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"Return of the Rod of the Seven Parts" - D&D

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 86, “A clue to the lost treasure trove”, October 1, 1018:

While exploring the gatehouse, inside of the secondary gate on the castle’s outer wall, Serita finds a secret compartment behind a wall sconce. The compartment contains several rolled up sheets of parchment, which have apparently been hidden for half a millennium, as the cover sheet was written by man who was a spy in the castle back during its occupancy by the Zhentarim.

She calls together the group to examine this pile of papers, and reads the cover sheet, which says:

“If you have indeed deciphered my clues, these are indeed the writings that I spoke of. Know that I have risked all to hide these away, all the while under the watchful eyes of the Arch-Mage Sememmon, who currently controls Darkhold. Never have they suspected that I am anything other than a gifted blacksmith, thus giving me access to most of Darkhold, including this hidden candelabrum area that Kessido Nakamura had notified us of. Unfortunately, the non-curable malady of Yan-Kheu as overtaken me, so I am unable to deliver these as I had originally planned.

From what I have observed, conquest is also high on the Zhentarim agenda, usually using the forces of both here and Zhentil Keep, a partial map of which is with the scrolls. They make extensive use of non-human tribes and mercenaries, with promises to be paid with the spoils of pillage after the battle. The chief intent in battle is to punish enemies or weaken rivals, and it is usually implemented after failure to take over the community from within. More of the Zhentarim is in the scroll by the scribe Aleth nin Taerin, who was slain by Sememmon for writing it.

The attacks on Chempka have ceased now during the reign of Jo-Kwan, a Zhentarim puppet, although the attacks on Pendir Chao have intensified in the years since the death of the great Fin-Wu. Assassination, theft, blackmail, kidnapping, and torture are all acceptable methods to advance Zhentarim goals. Zhentarim have no compunctions about hiding behind aliases or setting up rivals against each other, but usually wish to let their opponents know who is responsible for their downfall.

When these writings are found please see that they are brought to King Azoun VII of Vangerdahast, so that he can make use of them to help end this war against evil that his Great-grandfather had begun. Critical is the page from the Company's party log, which confirms that the Moonsea treasure is still within these walls. It was pure chance that Chief Zu-Shang's horse threw a shoe near the castle gate, and brought to me to fix before the log was taken from the saddlebags. I wish that I could have hidden the entire book, but removing the one page was risky enough. Also hidden are two of the eight scrolls written in his youth by the now Arch-Mage Kaddor on the little known history of this structure. If I am later able to retrieve more of these I will add them as well. I hope that King Azoun can make good use of this information.

Your servant, Sharper Sun-Tin Shing”

The following pages are as listed, a scroll about the Zhentarim, two parts of a map of Zhentil Keep, three scrolls by Kaddor about the Castle History, and finally the page of the Company's party log, which is of great interest due to the reference to treasure at the castle. Mojo reads the scroll, with it telling of the Company’s participation with an army fighting the Zhentarim. Mojo gets to the key paragraph, which reads:

“As the battle was fought one hundred miles to the north, the Company infiltrated Darkhold and rescued Myrmeen Lhal, who was being held prisoner there. She and Chong-tu quickly became close, personal friends. They are also credited with stealing away the Zhentarim's stolen Moonsea wealth, however what the Zhentarim never realized is that the booty never left Darkhold, as An-Chen Ming had shared with them the location within the Castle of a secret wall, where this vast amount of wealth was then secretly hidden away.”

Mojo is in favor of tearing apart the castle until they the hidden treasure. Kim-Sung suggests that, even though more than five centuries have passed, the records of the dwarf An-Chen Ming listed in the document would probably still be either in the Ming archives or in possession of the man’s descendants back in Chunming. Hiroshi says that, with Serita’s assistance, it would probably just take a few days to check and return, which would probably be a more efficient use of time then smashing walls at random. He would also like to let his family know that he and Kim have both survived this dangerous mission.

Hiroshi and Kim get into the bag of holdings, and Serita transforms into a giant white eagle. She picks up the bag, also taking the helm of teleportation and the extra bags of holding (temporarily leaving the shadow people in a dark part of the castle) and files back to Li-Tak’s shrine, where Duegar and Toshiro are still standing guard with the Hengeyokai. Toshiro recognizes the eagle as being Serita, and she gestures for the two of them to enter the bag.

Serita then flies them twenty miles west, to the section of the anti-magic shell where they first entered. Serita lands, and lets them out of the bag. The five adventurers exit the shell, and hike for six miles to the home of the druid Chong-tai, where they stay until one of the bags of holding and one of the teleportation devices regains its magic. They then teleport to Hiroshi’s home in Chunming. The remainder of the day is spent researching the information.

October 2, 1018

After making arrangements for Duegar and Toshiro, Hiroshi, Kim-Sung and Serita teleport back to the anti-magic shell, and enter through the barrier. Once back inside (and within sight of whatever Hengeyokai troops are watching them) Serita transforms back into bird form, clearly identifying herself as a druid. She, Hiroshi and Kim-Sung decide to wait there until a Bag of Holding is functioning again, to then have Serita fly them back to the castle.

Barthrock returns at around noontime with the giants, his cleric, and Ebony Shadow. He reports that the fifty-mile roundtrip journey was uneventful, but that they were clearly being observed by hundreds of Hengeyokai every step along the way. He says that the others have established a camp in a clearing not far from the river, approximately one hundred feet inside of the anti-magic shell.

The dwarf Tokrah supervises the loading of the remainder of the library onto the ship during the afternoon and evening. In addition to all of the bookcases, the large oak desks and chairs from the library are also loaded for this trip. At the party’s suggestion the giants also haul the bakery truck out of the river, and once it has drained of water, load it onto the top deck of the ship. It is pointed out that they should have thought to do that four days earlier, as Alton will now have a significant challenge trying to get it to ever run again. Also loaded for this trip are the remaining food and cooking equipment (except for the small amount that will still be needed by those remaining for the next half week). Barthrock also loads all of his team’s personal supplies with this trip.

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Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 87, “We’re Rich!“ October 2, 1018, 4:00 P.M.

Serita flies back to the castle, with Hiroshi and Kim in the bag of holding. She tells the party that they were successful, that Hiroshi and Kim were able to find the records from the Ming dwarf whom had constructed the hidden chamber for the treasure trove. The group opts to wait until the following day, after Barthrock and his team have left, to begin searching for it.

Hiroshi says that Duegar will be hanging out with Clan Ming for the indefinite future. Toshiro has boarded a ship from Chunming heading to the city of Miyako in the Heian Empire, a two-week voyage. Toshiro has with him a note for his Grandmother from Hiroshi, expressing that Hiroshi is willing to return to their home but that he also “has others that he now has responsibilities for, who would need to accompany him.” The note asks Hiroshi’s mother to decide if she wishes for him to return now or not. He anticipates that she will decline. The note said that a messenger would arrive at the Mitsubishi Estate during the next two to three weeks for her answer. Toshiro also has with him the previously negotiated monies for the Heian Emperor (Hiroshi’s ‘bribe’ to the Emperor for which he got permission to leave).

Regardless of the answer, Hiroshi has asked his wife, as well as his other two children and their caretaker, to pack. In the unlikely event that his mother wishes for them to move to Miyako they will do so. The more probable event is that they will relocate to Silver Moon Island, as he is now Cassie’s apprentice. He will also be needed for his linguistic teaching abilities, as all of Li-Tak’s daughters need to be taught the Common tongue, and Cassie strongly desires to be taught both the Chinese and Japanese languages so that she can read the vast majority of the library books that have now been acquired.

The giants and bugbears finish loading the ship before midnight.

