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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Character Creation Basics

[sblock=Experience and Level Dependant Benefits]
[b]                                Cross Class
                  Class Skills    Skills          Feat        Ability Score
Level      XP       Max Ranks    Max Ranks     Progression      Increases   [/b]
  1        0           4.0          2.0       1st, 2nd, 3rd                        
  2      1,000         5.0          2.5            4th                       
  3      3,000         6.0          3.0                            1st             
  4      6,000         7.0          3.5            5th                           
  5      10,000        8.0          4.0            6th
  6      15,000        9.0          4.5                            2nd             
  7      21,000       10.0          5.0            7th                           
  8      28,000       11.0          5.5            8th                           
  9      36,000       12.0          6.0                            3rd             
 10      45,000       13.0          6.5            9th
 11      55,000       14.0          7.0           10th                           
 12      66,000       15.0          7.5                            4th             
 13      78,000       16.0          8.0           11th                          
 14      91,000       17.0          8.5           12th                          
 15     105,000       18.0          9.0                            5th
 16     120,000       19.0          9.5           13th                          
 17     136,000       20.0         10.0           14th                          
 18     153,000       21.0         10.5                            6th
 19     171,000       22.0         11.0           15th                          
 20     190,000       23.0         11.5           16th
[/sblock]Ability Scores: All heroes use the point buy method to determine their abilities. Heroes get 30, 32 or 36 points to spend on their ability scores. The amount they gain is dependant on how powerful the game is; the more points they get, the tougher the game.

Elite Characters: The GM may allow a character to have the Elite template. If so, the chosen character assigns their attributes and then applies a +4 bonus to each one. The Elite character is eleigible to take feats and qualify for prestige classes before they would normally be able to do so. When selecting feats, the elite character may ignore up to two feat prerequisites, or one feat prerequisite and one skill prerequisite. When qualifying for prestige classes, the highest skill prerequisites are dropped by four skill points and the elite character may ignore two feat prerequisitues.

Non-Human Characters: If you create a character that is an alien, mutant or uplifted animal you get one less feat at first level.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Classes & Talents

Class tables expanded out to twenty levels.
Slight changes made to class advancement abilities.​
[sblock=Charismatic Hero]
[b]Class      Base      Defense  Fort  Ref   Will   Rep   Class
Level  Attack Bonus   Bonus   Save  Save  Save  Bonus  Features[/b]
  1         +0          +0     +1    +1    +0    +2    Talent
  2         +1          +1     +2    +2    +0    +2    
  3         +1          +1     +2    +2    +1    +2    Talent
  4         +2          +1     +2    +2    +1    +3    Bonus Feat
  5         +2          +2     +3    +3    +1    +3    Talent
  6         +3          +2     +3    +3    +2    +3
  7         +4          +2     +3    +3    +2    +4    Talent
  8         +4          +3     +4    +4    +2    +4    Bonus Feat
  9         +5          +3     +4    +4    +3    +4    Talent
 10         +5          +3     +4    +4    +3    +5
 11       +6/+1         +4     +5    +5    +3    +5    Talent
 12       +6/+1         +4     +5    +5    +4    +5    Bonus Feat
 13       +7/+2         +4     +5    +5    +4    +6    Talent
 14       +7/+2         +5     +6    +6    +4    +6
 15       +8/+3         +5     +6    +6    +5    +6    Talent
 16       +8/+3         +5     +6    +6    +5    +7    Bonus Feat
 17       +9/+4         +6     +7    +7    +5    +7    Talent
 18       +9/+4         +6     +7    +7    +6    +7
 19      +10/+5         +6     +7    +7    +6    +8    Talent
 20      +10/+5         +7     +8    +8    +6    +8    Bonus Feat
Advanced talents may not be selected until the character has attained at least third level.​

[sblock=Damage Reduction Talent Tree]Damage Reduction [Tough][Advanced]
Benefit: The Tough hero has an innate talent to ignore a few points of damage from most weapons, but not from energy or special attack forms (which may or may not exist, depending on the campaign). With Damage Reduction 1/-, the Tough hero ignores 1 point of damage from all phyical melee and ranged weapons (but not energy attacks). Damage cannot be reduced to less than zero. This talent may be chosen multiple times and its effects stack; each time this talent is selected the character's DR increases by +1/-.

