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"Revenge, Renewal and the Promise of a New Year" (Boot Hill/D&D)

Silver Moon

Chapter Fifty-four, “Damage Control”, January 7th, 1882:

Jake arrives back at the Lone Star. Jake sees that Van Horne has found himself a home over at Tony Lucky's table. Tom Whipple is back behind the bar and Jake hears the sound of Maggie out in the kitchen. Jeff Mills is busy serving drinks, something Jake had not seem him ever do prior to now.

Of his own players, Helen is still in the room, currently sharing a drink at a table with her husband. Brower is at the bar talking to another man who Jake hasn't met before. Cassidy and Palmer both appear to have left. Both of the ranchers are still at the table, although Jake remembers that only Morand has money left.

Jake returns to his drink and then wanders over to the bar so that his remaining players and Tom can see him. He relaxes a few minutes, waiting to see if Tom will say something to him. He smiles and makes eye contact with any of his players if they look his way. Tom Whipple moves in close to Jake and quietly asks, with the sound of concern in his voice, "Do you know if Ruby or Katherine are coming back?"

The faintest of smiles appears on Silver Jake Cook's lips and his left hand strokes the cheek that Ruby had recently bestowed with her affection. "Tom, I'm no expert on women mind you, but it looked to me those two ladies were more agitated than a nest o' mud wasps somebody had just pissed on." He enjoys the distraught look on Whipple's face. "In plain language, I don't think they are planning on coming back here tonight." Jake leans in towards Tom and says quietly, "What in Hades did you do to get them all riled up like that?" Whipple tells Jake "Just a misunderstanding. Why don't you go talk to Maggie in the kitchen? She's another one you can add to the wasp's nest." Jake replies, “No thank you Mr. Whipple, I'd prefer to die peaceful like in my sleep someday." He takes a drink and asks, "Do you want me to try and get my game going again? Or are you planning on something else. If Helen is listening to her piano boy I won't have enough for a game." He drinks again. "I don't care either way, you're the boss."

Tom looks at his watch and replies, "Well, Morand and Brower seem content talking to their friends right now. It's only around 10:30 and on Saturdays we're usually open until around 1:00, so there will still be time for you to get a game going later. If Ruby's not coming back why don't I let Stanley play for a while, that will keep Helen occupied. Look, Maggie as mad as hell at me and if Katherine and Ruby stay away she'll just get madder. Could you please just go find them and tell them that I apologize for whatever it is I did to offend them? If they'll come back Jeff can tend bar and I'll stay out in the kitchen the rest of the night." Jake replies, "All right Tom, I'll go look for them. But I ain't promising anything." Jake tips his hat to Tom and heads out the door.

Jake heads over to the Cantina to check on the wagon. Satisfied that it will be all hitched up soon he heads up to his room. He gets out of his fine silk poker shirt and puts on his regular traveling clothes. In addition to his usual boot knife, derringer in the back holster and Colt side arm he adds a double action revolver belted to his left side, dons the leather duster and grabs the shotgun and a few extra shells. He pops his hat back on his head and heads back down to the wagon.

The horse team soon all hitched back up to the wagon and Dorita has assembled a group of seven men to assist Jake, four wood elves and three humans. Three of these men are employees of the Cantina, handyman Grant Keebler, bartender Jose Ramirez and musician Estaban Fuente. The other four are men who Jake had previously seen at the Cantina but had never been introduced to. Dorita makes the introductions now, identifying the elves as Juan Tolucca and Enrico Escobar and the humans as Samson Hill and Beecher Lawson. She tells Jake that all of them are trustworthy.

Jake stands there with his mouth open for a moment. Then he laughs. "Ever since I showed up in Promise City women been telling me what to do, and how to do it. I probably ought to smarten up and listen." He turns to Dorita and gives her a wink, "thanks." He explains where he wants the wagon and to take their time getting it there quietly. "I'm going to head on over on foot first to make sure everything is ready for us. Bring a couple of lanterns if you have them." He then heads quickly across town to the site of the wagon catastrophe.

