"Return of the Rod of the Seven Parts" - D&D

Silver Moon

Silver Moon Adventurer Modules

Chinese Take-out trilogy:
Modules 100 "Chinese Take- out" - Posts 2 to 51 & 57 to 97
Module 101 "Village of the Blessed Children" - Posts 52 to 56
Module 114 "Chinese Take-out Epilogue" Posts 98 to 100

Module 102 - "Tiger by the Tail" Posts 107 and 108

Module 103- "Coronation" Posts 109 and 110

Module 105 - "Return of the Rod of the Seven Parts (20 Year Anniversary Round Robin Game) Posts 111-up

“Chinese Take-out”.
A module set in the Forgotten Realms Kara-Tur Setting. It is set during the time of the Realm of Cities, in the land of Tu-Lung, primarily in the Provinces of Ausa and East Wai.

This module was played as the 100th module of the Silver Moon Gaming Group, from March 2001 to January 2002. The Epilogue was played in November 2002. The Story Hour is very long (92 Chapters), followed by a short Epilogue (3 Chapters). Please be sure to leave a reader comment when you're done!
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Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Background (A short summary of the previous “Retake the Island” module):

The adventuring party resides on Silver Moon Island, which is situated off the coast of the Kingdom of Phlooredah. King Matthan of Phlooredah had lost the approval of many of the land’s Lordholders, who now sought to replace him. The high-level members of the Silver Moon Adventurers traveled to a Council of the Lords for the selection of a new ruler. The Council met for several days, and was evenly divided between either selecting Lord Kindor of the Jawlt Lordholding or re-appointing King Matthan. A compromise was finally reached, with both Kindor and Matthan agreeing to allow Matthan’s estranged wife, Queen Jennifer, serve as Phlooredah’s new ruler for a fifteen-year period.

While the party leaders were away from their home an old enemy, the Arch Mage Morgarth used the opportunity to seek his revenge against them. He assembled an army comprised of approximately 70 Adventurers, 200 Bugbear, 300 Hobgoblins, and 30 Trow (elephant-footed giants) to attack the island and capture the hirelings and lower-level party members. This army was predominantly successful. They managed to capture all except a small group of mid-level party members, who hid in the forest and resorted to guerilla tactics against the invaders.

During to the attack, Morgarth and his druid Spring enhanced and diverted a tropical storm towards the island, increasing it to hurricane force. The Arch-Mage then confronted the high-level members, taunting them about what he had done. The group teleported back to their home to rescue their family and friends. Once back, Morgarth surrounded the island with an anti-magic barrier, to prevent the adventurers from either receiving further help or escaping.

For the next week the high-level party, assisted by the mid-level escapees, took on Morgarth’s army during the worst storm in over a century. In the end, the Silver Moon party was victorious. When the storm had cleared and the anti-magic barrier was dropped, Morgarth returned to collect his followers. He found that only 24 adventurers remained of his 600 strong army. The angry Arch Mage then narrowly escaped capture, bringing his two-dozen followers away with him.

A month (and another DM's module) has now passed since the attack. The Silver Moon have buried their dead, healed their wounded and cleaned up the Island from the invasion, battles and storm. The adventurers have been diligently searching for Morgarth’s current whereabouts, to no avail.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Introduction: "Pick a character, any character", September 9th, 1018:

The day begins with the arrival of an ally, the elderly human mage Oterel. Oterel tells the Silver Moon Adventurers that simultaneous to their battle on the island he had cast a scry spell to locate Morgarth, receiving an image of the Arch Mage within a large stone castle surrounded by forests. Oterel teleported to this location and fought the Arch Mage. Oterel was wounded and fled before he could ascertain the exact location of the citadel. He has spent the time since then recovering in isolation. Morgarth’s castle can no longer be located through magical means.”

“Great, so we still don’t have a clue where he is,” Lannon comments. Oterel says that is not entirely true, as he had taken three books from a desk in Morgarth’s library. One is written in an odd variation of the Common Tongue, and the others are written in two different Oriental languages. "See what you can make of them,” Oterel states, pulling the texts out of the bag of holding. Two are large leather-bound volumes with yellowed parchment pages. The third is much smaller, ten by eight inches and about a half-inch thick with a cardboard binder on it. The group immediately recognizes the smaller book as being bound similar to those from the world of their party member Alton (20th Century Earth), and that the language it is written in is the odd variant of common used on that world. Alton is immediately summoned to help. The other two books are indeed written in an Oriental language, so they call for the only Oriental member of their ship's crew, Toshiro Mitsubishi, to come help with the translation.

The druid Alton soon arrives. Alton was originally a San Francisco hippie from 1967, who accidentally wound up on this world a decade earlier. He identifies the first text as being an Operations and Flight Manual for a type of military aircraft, listed as an X-51 Stealth Fighter and constructed by a company called by Rockwell International. He has trouble reading the copyright date on the book, never having been good with Roman numerals, but thinks it is from slightly after his time frame. The group decides to let Alton hang onto this particular book.

Toshiro is able to identify the languages that both of the other books are written in. One is a Zoology text, written in the native language of his homeland, the Heian Empire (Japanese). The other is written in the language of a land to the west of his Empire (Chinese). He says that he was once taught that language by his Uncle, but has forgotten much of it during the past decade away from the Orient, so may take him a while to figure it out.

Oterel mentions that from Morgarth's Castle the heavily wooded forests appeared to be plentiful with animals. The only people he sighted were at a pond around few miles away, where a group of naked Oriental humans of both genders were swimming alongside several Bullywug, Lizardmen, and what appeared to be a humanoid octopus. “Sounds like his castle is in Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom,” is Mojo’s comment. A member of the party reminds the others that during the hurricane they had once spotted a quartet of humanoid animals, some dressed in Oriental armor, working with Morgarth's troops.

The party suggests that they bring both books with them the next day on their visit to the Phlooredah town of Gelorynth as they are scheduled to pick up magic items lost by Morgarth's troops that the wizard Derieki has been identifying for them. They are optimistic that he will have information from this that will lead them to Morgarth. Toshiro is told "You had better come along too."

A short discussion follows as to which of their thirty party members to send. Lord Narg, the group’s reckless and charismatic half-elvan leader, announces that he will head the mission. His elvan roommate and sidekick, Mojo Rising, immediately sounds off “Me too.” Mark, a half-elf ranger, states “Count me in”. The constantly eating dwarven fighter Duegar waves a turkey leg in the air and says between bites “Wouldn’t miss it.” Lannon, the group’s other dwarf and also their highest level thief, utters “Ditto.”