October 3, 1018

Barthrock and his army of troops depart about an hour after dawn, heading back upriver with the second load from the ship. The only ones remaining at the castle are the ten party members, Li-Tak’s daughters, and Chandra (the female member of Barthrock’s team) who remains with the girls. The party wait until after everyone is finished breakfast, and Chandra and the girls head back to their quarters on the forth floor, to start the search for the treasure.

The ten party members head to the location that Hiroshi, Kim and Serita discovered. Hiroshi identifies and marks two stones in the third floor stone wall, behind the wall to the great hall. He tells the party that the chamber is behind here, and that the mortar holding these stones in should be removed. “No problem, I’ll just smash the stones,” says Mojo, as he pulls out the hammer. Hiroshi stops him, saying “No, don’t do that. Behind each stone is the hinge mechanism to the doors that open into this chamber. If you smash the hinges then we will have to take apart the entire wall, instead of just uncovering the doors.” Despite this explanation, it still takes much convincing from the party to keep Mojo from smashing the wall.

The party get daggers and chisels to take the mortar off, with Cassie first placing a Silence spell over the entire area, so that Chandra and the girls on the floor above won't hear the sound of their 'renovations'. The stones are removed, revealing the hinges. From there, they see the crack for the irregular shaped double doors, and carefully remove the mortar over this, with Mojo again wanting to just smash it. When they are finished, revealed to them are two handle-less doors that create an oval area approximately three feet wide and two feet high. Daggers are slid between the doors, and they are pied outward, the doors opening up to reveal the chamber behind it.

The chamber itself is five feet high, six feet wide, and eighteen inches deep. The entire left side is filled with stacked gold bars and the right side is stacked with platinum bars. Each bar is three inches, four inches wide, and sixteen inches long. Atop the bars are twelve wooden chests of various sizes and an open wooden box filled with papers. The chests and box are removed, and carried outside of the area of the silence spell.

Lannon says that the chests appear to be locked but not trapped. Mojo wishes to smash open the chests, but it restrained by the party, who have Lannon try to open them first. He is able to open nine of them, finding each filled with gems. Hiroshi is given the chests to appraise the gems, while the other three chests are brought back into the Silence spell, for Mojo to smash the locks. They too contain gems. Cassie retrieves some scales from Mordenkainen’s laboratory to determine the weight of the gold and platinum bars, so that the value can be ascertained.

Cassie, Fiona and Serita examine the box full of papers, declaring them to we worthless, as they are five to six hundred year old IOU notes, the writers of which are probably long since dead. Lannon wonders if any might still be good, but it is pointed out that trying to claim them would draw attention to the fact that the party found the rest of the lost treasure, so it is best to not to push their luck. Lannon decides to still hang on to these (and thereby keeping an important clue to a future module).

Hiroshi says that the size of each gem chest is inversely proportional to the value of the gems within them, with the largest box having most ornamental gems and the smallest box with the most precious stones. He declares that the total contents of each chest has an approximate value of 10,000 gold pieces. The bars are determined to each weigh one hundred pounds, and there are a total of two hundred bars of each type of metal, for a grand total value of 1,000,000 worth of platinum, 200,000 worth of gold, and 120,000 worth of gems. Doing the quick math, including both Kim and Hiroshi in the count but excluding Narg Junior, Duegar and Toshiro, they decide that the treasure should be divided evenly by the twelve of them, with 100,000 in bars plus a box of gems for each.

The group begins emptying the chamber out. Mojo suggests “Gee, should we leave a note. How about ‘Ha Ha, we already got it! Hugs and kisses.” Narg adds “And sign it Louella” (an old enemy of the group, who is also Serita’s mother). The group opts to leave no note. Once the chamber is emptied the doors are closed, the rocks are placed over the hinges, and the cracks are all mortared up, leaving the wall as they had found it. The treasure is brought down to the great hall, where it is temporarily covered up.

October 4 to 7, 1018:

The castle is cleaned out, with the party taking anything that appears to be of value, using the great hall as a staging area. Each of the four hundred metal bars is concealed inside of furniture drawers, crates of materials, chests, and whatever else the party can find to conceal them from Barthrock’s team and army. The magical globes and strategy tables from the rear tower are packed, with the party deciding they will be of long-term use, with Lono joking that the sand table could be used as a liter box by Ebony. The tapestries in the great hall are rolled up, and the throne in the great hall is also packed.

Cassie and Fiona do a very thorough clean out of Morgarth and Ashemmi’s laboratories. In Ashemmi’s laboratory is the surprising discovery of a partially dissected Ragnor, which the party also decide to take with them. Cassie points out that this is the first opportunity they’ve had to examine one, as the defeated ones always explode, and with Vaughn now having one of these as his bodies the information might be of use to them in the future.

Finally, the truck is loaded up (mostly with treasure, which is then concealed under blankets and tarps). All of the nice furniture from the suites of the higher level enemies are taken. The group also packs up the notes and maps from the Zhentarim, thinking that they might be of use to Finder and his followers.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 88, “Exiting the Biosphere”, October 8, 1018:

Anticipating that the ship will return this day, all of the possessions from Li-Tak’s daughters are brought downstairs. For each of the forty-two girls there is a dresser and nightstand and a disassembled ornately carved bed frame. The part-minotaur Cheveyo is finally retrieved from Li-Tak’s shine, where he has been waiting with the Hengeyokai. The Henegyokai falcon Syrandel is informed that the group is planning to depart the castle this day.

Barthrock arrives back mid-afternoon, and the party spends from then until well past nightfall assisting the giants with carrying the things down to the river. Barthrock supervises the transfer of the castle’s weapons cache to the largest of the three cargo holds on the ship.

At dusk the daughters of Li-Tak leave their home, and accompany the party on the final trip down to the river. The truck is the last item loaded, lashed to the top deck of the ship. The party camps by the ship for the night, to leave promptly at dawn. Barthrock, Chandra and their team’s cleric establish a protective parameter around the girls.

October 9, 1018:

At the first sign of light the giants, six on each side of the shore, begin to haul the ship. The party and some of Li-Tak’s daughters follow on a trail alongside the river that the bugbear army had made (the other daughter’s riding on the ship, and alternating places every few miles). They travel for the entire day, with the ship having to be slowly worked through several turns in the river where it scrapes bottom, the ship riding lower in the water during this voyage than on the prior two trips (due in part to the extra twenty tons of concealed treasure).

By sunset they have traveled a total of fifteen miles, with Barthrock explaining that they have another ten miles to go to the wall. They stop at a well defendable spot that he says they stopped at during each of the prior trips between the wall and castle, as he is still not comfortable in the Hengeyokai territory. Watches are posted during the night.

October 10, 1018, 6:00 A.M.:

The group prepares to travel the final ten miles to the edge of the sphere. They decide to send Serita on ahead in bird form to take the Bags of Holding and other key magic through the anti-magic shell a half-day ahead of the others, so that it will be hopefully functional by the time that the rest of the party arrives. Aradyn decides to accompany her, climbing into one of the bags of holding. They giants begin hauling the ship, and the party resumes their journey.

Serita makes goods time, following the path of the river, until she reaches the bugbear army encampment. She lands before Fiona, who takes the bag of holding and empties Aradyn and the magic items out. Aradyn explains the plan to exit the barrier now. Fiona, Lono and Mark all deciding to join him and Serita, having gotten tired of the smell of bugbears. Lono says that “I’ll take charge of this group.” The DM comments “Yeah, like Serita is really going to listen to Lono.” They all exit through the anti-magic shell.

Once on the other side of the barrier they immediately spot the distinctive tracks of a tractor-trailer truck and ten of the elephant footed giants, the tracks originating from the barrier. The tracks appear to be ten to twelve days old, which would be consistent with when the small number of enemies fled. They conclude that the truck and giants must have been magically reduced until they reached the anti magic shell, which then enlarged them. The group debates if they wish to follow the tracks, as they are currently without any functioning magic or spells. They conclude that the enemy “probably left a long time ago, so it is probably safe.” Aradyn and Mark take the lead, and the group move onward.