The two prospectors are pleased to see Jake return. One tells Jake “We managed to get rid of Doc Eaton before he realized that we’d spilled the wagonload of ore.” His companion says, “Yeah, we told him we had been returning the wagon to the mill when the wheel fell off and landed on a pile of rocks that rolled downhill. I had heard that he doesn’t do veterinary so I asked him to come and take a look at our horses. He was appalled my request and left in a huff.” The first the says, “Hey, I thought you were bringing a wagon!”

"Wagon's coming" says Jake. "I figured you need to get this cleaned up fast so I recruited some labor too. I'm told they are trustworthy. But if you don't want 'em I'll catch 'em before they show up. But I don't know how in Hades you expect to get all that rock in a wagon before someone notices without help." He looks back to make sure the wagon isn't arriving yet. "And I wouldn't be too certain that the Doc didn't see anything."

The wagon pulls up and the lanterns are placed out. The prospectors explain what needs to be done. Jake soon concludes that Dorita chose well, as all seven of the men are hard workers who are accustomed to heavy labor. Up until now Jake had only seen Jose and Estaban at their Cantina jobs. Based on the conversations they are now having while they work he deduces that they have assisted Grant with heavy labor before, including the construction of most of the additions onto the Cantina and Hotel.

Jake also finds out that the humans Hill and Lawson are employees at Brown’s IceHouse, situated behind the El Parador. They have no trouble lifting the boulders due to their experience hauling blocks of ice. Lastly, he discovers that the other two elves work for men who were at his poker table earlier this evening. Juan works as a laborer for Cassidy Lumber while Enrico is a ranch hand employed at Temple Morand’s Rocking H Ranch. After around only fifteen minutes of working they have around two-thirds of the ore loaded up into the wagon.

Jake manages to avoid any heavy work and keeps watch. While the workers are loading up the ore the two prospectors introduce themselves to Jake as Humphrey Lewis and Ralph Elliott. Elliott appears to be the leader of the two. He comments to Jake, “Thanks for pulling this all together on such short notice. You seem like an educated man and are definitely resourceful. May I ask what your profession is?”

Jake smiles broadly. "You hit the nail on the head, that's what I do mostly." He looks around again and listens a moment. "Sometimes I make my living as a gambler, but mostly I am what you might call an entrepreneur." He smiles again, hoping it doesn't look predatory and says, and “Perhaps there are other ways I can be of assistance to you gentlemen But first, let's clean up this mess and put this behind you shall we?" Elliott and Humphrey move back and talk among themselves.

They then return and explains the situation to him. They tell about finding the large cache of silver and how the four prospectors each own 10% of Fisk Mountain but the lawyer owns the other 60%. They’d like to get the town’s other lawyer Mitchell Berg to look over their deeds prior to informing Fisk of the silver discovery. Elliott adds “We’re perfectly happy with our 40%, but we’re not so sure that Fisk will be willing to settle with only 60%.” Humphrey says “A gambler and businessman means that you’re a skilled negotiator. Would you be maybe be available tomorrow to help us out?”

"Tomorrow, huh," Crap! He thinks to himself, "I am booked tomorrow already, but perhaps we can work something out." Altruism and greed fought a mighty battle in his mind, and it was not clear who was winning. "Let's have a drink later tonight and you can tell me the whole story. Then I can let you know if I think I can help, and we can then agree to some kind of terms." He looks around again. "I have some business to finish tonight first, and this is keeping me from it. So let's get your rocks safe and let's agree to meet later tonight someplace."

The men are nearly finished loading up the wagon. Grant Keebler comes up to Jake and the prospectors and asks, "Where do you want us to take these when we're done?" Elliott replies "Up the hill to the stamping mill and smelter. Then we need to find that Hubble guy."

Juan Tolucca hears this. He is familiar with the operations of the Breakheart Stamping Mill and Smelter, as the lumberyard that he works at is right down the hill from it. He tells the prospectors that the mill is always closed on Saturday nights and Sundays. The ore would have stayed there until Monday morning and it is unlikely that Elton Hubbard would have allowed them to remain on the premises to guard it.

The prospecter then tries to figure out what to do with the ore. Grant Keebler suggests that they park the wagon until Monday morning in the back alleyway between the El Parador and Brown’s IceHouse. That would keep it out of sight from most of the public and the employees of both buildings could help guard it. Elliott asks Jake "How does that idea sound to you?"

