantage city of Pirna who is also the father of Vallessa's daughter Dani, approaches Narg. Narg hasn’t seen the man in six years, but remembers the warm reception he received when he was a guest at the man’s estate. Daniel asks to have a word with him in private.

The two head out to a balcony, and light up cigars. Daniel begins with an apology, stating “I don’t mean to intrude on your private life but my daughter Dani spoke to me this afternoon about what is going on between you and Vallessa. Dani tends to act impulsively, without always using discretion, so please feel free to tell me to butt out and mind my own business.” Narg answers “Go ahead, speak what’s on your mind.”

Daniel continues “Look, I’ve been where you are now. Thirty years ago I proposed marriage to Vallessa several times, both before and after her pregnancy with Dani, and she always turned me down. She had her reasons, wanting to bring shame her then husband, King Finny. Vallessa was the one who eventually encouraged me to marry my wife of the past quarter-century. Still, I often wonder if we made a mistake, and I’d hate to see her go and make the same mistake again, especially if it would bring her true happiness. Dani says that she has never seen her mother happier than when she is with you.”

Narg replies “Well, thank you for expressing that, but I’ve asked Vallessa, so it’s pretty much up to her from here.” Daniel answers “Well, she won’t listen to you, as her boyfriend, or Dani, as her daughter, but she might listen to me. With your permission, I can speak to her about this.” “Any help from you would be appreciated,” Narg answers. The two finish their cigars, and return inside. Later that same evening Narg sees Daniel talking to Vallessa.

January 1, 1019:

Everyone gathers at the main place for the coronation. There are over a thousand people in attendance at the event, which utilizes the entire grand tower of the Thenossia Lordholder’s Castle [DM Note: This castle is modeled after the Castle of Richmond, in Yorkshire, England].

The nine members of the Silver Moon are seated with Kindor and the rest of the Jawlt Council. Kindor tells them that “All Lordholders haven’t attended one of these since the coronation of King Finny (Vallessa’s former husband) forty-five years ago. Thirty years ago many lorderholder’s boycotted King Kohlorahdooh’s coronation, and fifteen years ago it was held nine-months late because of Kohlorahdooh refusing to recognize Matthan as the new King. It’s too bad you missed that one, since you were the ones who brought it about, but I suspect that Toronas sent you away on a sea voyage at that time just so you would miss it. Several Lordholders boycotted that one too.”

Silver Moon

Part 2: January 1, 1019:

The ceremony begins, with the sound of trumpets. Matthan is sitting in the Ruler’s Throne (previously referred to as the King’s Thorne) while beside him sits Queen Jennifer in the Spouse's Throne (previously referred to as the Queen’s Throne). The first part of the ceremony consists of a High Priest from each of the major churches on the continent coming forward to bless the ceremony.

An orchestra next begins playing several anthems, and a red velvet carpet is rolled forward. Lord Aldorn and Prince Matthan set forward, each carrying a velvet pillow. Kindor whispers to Narg and Lannon “I was wondering how they were going to do this, as this is when the reigning King and Queen traditionally pass their crowns to their successors.”

Lord Aldorn begins referencing that he was the second elected ruler of the continent, and how it is a great honor to be asked to participate in the ceremony. He then recites the first part of the speech traditionally read by the reigning King, and holds forth his pillow, which Matthan places his Ruler’s Crown on. Prince Matthew steps forward, reciting the beginning of the speech traditionally read by the reigning Queen, and holds forth his pillow, which Jennifer places her Spouse's Crown on. Matthan then rises, and walks around Lord Aldorn, stopping before the Ruler’s Throne. Jennifer stands, and moves to the side, sitting on the Ruler’s Throne, as Matthan takes the Ruler’s Crown and places it on her head, completing the reigning King’s speech. Matthan then takes a seat in the Spouse's Throne, as Jennifer completes the reigning Queen’s speech, placing the Spouse's Crown on Matthan’s head. Lord Aldorn officially declares the Coronation to have officially transpired, and the orchestra breaks into further songs of pageantry.