The tracks continue for approximately half a mile, abruptly ending atop a hill. Aradyn and Mark deduce that the hill would have been somewhere that could have been defended from attack until the enemy mages regained their magic and spells. They also find a spot of pushed down grass where they conclude the helicopter had landed. They conclude that they enemy is long gone, but decided to have Serita, who is still in raven form, do an aerial reconnaissance just to confirm that.

Serita takes to the air to scout out the territory near the biosphere, looking to make sure that no slavers or other enemies are anywhere around. She then sees a winged humanoid in the air about a mile to the south. She flies in that direction, soon getting close enough to recognized the winged person as Jas, a member of Finder’s Band that she met in Chunming three weeks earlier. She flies close to the woman, speaking in the Raven’s voice, and identifying herself as “Serita of the Silver Moon.” Jas replies “We have been waiting for you.” “We?” asks Serita. Jas gestures below, to a small campsite comprised of a few tents.

The two of them descend towards the camp, Serita spotting the paladin Holly standing outside of one of the tents. As the two land, Holly yells into a tent, and the other two members of Finder’s Band exit, the cleric Li-Sun Chang and the cleric/bard Joel. Jas points to the white raven, saying “You remember the druid Serita.” “Indeed,” answers Joel, “We have been waiting here for you to arrive.”

“Is Finder with you?” Serita asks. “No,” answers Joel, “But he wanted us to deliver a message to your group.” “What?” Serita asks. Joel replies “Where are the rest of your group? The message is for all of them.” “They are nearby, follow me” she asks. Joel shakes his head no, and says “Perhaps it would be best for you to bring them here.” “Why?” she asks skeptically. He answers “We have one other member of our party now, whose appearance might cause some misunderstandings.”

Serita demands to see this individual, and Joel opens the tent, saying “It’s OK, you can come out.” The drow from the Abyss named Ailsheir exits. “A Drow!” Serita exclaims. Joel says “Do not be concerned, Finder has changed him.” “This I want to hear,” answers the raven Serita. Joel replies “Please, just bring your friends and we will explain in detail.” Ailsheir returns to the tent as Serita files off.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 89, “The Drow’s Tale”, October 10, 1018, 8:00 A.M.

She lands with the other, saying “Finder’s Band nearby.” They all get into the bag of holding, and she flies them back. Aradyn, Fiona, Lono and Mark exit the bag of holding, and are introduced to the members of Finder’s Band, as none of these four from the Silver Moon were part of the group that had visited Chunming. “There is one other, do not let his appearance alarm you,” Joel says, and opens the tent.

Ailsheir exits, with Aradyn increasing his grip on his bow, and saying “You’d better just have a really deep tan.” Fiona exclaims “Why is there a drow with your group?” Ailsheir stares at Mark, saying “Would you please tell them who I am?” Everyone turns to the ranger. Mark says “He’s OK. He helped us in the Abyss.” Aradyn tells his fellow ranger “Speak up sooner next time, I almost plugged this guy.” Fiona says “I don’t care if Mark knows him, why is there a drow here, and your telling me he’s from the Abyss doesn’t exactly make me feel any more comfortable.” “He worked directly for Lolth” Mark answers. Both Fiona and Aradyn exchange glances, and their bodies visibly tense up. “Worked for Lolth?” the raven cries. Aradyn starts to slide his hand closer to his quiver of arrows.

Jas says “Will you people calm down. This drow is directly responsible with saving the lives of your friends while they were in the Abyss.” Joel states “Yeah, hold on a minute. He’s no longer evil, Finder expunged that from him.” “Are you sure? That didn’t work so well the last time Finder tried it,” Fiona answers. The paladin Holly interjects “I’ve checked his alignment, and he is no longer evil. Why don’t you all just let him explain.” “OK, what’s your story?” Aradyn skeptically inquires.

Looking towards Mark, Ailsheir says “The leader of the undead army, known as the Overlord, brought you and your friends to his city to destroy the devils. I knew that once you had completed what he needed he would betray and kill you all. I went directly to Finder Wyvernspur to have him monitor you and intervene when necessary.” “Why would you do that?” Fiona asks. The drow answers “My thought was that the demigod Finder, who draws most of his power from the Abyss, would then owe Lolth a favor. I figured she would appreciate a favor owed by him more than the deaths of a half-dozen adventurers. Unfortunately, she did not see it that way.”

“So, what exactly happened?” asks Serita. Ailsheir replies “She was very angry that I had intervened to prevent the death of a Lawful Good High Priestess, your associate named Cassie-Andra. Lolth decided that I had betrayed the drow race. As she was contemplating my demise Finder then intervened, reiterating that she was owed a favor by him as a result of my actions. She decided to take immediate advantage of that, telling him of a mission for him and his followers to undertake. The mission was the retrieval of a religious artifact that was currently held by Lawful Evil devils in hell. Finder requested that I accompany him on this quest. She told Finder that if he wanted me, then I was forever his. Unbeknownst to both of us she also placed a curse upon me.”

Joel interrupts “Finder then called our group to him, and the six of us then spent a week in Hell. We fought devils, dragons and fire elementals until me obtained this artifact. It was on this mission that Finder expunged Ailsheir of his evil, as the rest of us did not want to go into Hell with somebody we could not fully trust. We found the artifact and returned it to a drow church on another world. That was when Lolth’s ‘gift’ to Ailsheir became known.”. “Which was?” asks Fiona. Ailsheir replies “Whenever I am in the presence of other drow they instantly are given the knowledge that I have been branded by Lolth as a traitor to the race, and are compelled to kill myself and my companions.” “Yeah,” says Jas, “The fight that followed was rather stimulating. Thankfully Finder was able to gate us away before any of us were killed.”

Ailsheir continues “Finder then tried to change my appearance, discovering the other part of her curse. My physical appearance cannot be magically altered, I will forever appear as a drow.” Joel continues “Finder then sent us here. He had to return to the Abyss for some unfinished business, and asked us to wait for you here to deliver a message.” “What message!” Serita states. Looking towards Mark, Joel says “First, Finder would like to greatly thank you and those who accompanied you to the Abyss for helping him. He clearly underestimated his ability to eliminate the evil that had consumed Mordenkainen, and due to the Anti-Magic sphere would not have been able to contact anyone outside of it. He is grateful for what you have done, and hopes that he can assist you at some point in the future.”

Joel then gestures to the medallion that Mark is wearing, saying “And finally, he wanted you to know that in addition to forever Curing Disease, the medallion's other powers will work again under certain circumstances. They will function at their full 15th level ability, granting an armor class of –5, if you are ever again in the Abyss. At the two adjacent planes to the Abyss, the neutral evil Tarterus and chaotic neutral Pandemonium, they will function as 10th level ability and armor class of –2. They will also function at a weaker capacity, at 5th level ability and armor class of 1 on any plane, including this one, as long as evil from the Abyss is being drawn in your presence.” “Abyss evil?” Mark asks. Joel answers “Yes, if spells are being drawn from the abyss by a chaotic evil cleric or drow. Or in the presence of a creature from the Abyss such as a demon.” Mark thanks him for the information.

Aradyn gestures to Ailsheir, saying “So, is he now a member of your team?” Joel looks to his party members, saying, and "I guess so. It really isn’t safe for him to travel alone.” Lono interjects “We’ve taken in worse. Do you want to go back with us Ailsheir?” Both Aradyn and Fiona immediately raise objections to this. Lono says “Oh come on guys, we’ve never had any admission standards? You just took in a four-armed part-minotaur, part-demon, and a whole entourage of animal people.” “We can discuss this later after the others arrive, we should get back to the barrier” Aradyn angrily states.