Jake comments, “Then you'll take it out in broad daylight on Monday? I thought you wanted to keep this quiet? I can't think of anything better right now. Cover it with a tarp and maybe some bales of hay or something over that so it looks less suspicious. Or some supplies that the smelter might need?" Jake keeps looking around to make sure no one is sneaking up on them. "We'll let's go. No value sitting here."

"Hold on, there are still a few more stones over there" Humphrey Lewis says and points a distance off from the hill. Some of the workers head over that direction. Jake realizes that is where the green glass ball was buried and heads over to make sure none of the men step on it by accident.

As he gets closer he sees a rock near the sage bush and hurries up. Enrico picks up the rock to bring it back to the wagon and Jake sees the indentation in the sand, which has a greenish tint to it. "Whoa, there. Put down that rock!" Jake remembers the warning about acid and rushes over to make sure that there is none on the large rock. After making sure it is safe, he lets them finish loading. "Crap." He say looking down at the sand. "Crap!"

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Silver Moon

Chapter Fifty-five, “The Job Offer”, January 7th, 1882:

Ruby and Katherine travel one block north to the Palace Saloon and Hotel. They hear piano playing and some off-key singing long before they actually enter the three-story wood and brick building. The place is brightly lit and loud, with cigar smoke floating around the ceiling. The main floor is thirty-by-forty feet and comprised almost entirely of one large room, the far back corner blocked off for the kitchen. A long bar with two bartenders runs the entire west wall with a large wall-sized mirror along it.

The room has somewhere between fifty and sixty people in it. One table has a roulette wheel running and two card games are going on. The man Evan Adair who played at Jake’s table the night before is running one card game. The woman who had brought him his water glasses is sitting on his lap, the top of her dress being more off than on. Four other women in bright low-cut dresses are in the room including the one standing on stage and mangling a perfectly good song with her poorly trained voice, although nobody in the room seems to mind.

A tall burley man stands near the door. “If you have any guns I’ll take them now,” he says to the women. Ruby pulls up her skirt to her thigh and takes her gun out of it's holster. She hands it over to the man with a smile. "Take good care of that for me." Then he looks at Kate. Ruby laughs. "Does she look like she can shoot a gun?" Ruby takes her hand and leads her into the bar. She pushes a couple of girls away from the bar and her and Kate squeeze in.

Kate was suddenly acutely aware of the Derringer in her bodice, but she was glad to keep it. Ruby had been right, this wasn't the kind of place people like Kate went. They wedged their way up to the bar by means of Ruby pushing a couple other women out of the way.

"Whiskey!" Kate called quickly. That was all she really wanted here. Considering the woman on the stage no one could be here to enjoy the entertainment. She was about ready to give up on rational thought for the day. There had just been too much. The morning at the cattle rustlers caves seemed weeks ago.

The bartender sat down the glass and Kate emptied it. "Again," she ordered. It felt like her life was in a constant state of degeneration. Tom had gotten ill, and everything had fallen apart. He'd recovered and they began to build again. She came here to join him, and everything fell apart again. So she sat in a room in a boarding house for three months drinking herself to sleep at night until she finally pulled herself together.

She came to Promise City, met some people, and began to put a life together. In the course of this one day everything was in shambles again. A friend was now lost because her husband had a wandering eye, Jake was likely angry with her, and Ruby..... Ruby was showing a whole new side that seemed just as unnatural as the ecstatic side yesterday. Tomorrow she would pick up the threads and start again. For tonight she just wanted to forget.

Ruby drinks her whiskey fast. She was very tense about something, although she wasn’t sure what. She saw Adair at one of the poker tables and decided to say hello. “Kate, stay here, I’ll be right back.” She walks over to him, ignores the half-naked woman on his lap, and reaches out her hand. “Hello Mr. Adair, Ruby West, I think I saw you at the Lone Star last night.” Adair looks up at her and says "Why yes, come here about the job offer?" Ruby answers, "Job offer? No, I didn't know anything about that. I decided that my friend Kate and I would skip work and have some fun tonight. This seemed like a good place for it."