Energy Resistance [Tough][Advanced]
Prerequisite: Con 13, Damage Reduction Talent, Shock Resistant feat
Benefit: The Tough hero applies their damage reduction to all attacks from energy damage.[/sblock][sblock=Rage Talent Tree]Rage [Tough][Advanced]
Benefit: The hero can spend an action point to fly into a rage. In a rage the hero temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution and gains a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but she takes a -2 penalty on Armor Class. The increase to the characters' Constitution score increases the hero's hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when her Constitution score drops back down to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging the hero cannot use any Dexterity, Intelligence or Charisma based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate or Ride); she cannot use the Concentration skill, the Combat Expertise feat, nor any skill or feat that requires concentration or mental faculties, entirely at the GM's discretion.

A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the characters (newly improved) Constitution modifier. The hero may prematurely end her rage. At the end of the rage, the hero loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, can't charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless she has tireless rage; see below).

The hero can only fly into a rage only once per encounter, but may use her rage multiple times per day, provided she has the action points to spend. Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a hero can only do it during her action, not in response to someone else's action.

Tireless Rage [Tough][Advanced]
Prerequisite: BAB +8, Rage
Benefit: The hero is no longer fatigued at the end of her rage.

Mighty Rage [Tough][Advanced]
Prerequisite: BAB +12, Rage, Tireless Rage
Benefit: The hero's bonuses to rage improve to +8 Strength and Constitution and +4 to her Will saves. Her penalty to AC remains at -2.[/sblock][sblock=Trapfinding Talent Tree]Trapfinding [Smart][Advanced]
Prerequisite: Search 4 ranks
Benfit: The hero can find traps with a Search DC above 20. Without this talent, characters can only find traps witha Search DC of 20 or lower; more complex traps are beyond the ability of most heroes.

Trap Sense [Fast][Advanced]
Prereuisite: Trapfinding
Benefit: The hero gains a +1 bonus to her AC or Reflex saving throw vs. attacks and effects from traps. This talent may be selected multiple times, and its effects stack. Each time this talent is selected, the character's Trap Sense bonus increases by an addtional +1.[/sblock][sblock=Weapon Mastery Talent Tree]Weapon Specialization [Strong][Advanced]
Prerequisite: BAB +4, proficiency with selected weapon, weapon focus (feat) with selected weapon.
Benefit: Choose one weapon that you hve focused in with the Weapon Focus feat; you can choose unarmed strike or grapple for purposes of this talent. The character gains a +2 bonus on all damage rolls made using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on damage rolls. This talent can be selected more than once; each time it is selected it applies to a new weapon.

Greater Weapon Specialization [Strong][Advanced]
Prerequisite: BAB +8, proficiency with selected weapon, weapon focus (feat) with selected weapon and the Weapon Specialization talent with the selected weapon.
Benefit: Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected with the Weapon Specialization talent; you can choose unarmed strike or grapple for purposes of this talent. The character gains a +2 bonus on all damage rolls made using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on damage rolls, including the bonus from the Weapon Specialization talent. This talent can be selected more than once; each time it is selected it applies to a new weapon.

Improved Critical [Strong][Advanced]
Prerequisite: BAB +12, proficient with weapon, Weapon Focus (feat) with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus (feat) with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization talent with selected weapon and Greater Weapon Specialization talent with selected weapon.
Benefit: When using your selected weapon, your threat range impoves by 1. For example, if the weapon you are using normally threatens a critical on a roll of 19-20, this talent improves the threat range to 18-20. This talent can be selected more than once; each time it is selected it applies to a new weapon.[/sblock]
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon

Agitators are demagogues, politicians, street preachers, demonstrators and other rabble-rousers
Prerequisite: Age 23+
Skills: Choose two skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill.
Skills Choices: Bluff, Diplomacy, Perform, Intimidate, Knowledge (Civics), Knowledge (Current Events), Knowledge (Streetwise).
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1