Narg comments, “Great, with the Toshiro kid, that now makes five fighters and a thief. How about some healing and spells?” Two of the party’s founding members both sign on. One is the beautiful and belligerent druid, Serita. The other is the tall and quiet human cleric Timothy, a follower of Ukko. The half-elf Cassie-Andra, the group’s highest level mage and also a cleric of Math, agrees to go. With Cassie going along her boyfriend, the elvan archer Aradyn, now refuses to stay behind. He claims that he wants to find and kill Morgarth, but everyone suspects other motives, as Cassie and a neutral-aligned mage now working for Morgarth had once been attracted to each other.

Deciding that a second mage might also be needed, the half-elf Fiona also joins. Knowing her general antipathy towards fighters Mojo comments “You’d lower yourself to be seen with us.” She answers “I’ll make the sacrifice.” Mojo’s petulant half-elf cousin Lono announces “I’m coming too.” Several party members object to having the foul-mouthed youngster with them, but reconsider once Lannon points out that they might need another with thieving skills.

Deciding that twelve is enough, they set off for in their ship, sailing towards Phlooredah.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter One: "Your mission if you choose to accept it", September 10th, 1018:

Arriving at the coastal town of Gelorynth, they head directly to the home of their wizard friend Derieki. Derieki had been given all of the magic items to identify that had been taken from the defeated attackers after the previous month’s battles. The mage describes the different items, some of which are taken by those present. The remaining items are separated out into piles of “keep as party magic” or “see if anyone else on the island wants it.”

The last items are a group of ten flare wands, which Derieki says that he has some very interesting information about them. He has identified them as each being over 400 years old, which is very unusual given that they are single-use magic items. He says that he also found engraved beneath the painted color on each a symbol in Oriental writing. Toshiro examines this, stating that this is in his homeland’s language, and designates the name of the color.

Derieki next examines the two books that they have with them. He points out to the party that the margin notes written in one of the books is in a different language than the other, but both appear to have been written by the same person, as the handwriting is identical. Furthermore, the Oriental symbols on the wands also appear to have been engraved by the same person. He finds a notation that Toshiro missed which indicates that book is signed by a man named Lee Takayama over four hundred years earlier. The group decides that they need to find more information about this person, as it appears to be their best lead to finding Morgarth.

Toshiro states that, although not familiar with the specific individual who wrote the book, that he may know of his descendents, as the Takayama family are a wealthy and prominent family where he is from. The Takayama's family business is the creating and selling of unique magic items. The party concludes that this is their best clue, and inquires to Toshiro about teleporting the party to his homeland. Toshiro agrees, stating that he has been away for more than a decade, having been forced to leave, but that he has recently been contacted that it is now safe for him to return.

“Hold on a minute, forced to leave?” comments Cassie. “Maybe you should give us some more background before we head off to this place.” As Derieki serves a late dinner to the group, their crewmember begins to tell them his life story, something that he has never spoken of before.

Toshiro Mitsubishi lived with his family in a sprawling mansion in Miyako, the capital city of the Heian Empire (Japan), a nation comprised of approximately 200 islands, with a total population of five million people. The land was divided into forty different regions, each ruled by a Warlord, who swore allegiance to the Emperor. While the Emperor had little authority in this decentralized government structure, he was respected by all and also commanded a standing army to protect the Empire from foreign invaders.

His farther Tametoki and his mother Rinshi had done very well and were one of the leading families of Miyako. They were a generous family, trying to care for the poor and defenseless. Unfortunately, this altruistic view has often brought trouble to the Mitsubishi family. Behind closed doors they were often referred to as the “babysitters of the city” and laughed about at private meetings. This, however, began to change when the Empress Shosi began to take an interest in the family. The love and loyalty that the peasants and workers gave to this family fascinated the Empress. She began to have audiences with the matriarch and most respected member of the Mitsubishi family, Toshiro’s grandmother. The entire family soon became frequent quests at the Emperor’s Palace. It was at that time that the daughter of Empress Shosi, Katako met Toshiro and after many visits they fell in love. The word of this blossoming love spread quickly and soon it reached the Hyundi family and to its’ only heir Kinto.

Kinto was the only son of the powerful Hyundi family and was enraged that the daughter of the Empress was in love with a weak family who cared more for the beggars than the glory of the Empire. He decided to take care of this matter and gain Katako’s hand, and a step getting his family closer to the throne. He began by formally approaching the Emperor and asking for his daughter’s hand, but was refused due to the fact that she has been promised to another. The Emperor liked Toshiro, and saw that the union with his daughter could bring peace to the land, while Kinto could only bring war. Furious at this refusal Kinto, stormed out and headed to the Mitsubishi house and demanded a meeting with the Lord and Lady of the house. He was let in and spoke to Tametoki in the guest quarters. Kinto soon became enraged, and a fight broke out. Rinshi tried to flee to summon the estate guards, but Kinto struck her, knocking her to the floor. It was at this time that Toshiro was walking nearby, and saw his mother being assaulted and father being threatened. He lost control, drew his sword and attacked Kinto from behind, slaying him.

When night had come and Toshiro’s parents were bandaged and healed, they had to make preparations, to beg for Toshiro’s life. Although defending ones parents is honorable, he slew his enemy from behind, and that would bring disgrace to his family. Kinto’s family would demand retribution for the loss of their son. They pleaded to the Emperor for their son’s life. The Emperor, fond of Toshiro and the love he has for his daughter, decided to exile Toshiro from the Empire as punishment, with him to not to return unless sent for. The Emperor told them that he would send Katako to a monastery to be kept safe for the times to follow. As Toshiro set out to leave left his family his farther gave him the family arms and sword to guard and protect him in his travels. Toshiro left at the age of 16, and has been wandered the world for a few years before finding himself in City of Jawltorn eight years ago, when he was hired on as a crew member of the ship Silver Moon.

Toshiro concludes his story by saying that a few months ago, one sunrise on the Island, he spotted a crane from his homeland that bore a letter. The letter said that it was safe for him to come home now and he should hurry, as his Grandmother is old and would like to see her grandson son before she passes on. The letter briefly stated that the Hyundi family is no more, due to their attempt to take the throne from the Emperor. The Emperor has now cleared all charges against Toshiro, and would welcome him back into the bosom of the Empire. He says that he considered asking the party for transportation back to his homeland, but felt that to do so would be too bold for someone of his station, as a servant of theirs. “Buddy, if you want something you just need to speak up,” says Narg, “the worst we would have done is say no.”