Joel mentions that his team chased away a group of slavers two days earlier, to which the party thanks them. Serita tells Joel “The others are bringing with them maps and notes that the Zhentarim at the castle if those would be of any use to you.” Finder’s Band is very interested in this, as the Zhentarim is still active back on their home continent. They pack up their camp, to reestablish it closer to the barrier.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 90, “The Trip Home”, October 10, 1018, 2:00 P.M.

The others arrive at and exit through the barrier, with the ship being pulled through the anti-magic shell by the giants. The members of Barthrock's team and the Silver Moon all travel through the anti-magic shell. The army of bugbears, who have just been resting for the past four days, immediately get to work moving the bookcases and other supplies through the shell, setting up a new camp a few hundred yards away on the other side.

Joel relays Finders message to the others, and he and his team begin looking at all of the Zhentarim information that the group brought. Ailsheir’s story is relayed to Cassie, Kim-Sung, Lannon, Mojo and Narg, who are grateful for the drow having helped them out. They are, however, taken aback when he says, “I’m looking for a new place to say, and your friend Lono invited me to go back with you.” Lannon complains “He was working directly for Lolth!” “Yeah, but he was put through Finder’s sanitizer” Lono interjects. The others are very hesitant about this idea, even after Timothy checks out the drow’s aura and confirms that he is no longer evil. Aradyn says “If we put it up for a vote I am against it.” “Even though he saved my life?” Cassie asks her boyfriend. “We shouldn’t hold that against him,” Lono states, and then adds “I invited him.” Mojo supports his cousin, adding “I once adventured with a drow in the Liebercrantz group, and he was OK. “Then he’s your problem,” says Aradyn “Just keep him of out my way.” “Ailsheir, you’re in,” Lono announces to the drow.

Looking to Narg, Mojo says “So, can he move into our house?” Narg gives an emphatic “NO.” “But you’re moving out,” comments Mojo. “Even if I am, he’s not taking my place,” says Narg. “No, he can take my room,” says Mojo, “I’ll move into yours.” Narg says “I don’t want him in the building. It’s a racial thing.” “So, where is this Narg Junior going to live?” asks Mojo. “He said not on the island,” comments Fiona. “Send him to Da’Bears” Serita says. “What do you think of that idea?” Fiona asks the boy. He replies “Well, I don’t really know that much about them. The only one I’ve met is Lady Opal.” “Lady?” asks Cassie. “The future Eldamar Lordholder,” Narg Junior replies. Narg interjects “He ain’t going to live with any of those damned bears. He’s going to go live with my folks. He said he never really got to know them.” “What with them only being fictional,” Mojo interjects.

“About this Island of yours,” Ebony Shadow asks, “Am I to understand that clothing is to always be worn?” Narg answers “Yeah, well I’ve seen some of these guys naked before, trust me, clothing is a real good idea.” “So is using some type of protection when you are messing around,” Serita says to Narg. Lono tells Ebony “Listen sweetie, you can be naked around me any time you want.”

Looking over the now accumulating mountain of bookcases and furniture, Narg says “And how are we ever going to get all of this crap home?” Serita suggests sailing the ship home. The four flaws to that plan are pointed out, namely: (1) They have three shiploads of stuff, not one; (2) It would be a journey all the way around the world, which would take the better part of a year; (3) This particular river in not navigable much further, due to the presence of several waterfall; (4) The ship itself had its controls destroyed, so is no longer useable under its own power. “I never said it would be easy,” she replies.

Fiona points out that all of this stuff could be Reduced, but regrettably she does not know that particular spell. “I never thought I’d say this,” says Narg, “But we need more magic-users.” It is pointed out that in addition to Cassie, the mage Kharole who is back on the Island knows that spell. They then ask both Joel and Barthrock about mages. Finder’s Band has no mage, but Barthrock says that his team does, and knows the Reduce spell, but there is one problem. “What?” asks Narg. “He’s been staying invisible, hiding from you and Aradyn, since two months ago you both threatened him. Narg and Aradyn agree not to hurt him, provided he helps reduce the stuff. Barthrock gets him from the ship, and finally introduces the mage Kebbark to everyone.

Lannon reminds the group that Lord Kindor, the Lordholder of Jawlt, had a mage with a teleportation device, who had sent the party on the short mission to the town of Nova two months ago. They decide that it would be worth asking for his services.

They decide that Serita will teleport Lannon to Kindor’s castle, and then back to he Island to get Kharole. Narg says that he is going too, as he needs to have a talk with Vallessa. This leads to another conversation that Narg would rather not have, about what his intentions are. Cassie suggests that he bring Narg Junior as well, which Narg is adamant against. Narg demands that nobody tell Vallessa about the boy from the future, which several refuse to agree to.

It is decided that they will also bring back with them one-third of the girls, wanting to get them away from the area as soon as possible so as not to make the group a magnet for slavers. Kim-Sung also volunteers to go, as a translator and chaperone for the girls. They have to wait until 9:00 P.M for all of the bags of holding and teleportation devices to again be functional. Sixteen of the girls get into the bags of holding. Also climbing into the bags are Narg, Lannon and Kim-Sung. Serita teleports first to Jawltorn (arriving at approximately 8:00 A.M. of the same day) and drops off Lannon at Kindor’s Castle. She then teleports to the school back on their Island.

Lannon was dropped off inside of Kindor’s Castle, and approaches the first guard he sees. The guard is startled by the dwarf’s sudden appearance, but also recognizes him as a Jawlt Council member. Lannon is immediately brought to Lord Kindor, who is just sitting down to breakfast, and invites him to join him. A large meal is ordered up for him. Lannon fills him in regarding the defeat of Morgarth, explaining how the evil was destroyed and evil’s previous host, the mage Mordenkainen, is now on another world. “Just so he’s not coming back,” is Kindor’s reply.

The conversation continues, with Lannon relating how they made a side journey to the Abyss, befriended a minor god, and defeated most of Morgarth’s allies except for a few who they convinced to change sides. Kindor asks about Ashemmi, to which Lannon regretfully explains how she was one of a few who escaped. “The mages of Zalpar caught her, but they let her go,” Kindor replies. “They let her go? Why?” asks Lannon. “She had a real good lawyer,” Kindor answers, “The Barrister convinced the Zalparians that she wasn’t responsible for her actions because she was under Morgarth’s control.” Lannon says, “Well, she won’t be able to use that excuse again.”

Lannon then says “The real reason that I am here, other than to fill you in.” “And have breakfast,” adds Kindor. “Right,” answers Lannon, “The reason is to ask for a favor. We took a lot of things from Mordenkainen’s Castle, and could use some help bringing it back. Could we ask for the loan of your mage Mahjorn?” “Cleaned it out, huh,” says Kindor, “I’ll bet you took everything.” “Everything except the dust and cobwebs” answers Lannon, adding “and I think Cassie took some of that too, just in case it might have been magical.”

After the meal, Kindor and Lannon track down Mahjorn, who says he won’t mind helping out. “It might take a few weeks,” adds Lannon. Kindor also suggests that they make a side trip to Zalpar, to let the mage Oterel know of your success, adding “You might be able to also convince Oterel to assist you. He’s still feeling a bit guilty about Morgarth blaming your team for his exile from the continent, as he had largely been responsible for that.”

Mahjorn and Lannon teleport to the Frinto Hospice, the northernmost hospice along the Zalpar Border Road, where Oterel’s allies, the adventuring team known as the Elucidators, are Headquartered. Lannon quickly updates the team, and Oterel is retrieved from the City of Modvickton to join them. The Elucidator’s elvan mage Shalara also agrees to join them. Lannon takes Mahjorn’s teleportation device, and teleports himself and three mages back to the orient, arriving at around midnight in the orient.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out

Chapter 91, “Narg’s Proposal”, October 10, 1018, 8:00 A.M.