Bureaucrats are the people that keep the wheels of society moving - or grinds it to a halt, depending on which side of the desk you're standing.
Prerequisite: Age 28+
Skills: Choose two skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill.
Skills Choices: Diplomacy, Forgery, Intimidate, Knowledge (Civics), Knowledge (Political History)
Wealth Bonus Increase: +5

Diplomats are those that take up the profession of diplomats, negotiators, advisors and messengers. Even tribal wisemen and women fall under this category.
Skills: Choose three skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill.
Skills Choices: Craft (Writing) Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Investigate, Gather Information, Research and Sense Motive.
Bonus Feat: Select one of the following; Attentive, Iron Will, Renown or Studious.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +3


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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Vital Statistics

Humans haven't always lived to reach the ripe old age that do these days. Advances in the field of technology and medicine have done a lot to extend our lives, but that isn't the only thing that counts; each person has to want to live that long, and that means taking proper care of their body. Of course as tech levels progress, this becomes something even technology is able to do for us.

Nanobots can convert excess fat cells to waste that the body can expel, condition the muscles, clear out congested arteries and veins and can even be programmed to rewrite DNA, providing beneficial mutations.

The progress level of a game/campaign dictates how well off the human race is medicinally and how long an individual can expect to live.

[b]Progress  ----- Aging Effects -----   Maximum
 Level    Middle   Old   Venerable      Age[/b]
   1        15      22       30         +1D8
   2        20      30       40        +1D10
   3        25      37       50        +2D10
   4        30      45       60        +3D10
   5        35      52       70        +4D10
   6        40      60       80        +5D10
   7        60      90      120        +6D10    
   8        80     120      160        +7D10
   9       100     150      200        +8D10
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Talents & Feats


[sblock=Health Feats]Diehard
You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
Benefit: When reduced to between –1 and –9 hit points, you automatically become stable. You don’t have to roll d% to see if you lose 1 hit point each round. When reduced to negative hit points, you may choose to act as if you were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn’t your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious. When using this feat, you can take either a single move or standard action each turn, but not both, and you cannot take a full round action. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some free actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If you reach –10 hit points, you immediately die.
Normal: A character without this feat that is reduced to between –1 and –9 hit points is unconscious and dying.

Shock Resistant
You are unlikely to die from a single attack.
Prerequisite: Diehard
Benefit: Your character does not need to make a Fortitude save to resist death from massive damage.
Normal: You need to make a Fortitude save at DC 15 to avoid instant death when you take 50 points of damage from a single attack.

You are tougher than noraml.
Benefit: You gain 2 bonus hit points plus one additional hit point per level or hit die that you have.
Special: This character can't take this feat more than once.

Will to Live
You have to motivation, drive and will to keep in top physical form.
Prerequisite: Con 13, Great Fortitude, Endurance, Toughness
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves, and any other roll to all effects that endangers your life. In addition, for every point of Constitution modifier you have, you increase the age required to reach the Venerable age category by two years. You then recalculate your middle age (two-thirds venerable) and middle age (half venerable).

For example Korbin (a hero in a PL5 game) has a 16 Constitution; therefore he does not become Middle-Aged until his 38th birthday, doesn't become Old until his 57th birthday and doesn't become Venerable until his 76th birthday.