The party decides that it is now time for them to travel to the Orient. All except for Serita and Toshiro climb into the party's the bags of holding. Serita gives Toshiro her Ring of Teleportation, and explains to him how it works. She then does a druidic transformation, taking on the form of an eagle, and lands on his shoulder. At approximately 10:00 P.M., Toshiro teleports away from Derieki’s mansion.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 2: "The Prodigal Son Returns", September 11, 1018

[DM's Note: The reference source for this chapter is the Internet web site www.taleofmurasaki.com , which gives great historical detail of 11th century Japan, as well as an interesting cast of characters. While this is based on historical Japan, if a DM would prefer to keep this a pure Forgotten Realms setting this location could be considered part of the Kozakura Island chain.]

The party arrives at the Mitsubishi estate in Miyako, the capital city of the Heian Empire. As they are on the opposite side of the world it is now 10:00 A.M. the following morning. They are in a garden pagoda, which he says is the Fishing Pavilion, as it is beside a small pond. Toshiro says that he will need to go find somebody, and for the party to wait there. He returns in a few minutes, saying that he has spoken to a servant, who is informing his parents of his return. Toshiro says that he will go speak to his parents, and bring them to meet the party.

The estate is rather large, situated in the nicer past of the city, east of the Emperor’s palace. The estate is comprised of a large walled in square occupying nine acres of land. There are multiple buildings, all pagoda-style. From where the party is Toshiro points out in the distance the Main Pavilion, where his family reside, a Guest Pavilion to the west of it, and Pavilion to the east of it where extended family live. Housing for servants are situated behind the three main buildings.

He returns in a few minutes with his parents, and introduces everyone. Toshiro’s father thanks them for safely returning his son, and invites them to stay as guests for as long as they would like. He asks a servant bring them to their new quarters at the guest pavilion. During the conversation Toshiro gives an annoying look to Serita, who has remained in bird form. Toshiro leaves with his parents, and the three take a walk in the estate’s garden.

The party enters the building, and is shown to their individual quarters. The building actually has just a single room, with paper patricians separating it into different sections. Narg asks where the furniture is, and is informed that the pillows on the floor are the chairs, and that the mats on the floor, which he thought were rugs, are the beds. “No wonder Toshiro took his time coming back here” Narg mutters.

Meanwhile, Toshiro briefly talks to his parents about his travel and adventures. He also asks about what has happened since he left home and how his beloved is doing. They appear some-what evasive, but say that she is well. After that he explains his relationship with the group and why they are here. He tells them that he is glad to be home and can't wait to see Katako, but first he must "help the Silver Moon defeat the evil wizard Morgarth and stop the plague of evil his is growing in their homeland. This evil is great and he might not live to see his wedding to Katako become reality, but it is his honor that is at stake if he backs out on the Silver Moon now, and who would want to marry a man with no honor."

Although it is approaching noon where they now are, to the party it is now almost midnight, so they decide that it would be best to just get a good long rest in order to reacclimatize to the new time zone. The party sleeps throughout the day, some staying awake during part of the night, but most just taking advantage of being to get a nice long rest.

September 12, 1018: 5:30 A.M.

Toshiro arrives at the guest pavilion. Narg asks “When’s breakfast?” Toshiro explains that the traditional Heian household has two meals a day, at approximately 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Hearing that, several party members break out rations to snack on. Toshiro explains that the entire extended family will be gathered for the meals, and that there is to be minimal of conversation at meals, as one should maintain eye contact to whoever is talking but it is considered rude to stare at somebody while they are eating. He said that a formal family meeting would follow the meal that the party has been asked to attend. He also tells them that the party's animals - Fiona's cat familiar, Cassie's owl familiar, and Serita while in eagle form – will not be allowed to enter the main pavilion during the meal, and should wait in the guest pavilion. He then informs Serita that she will have to remain in eagle form and act like a bird during the party's entire visit, as she had not changed back by the time he had brought his parents to meet the party. If his family were to now find out that she had met them in disguise it would be considered dishonorable, and could jeopardize any help from Toshiro’s family. She is very upset about this, feeling that he should have informed her of this in advance.

He suggests that the party clean up before the meal. The servants show them to a “communal bath”, which most of the party is reluctant to use as a group, but the two dwarves think nothing of stripping down and diving in. Narg mutters about maybe taking one later, but only if the servants can change the water and remove the dirt ring that the dwarves will leave around the tub. The group are all provided with kimonos to wear. Narg complains about having to wear a dress, but reluctantly attires himself accordingly, although he decides to keep on his sneakers (obtained on Alton's world) rather than the sandals that had been provided.

Shortly before the meal the party is led by a servant into the main pavilion, which has been set up with a series of small tables about a foot above the floor, with pillows around it. Toshiro’s parents are seated at the head table, along with two middle-aged Japanese men, a middle-aged Japanese woman, and an elderly Japanese woman. Toshiro is seated at another table, with young men and men. There are two other tables with Japanese people of various ages, and a guest table that has been set out for the party. The group immediately notices that the table is short two pillows, and all but Lannon and Duegar are directed to sit down. Toshiro notices the party’s confusion, and comes over to them, telling both Lannon and Duegar that there appears to have been a misunderstanding, as his parents must have assumed the two dwarves were the party’s servants. To correct this now would cause embarrassment, so he says for them to just play along, and he will discuss this privately with his parents later.

The meal consists of a variety of dishes, including soups, rice, noodles, fish, meats, and assorted vegetables all served in bowls. The household servants assist Lannon and Duegar with bringing food to the party, and then clearing the dishes afterwards. The two dwarves take it in stride, taking their cues from the servants.

Following the meal most of those in the room leave, including all females except for Cassie, Fiona and the elderly woman. Four large wooden chairs are brought into the room, and the three men and elderly woman take seats. Toshiro moves over to sit with the Silver Moon. Toshiro's father begins speaking, introducing the other two men as his brothers Hiroshi and Takeshi, and the woman as his mother, the leader of the family.

Lannon and Duegar accompany the servants to the servants’ quarters, where an elaborate meal comprised of the “leftovers” awaits them. Rather than eating in silence, the servants converse freely during the meal, those who know it speaking in the common language. They break out several bottles of an alcoholic drink that they call Sake. The two dwarves conclude that they lucked out by being mistaken as servants, and question whether they want to correct this misunderstanding.

In the main room the grandmother gives great thanks to the party for returning Toshiro to them, and asks for more detail about this great evil that they are seeking, which may be threatening the Empire. Aradyn and Cassie do most of the talking, telling of being attacked at their home, and now seeking their enemy. They explain how they have found clues indicating that their enemy now resides in a castle that was owned centuries before by a man named Lee Takayama. They came here to Miyako, because Toshiro spoke of a prominent family here with the same family name.