After drooping off Lannon, Serita teleports directly to the School on the Island. Serita lets Narg out of the bag, followed by Kim-Sung and the sixteen daughters of Li-Tak. The school’s head teacher Jamie, and the teacher Silas, both come out to see what is going on. Narg introduces Kim, as “Hiroshi’s daughter.” “Hiroshi who?” asks Jamie. Kim-Sung says “Narg, they haven’t met him yet! Hello, my name is Kim-Sung, and Hiroshi is the uncle of your ship’s crewmember Toshiro Mitsubishi. Toshiro is my cousin.” “Is Toshiro with you?” asks Silas. Kim answers “No, he’s gone back to propose marriage to the daughter of the Emperor, once she finishes mourning the death of her husband.” “Did Toshiro cause his death?” is Silas’s immediate question. “Did the Silver Moon?” asks Jamie. “No,” Narg exclaims, “We didn’t kill anybody, at least not in that city.”

Gesturing to the sixteen oriental women in colorful silk kimonos, Jaime asks “Who are they?” “That’s a long story,” Narg answers, “The short version is they are going to live here.” “On the Island?” Silas asks. “At your school” Serita answers. Silas replies “I’d better go get Beulla and Kharole (two of the other teachers at the school). The two women, along with Jaime’s husband Vincenzo, soon arrive. Narg tells Kharole “Get packed, you’re going back with Serita to the orient, they need another magic-user.” Kharole asks what the danger is, being told “None, we won, they just need you to cast some spells to get all of the junk we picked up back here. It may take a few weeks.” Silas, who is Kharole’s husband, mutters “I never get to go anywhere anymore.”

Serita decides that she is going to join Narg for his talk with Vallessa. He lets her know that that is definitely “Not going to happen. What I have to say to her is private. And I’d better not see any flies on the wall, or they’ll get smashed, if you know what I mean.” Serita continues to try to tag along, until Narg finally decides that he can’t trust her. He refuses to meet with Vallessa until after Serita and Kharole both leave the island. The two eventually pack up, and teleport off.

One of the girls asks “Who the schoolmaster.” Jamie says that she is, and is immediately handed a bag filled with magic rings. “What are these for?” she asks. “To give to our children when you feel they are ready,” the girl answers. Kim says “It’s a long story, why don’t we all go inside to discuss it.” Narg watches as the nineteen women head inside the building. He then has a brief conversation with Silas and Vincenzo, telling them that the Silver Moon won and to spread the word to the others on the island. He then borrows a horse, and rides up the Island’s mountain to his home, located in an ancient city at the top of the mountain. .

Narg arrives back at his home at around ten in the morning. He immediately strips off all of his clothing and starts to wash up. Narg’s valet Hobbson enters, and gesturing to the pile of clothing on the floor asks “Would you like me to burn those, sir?” “It might be best,” is Narg’s reply. He then says “Hobbson, I have a big problem.” The valet answers “Yes, but burning the clothes will probably kill whatever is living inside of them.” “Not that,” the half-elf fighter answers, “Hobbson, you are a man of the world, you’ve been around. I need to ask you some advice regarding my lady friend.” “Ah yes, Queen Vallessa,” the valet states. "Well yes," says Narg, "If I knew something important." "Like her birthday?" the valet interrupts. Narg continues "If I knew something really big, that she doesn't know I know, should I come right out and tell her?" Hobbson replies "Well, sir, I am really not sure, you are being a little vague."

Narg starts again "If I knew something, and she doesn't know that I know, then she'd play it straight. But if she knew that I also knew, then the thing is, she would play in differently, but I don't know if she would respond the way I want her to. Hobbson, what would you do." Still perplexed about what his employer is talking about, the valet replies "Jewelry, that always works. Sir, if I can be so bold, what exactly is it that Sir knows about?" "She's expecting," Narg replies." "Expecting jewelry?" the valet answers. "No, a baby," the fighter replies. "Oh, good," replies Hobbson, "She was throwing up last week, I was afraid that it was my cooking." Narg asks "Hobbson, how are you with babies. You don't freak out or anything do you?" "No sir, I just leave," he replies. Narg asks "How much would I have to pay you to help care for a baby?" Hobbson answers "Sir, you do not have enough money, but this might be a good time for me to ask for a raise." As usual, Narg ignores his servant’s request for a raise.

Hobbson then says "Sir, whatever you choose to do, I would recommend honesty. You are a horrible liar." "I am?" Narg comments. Hobbson then says "I would also recommend you talk to her in a big open space, where there isn't anything sharp for her to throw.” Narg starts to head for the door when Hobbson interjects “You may also want to wear some clothing." The mentally distracted Narg notices that he is still naked, and says "Could I borrow your good clothes? I want to do this right." Hobbson goes to his own quarters and gets his tux.

He brings the tux to Narg and says "Might I also suggest that you have a ring with you." "I don't have one," the fighter replies. "Wait here Sir," the valet replies, and heads off into Mojo's room. Hobbson soon returns holding a tray full of rings. Narg starts to reach for one, and Hobbson says "No, not that one Sir, it spits acid." Narg picks another one, saying "Wish me luck," and heads off. After he leaves Hobbson shakes his head and brings the other rings back into Mojo's room.

Narg walks down the street and arrives at Vallessa's house and knocks on the door. Vallessa opens the door, being very surprised to see Narg standing there. "I'm back, we won" he says. She gives the tux a once over and says "And this is your victory outfit? Why did you knock? You normally just walk right in" Narg asks “Can I come in? We need to talk.” A look of total fear crosses her face, and she exclaims "Oh my god. You've found somebody else!" "No," he answers, and thrusts forward the ring, saying "I wouldn't give this to anybody else." She looks at the ring, and says, "Isn't that Mojo's?" "I'm gonna get you another one!," Narg snaps.

She steps back, apparently still confused. Narg enters the room, and says "Look, I should come right to the point." "You haven't yet," she answers. He says, "Look, I know what is going on. I know what is happening." "That makes one of us," she answers. "Look, I know you are expecting!" he yells. After a short pause, she softly says, "How would you know that?" Narg answers "It's kind of a long story." She waits. He continues "Somebody thought it was necessary to tell me…. I was glad to know." "Who told you?" she asks. "That's not important," he answers, "It made me happy to know."

She almost breaks into tears, saying, "I was afraid to tell you before you left. I thought if you went into battle knowing it would distract you, and….you wouldn't have come back." He says, "I almost didn't come back. It was close there a few times, but we won." He steps forward, and drops to his knee, asking, "Do you want to marry me?" Her answer is immediate "What…maybe someday…not now."

He continues "I want our son, err, our child, whether it be a boy or girl, but I think it will be a boy, to have a good family to group up in. Look, I'm not good at speeches." "Apparently," she states, cutting him off, then asks, "Who told you?" He realizes he isn't going to be able to avoid answering her on this, and says, "Let's just say that someone from the future told me." "That makes as much sense as anything," she answers. He realizes that pressing her further will just make matters worse, so decides to accept her "maybe someday" as a non-negative answer, and quit while he is ahead. He kisses her, and says, "We can talk more later", and heads back to his home. Hobbson notices that Narg is back much sooner than expected, says nothing, and pours him a double strength drink.

Silver Moon

Chinese Take-out - Conclusion

Chapter 92, “Leaving the Orient”, October 11, 1018:

Between the five mages they have a total of thirty-one reduce spells available each day, and conclude that they will be able to reduce approximately 20% of the library each day to transport home, and send that as well as another group of the girls. The party set up parameter guards, using both Cassie’s owl Deanna and Jas from Finder’s Band to do Ariel reconnaissance to confirm that no slavers are arriving in the area. It is decided that Serita will use her Ring and the Helm of Teleportation to do the teleports, leaving the mages in the Orient. Cassie provides Serita a diagram of the library, with detailed instruction as to where to place each bookcase “So that Aradyn will not have to move them all later.” Serita begins making one round trip a day to the island.