Adair laughs and says "If fun is what you want this is the place. Got all the gambling, drink and men here than you could ever asks for. Last night I told your friend Cook to pass on that whenever you got tired of old lady Whipple's misguided morality to come over here and a job would be waiting for you." Katherine overhears the exchange. Old Lady Whipple? Maggie didn't seem that old, late thirties perhaps maybe early forties. Then again, compared to the young ladies in this building that probably was old to Adair.

“Well I like all those things, but not necessarily in that order.” Ruby smiles and looks around. It was quite lively here, more her crowd than the Lone Star. She looked back to Kate, who was still drinking at the bar. She turns back to Adair. “And it looks like you like to have fun here too, Mr. Adair.” “So what’s this job offer you’ve got for me? I’m listening.” He replies "With your looks and voice I'd like you to work here full time. You'd make a whole lot more money that you'll ever get at the Lone Star."

Kate considered going over there and giving Adair a piece of her mind. The bartender was looking at her, wondering if she wanted another glass. "Just give me the bottle," she said, throwing enough money to cover it on the counter. She grabbed it and the glass and started moving.

The singer had thankfully stopped and jumped down off the stage to get a drink. Kate diverted her path from Adair to the piano. "Get off," she said to the barely mediocre man who'd been playing. She filled her glass and set it on the bench after he moved, then set the bottle on top. Kate flexed her fingers, took another slug of whiskey, and launched into a piece from Beethoven's fifth symphony.

Ruby’s eyebrow raises at the sound of “more money”. “What would I be doing here, Mr. Adair? Just singing?”
Right as Ruby says this Kate jumps on the piano and starts playing. Ruby smiles. "I think she might want a job here too, considering Mr. Whipple has a thing for her... and I can vouch, she's very good." Adair says "Yeah, well that's what old Tomcat Whipple is known for. He was carrying on with that other singer for over a year, and right under Maggie's roof.” “That bastard…” Ruby says out loud to herself. She had suspected that with all this Flossie talk but wasn’t totally sure. But why would Maggie still be with him? She was weak Ruby guessed. Men always hurt you if you let them so you shouldn’t let them was Ruby’s philosophy.

Adair says, “Okay, your friend isn't as much of a looker as you, but I guess she'll do. You have to tell her to stop playing garbage like this though, we want fun lively tunes around here." Ruby replies, “While I appreciate your offer I’m going to have to think it over, maybe over a drink. It has been a long day and I don’t like to make decisions on a long day… plus there’s Jake to consider...” Ruby’s anger towards him was subsiding, she was starting to feel bad about slapping him. Actually she was starting to feel bad about a lot of things. Guilt was not something that normally crossed Ruby’s mind but now…

Ruby walks over to Katherine and sits on the bench next to her. “Kate, Tom Whipple is an ass. He cheated on Maggie with that Flossie woman for over a year! I feel like shooting him! I feel like crying too, poor Maggie. Oh what’s wrong with me!” Ruby felt out of control, normally one of her better traits. Her emotions were overwhelming her. Kate was playing more lively music but Ruby didn't feel like being lively anymore.

Several men approached both Kate and Ruby and asked them to dance but both refused, Katherine politely and Ruby with a snap of "Go away, leave us alone." After about half an hour of sitting there Adair approaches and says "I've heard that you've been rude to some of my customers. That's no way for new employees to act.” "Who's an employee?" Kate muttered over her drink. Adair was still talking, but Kate wasn't really listening. He seemed to think they were going to be working here now. Here? She snorted to herself. As is she would ever be caught dead sitting on Adair's lap with her top half off. What was he saying now?

“Tell you what Miss West, why don't you sing one of those tunes like you did last night. Show these folks the real you, that there's something worth spending time with. " Ruby answers, “Mr. Adair, I don’t recall telling you that we accepted your offer. But I DO recall telling you I wasn’t working tonight. And even if I was I don’t work for free. So your customers will just have to make due with your current singer, if you can call her that.” Ruby stops and thinks about the last thing he said. Her eyes narrow. “What do you know about the real me anyway?”

He replies, “Just what I see and heard last night. But the fact that you've already sized up the Whipples and came here tells me lots about you. And before you decide if you want to work tonight let's discuss terms. I'll give you girls the best deal that you'll find in town. Free room, board and all the drinks you want. And you can keep half of whatever you make upstairs."