Queen Jennifer rises, and steps forward, for her first official proclamations as ruler. Heralds carry forward a large flag. The flag is comprised of a white rectangle, with a large blue oval in its center. Inside the oval is a silver map of the continent, with black lines dividing it into three sections. The blue oval also has a diagonal line moving out from the continent in both the northeast and southwest.

Pages bring forward four large ornate chairs, with two each placed beside the thrones. Queen Jennifer announces that “For protection of the continent from external forces I am officially recognizing the Lordholder’s commanding the two largest fleets of warships, who will each hold the title of Admiral of the Queen’s Navy, with all duties and privileges thereof. She gestures for Matthan to Rise, and then points to the flag, to the northwestern portion of blue, declaring “Admiral Matthan will patrol the seas shown on the flag consisting of the western Thenossian coast, the coastlines of Kaloon, Cantage, and Eldamar, and the northern Kralt coast.

She then gestures to Lord Kindor to come forward. He does, seating himself in the chair beside Jennifer. She points to the other section of ocean on the flag and declares “Admiral Kindor will patrol the seas shown on the flag consisting of the southern Thenossian coast, the coastline of Jawlt, Aldorn, and East, and the eastern Kralt coast.” Matthan and Kindor are then motioned to be seated.

Queen Jennifer then announces that “In lieu of maintaining a standing army, I will be utilizing recognized adventuring teams of this continent to resolve internal conflicts that cannot be resolved through diplomatic channels. Would the three adventuring team liaisons please come forward.” Mojo, Aaron and Teakas each come forward and stand before the other three chairs. The Queen continues “Each of these individuals are prominent fighters but not the designated leader of their respective teams, which should help to prevent conflicts of interest between each team’s relationship to their own Lordholders. Each of these three will act as my liaison to their respective teams, and will carry the title of General of the Queen’s Army, with all duties and privileges thereof.”

She turns to Mojo, and pointing to the southern part of the map states “General Mojo will be liaison to the group known as the Silver Moon, who will act on my behalf with the Thenossia, Jawlt and Aldorn Lordholdings.” She points to the northwestern section of the map, stating “General Teakas will be the liaison to the group known as the Dragonstalkers, and will act on my behalf with the Kaloon, Cantage and Eldamar Lordholdings.” She points to the northeastern section of the map, stating “General Aaron will be the liaison to the group known as the Elucidators, and will act on my behalf with the Zalpar, Kralt and East Lordholdings.”

She then motions for ten pages to step forward, each of which is holding a black tunic. Each military leader is presented two tunics, each custom made for the size of the wearer. One tunic is decorative, made of silk and velvet with fine embroidery, and a functional one made of heavy leather. On the chest of each tunic is the blue oval with the silver continent map divided into the Lordholding groupings. Each leader’s tunic has highlighted in gold their own designated section.
The Queen states “Each military leader will be wearing this tunic when on active duty on my behalf.” She then gestures for the five to take their seats.

She next introduces the ancient dwarf Grimway, who she announces will be her Treasury Minister, saying that he has an important announcement. Grimway comes forward, citing that he has been Queen Jennifer’s Treasury Minister for the Thenossia Lordholding for several years, and that in the past year it has been brought to his attention that a counterfeiting ring has been operating on the continent. He explains that “A supply of Phlooredah gold coins bearing the portrait of either Lord Henri (Matthan’s father, issued from 1006 to 1011) or King Matthan (issued starting in 1012) as well as platinum coins bearing the portrait of either Lord Toronas (Matthan’s brother, issued from 1006 to 1011) or King Matthan (issued starting in 1012) have been found to actually be copper counterfeits, which are only gold or platinum plated.” Most of the assembled aristocrats and wealthy Lords gasp at this revelation.

Grimway continues “The banks in Thenossia have worked with our Mage’s Guilds to create a magical device that can quickly detect the purity of any coin. The Guilds are now creating more of these devices, which will be sold at cost to the major financial centers in the Lordholdings. Beginning in April, for a three-month period, these banks will operate a currency exchange program, where all pure gold and platinum coins issued during the prior administration can be exchanged for new currency. The Phlooredah Usury Laws enacted under King Phlooredah that prevent charging for such transactions will be suspended for this exchange, to compensate the banks for the cost of the magical devices, with the allowable fee charged to be no more than one-percent, and we are recommending that it be half that amount. Following this period of exchange, in July, all gold and platinum coins issued by the prior administration will no longer be considered legal Phlooredah currency, which will thereby remove all of the counterfeit coins from circulation. Pure coins issued in those years could obviously still be melted down for the actual value of the metal.”