The grandmother confirms that the Takayama’s are indeed a well-respected and powerful family within the city, who are creators and sellers of great magic. She mentions that it was through them that she had gotten the message to Toshiro several months earlier saying that it was now safe to come home. She says that she will contact the Takayama Family Elder to arrange an audience for the party.

She then speaks to Toshiro, saying that now that he has returned, there is another obligation that he has to perform. She asks if he remembers the man named Hijari Toyota, who served as the chief advisor to the current Emperor, as well as his two predecessors. Toshiro says that he does remember the man. The grandmother says that Toyota died three months ago, and that Toshiro needs to visit the Emperor’s palace to pay respects to the man's widow, and that an audience for this has been arranged for him on the following day. “Certainly”, is Toshiro’s answer. She then says “You do not fully understand my grandson. His widow is not the woman Shutashi that you remember, for she died many years ago, shortly after you left on your journeys.” Toshiro’s face turns pale, and he softly mutters to Aradyn “I think I know where this is going.”

The grandmother explains that around six years ago the elderly Toyota’s health began to deteriorate, and that as a lonely widower he had nobody to care for him. The Emperor was indebted to him for his many decades of service, and decided to reward the man by providing for him both companionship and the honor of officially becoming a member of the royal family. The Emperor decided to offer him the hand of his daughter Katako, who had been living in seclusion at a monastery for five years at that point. This would also solved the problem of the Hyundai family. Yensu Hyundai, the cousin of Kinto, had formerly asked for Katako’s hand in marriage a month earlier, and the Emperor had been procrastinating giving a reply.

When the word of this engagement reached the Hyundai family Yensu became enraged, and demanded an audience with Toyota. The elderly adviser met with the young man, thinking that he only wished to offer his families best wishes for the marriage. Instead, Yensu drew and shortsword and attacked the old advisor, yelling that this was a “duel of honor for her hand”. Hijari Toyota quickly realized that, as an elderly septuagenarian in frail health, he would be no match against a healthy twenty-year old. He had, however, once been trained as a monk, and quickly recalled four different open-hand movements designed to immediately incapacitate a foe. The first two of these were unsuccessful, and he took a sword slash across his chest, that thankfully did not penetrate deep enough to cause fatal damage. On his third attack Hijari hit the appropriate pressure points to stun Yensu, followed by his forth and final move, a successful strike in the larynx, which proved to be fatal to young Hyundai. By this time, the commotion in the Emperor’s palace had drawn a crowd, including the Empress. Yensu’s dishonorable actions were sufficient to have the Hyundai family banished from the Empire.

Toshiro's grandmother explains how, at that point in time, they could have contacted Toshiro to return, but felt that it would be heartbreaking for him to find his beloved married to another. For that reason they chose to wait. When Hijari Toyota died in the spring she then sent word to her grandson to return. The grandmother then looks to the Silver Moon Adventurers, asking that some of them accompany Toshiro during his visit to the royal palace, as me might need their support and friendship to get through the emotional reunion with Katako. She reminds Toshiro to “Act honorably and appropriately. Remember, she is a widow, and another ten weeks remain of the traditional half-year period of mourning.” Lono mutters to Mojo “I guess that means he won’t be getting any.”

The grandmother tells the party that they are free to travel the city, but also informs them that only those of pure races populate the Empire, and so those of hybrid races should cover their heads and faces when traveling about. “What, you guy’s don’t like half-elves?” Narg exclaims, “And you want me to hide who I am?”. The grandmother answers “I personally do not share in those prejudices, and you are welcome to go anywhere you wish on our estate. Many in this city, however, do not share my feelings on that subject. The Takayama family is probably the most vocal in their opposition to hybrid races, so if it is information that you seek from them, it is probably best that you do not antagonize them unnecessarily.” The party returns to the guest pavilion. The half-elves of the party (Cassie, Fiona, Lono, Mark, & Narg) complain bitterly about the restriction. “At least you aren’t stuck as a bird” Serita's player comments.
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Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 3, "The Favorite Uncle", September 12, 1018:

Toshiro’s Uncle Hiroshi soon joins the party. Toshiro had told his grandmother about the misunderstanding regarding the dwarves, having explained that Duegar and Lannon are prominent members of the group, which in the Heian Empire would be the equivalent of dwarven clan chiefs. Hiroshi explains that he had worked as a Jeweler and Gem Merchant, and his travels throughout the Orient had him serve as a diplomat with dwarven clans, so he was asked by the grandmother to offer Duegar and Lannon the formal apologies from the family. “Hey, no big deal.” Lannon answers. Hiroshi then offers them a gift, of a large bottle of Sake, and has also brought glasses. As the dwarves and Hiroshi sit down for a drink many of the other party members decide to join them. The party soon becomes very comfortable with this older man, especially given that he speaks common without any hint of an accent. He is even familiar with colloquial expressions and slang that are part of the group's everyday vocabulary. He says that they can call him “Hiro” rather than his full formal name. Toshiro appears to be uncomfortable with Hiroshi’s “casualness” around the party, being used to far more formality while at the family estate.

The remainder of the day is spent with the party drinking with Hiro. The older man mentions that he is a linguist, speaking over a dozen Oriental languages. Cassie shows him the two books, which he is able to easily translate. Hiro tells her that since the zoology text is both an antique, and written by Lee Takayama, it would make an excellent present to give to the Takayama Family during their audience, as presents are part of all formal meetings. She asks if he would be able to first “copy” it for her, so that she could retain the information, which he agrees to.

The party asks Hiroshi about the different races in this Empire. He explains that there are only two native races to the land of the Heian Empire, elf and human. Humans currently comprise approximately 62% of the population, and elves comprise approximately 37%. The remaining 1% of the population is comprised mostly of visiting dwarves that came from the continent west of the Empire during the past half-century, and they live primarily at or near mining areas, and not in the major population centers.

“If there are both elves and human, then why no half-elves?” asks Cassie. He explains that law forbids inter-racial marriage between the Heian humans and Heian elves. “Keeping the races apart?” comments Lono. Hiroshi answers “No, not really. The humans and elvan populations actually get along well, and it is not uncommon to see them living side-by-side. There is also no attitude with either race of racial superiority or racial bias. The reason that they are prohibited from inter-racial unions is because of their significantly different life spans. Heian society places great value on family, and considers it inappropriate for a long-lived race to create unions with a short-lived race, feeling that is unnecessarily cruel for one spouse to stay young while the other, and their children, grow old and die.” “So there are never any illegitimate half-elvan child?” asks Cassie. “Occasionally,” Hiroshi answers, “But as honor is greatly regarded here, and that would be a violation of the law, the parents would be disgraced. Any half-elvan children born are sent away to live on a remote island near the outer edge of the Empire, which has a half-elvan population.”