October 12 to 14, 1018:

They continue to transport the library and the girls are transported to the island.

October 15, 1018:

The final trip with the library books and the girls takes place. As soon as all of the girls are safely gone, Barthrock declares his obligation is over, and requests permission to leave with his army. Cassie requires him to first “make good” on his promise to compensate the girls for the weapons, and he pays her 200 gold pieces. While this is far below their value, he points out that his army has provided significant manual labor services to this point, so Cassie declares it even. Before leaving, he requires the party to give him Morgarth’s Journal (which Cassie and Hiroshi have made copies of for themselves) as well as the cleric Roger’s body. They require Barthrock to promise that the body will be forever destroyed once it has finished the Speak with Dead spells by the Matharic King. Finder’s band agrees to stick around as long as the party wishes.

October 16 to 20, 1018:

Daily trips back to the island continue, this time bringing all of the furniture and treasure that the party obtained.

October 21, 1018:

The two vehicles are reduced to be brought back. The group bids goodbye to Finder’s Band. Before leaving the orient for good the party decides to spend one more day, stripping anything that might be of value from the ship. Cassie is disappointed that they cannot bring the whole ship, but there is no feasible way to do so.

October 22, 1018:

A large pile of assorted items from the ship are reduced and loaded into the bag of holding. With assistance from Mahjorn, Oterel and Shilara they are able to get these, plus the entire party, back to the Island. The three mages then teleport back to their respective homes. Hiroshi asks Cassie if she will please use the Helm of Teleportation, and go to the Mitsubishi Estate to get an answer to the note that Toshiro delivered. Narg Junior is sent to stay with Mark for a few days, at Mark’s isolated woodland home, because Narg does not want him interacting with anybody on the Island. Narg makes the entire party promise to not tell Vallessa about the boy, which leads to a heated debate. Ailsheir moves in with Lono and his roommate Dennismore.

October 23, 1018:

Cassie returns, having gotten the answer that Hiroshi expected, namely that “If he has others he is responsible for then he should fulfill these responsibilities prior to coming home.” That means he is not obligated to return to the Heian Empire, and can stay on Silver Moon Island. He tours the mountaintop city for a suitable building for his family to live in, then has Serita teleport him to Chunming with the bags of holding.

October 24, 1018:

Serita and Hiroshi return, bringing with them Hiroshi’s wife, his two other children, and the children’s nanny, the halfling Chin-Tang. They also bring in the other two Bags of Holding, and bring back with them various furniture and supplies. Narg takes the Helm of Teleportation and uses it to bring Narg Junior to the Kingdom of Narg, introducing the boy to the boy's grandparents.

October 25, 1018:

Narg returns, and eventually gets around to telling Vallessa about Narg Junior. With the entire party now back on the island they sit down and divide up the treasure. Ailsheir asks a very reluctant Aradyn to train him, stating that he wants to enhance his archer skills. Aradyn is somewhat surprised at this request, given his rather vocal objections to the drow joining the group. Aradyn finally concludes “You are an rather interesting person, I’ll give you that."

Module #100 Ends.

Next up, the 3-Chapter "Chinese Take-out Epilogue" (Module #114)
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Silver Moon

Epilogue - Chapter 1 of 3

Module 114: “Chinese Take-out Epilogue”. 1 Game (#838), November 10, 2002.

Epilogue: Chapter 1: ““The Daughters of Li-Tak”, October 26, 1018 to June 3, 1019.

Hiroshi’s family settled into the city atop the mountain, establishing a home in large building south of Cassie and Serita’s homes. Hiroshi was given the party’s Potion of Youthfulness, to allow him the option of prolong his life span, which he and his wife are still debating him using. Elsewhere in the city the drow Ailsheir has moved in with Lono and his roommate Dennismore, an elvan thief. Dennismore did not have an issue with a drow being his new roommate, as he has a dark complexion himself and has often been mistaken for a drow.

At the school, Cheveyo, the part-minotaur, has assumed the role of clerical-assistant to the cleric Vincenzo. Li-Tak’s daughters have undergone extensive classroom training at the school. This training has included self-defense lessons, Silver Moon history classes, Common Tongue linguistics lessons from Hiroshi, and Hengeyokai history and abilities taught by Ebony Shadow. Jamie also made the decision to give each of the girls one of the rings to allow them to assume full-Hengeyokai form. Supervised formal social gatherings began to introduce the girls to the various crewmembers of the party’s ships.

In late March of 1019 the majority of the Silver Moon Adventurers were transported away on a quest that reunited them with Duegar, Toshiro, Narg Junior and the Hengeyokai characters Min-Mae and Syrendal. Following this Toshiro returned to Heian Empire, where he and the Heian Princess are engaged to be married, and Narg Junior returned to the Kingdom of Narg. Duegar, Min-Mae and Syrendal returned with the party to Silver Moon Island, where the two Hengeyokai began assisting Ebony Shadow in training the daughters of Li-Tak in the use of the full transformational abilities.

By the time spring rolled around the majority of Li-Tak’s daughters had become bored with living at the school, and after being certified as ready to join the world by the school’s headmaster Jaime, moved out to live on their own. Most of these were the ones who had decided which crewmember they wanted to marry, and their new homes are not surprisingly in the town on the eastern shore of the Island, near where the Silver Moon ship’s crew reside.

Six of these, including their leader Kay-Lee, opened a Chinese restaurant in town, called the “Panda House”. Four of the six, Kay-Lee, Lei-Lei, Li-Na and Shing-Shien, are of the Panda sub-race, the other two being a lizard Jai-Lin and sparrow May-Lynn. This building is constructed directly across the street from Jerry’s Tavern and Inn, the towns only other restaurant. Jerry, the gnome proprietor, has no objection to the new competition, especially since two more of the daughters have found employment at his place. Chi, a girl of the lizard sub-race now works as a chambermaid, while Ah-Chou of the sparrow sub-race is now employed as a singer at the tavern, and her entertaining has been good for business.

Another eleven of the girls have also opened a wholesale fish stand, situated down near the docks. These girls consisted of Chin-Lin, E-Ling, I-Li, and Kim of the dolphin sub-race, Bee-Shaun and Zi-Tai of the duck sub-race, Moon-Sik of the lizard sub-race and Nhi-Hye of the otter sub-race, and Ming-Ying of the falcon sub-race, all of whom were proficient with fishing. The other two, Shing-Yee of the cat sub-race and Tein-Lai of the dog sub-race were chosen to manage the shop. About half of their product is now purchased directly by the two restaurants in town, and the rest is exported to the city of Jawltorn to the northeast.

Two girls, Lee-Chan of the cat sub-race and Mu-Lan of the dolphin sub-race have found employment at the town's General Store. Another three girls have found employment with Cassie-Andra, as assistant librarians. All three of these had worked for their father in a similar capacity, and Cassie has enjoyed having them around to help with the translation of texts. Two of these girls are of avian sub-races, I-Ling of the owl sub-race and Joo of the sparrow sub-race, who reside in town and fly to and from work. The other, Wa-Chin of the Panda sub-race, prefers to live atop the mountain away from the coast, as the smell of the ocean bothers her. She now lives next door to the library, as a houseguest of the Mitsubishi-Ming family.

Another girl, Chan-Ling of the dog sub-race has found employment at one of the six farms on the southeastern part of the Island, where she is engaged to the son of one of the farmers. Lee-May of the monkey sub-race has become the apprentice of the halfling thief Blake.

In May of 1019 Isaiah, a very lonely Silver Moon’s cleric of Ukko, impulsively proposed to Zi, the only girl of the crane sub-race. They eloped, and she now resides with her husband Isaiah in a home not far from the Church of Ukko. Her best friend, Kim-Ling of the owl sub-race, has moved into an adjacent apartment in this home, and both of the girls now work at the church as clerical assistants.