Persistent Old Bugger
You refuse to let death take you until you can squeeze every last ounce of life out of your body.
Prerequisite: Will To Live, Diehard, Shock Resistant
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on Fortitude saves, and any other roll to all effects that endangers your life; this stacks with the bonus gained from Will To Live. In addition you gain two additional dice to add to your maximum age roll.[/sblock][sblock=Occupation Feats]Moonlighter
When the 5:00 whistle blew, you headed off to another job.
Benefit: Choose a second starting occupation. You must meet all the prerequisites plus other requirements (see below). You gain the listed skills, Reputation bonus increase, and Wealth bonus increase for the occupation. However, you do not gain any bonus feats. In fact, a bonus feat listed for an occupation instead becomes a prerequisite. If the occupation lists several bonus feats and instructs you to select one, then you must have one of those bonus feats in order to moonlight in that occupation.
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character.[/sblock][sblock=Reputation Feats]Famous
Wherever you go there are groupies that want to meet you and the paparazzi to document your activities.
Prerequisite: Reputation +10
Benefit: You live the high life and enjoy it. Whatever you do, wherever you go you are recognized and are put ahead of the crowd. You are able to get into ticketed events without a ticket, get a table at an overcrowded restaurant without a reservation and travel first class. Almost anything you want that is normally available to the white collar working class you can have at no loss to your wealth score.

Low Profile
You're less famous than others of your class and level, or you wish to maintain a less visible presence than others of your station.
Benefit: Reduce your reputation bonus by two points.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

You have a better chance of being recognized.
Benefit: Your reputation bonus increases by +2
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.[/sblock][sblock=Skill Feats]Cross-Training
You are fanatically dedicated to improving some aspects of yourself, while being willing to let other aspects atrophy.
Benefit: Raise two different ability scores permanently by +1 each and lower one ability score permanently by –2.

Expert Advice
You are widely published, and widely known, in an activity or area of knowledge. Choose a single skill for this feat to affect; you may not choose Profession, Read/Write Language, or Speak Language.
Prerequisites: At least 1 rank in the skill selected.
Benefit: When making checks with the selected skill, you may use your Reputation bonus instead of the usual ability modifier.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take it, you select a different skill.

With a gun in your hand, you have an especially dangerous aspect.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Intimidate 4 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks when aiming a firearm at the target of your check. The target must be within 30 feet, and must be able to see you (and your firearm). The target does not have to be flat-footed. This bonus does not stack with the +2 circumstance
bonus your GM might grant for threatening the target with a gun, but it can stack with other circumstance bonuses.
Normal: Circumstances such as holding a gun on a flat-footed opponent normally grant a +2 circumstance bonus.

Open Minded
You are naturally able to reroute your memory and skill expertise.
Benefit: You immediately gain 5 skill points and may spend them as normal. You cannot exceed the normal maximum ranks for your level in any skill.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

You’re extraordinarily gifted in the use of one skill.
Benefit: Choose one skill for which you possess at least one primary ability score at 13+ and for which you possess at least two ranks. The chosen skill is always considered a class skill for you. Further you gain one extra rank in the chosen skill at no skill point cost and your maximum rank with the skill is increased by 1 (e.g. if this is the skills first maximum rank increase, you may purchase up to 5 ranks at first level, up to 6 skill ranks at 2nd level, up to 7 ranks at 3rd level, etc.). This effect stacks with the Unlocked Potential feat.
Special: You may only choose this feat once.

Unlocked Potential
You have incredible potential for improvement with one of your skills.
Benefit: Choose one of your class skills. Your maximum rank with the skill is increased by 3 (e.g. if this is the skills first maximum rank increase you may purchase up to seven ranks at 1st level, up to 8 ranks at 2nd level, up to 9 ranks at 3rd level, etc.). This effect stacks with the talented feat.
Special: You may choose this feat multiple times, each time increasing your maximum rank with one skill by 3. You may apply this feat to each individual skill no more than 2 times.[/sblock][sblock=Wealth Feats]Filthy Rich
You have more money than you ever dreamed you would have.
Prerequisite: Wealth +20
Benefit: The character’s Wealth bonus increases by +10. Also, you are able to requition or acquire items in half the noraml amount of time if the Purchase DC is equal to half your Wealth.

You are particularly wealthy.
Benefit: The character’s Wealth bonus increases by +3. Also, this feat provides a +1 bonus on all Profession checks.
Special: A character can select this feat multiple times. Each time, both of its effects stack.[/sblock]
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Wealth & Equipment

Wealth: All characters gain a +1 bonus to their wealth scores. This stacks with any other bonuses they might gain to their wealth.
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