At 4:00 P.M. the party, including the dwarves, joins the family for the formal evening meal, after which the grandmother informs them that an Elder in the Takayama family will meet with them shortly before noon two days later. She reminds them that it would be strongly advisable that half-elves not go to this meeting. After the meal Duegar and Lannon conclude that dining with the servants was a lot more fun.

Cassie and Hiroshi spend the evening, and much of the next two days, copying the zoology book, with him taking an occasional break to drink and play cards with the guys. During this time they also find out much more about Hiroshi’s personal history. Hiroshi Mitsubishi was born the second of three brothers in the politically powerful Mitsubishi family, in the Heian Empire’s capital city of Miyako. It was expected that, like his siblings, he would seek a political career with the Empire. Hiroshi, however, had far too much curiosity about the world to ever be content as a bureaucrat.

A natural linguist, his skills were called upon after dwarves from the western continent discovered new techniques in mining, and these dwarven clans sought mining rights to the volcanic mountains that comprised much of the Heian Islands. Young Hiroshi became invaluable, quickly becoming fluent in the dwarven tongue and negotiating agreements mutually beneficial to both parties. Hiroshi took a natural affinity to the dwarves, finding their company preferable to the rigid protocols and politics of Miyako. The dwarves set up mining camps and villages throughout the Empire, choosing to remain isolated, as the humans and elves of the Empire were very apprehensive of these newcomers, which caused a mutual distrust from the dwarves. Hiroshi was one of the few trusted Heians, and from this relationship he soon developed a successful business, brokering sales of raw minerals and gems for the dwarves.

Hiroshi chose not to make the dwarves dependent on his skills and services, deciding instead to act as a teacher and mentor for the Dwarven Clan Chiefs, to help them learn the local languages and develop long-term relationships with the Provincial Warlords of the Heian Empire. This earned him their admiration, and rather than dealing simply with raw materials, the dwarves soon approached him about brokering sales of finished goods, primarily jewelry and polished gemstones. During these years the dwarves also taught Hiroshi the languages spoken in western continent, and his travels and business dealings soon extended into those regions as well.

This business enterprise was quite successful, and brought great wealth to the Mitsubishi family, rising the family's status and social standing. This in turn helped the political careers of his father and brothers. The family was quite proud of Hiroshi and of his role in the Empire, in spite of its non-traditional nature. Hiroshi’s father arranged a marriage for him with Kirora, the daughter of a prominent Provincial Warlord of a neighboring province. The marriage, however, proved to be an unhappy one, as she was displeased with his long periods away from home, as well as the lack of attention given to her when he was home. They had one son, named Kojiro

In the sixth year of their marriage Kirora’s mother took ill, and Kirora returned to her home province to care for her. Even after the mother’s passing, Kirora and Kojiro did not return, and Hiroshi’s father petitioned the Emperor to have the union dissolved. Hiroshi did not reestablish a relationship with his son until the boy was in his late-twenties, when after failures at three consecutive careers, Kojiro sought out his father for employment. Hiroshi initially gave his son a relatively minor supervisory job, but that was soon to change.

Both Hiroshi’s mother and the Emperor started to encourage Hiroshi to pass the business onto the next generation, as Mitsubishi Jewels and Gems had become the sole source of revenue for the family and was also responsible for nearly half of revenue to the Emperor’s coffers. They realized that the business had become entirely dependent upon Hiroshi and his personal connections. As he was now sixty years old, they were afraid and if anything were to happen to him the business would collapse, and bring about their own financial ruin, as they had become accustomed to an opulent lifestyle. Eventually Hiroshi agreed to train and pass his business on to his favorite nephew, Toshiro. Circumstances then forced Toshiro to leave the Empire, so he began to teach Kojiro. Working with Kojiro proved to be a frustrating experience for Hiroshi, as the young man lacked a good head for the business, had no linguist ability, and lacked the political skills needed for the job. To compensate, Hiroshi surrounded his son with trusted associates, both human and dwarven.

Eight years ago Hiroshi officially named his son the new Leader of Mitsubishi Jewels and Gems. Kojiro’s ineptitude, however, kept Hiroshi actively involved in the business for another four years. The business has finally now begun to stabilize as a manageable and viable enterprise under Kojiro’s leadership. The business is now only one-third the size, and at around half the profit level, of what it had been at its peak, but is positioned to maintain itself indefinitely. The business is now focused on the Heian Empire itself, having discontinued its primary operations on the Western Continent, while still maintaining a supply link through Kojiro’s dwarven advisors with their affiliation to the dwarven clans there.

Hiroshi says that he had originally planned to enjoy his retirement, and spend most of his time traveling, but that has not been the case. For the past four years Hiroshi has remained in Miyako, serving as a Family Elder and occasionally working as a translator for the Emperor. Every time he has planned a trip abroad either his mother or the Emperor have found some reason to keep him from going. Hiroshi says that he thinks they suspect that if he leaves he will not return, and they want to keep him close just in case Kojiro should again need direction and guidance with the business. He says that he has been quite bored lately, and finds the party’s lively company and stories of their adventures to be the most interesting diversion he has had in years.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 4, "Long time, no see!" September 13, 1018:

The group of Aradyn, Duegar, Mojo Timothy and Toshiro approach the Emperor’s palace. Traveling through the city, they see that it is comprised mostly of large estates, separated by either walls or gates. Each estate has many trees and bushes, with buildings similar in style to that of the Mitsubishi household. They eventually arrive at the palace, a gigantic building surrounded by many gardens and small ponds. Toshiro explains that over half of the City’s population of ten thousand people works at the palace. They enter through the eastern gate, state their business, and are led through the vast building to a series of rooms in the northeastern corner of the palace.

They enter a room, where Princess Katako awaits them. Also in the room are many ladies in waiting. Toshiro approaches, and offers formal greetings. He offers condolences for the loss of her husband, and comments that she looks to be in good health. He then introduces each of his companions. Each one makes formal and dignified remarks, taking their cue from Toshiro. Mojo also extends greetings from the Continent of Phlooredah, introducing himself as a chief advisor to Queen Jennifer, the land's chosen ruler. Katako thanks them for keeping Toshiro safe, and for bringing him home to the city of his birth. Toshiro begins to talk to her some more about how pleased he is to see her, and looks forward to when they can spend some more time together. He discreetly stops before the conversation reaches the point of discussing their relationship and feelings towards each other. They then bid her goodbye, Toshiro saying that he hopes to speak to her when he returns from his current quest.

On the way out through the palace they pass down a long corridor that during their entry was covered with curtains on one side. The curtains are now open, opening into a vast room, where seated at the far end is the Emperor and Empress, watching them. Toshiro makes a respectful bow in their direction, which they do not make any gesture in response. The party is then urged to continue with the exit from the building.