Any other time Ruby would have laughed. Instead, she looked at Kate’s flushed cheeks and her hand went flying, for the second time this day. She slapped Adair hard across the face and grabbed Kate’s arm. “It’s a damn good thing the guy at the door has my gun Mr. Adair.”

"Whatever I?" Kate almost sobered up for a minute. Even as Ruby's hand flashed out Kate threw her drink in his face. With that she starts dragging Kate towards the door. They get to the door and Ruby demands her gun back. The bouncer looks over at his boss and says "Why, so you can shoot at him? You're insane. I'll give your gun to the Marshall, you can pick it up from him." Ruby demands, "Listen he got what he deserved for insulting us, now give me back my damn gun so we can get out of here before I change my mind!" Kate looked at the glass in her hand. "Well that's a damn shame. Now it's empty."

Jake had returned to the wagon. The last of the ore was been loaded and the men climbed into the back while Elliott and Lewis climbed up front with Jake. They rode back towards the Cantina and Jake said to Elliott, "Do you have something to give these fine gentlemen for their troubles? If not, I'll handle it." He replied, "We don't have much right now but I figure this ore will be worth quite a bit so we're good for it."

They parked the cart behind the Cantina, adjacent to the shed that Grant Keebler lives in. Jake paid each of the seven men for their efforts and also arranged a guard rotation, with one man on alert at the wagon with the prospectors at all time. He also suggested to Elliott and Lewis that they alternate, with one guarding and the other sleeping. He then told Elliott "Meet me over in the Cantina late tonight, after 1:00 or so, we need to talk."

Jake headed back upstairs and changes into his poker clothes. Now how to find Ruby and Katherine? So far everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. He smiles and thinks "Well then, they must be at the saloon that I wish they weren't at." He leaves the Cantina and heads directly to the Palace Saloon. Sure enough, they are there, standing in the doorway. Ruby is yelling to a tall burly looking man "….give me back my damn gun so we can get out of here before I change my mind!"

When Jake appeared just outside the door as Ruby demanded her gun back. It occurred to Kate that Jake might want a drink. He liked a drink now and then. She suddenly realized that she'd left her bottle on the piano. Pulling her arm loose, she walked very carefully back over and picked it up. Adair was still near the piano, wiping the whiskey off his face with a handkerchief. Katherine considered speaking to him, but words didn't seem to suffice. She huffed at him as she pointed her chin up in the air, deliberately turned her back, and stalked imperiously away with only a couple of stumbles on the way back.

Walking up and standing next to the man who appears to be the bouncer Jake nods his head to the ladies and says to the man "You got quite a wildcat here. You're a braver man than me if you hand her a loaded gun while she is this riled up. She sure is pretty though, all worked up like that."

Jake leans in against the man and whispers "Tell you what, give me her bullets and hand her the empty gun. She can follow me to get 'em if she wants, and that way she's out of your hair. Could be interesting...If you get my drift." Jake slaps him on the back and gives him a knowing grin. "Maybe I'll even tell you about it next time I'm by." He finishes with a wink. In a normal voice he says to him, "And if I am lucky, I'll buy you a drink to boot!"
He watches Katherine walk unsteadily back into the saloon and hopes he does not have to go in and rescue her.

Ruby is getting increasingly incensed at the situation. “Jake, what do you think you’re doing? I’m handling it! And you’re crazy if you think you’re getting lucky now, the only thing you’ll be getting is another slap!” Ruby pauses. “…Unless you actually can get this brute to give me back my gun before I really get upset…” The man had actually started to reach back to the cabinet with the checked guns until Ruby's comment and he realized that they knew each other. Instead he made a gesture over to the bar. Jake notices one of the bartenders reaching for something beneath the bar, most likely a weapon of some sort. The bouncer says "I'll give the gun to the Marshall. You three just get out of here before somebody gets hurt."