The remaining fourteen girls remain at the school, and many of them have no plans to move away, feeling that they are either too young to get married or choosing employment as teachers. Jaime has no objection to the extra helpers, especially since the school will have an increase in pupils once their half-sisters begin to have children. These girls have now consolidated their living quarters to the two upper floors of the classroom building, allowing the first floor to once again be used as a schoolhouse.

The elopement of Isaiah and Zi prompted about half of Li-Tak’s daughters to suddenly want to be married. This angered both Kay-Lee, the leader of the girls, and Jacob, the Captain of the Silver Moon’s ships, as those two had been carefully planning out long courtships between the two groups. Narg managed to calm Jacob down, and discovered that Jacob and Kay-Lee had fallen in love with each other. Narg suggested to the Captain that the next wedding be soon and between the two of them.

On the 3rd day of June in 1019, over seven months after the Silver Moon’s return from the orient, the big day arrived for the Wedding of Jacob and Kay-Lee. The bride chose two of her full-sisters the maid of honor and a bridesmaid, the other three bridesmaid positions going to her half-sister co-workers from the Panda House. Captain Jacob chosen his First Mate Fritz as his best man, with three other Ship’s Officers, Hans, Lloyd and Bruce the Bugbear as ushers, the final usher slot going to Milner, the Jawlt Naval Captain whose ship is posted to the Island. The priest Isaiah has been asked to officiate, and Hiroshi has been asked to assume the role of father-of-the-bride.

Most of the Silver Moon Adventuring Party is in attendance at the outdoor wedding, being held in a garden alongside the harbor near the Church of Ukko. The bride is wearing traditional Heian (Japanese) wedding attire, while the groom and his groomsmen are in their dress uniforms. Hiroshi walks Kay-Lee down the Aisle. As they reach the end of the aisle, she and Jacob bow to each other, then to Isaiah.

Isaiah is about to begin the ceremony when several of the girls sitting the audience suddenly let out gasps and few muted shrieks. Hiroshi feels a tap on his shoulder, and turns to see a very elderly Japanese gentleman attired in ornate oriental robes. The man speaks to Hiroshi in Japanese, saying “Thank you very much for standing in for me, but I will take over from here.” The entire wedding party looks in that direction as Kay-Lee exclaims “Father!”

Silver Moon

Epilogue - Chapter 2 of 3

Epilogue: Chapter 2, “The Return of Li-Tak”, June 3, 1019:

Other than the surprise return of Li-Tak, the remainder of the wedding continues smoothly. Isaiah delivers what for him is a surprisingly brief sermon, only lasting about an hour. Following the ceremony a grand reception is held at Jerry’s Tavern.

Li-Tak sits at a long table at the reception, and several members of the Silver Moon, including most that had gone on the mission to the orient, immediately seat themselves with him for a conversation that borders on interrogation. Mojo begins with “We thought you had died.” The elderly Heian gentleman replies “I did. I died of natural causes 326 years ago.” Lannon comments “Well, you sure look to be in pretty good shape for a corpse.”

Li-Tak says “In the weeks immediately before my passing I wanted to make sure of the future that was in store for my offspring. I had originally planned to leave that to my apprentices, but I outlived them all. So I used a time travel device, and went forward, to see what would become of my daughters. I went 400 years ahead, and what I found greatly upset me. Morgarth had taken over the castle and turned the castle into a place of great evil. He and his followers had abused and killed most of my daughters. I could not allow that to happen. In the course of my research I discovered that he had been close to being defeated 74 years earlier. That was when the Silver Moon Adventurers had attacked his castle, but were forced to retreat. So I then returned to the past, and set into motion a series of events to help turn that defeat into a victory.”

“Ah, that explains all of your prophecies”, Serita comments. “Yeah, he cheated,” Lono interjects. The old man smiles and says “Yes, the rumors of my being a great prophet were a bit exaggerated.” “But if you went back to your own time then why are you here now?” Cassie asks. Li-Tak answers “I had to show myself that the changes I made were going to work, so I went forward again to check. I found out that things went well this time. Once that was done, instead of going back again the full 400 years I decided to make a few stops along the way, this being the second.” “And you knew exactly which day to come to?” asks Cassie. “Yes, the King of Phlooredah 70 years from now knew the date, as it was his grandparents wedding day. I came here because I wanted to see my daughters once more, on their day of great happiness, and also to thank you for rescuing them.” “Wow, that’s a first,” states Mojo, “A man who is glad that the Silver Moon stole his daughters.”

“How exactly did you do this time traveling?” Mark asks. Li-Tak reaches into his backpack, pulling out a two-inch square white cube, with drawings on each side, and say “Does this look familiar to you?” Most of those present immediately recognize it, as they used an identical device on a mission for the Council of Dragons in the year 1014, where they retrieved a stolen dragon egg from the past (1991’s Module 58, "Egghunt")

Fiona asks “But how did you get it to land on the correct side to bring you here right now? Each side has its own time change, and it only works once a day. When we used it before we sometimes had to roll it for several days until we got the side that we needed." Li-Tak then removes from his pack a small bamboo frame with a solid piece of wood on one of the six sides. He shows that the cube fits inside of the frame, commenting “When you roll it in the frame the side with the wood always lands on the bottom, so you just set the one you want on the top. This frame is really easy to make, it isn’t even magical.” Several members of the Silver Moon let out screams of anguish, after hearing how simple his solution is. ARRGH!”, says Mark. Fiona says, “Great! We could have skipped all those days in the volcanic swamp! And the ice age.”

Li-Tak states “I arrived here yesterday, and have spent the past day up in your mountaintop city, with my Pond Dragon friend Hoturu.” Hiroshi says “Okay, this is all starting to make sense now. I couldn’t figure out why a species of dragon native only to the Heian Empire has been living on this Island for the past fifteen years.” Li-Tak says “Yes, that was one of the other things that I set into motion long ago. The Council of Dragons assigned him here prior to your group’s first arrival on this Island. It was his job to guide your team to Empire in the year 1018, although that measure actually became unnecessary since your ship’s crewmember had also come from there.”

Regarding the orient, Cassie asks Li-Tak a number of questions regarding the origin of the Hengeyokai. He explains how the Zhentarim had caused great suffering to the people that lived in villages near the castle, having physically changed their bodies to be more obedient to the Zhentarim. Li-Tak explains how he further modified their bodies to alleviate this suffering. He goes into detail about this and the history of the biosphere (which can be found at the EN World Plots & Places thread “Village of the Blessed Children” at this link:
http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29982 )

They then ask what he will do next. He explains how he has to return to the past, as it is essential that his last offspring place his body in the crypt in order to keep history from changing again. Lono interjects “About that crypt, could you go a little lighter on the traps this time? That place was way too lethal!” Li-Tak explains how he did not make the crypt, that it was a dwarven temple from over a millennia before his own time, and the traps had been left by them. “Dwarves, that figures, those guys are overly paranoid,” Lono comments, earning him dirty looks from both Lannon and Hiroshi.

Li-Tak says that he will use the 4th side of the cube to first bring him back 330 years, to a time immediately before the Anti-magic shell was in place, so that he can teleport directly to the castle. He will then use the 5th side to go forward in time 4 years to the year of his death. “What about the 6th side?” Fiona asks. He smiles, and says “I have that set to go 326 years forward, on the off chance that you might want to do me one last favor.” “What?” Cassie asks.