The group returns to the Mitsubishi household, Toshiro heading off to talk to his parents. The other relaying to the party that “We pulled it off, nobody blew it.” “How did Toshiro hold up?” Cassie asks. “Pretty good,” Aradyn answers “At one point I thought he was going to get all emotional, but he held it in check, keeping things on a respectable level.” “See,” says Lono, “I told you he wasn’t going to get any.”
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Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 5, "What's with all the critter statues?" September 14, 1018:

The group tries to figure out who would be best to send to the audience with the Takayama Elder. They ask Hiroshi what he knows about the family. He says that they are very powerful spell-casters, each being either druids, magic-users, or both. Their family wealth comes from their being the only creator and seller on the continent of powerful Potions of Longevity, much sought after magic item due to its ability to prolong life. Their particular “recipe” for this potion differs from the formulas and components used by other wizards on the world, in that the likelihood of negation with theirs is much lower, a significant factor given the cumulative negation properties of multiple ingestions. He says they also make and sell a number of other unique magic items, many having to do with animals.

They ask what he knows of their bias towards hybrid races. He says that sixty years ago a young member of the Takayama family brought disgrace to their family by having an affair with a married elf, from which a half-elvan child was born. The elf held a important role on the Emperor’s advisory staff, and his family was forced to leave the Empire in shame due to this indiscretion. The Emperor, the grandfather of the current Emperor, blamed the Takayama girl for seducing his advisor, and banned the family from the Royal Court, a ban that lasted for over three decades. Only with the coronation of the current Emperor fifteen years ago has the family been fully reinstated at the top of the social echelons. The elders of that family would therefore act unfavorably towards one of the half-elf race.

The party discusses whom to send, eventually deciding upon Aradyn, Duegar, Mojo, Timothy and Toshiro . They head to the Takayama estate, bringing with them the book of Lee Takayama. While most estates within the city have large quantities of trees and vegetation, giving a “park-like” appearance, this particular property is more “forest-like”, with greenery everywhere and the sight and sounds of hundreds of small animals and birds throughout the vast property, which occupies a walled-in twenty acre section of the city.

The five tell the gate guards about having an appointment, and are led through the outer gardens to a large stone pagoda-style building. They enter a door to a large room, occupying about half of the building. All of the walls of the room are lined with shelves, on which are thousands of small ceramic or wooden statues of animals. At the front of the room is an oak desk and counter. Sitting on a tall stool behind it is a young woman, who appears to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She introduces herself as Kasha Takayama, the family Elder they had an appointment with. While she is clearly far younger than one would expect an “Elder” to be, each of the party is mindful that this family makes Longevity potions, and conclude that she is probably much older than she appears.

Aradyn and Toshiro alternate as party spokesperson, explaining that they are on a quest of vengeance against an evil wizard who had attacked their home. Information that they received has indicated that this wizard now resides in a castle somewhere in this land, and that the castle was probably once the home to a man named Lee Takayama. The party notices that she has a surprised reaction to the mention of his name. They state that they are therefore interested in any information about that man, which is what has led them to the Takayama Estate, explaining further about the book, which they then place on the desk before her.

She rings a bell, and a servant enters. She sends the servant to go get someone, and another beautiful young woman soon enters, whom Kasha introduces as her cousin, Youli Takayama. The two of them examine the book while Kasha explains what the party has said. Youli states “We are the descendents of Lee Takayama, the man who established our family into prominence in this city, over five hundred years ago, who clearly authored this book. This is a great find.” “You may keep it with our compliments” states Toshiro. They are extremely grateful for the present. “Could you tell us about your ancestor?” asks Aradyn. They explain how he was a powerful druid-mage, whose area of expertise was biological, determined to find the secrets of both human and animal life. He created many magical items during his long life, the secrets to the creation of which he passed on to his family, which have kept the family employed and prosperous since his time.

Aradyn asks about where he lived. “Right here,” Youli answers, “He built this estate.” “Did he ever live at a castle in a different place?” asks Toshiro. After a pause, and exchange of glances between the two women, Kasha softly replies “He could have. We have no knowledge of what happened to him after he left Miyako and the Heian Empire.” “Why did he leave?” Mojo asks. Kasha answers, “He was sad and lonely. His main accomplishment in life was the creation of his Longevity potion. Early in his work on developing it he used one of his four children to test a formula on. It had an opposite reaction on the boy, causing him to rapidly age, and the boy died a few months later, despite Lee’s frantic efforts to find a way to reverse its effects. Following that tragedy, Lee’s wife refused to allow him to ever again use his magic on either her or their other children, even after he had perfected the potion. Whereas he used the potion himself, he remained young, as his spouse and children aged and eventually died. Following the death of his last child, he left his notes and all possessions to his grandchildren, and went away, never to return. That was 470 year ago she concludes.” “How old was he at that time?” Duegar asks. She answers “He was 130 years old, although he looked to be one third of that.”

Looking around the room, Duegar asks, “What’s with all of the critter statues.” Youli answers “Another of Lee’s creations. We can enchant each statue with a unique spell, which will allow the person using it to temporarily become that animal. In gratitude for your bringing us this book you may choose two statues as a present from us.” Looking at the hundreds of different types of animal available, they discuss which two to get. Youli interjects “Unless you are a druid you actually need two statues to become the animal, one for each hand when you activate them, as with one you would become only a humanoid version of the animal.”

Hearing this, they confer about the humanoid animals that they saw on the Island the previous month and those seen by the mage Oterel near Morgarth's castle. They conclude that Morgarth must be using these statues too, and say “We may actually need more than just two. Would you be willing to sell us some?” Youli asks what they have for payment, with Aradyn handing over one of Cassie’s large diamonds, this one being nearly the size of an apple. The women are very impressed by the size of the stone. Kasha casts a few spells on it, to confirm that it is genuine and not magically enlarged, they then discuss in the local language what the gem might be worth. They tell the party that “You may have twenty statues for this, plus the two that we will give you as a gift." The party then talk about what to get, concluding that they do not know enough about the local animals to make the best decision at this point in time, and request to come back the next day to make their choice. An appointment is made for 11:00 A.M. the following day. The group leaves.
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Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 6, "Visitors in the night", September 14, 1018:

After the group return to the Mitsubishi estate Hiroshi asks about their visit to the Takayama family. They relate to him what occurred, and the agreement they made. He asks about the diamond given to them, to which Cassie produces another one, saying “It was like this one”. Hiroshi examines the gem, and gives professional opinion, based upon his gem appraisal skills, as well as him having being a past purchaser of these statues. He concludes that they greatly overpaid. “Wait a minute, are you saying that they cheated us?” Mojo exclaims. “Oh no,” answers Hiroshi, “Businesspeople in this city would never intentionally try to cheat somebody, as that would be dishonorable. Unlike me, the Takayamas are not professional gem appraisers, so they would have had to guess to its value. They just guessed too conservatively.”