Silver Moon

Chapter Fifty-six, “Perfect End to a Perfect Day”, January 7th, 1882:

Back at the Lone Star, Tony Lucky is cursing the fact that neither Job nor Jake was playing Van Horne. Thus far he had wiped out the finances of three of the other five players at the table and it was obvious that nobody else was willing to jump in. It had started out a good night for Tony, but now he was down $ 55 from where he started, and only had another $ 35 left before he would have to hit Tom up for money, which he hated to do. Van Horne just sat back, eating his fried chicken and drinking his bourbon. Meanwhile, Stanley was having the time of his life, having gone through the entire Sullivan Songbook and was now starting to play a few miscellaneous pieces that he had brought with him.

A block away Jake shrugs his shoulders and starts to walk away. He stops, looks over his shoulder and says "Would any of you fine ladies like an escort?" Katherine seems oblivious to any dangers in the room. She gives Jake a sad little smile and joins him outside. "Wanna drink?" she asks, shaking the bottle. Jake blinks hard and tries not to laugh. "How could I refuse such an attractive and elegant woman?" He offers her his arm. Once he has Katherine in tow he turns slightly and offers Ruby his other arm. "It wouldn't be right if the two most beautiful women in Promise City went without an escort." Jake tries to mouth silently to Ruby the words 'We need to talk'.

"Jake, what about my gun..." Ruby whines. "Maybe I should just shoot him with my other gun and get it back?" she thinks out loud. She lets Jake take her arm and drag her away. As soon as they are out of earshot, "Well, at least I got his wallet..." She leans in really close to Jake, closer than she needed to, and whispers in his ear. "What did you want to talk about?"

He was about to scold her for not following his lead with the bouncer so he could get her gun back. Then for a moment Jake forgot what he wanted to talk about. Katherine tugged accidentally on his other arm trying to remain balanced and was looking quite maudlin; and that was enough to get his brain working again. Though there was no longer any need, he whispered back to her "Your pretty glass ball is broken." He wasn't sure how she was going to react. "The glass ball with the green stuff from the church. This is the effect the priest warned about." Ruby replies, “Jake what are you talking about? The green ball should be fine. We put it in a good spot.” Ruby feels herself start to get weepy. He leads the two ladies over to shadowy section of a boardwalk to sit down.

Katherine sat down with a thump. Jake and Ruby were talking about something, but they were always talking about something. She sniffled and stifled a yawn. "Jake, did you want a drink?" she asked, not really listening for the answer. The bottle was still about a quarter full. Kate looked at it. It would be quite unseemly to drink it straight from the bottle. With a sudden smile she looked at her other hand and saw the glass still in it. She poured herself a generous amount and held the bottle up for Jake. "Where are we going now?" she asked.

"Thanks Katherine." He takes the bottle and touches it to the rim of her glass. "Cheers." He takes swallow. "Where do you want to go? I came from the Lone Star a little while ago and Tom is ready to apologize for anything at this point. I'm not sure what happened, but you can go back there if you want. Or not. You have choices before you." He taps the bottle to glass again and has another swallow. "But if I may be so forward, you should head back to Cantina and go to bed and let the choices wait for tomorrow. If you won't do that, then at least just stay at the Cantina so Dorita can get you off to bed when you can't stand anymore."

Kate exclaims, "I don't want to go back to the Lone Star. Dorita is nice. Everyone is nice at the Cantina, except that horrible Juan Gomez. He's like Tom Whipple, only he's honest about it." Kate's eyes are full of tears as Jake lifts up her chin a little and say, "Smile, you got friends." He looks over to Ruby and back to Katherine and finishes, "We'll maybe not ordinary friends... but friends." Ruby exclaims, “Why aren’t we ordinary friends?” With that Ruby starts crying uncontrollably, sobbing. “Why aren’t we friendddssss….” “Thank you," Kate said, oblivious to Ruby, and clicked her glass against the now nearly empty bottle. She looked at the gold band still circling her left ring finger. "I miss him," she said, her voice catching. "Friends help."

Jake covers his face with his hands and mumbles something about shooting rustlers was safer. He rubs his face and gets up. "Back when I was in Chicago, I met an old coot working in the cattle yards." He offers his hand to one and then the other woman. "He was ill mannered, smelled bad and usually was drunker 'n a skunk." He fumbles for a minute but manages to get the two of them reattached to his arms. "His name was Caleb White, and though at first it appeared he had no redeeming qualities we learned over time that he was a font of wisdom." He steers the ladies towards the Cantina. "I remember one day he said to me Silver Dollar, never miss a good chance to shut up" Hoping his pointless story distracts them he tries to lead them into the Cantina. "I'm so embarrassed, I never cry," Ruby sobs. "I'm so bad at it..."