He answers “Regardless of the time that I am in I still only have ten days left to live, before I die of old age. Since what I had set in place worked this time, I have no need to make any further changes in the past, other than having my body there for my children to find. It therefore makes no difference if I live out my last days here or there. But if I were to die here then somebody else would have to bring my body back. Should you agree to do this the 6th setting on the cube would bring you back to the present.” Cassie immediately offers to do this, not wanting to let an opportunity pass by for him spend several days explaining the library to her in greater detail.” This greatly pleases him, as it will also give him time to spend with his daughters in their new home and get to meet the men that they plan to marry.
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Silver Moon

Epilogue - Chapter 3 of 3

Epilogue: Chapter 3 "One final trip to Li-Tak’s Castle, June 3rd 1019:

Li-Tak remains on Silver Moon Island for the next ten days. He spends most of the time with his daughters and their fiancées. He spends a lot of time with his three daughters who are working in the library, teaching them and Cassie how his vast collection of books was organized and pointing out key texts.

He is surprised that the school's administrator Jamie has given each of the girls one of the magical rings to become full hengeyokai, as he had intended those for their male children instead. He does not disagree with that decision, since this continent allows far more freedom and opportunity for women than the oriental cultures, plus there are some full-hengeyokai on the Island that are present to teach the girls how to use these abilities. Ebony’s player comments “I probably should be impressed that the father of our race is present, but since Ebony is part-cat, she’s decided to just ignore him.”

On the evening of the 13th he knows his time is drawing to a close, and has a formal dinner at the Panda House restaurant with most of the members of the Silver Moon Adventurers that had gone to the orient. He tells them how happy he is with the direction that his daughters’ lives are going, and thanks the Silver Moon for all that they have done. He also expresses his gratitude for them being willing to return his body to the past.

He tells them that when they return to the present to give the time travel cube to the Pond Dragon to return it to the Council of Dragons. “Why don’t we just keep it instead?” asks Lono. Li-Tak warns them not to do so, saying that “The cube isn’t like the one that you used five years ago, it is the exact same cube, which was destroyed at the end of that mission. You need to give it to the council now so that they will be able to use it to go back in time and give it to you then, otherwise it will create a paradox.”

Lannon comments that “All this time travel stuff is giving me a headache.” Li-Tak smiles, and says “Then you may want to shut your ears, as I have one more thing to say. This is last time for me to meet with you, but will not be the last time for you to meet me. I mentioned before that I made one other stop along my way back from 74 years in your future. We will meet once more at a time in your future, when you are in great need of help and I will have an opportunity to express my true gratitude to you for all that you have done.” “Ok, now I’m getting that headache,” comments Mojo.

On the morning of June 14th Li-Tak is found dead, having passed on in his sleep. Cassie covers the body with magical preservative, to keep it from decomposing, and they put it inside of the bag of holding.

Lannon, Mojo and Timothy volunteer to accompany Cassie on the journey to return the body. Cassie’s library assistant Wa-Chin offers to accompany them, stating that she is familiar with the castle in the time that they are going and might need a guide. There is no risk of her running into an earlier version of herself, as it will be a few years after she had been put into Stasis. The others decide that it will not be a bad idea having someone along who can transform into a humanoid bear, and also communicate with any of her half-brothers who would be on guard duty.

They decide that they need a safe place to spend a day 330 years ago, to that they can let the cube recharge for immediate use again once they reach the castle. Cassie teleports the group to the Capital of the elvan Lordholding of Aldorn, figuring that the ancient Lordholder would know of a place. Lord Aldorn is surprised but happy to see them. It has only been a month since Cassie last saw her teacher, but the ancient elf now looks far worse. For several years now he has been slowly dying from an incurable magic-resistant poison created by the demigoddess Loviatar, the Mistress of Pain. It is obvious to all of them that he has reached the last of his days.

He directs them to a secluded park-like area near a distant mountain, where his family has always maintained a mountainside retreat that will be unoccupied during the year they need to go to. He adds that the location was where Narg and Vallessa honeymooned a month earlier. “I hope you’ve had the place cleaned since then” is Mojo’s comment. The party spends the next few hours traveling to the location.

The retreat is in a lush area, with well-constructed stone buildings overlooking a picturesque landscape. They use the cube immediately upon arriving, finding the location almost identical 330 years earlier. They spend the next day in the year 689 relaxing and enjoying the scenery. Before departing on the 15th Cassie decides borrow from the film “Back to the Future”, and leaves behind a note for her teacher telling him the details of his future murder via poison, and to take the necessary precautions.

Wa-Chin says that it is safe to teleport directly to Li-Tak’s bedchamber in the castle, as her father told her that during the year of their destination he was temporarily living in the sub-basement, spending most of his time there working on the Anti-magic shell. Cassie has the girl handle the teleport, being most familiar with the room during this time. They arrive at Li-Tak’s bedchamber, and immediately use the cube to bring them forward 4 years. The body is carefully placed on the bed, and Cassie then dispels the magical preservative.

While neither Cassie nor Timothy are clerics of the same church of Li-Tak, they are both priests of Lawful Good deities, so they have a short memorial service, with Wa-Chin also saying a few words.

Mojo suggests teleporting back to the Aldorn Lordhoding, until Cassie points out that in the time they are now in the Anti-magic sphere is operating, so they cannot teleport out of the biosphere, or even use the cube again here for another day. They decide to spend the next day in the rear tower of the castle, as Li-Tak and his children had not used that part of it. The group gets into the Bag of Holding and Wa-Chin heads there, not running into any of her brothers along the way. She lets Lannon out to unlock the rear tower door.

At the appropriate time on the 16th they use the cube to bring them forward back to their own time. From inside the tower they hear the sounds of hundreds of avians. Mojo says “Let’s see what’s happened with Animal Farm during the past eight months”. They exit the tower, and begin to make their way though the castle. Although animal noises are heard outside, the castle itself is eerily quiet. They make their way into the great hall, hearing a familiar voice from above say “Hello, welcome back.” Cassie looks up into the face of her old friend Hendry Junior. “Uh oh, Arrowboy isn’t going to like this” Mojo mutters. “He’ll never let her out of his sight again,” Lannon adds.

Hendry instructs them to head over to the Mage’s tower section. The do so, meeting up with Hendry, his fighter associate Kenneth, and the cat hengeyokai Ling. Kenneth tells the party that he and Ling are now married, but to please keep that secret from the Hengeyokai Elders. “We don’t plan to talk to them at all if we can help it,” Mojo states. Hendry asks Cassie “How did you know I was here?” “We didn’t” Cassie states, noticing an immediate look of disappointment on his face. They then explain why they are there, and how they need to exit the biosphere safely and then return home.

“So what’s been going on here?” Lannon asks. Hendry explains how the hengeyokai first investigated the castle but found the large stone building itself uncomfortable. They decided to use the great hall for semi-annual gatherings, and several avians now use the towers as perches, but they otherwise leave the castle alone. The Hendry Family Adventurers continue to search for hengeyokai slaves to return them home. The hengeyokai elders invited the family to use the castle, and the group now resides in the mage’s tower. Kenneth adds that their party members Barry, Hendry Senior and Rainville are currently off on such a mission. “Aw, I’m so sorry that we missed them. Rainville and I really got along so well,” Mojo sarcastically states. “And old Hendry Senior hasn’t seen Cassie since she killed him,” Lannon states. “Maybe we shouldn’t be here when they return,” Timothy adds.

Hendry suggests that they teleport from here to the western edge of the Anti-magic shell, then exit the biosphere and stay with the druid they rescued, Chong-Tai, at his home until their magic recharges. Ling offers to go speak to the Elders, to ensure that they will not be attacked while at the sphere wall. Kenneth serves up a meal for the group, and afterwards talks to the group as Cassie and Hendry take a private walk around the castle. When they return Mojo tells Cassie “Arrowboy will not be happy when he finds out about this.” “Finds out what?” she answers, giving the others a very stern look to ensure their silence. Ling returns to let them know it is safe, and the adventurers from the Silver Moon travel unhindered to the druid’s home. The druid is happy to see them again, and says that there have been no slavers around for the past eight months.

On the morning of the 17th the Helm of Teleportation again functions and the group heads home. Cassie opts to not tell Aradyn about her reunion with Hendry.

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