Queen Jennifer announces that a meal has been prepared for all guests on the floors below, after which they can all return to this great hall for dancing. During the meal the Silver Moon members very discreetly discuss the counterfeiting situation, not wanting to draw any undo attention to the fact that they and Kindor were the culprits. They also decide to hold off on converting their newly acquired gold and platinum bars to coinage. Following the meal they all return to the great hall for dancing and cocktails.

The reception begins, with people milling about in idle conversation. Mojo sees Matthan is currently alone, and cannot resist the opportunity to verbally spar with him. Mojo begins with the pointed comment “Hello Matthan, and how is the former ruler feeling today.” Matthan replies “Oh, Mojo, right? You work for Narg.” Mojo gestures to Narg, who is arm-in-arm with Vallessa about sixty feet away, and says “Narg and I adventure together. Don’t he and Vallessa make a fine couple?” Matthan answers “Until she tires of associating with his type.” Mojo answers “I don’t know about that, they are very happy together. What can I say, he has his Queen and I have my Queen, oh, excuse me, I guess technically she’s your Queen.” This comment makes Matthan’s face turn beet red with anger, which Ladies Pamela and Darlene see from across the room and hastily move in that direction.

Mojo continues his barrage, saying “Now that you are no longer ruler I hope that you can find things to keep you busy.” Matthan answers “I have many responsibilities in my new role.” Mojo answers “Oh course you do, tell me, exactly when is high tea?” At this point both Pamela and Darlene arrive. Mojo’s says to them “Ah, I’ve been waiting for you two ladies,” as he thrusts his glass towards them, adding “Could you please freshen this for me.” Vallessa and Narg now notice these three around Mojo, and make their way over to them.

Narg announces his approach with “Matthan, ladies, how pleasant to see each of you again.” Pamela icily tells him “Why yes, although I had hoped that we might meet under other circumstances.” Mojo exclaims, “Oh, pillow talk?” Narg quips “Well, we have been rather busy as of late, what with defeated the Arch-Mage Mordenkainen, although I might be able to now find the time for those of lesser power.” While this exchange is going on Vallessa discreetly slips a ring onto one of her fingers.

Mojo asks Pamela “Now that you are no longer advisers to the ruler, what will you be doing with yourself?” She replies “I am sure we can find tasks worthy of us.” Mojo answers “Well yes, you could check with Jennifer. This hall will probably need cleaning up after the party.”

Pamela decides to change opponents, and turns to Vallessa, saying “It has been a long time since you abruptly departed from the Cantage Lordholding. The regal city of Pirna has missed your presence. I hope you’ve been satisfied hanging out with those crude adventurers on that backwards Island.” Vallessa immediately answers, “Why I’ve been very happy with the Silver Moon. The Island is absolute paradise, a pleasant departure from a loud, noisy city and its…people.” Darlene says “And Pirna has done quite well without you.” Looking directly at Narg, Pamela adds “But you must be cognizant of how your current company will have an effect on your social status?”

Vallessa immediately retorts “Oh, why yes,” as she waves her left hand into their faces, a large gold band with a good-sized diamond decorating her ring finger, and states “I believe that you’ve met my fiancée Narg. I would say that our social standing has probably risen considerably since yesterday.” Both Darlene and Pamela are surprised by this revelation (and Narg too for that matter).

Narg quickly recovers, saying “Yes, we must be getting the invitations out soon,” and looking to Darlene, Matthan and Pamela adds “Of course, you’ll just be hearing about them.” Vallessa leans against Narg and says “I am so grateful to have found the man of my dreams. You single ladies may want to consider finding a man for yourselves too, after all, none of you are getting any younger.”