At the Cantina Jake tries to get the ladies to go upstairs to their rooms. Failing that he asks Sonoma to keep an eye on them, keep Gomez away from them, and to get them upstairs when she can. Jake then heads over to the Lone Star in the highly unlikely event there is still a poker game for him deal.

Ruby decides she needs to have a few drinks to knock herself out before she heads to bed. She is still weepy and headachy and moody, not like herself at all. She quietly sits at a table until she gets tired enough to pass out. Kate sat downstairs in the cantina for a little while. She finished off her bottle as she tried to comfort Ruby. It wasn't long before her head was almost hitting the table.

She gave Ruby a kiss on the cheek and staggered over to the stairs. A moment later an arm slipped behind her and helped her up. "Thank you, Dorita," Katherine said. The elven woman helped her into her room and to get undressed and settled into bed. Dorita blew out the lamp and headed for the door. Kate's hand was running over the night table. "Tom," she said insistently. Dorita came quietly back and handed her the framed picture. "Thank you," Kate yawned. She was sleeping before Dorita shut the door.

Jake arrives back at the Lone Star. It is now a few minutes after midnight and over ninety minutes since Jake had left. There are only a dozen people left in the room. As suspected, no poker games are going on. Tony Lucky's table is empty and Tony is sitting at the bar talking to Al Brower and Brower's friend. Maggie is sitting at the piano and playing for the Stanley and Helen Barker, who are dancing together up on the dance stage. Jake hears the sound of dishes being washed out in the kitchen, and assumes that is where Tom Whipple is.

Jake heads over to the bar. "Sorry Al, not much of a poker night for you. Tom sent me on an errand I didn't have much luck with. How was your game tonight Tony?" Tony replies "Van Horne took me for everything I had, same with everyone else at my table. Tom will usually front me money when I need it but felt this would be a case of just throwing it down the outhouse so refused. Tom suggested to him that you'd be back soon to start up another game but Van Horne wasn't interested and left. Tom at least got some money from him, the guy left a $ 20 tip for finding him that bottle of Kentucky Bourbon."

Jake comments, "Fortunately for me my money appears not to be good enough for Van Horne. Tony, is that guy really that good? Or is there more to it? Tony replies "Best I've ever seen. Job too, although he's sure the guy is cheating. I watched him closely all night and didn't see anything. Then again, it was the first time I ever had him at my table, so that alone was rather intimidating." Jake exclaims, “And damnation, there was Kentucky Bourbon flowing here and I missed it!" Jake looks around the bar to see if there is still a bottle around, but it isn’t. Tony replies, “Last bottle in town according to Tom."

Jake talks for a little while with the men, mostly small talk. He does inquire of Al about the quality of the gunsmithing at the shop and says he'll be stopping by this week. To which Al introduces him to his companion, his business partner Pierre Jaquet, a master gunsmith. He bids them goodnight and gives Maggie $5 on the way by. "Not a great night, mostly because I was out chasing down folks instead of playing. They're back at their rooms now, don't worry." He doesn't stop to talk or answer any questions. She runs after him and yells "Jake, Please ask Katherine to join me for lunch tomorrow at the Promise City Hotel and Cafe. We need to talk."

He heads over to the Cantina. He finds an unoccupied table, glad the women were gone to bed. He passes on a whiskey, "I just don't feel like drinkin' any more tonight, I'm confused enough without it." He removes a small well-hidden wallet, not his regular one, and takes out a small photograph. He looks at it for a long time before putting it away. He leans his chair back up against the wall, taps his fingers together and waits quietly for Ralph Elliott. He doesn't have to wait long for Elliott to arrive.

"So tell me as much of your story as you think is useful" he tells the prospector, "why you don't trust Fisk, how you think he'll cheat you, what you did so far to protect yourselves, and where all the written agreements and legal documents are located." Jake stretches his arms a bit before leaning in a little closer, his face attentive and eyes meeting Elliott's. "And take your time."