“OK, so tomorrow we ask for a refund” Mojo says. “Absolutely not,” Hiroshi answers “that would imply that they did something wrong and dishonorable.” Cassie interjects, “Well, since that was MY GEM that was sold, how should we go about correcting this error?” Hiroshi pauses, then suggests “Why don’t you bring me with you tomorrow when you return. I won’t even have to say anything, my physical presence should be sufficient to communicate to them that we have discussed this. By tomorrow they will have had the gem appraised, and knows its true value in regards to your purchases. Instead of just picking up the statues that you agreed to buy, offer to buy some more as well. This will give them an honorable opportunity to rectify this error, by undercharging you for these additional statues until a fair and equitable exchange for the total purchase is reached. Just bring with you something to trade with, preferable something of uncertain value, but clearly not worth much.” “You mean like Lono?” Mojo says.

They discuss what type of animal statues to get. Hiroshi recounts to them the various types of animals of the region. He says that two types of these statues that he himself has previously used were the Rhinoceros, in fight situations due to both its offensive and defensive abilities, and the Spider Monkey, which he used twice, each time following a mugging to later retrieve what had been stolen from him.

The remainder of the day is uneventful, with the party spending most of the time just drinking and playing cards with Hiroshi, who has now mastered the game of poker, which he had never played before the party’s arrival.

September 15, 1018:

Shortly before midnight, the party is startled by two individuals teleporting into their room. The party’s instinctive reaction is that they are under an attack, and light up the room and draw weapons on the individuals, with the spellcasters ready to cast spells upon them. They then recognize both of them, a man and a woman, who are from their continent of Phlooredah, from the Zalpar Lordholding, a land of mages and scholars. The man is Ashton Abercronbie IV, a leader of the Scholar’s Guild. The other is Beverly, a high-ranking member of the Mage’s Guild. The group remains somewhat on edge, knowing that Beverly had previously allied with an enemy of theirs. Cassie and Narg demand in unison to know what they want.

The Zalparians explain that they have further information regarding Morgarth, and have been sent by their respective Guilds to pass this information on to the Silver Moon. Narg asks Cassie, just loud enough for the Zalparians to also hear, “Can we trust her?” Beverly directly answers “This information is from our Guilds, and is truthful to the best of our knowledge. You and I may not have agreed last month as to who the next King should be, but that has no bearing on this. Morgarth is as much a threat to Zalpar as he is to you, and we will do everything in our power to assist you in reducing this threat.” “Works for me,” Cassie answers Narg.

The Zalparians tell the party that their Guilds have been making inquiries to their contacts throughout the world to try to find Morgarth's whereabouts, and that the Silver Moon’s suspicion that he is in the Orient appears to be correct. Yesterday they heard from a mage from the Oriental city of Shosun, who attended a recent slave auction at which humanoid animals were sold. These creatures were said to have come from a region that was protected by a forty-mile diameter anti-magic shell. The shell was said to have disappeared for five days, five to six weeks earlier, during which time the slavers then entered this land and captured them. It appears far too coincidental that an anti-magic shell of the same size would appear over Silver Moon Island during this exact same five day period for the events to have not been connected. The Zalparians have no further information, and teleport away.

“Well, it sounds like we may really need those animal statues,” Aradyn comments. “Yeah, provided we can find where this Shosun place is” Fiona replies.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 7, "The Senior Citizen Signs Up", September 15, 1018, 6:30 A.M.

[DM's Note: The map referenced in this chapter is the Forgotten Realms orient map for the Land of T'u Lung included with TSR's 1988 AD&D Kara-Tur Volume 1 (also in the Kara-Tur boxed set). This map will be used for the remainder of the "Chinese Take-out" story.]

Several members of the party find Hiroshi, and ask him about what he knows of the city of Shosun. He says that it is located on the continent to the west, and that he had traveled to it over a hundred times. He retrieves for them a western continent map showing the region that Shosun is in. They see that Shosun is located in a large area with several rivers. Hiroshi says that this area, approximately five hundred miles in diameter, is where the majority of the food for the western continent is grown, namely rice and wheat,. The cities in this region are therefore major agricultural trading centers.

Shosun itself is located at a main crossroad, where three major roads meet along a major river. He says that for this region most east/west as well as at least half of the north/south trade goes through this particular city, which has a population of over a million people. They ask him how long it takes to travel to this city, to which he replies “around three weeks, by boat.” The group decide that they want to teleport there instead, however Toshiro has never been there, and has not ventured any closer to it than the coastal city of Chunming, over five hundred miles to the east of Shosun. This has the group decide to ask Hiroshi to accompany them. To say that Hiroshi is totally thrilled with that idea would be an understatement. He says that they will first need to request permission from the family elders, as he has responsibilities in Miyako. There will be another family meeting following the morning meal, and they can then announce their pending departure as well as request his services as a guide.

“Are half-elves welcomed in Shosun?” Cassie asks. “Shosun is bustling trade city, with people of nearly every race imaginable,” is his answer, “In fact, there is one section of the city where you will not even stand out by being Caucasians, as thousands of other Caucasians also live there.”

Serita impulsively decides to reveal to Hiroshi who she really is, and transforms back into her half-elf form. Hiroshi is not very surprised, saying that he had observed her reacting non-eagle-like several times while visiting with the party during the past few days. Toshiro is livid that she abruptly chose to transform in front of his Uncle. Serita says “Look, we are asking him to go with us, he needs to know who all of us really are.” Hiroshi tells her that she should resume the bird form, and not let any of the other family members know, as their reaction would be less charitable than his.”

Her actions cause Toshiro to be totally conflicted. He was upset, after bringing the party not only to his homeland, and even further into his own home, that one decided to stay a bird and forced Toshiro to conceal the truth from his family. He feels that they have now really put him out on a limb, since without any thought of the consequences for her actions she revealed the secret to his Uncle. He feels that she must have so little honor that she does not know the shame that this has brought to him.

After Hiroshi leaves, Toshiro starts to express these feelings to the party, but they are not overly concerned, commenting that “Hiroshi didn’t really seem to mind, and said he sort-of-knew anyway.” Toshiro states that “Honor to one and family are regarded as the highest things in life.” Serita replies “Calm down, I’ll turn back into a bird.” He glares at her, and says "Honor is like a rare beautiful flower for all to see, but with one misstep can be ground into the dirt and all will turn their head at the loss." “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Narg asks.

