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Return to Northmoor IC


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At least partially hidden behind Llewellyn, Aiffe had a brief respite from the hail of bolts. She gave a worried glance towards the boat where MacLynn and some of the bandits were drifting, but with so many more foes to worry about, she couldn't spare any more attention than that- she had to hope their boss would be okay for at least a few moments. With some of the bandits now on the ship with them, things were a bit tougher to manage- but the warriors seemed up to the task. She turned her attention, and her magic, towards the boats still out on the river.

OOC 1 (actions): [sblock] Another Scorching Burst, at one of the boats which hasn't actually reached the raft yet- Aiffe isn't quite crazy or confident enough to try hitting the bandits on the raft itself. Again assuming 4 bandits per boat; +5 vs. REF 14; 17, 14, 9, 23 for 3 hits out of 4; rolls Roll Lookup ; without a map it is getting kind of tough to keep track of foes- my count is 7 boarders (4 from 1 boat, 3 from the boat MacLynn hit), 2 more boats about 15 feet out (1 of those is Aiffe's target), and more boats coming (number unknown); can we get a rough count of bandits out-of-action, and of bandits still visibly involved in the attack? [/sblock]

OOC 2 (mini stat block) [sblock] Aiffe Northwind, eladrin wizard 1; HP 18/22; surges used 0/7; AC 15/FORT 12/REF 15/WILL 16; Passive Perception 11 (low-light vision); Encounter powers used: none; Daily powers used: none; Second Wind used: no; Currently on front deck of raft, beside Llewellyn [/sblock]

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Another boat explodes as a consequence of Aiffe's magic, sending bodies flying into the river. Some are dead, some are not. One bandit on the raft mutters "It ain't worth it." and jumps into the river. After seeing their companions decimated, and another abandon them, the bandits on the raft all turn to flee, droping weapons in their haste to escape this disaster of a raid. MacLynn is dumped uncerimoniously into the river, and the two bandits in the boat he left quickly take up the oars.

"That's Right, you sons o' skaggers! You ain't even good for dishonest work! Run like the cowards you are!" shouts MacLynn as he begins to swim toward the Cat.

The other boats, seeing that the preceding boats had either been incinerated or repulsed, decided that it was time to get lost in the woods. They all headed quickly for the shore.

Nac Mac Feegle

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Llewellyn looks mildly surprised as the bandits begin their retreat. "That was fast," he says to no one in particular, not yet lowering his blade. "Someone should MacLynn a line."


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Orthanach winces at the bolt that found the meat of his thigh. He clenches his jaw and pulls the bolt free. The wound is shallow and doesn't seem to be bleeding freely so he turns his attention to the bandits and their route. A sad look flickers across his face and he murmurs a prayer to the fallen that their souls find judgement swiftly.

He ambles down off of the hut and onto the deck. "Aye, sir. Of course," he says to Llewellyn, touching his forehead. The young man retrieves a rope, anchors it to a cleat with a deft hand and calls out to MacLynn. "Master MacLynn!"


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Aiffe had already turned towards the next closest boat, and she almost unleashed another fiery bolt before she realized that they were turning to flee. Burn them, a voice whispered in the back of her mind and for the briefest of moments the temptation was almost irresistible. With a sharp shake of her head, she brought herself back under control- she lowered her arm, and slid the wand back into its case on her belt.

Only then did she look around the raft at her companions- as if she had just wakened from some sort of daze. "Are they all gone then? Is everyone all right?," she asked.


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“Come back here and fight you mangy dogs!” Cian yells at the fleeing bandits “No one wakes me up this early just to run away with his tail between his legs.” Cian picks up one of the spears the bandits has dropped and hurls it at them, but his heart is not in it any more and the spear falls short into the river.

With the excitement of battle fading Cian is suddenly aware of pain, with surprise he realizes he is wounded. “No one is hurt just a little rattled, Aiffe. You all did great and the stinking dogs had no chance. Next time try to leave someone to me or don’t bother to wake me at all.” Cian leans against one of the cargo crates for a moment gathering his breath.

OOC: Inspiring word to Aiffe, Second wind on self.

[sblock=ooc:] Everyone should include in their posts HP, Surges and surge value so we can figure who is in need of help without having to read all the previous posts again. [/sblock]

[sblock=Mini Stats]

HP 26/26 [13]
Surges 8/9 SV 8
Action Point 1
AC 18, FORT 16, REF 13, WILL 15
Dragon Breath 1
Guarding Attack 1
Second Wind 1
Inspiring Word 1/2
Bastion of Defense 1

MacLynn shouts "Aye, lad, send it here." He grabs the rope tossed to him by Orthanach. When he is pulled onto the raft he mutters, "I am gettin' too old for this." He quickly inspects everyone, and finding no real injuries to speak of, he turns his attention to his raft. "Gettin' braver these days, they are. Surprised that they were as persistent as they were. You blasted or spitted over a dozen of them, and they didn't give up until it became apparent that they would only get a one-on-one fight after starting at greater than six-to-one. My cargo ain't that valuable!" He cackles, which leads to a fit of coughing from the riverwater he inhaled when he was dumped into the river. "I guess you have all earned your paychecks now. I think that it is also only fair that I let you know I am considering selling the Cat. Just considering, mind you, but I though that you have the right to think on your places in the world before I turned you out in it. Haven't decided for sure, but if I keep her, the Cat needs a crew that is willing to face death without regret. You should see that now." He grabs a barge pole from against a stack of crates and begins to work it steadily. "Now if you pansies aren't too shook up from our little party, then get your hide's to work! I pay you to fight, but I also pay you to get my goods to the Lost Village. Let's put some distance between ourselves and the rest of the riff-raff that might have been hiding in the bushes waiting to take advantage of us!"


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At Cian's encouragement, Aiffe managed a wry smile. "Thank you," she said quietly, almost distractedly, with a quick nod of her head. Then she turned back to the business of getting MacLynn back on board, and getting the raft moving...

She listened carefully as the raftmaster said his piece- his words gave her a momentary pang of dismay, but things were not set in stone just yet. She began to bustle about the deck, recoiling some of the ropes and restacking some of the cargo parcels that had been knocked about during the brief conflict. As she worked, her eyes seemed to take on the faraway look that the other folk about the raft ought to recognize by now- Aiffe was deep within her own thoughts...

OOC (mini stats): [sblock] Aiffe Northwind, eladrin wizard 1; HP 22/22; surges used 1/7 [/sblock]

As a little distance is put between the Blackwater Cat and the ambush site, MacLynn begins to relax. Within a few miles, he bagins to laugh and joke with the crew. As the sun creeps higher into the sky and the mornings events retreat from it's prominence in the center of his mind, MacLynn becomes obviously cheerful. He even begins to sing. His voice is deep, and it is obvious that he has spent many days passing his time on the river by singing to the trees and birds. His song is an old balad that had once been popular in the Northmoor, but has been replaced with newer, more up-beat and sometimes bawdier songs. It is about a love lost to the mysteries of the moors. "...'cause the mists of the moors have taken you." his song ends. The last line of the song seems to echo across the water off of a bluff.

As the cat rounds a bend in the river, the river widens and shallows significantly. The trees become smaller, consisting mostly of scrub oaks that are about 15-20' high. The river is straight for about half a mile, and at a point just before the river rounds another bend there is another raft. It seems to be stuck on a sandbar. MacLynn doesn't seem to notice. He has begun another song, this one is just as mournful. "The pale moon was rising above the green mountains, The sun was declining beneath the blue sea; When I strayed with my love by the pure crystal fountain,....." You recognise it immediately as The Rose of Tralee.

Voidrunner's Codex

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