With that, she hooks arms with Narg, and leads him away. Pamela also excuses herself, leaving Matthan, Mojo and Darlene. Mojo us just standing there dumbfounded, also still recovering from Vallessa’s news, and Matthan says “You look confused?” Mojo replies “Why yes,” as he gestures towards the departing Pamela and then saying loud enough for them to also hear “I was just trying to figure out if she was the witch or the flying monkey.” He then walks away.

As Mojo makes his way around the room, informing the other Silver Moon members of the engagement, Narg and Vallessa find a private corner of the room to talk. Narg says “I guess we should start planning a wedding.” She replies “I just decided today to accept your proposal, let’s not rush the wedding.” The two then kiss.

Narg says “I guess I should thank Dani and her father,” Narg states. “And a few others” she replies, showing him the ring. “Who else?” Narg asks. “Hiroshi and Serita,” Vallessa answers “When they went back to Chunming to get his family they picked this up for us. Serita has been carrying it around with her since then. She was the most influential in getting me to consider your proposal.” “How?” he asks. Vallessa answers “She told me about the night at the dwarven tavern that Hiroshi took you guys to, long before you found out about my pregnancy, where you refused the female companionship offered to you, considering yourself a one-woman man.” OK, I’ll thank her,” Narg very reluctantly states.

Dani and her entourage of youngsters rush up to Vallessa to congratulate her. Having no tolerance for teenagers, Narg excuses himself, and goes to find Daniel. Narg thanks him for talking to Vallessa. Daniel says “I was glad to. I want nothing but the best for her.” He adds “This will also help my own home life better as well. My wife has never been comfortable about my past relationship with Vallessa. Things have improved during these past six years since she left Pirna for your Island, and your marriage should help to put my wife totally at ease.”

Narg eventually finds Serita to thank her, offering her a drink. She eyes him suspiciously, saying “What’s wrong with the drink, did you spit or piss in it?” He politely says “Nothing is wrong, I owe you this, and a whole lot more.” Her high wisdom shines through, and she perceives what he is talking about, saying “Oh right.” She then starts to fidget, and tells him “Enough of this, can we just go back to being normal.” He readily agrees.

As the night progresses Dominic continues to ask Blip for dances, which she appreciates at first, then begins to get annoyed with. He asks if she will be at the Spring wedding of his teammates Lynne and Ji-do-Kwan (Jaime’s brother) where he and Vincenzo will be officiating. She says that she probably will. Seeing the two of them together, Guice comments to Aradyn and Cassie “Looks like we’ve got another Yon cleric with a thing for gnomes.” Aradyn replies “Yeah, but since he’s also a gnome, of the opposite gender, I think it is OK.” Cassie adds “I don’t know if it is OK. Did you see the look on her face?” Guice comments “Well, he is old enough to be her grandfather.” “So he’s not a pervert,” Cassie adds, “Just a dirty old man.”

The dwarf Teakas occupies much of Lannon’s time, although she makes it clear that the main reason is to divert unwanted attention from a very intoxicated Flashis, the dwarven member of the Elucidators. Flashis’s drunken sidekick, the Viking Torvald, asks Serita to dance, which she reluctantly agrees to.

Dani approaches Guice, and asks him “Did you hear the big news?” Guice looks to the dance floor, saying “What? That somebody actually asked Serita to dance?” “No Narg and my mom are engaged!” She then rushes off, seeing Narg unoccupied, and talks her new “stepfather” into a dance.

Jennifer dances several times with Mojo, with her flirting continuously with him during their conversation. At one point they are interrupted by her former bodyguard Diego, who is with a beautiful half-elvan woman. He thanks Jennifer for the “unexpected present”, and says that he will miss being her employee. Mojo asks “What was that all about?” Jennifer answers “He and the young lady are getting married. As a wedding present I gave them an estate along the coast in Halla. His fiancée was not comfortable with him continuing to work for me as a bodyguard once she found out exactly how closely he guarded my body.” “Oh really,” Mojo comments. The Queen replies “What can I say. Ever since I was a girl I’ve always had a thing for elves.”

Jennifer lets Serita know that Grimway has arranged for Prince Matthew to be discreetly smuggled into the inn they are staying at, to return to the Island with the Silver Moon.

End Module 103

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