Toshiro walks off into the garden by himself, debating what to do next. He is upset that his secret has been found out, and is now upset that he has pledged to help this group. To not help them at this point would be a severe blow to his honor, so he decides to continue to help them in their quest, but decides that following this he will leave the group, for their roads lay on different paths.

On their way to their final meal at the Mitsubishi estate Narg comments that “I never thought I’d say it, but I sure miss my servant Hobbson’s cooking." The party discusses who should be the one to request Hiroshi as their guide. Aradyn suggest Cassie, saying, “She speaks Hoi Palos.”

At the meeting Cassie begins by eloquently explaining that they have recently obtained new information, indicating that the evil they seek to vanquish is located not within the Heian Empire, but on the continent to the west. She says that they must therefore take leave of the Mitsubishi Family, and again thanks them for their fine hospitality, commending them for being gracious hosts. She also compliments them on raising such a fine boy as Toshiro, who is a welcomed member of their party.” Narg whispers to Mojo “Even though I didn’t even know the guy’s name a week ago.” Mojo whispers back “That’s not saying much, you forget your own name half the time.”

Cassie goes on to then requests that Hiroshi be allowed to accompany them, as he is very familiar with the western continent and its language. The Grandmother counters with “I do not see the necessity of that, as Toshiro accompanied him there in his youth, and can also speak that language.” Cassie continues what quickly becomes a polite debate between these two strong-willed women, answering “Yes, but that was so many years ago that Toshiro is no longer fluent in the language. He also only traveled with his Uncle along the coast, and we need to venture well inland, where he has never been.”

The grandmother’s next argument against it is that it would be too long a journey for Hiroshi to travel at such an advanced age, as he is now seventy-one. Cassie counters by telling her that they have with them magical means that will substantially reduce the amount of physical traveling required by him. The grandmother next raises the issue that when Hiroshi traveled before he had many magical devices to provide him physical protection, but that he has passed these on to his son Kojiro, who is current away, so this would leave him defenseless. Cassie again counters this argument, by telling the grandmother that the party has many magical protection devices with them, which they will let Hiroshi use, and will afford him protection equivalent if not better than those he used previously.

The final argument from the Grandmother is directed not at Cassie, but to Hiroshi. She says to her son “The main reason that you chose to retire from your travel-intensive profession eight years ago was due to the physical stress and strains. While it may be flattering to you that these young people have asked you to accompany them, it might be more than you are physically capable of. It has been quite some time since you undertook such an arduous assignment.”

Hiroshi pauses, and then says “That is true, however, we must also consider that this brave group of adventurers seeks a noble cause. They have done much during the past decade to keep our Toshiro safe and prosperous, and it would be inappropriate for us as a family to deny them this reasonable request. Toshiro himself has now been here only a very short while, and you know how he and I have always been close. I would welcome an opportunity to continue to spend some time with him, to learn more of his travels, and to further relate to him all that has transpired here in his absence.” Narg whispers to Mojo “Uncle speaks fluent Cow Manure”.

After much thought, the Grandmother turns to her grandson, and says “Toshiro. Would you vow to keep your Uncle safe from harm? He is no longer a young man, and would not be able to adequately protect himself.” “I will grandmother,” is his reply. She then turns to her son, and says “Very well, you may accompany them Hiroshi, provided that you first obtain permission from the Emperor, as he may have need of your services in the near future that we are unaware of, and your first obligation is to him.”

The grandmother thanks the family, and commands them to keep both Hiroshi and Toshiro safe. She says that they have been honored to have their company during the past few days, and that they are free to return at any point. Mojo whispers “Wow, that’s a first for the Silver Moon, an invitation back.” Hiroshi asks the party to return to their pavilion and wait for him before returning to the Takayama Estate.

The group returns to the Guest Pavilion. Narg comments about how he is anxious to leave, finding this location to be far too “lawful” for him. A half-hour later Hiroshi joins the party in the western pavilion. He said that he immediately went from the morning meal to see the Emperor, to get there ahead of his mother, as he suspected she would ask the Emperor to deny him permission to leave. Hiroshi says that he began the conversation by first asking about the Emperor’s specific needs from him in the near future, before explaining about the potential journey. The Emperor agreed to release him from all future translator and diplomacy duties, but only after Hiroshi made assurances that while he was on the western continent he would personally reestablish some contacts which would bring increased revenues to the Heian Empire, and to the Emperor’s treasury in particular. “So you bribed him to let you go?” comments Narg. “I wouldn’t exactly phrase it that way,” answers Hiroshi. Hiroshi moves over towards Narg, and then quietly whispers so that Toshiro doesn’t overhear “I’d pay any ransom amount to get out of this prison.” “You and me both,” Narg whispers back. “You’ve only been here four days, I’ve been stuck her for the past four years!” the older man answers. “These past four days have felt like four years,” Narg responds.

Cassie decides that she should join them for the picking of the statues, having thoroughly read the zoology text. She uses the Belt of Shape Change to modify her appearance to that of a full elf. The group of Aradyn, Cassie, Duegar, Hiroshi, Lannon, Mojo, Timothy and Toshiro head to the Takayama estate. They explain whom they wish to purchase even more statues, and offer as payment a personal diary by a Medusa that Lannon has been carrying around for years. The two Takayama women discuss in the local language how many more statues that would be worth, watching for a nod from Hiroshi, at which point they settle on eighteen, for a total of forty.

After much debate the party decide upon getting 4 badgers, 2 celestial dragon, 2 crane, 2 fox, 4 golden spider monkeys, 2 hawk, 2 otter, 2 panda, 6 pegasi, 6 rhinoceros, 2 sun bear, 4 tigers and 2 weimic statues. The forty statues are taken elsewhere and magically activated, then returned to the party who are instructed in the proper pronunciation of the words to activate and deactivate the magic. The Takayama women bid them good luck on their journey, and say that they would welcome any further information that the party can find out about their ancestor.

The party returns to the Mitsubishi estate, and gather together their belongings. Hiroshi is given the Helm of Teleportation, and they explain to him how it works. He states how it has been eight years since he last visited Shosun, and given that things are constantly changing in the city, it would probably be best to choose a well known destination that would be the same as when he was there, namely a Heian Temple. He says that there are two Heian temples within a few miles of the city, one that is used by most Heian citizens living in Shosun, and the other being an older temple, seldom used except for on high holy days. The group concludes that the later would probably be best, as they wish to maintain a low profile.

The party teleport away from the Heian Empire at noon, arriving approximately a thousand miles to the southwest (and one hour earlier, local time) at a temple near the city of Shosun.
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