Elliott says "We just don't trust Fisk. He's known for being greedy. But it was his mountain to begin with so what choice did we have?" He then hands Jake over his own deed to review. Jake looks it over, mentally referencing his prior experience reading legal documents. It all looks legit, but having the other lawyer in town look it over might still be a good idea.

The only clause that bothers Jake is one that requires the miners to pay for all of the extraction costs even though Fisk is entitled to the his full 60% share of the processed ore, although it thankfully makes no reference at all to who pays for the stamping, smelting and assaying costs. Jake also notes that transport of the ore to the stamping and smelting mill isn't mentioned in the deed either.

Elliott then tells a little more about the ore discovery. Jake watches the eyes carefully and concludes that the man is being truthful to him. "I have to agree with you, it is a good idea to have another lawyer review this. I have no experience running a mining operation, and no great desire to either. However I might be useful in helping to negotiate the business arrangements from the time you load the ore on the wagons until the cash reaches your bank accounts, including security. I would think that Fisk would want his 60% to arrive safe as well. I think there are enough folks around here interested in providing services so we could get a little competitive bidding going. I might also be a deterrent to Fisk taking any actions that might swindle you men out of your hard earned share."

Jake pauses to let Elliott have a moment to think. "Look, I'm not here to swindle you out of your fortune." Well not all of it anyway Jake thinks to himself. "If you are interested in my help now, tell me how you and your friends would feel comfortable compensating me for my efforts. Or you can just reward me for my little contribution tonight. If you get into trouble later you could come looking to see if I am available to get you out of it. Of course it is always better not to get into trouble in the first place...."

Elliott says that he will have to discuss this with his three partners but he is willing to recommend Jake's continued assistance. Jake says "That fine, as I said earlier, I have an errand to do tomorrow. Talk to your friends and we can discuss this further tomorrow night."

Silver Moon

Chapter Fifty-seven, “Off to Tombstone”, Sunday, January 8th, 1882:

Chester Martin woke an hour earlier and had breakfast downstairs. He recieved directions to the Wells Fargo Office and wandered over that direction. He was told that the stagecoach to Promise City would depart at approximately 2:00 P.M. He purchased himself a ticket.

Back at the El Parador:, Dorita knocks on Jake's door and tells him the time. He thanks her and says "Thank you. Please go wake Ruby and tell her the stagecoach leaves in half an hour." "What about Katherine?" she asks. He replies "Let her sleep, she needs it. She's planning to stay in town today to spend some time with your Grandfather." As an afterthought he adds "And if it isn't too much trouble, could you put together some breakfast for me and Ruby to eat on the stage?" She says that she will.

Ruby’s head is totally clear as she awakens to a knocking sound, noticing the sun shining through the window. The knocking picks up and she hears Dorita’s voice call in “Miss Ruby, wake up. Mister Jake says the stage leaves in half-hour.” Jake throws on his traveling clothes and normal weapons. He also grabs the leather duster and his two extra revolvers. Downstairs he writes a quick note for Katherine about meeting Maggie Whipple for lunch and asks Sonoma to make sure Katherine gets it 'when she finally manages to get up'. He stands around bleary eyed waiting for Ruby.

Ruby moans when she hears the knock on her door. “The stage leaves in half an hour.” “Half an hour isn’t much time," she thinks. She slowly gets up and gets dressed. She was exhausted, physically and mentally. She had left her purple off the shoulder dress for today. It always made her feel pretty and confident and she was going to need that today. She tried to brush the knots out of her hair. She had been so out of sorts she went to bed without braiding it and now it was going to be more wild than usual. She grabbed her derringer, money and playing card and shoved them down the front of her dress. She didn’t have her normal pistol. She hoped she wasn’t going to need one. She made her way down stairs and saw Jake standing there yawning.

When she comes down he stretches and yawns and says, "Why don't you talk to the stage drivers. I never got to them last night. I was," he looks away and then back, "distracted. I'm sure they'd rather talk to you anyway." He says with a sly smile. He yawns again, "Oh, and here take your pick." He offers her a single action or double action revolver. "Take one of these until we get yours back from the Marshal. Do you remember last night?"

“Yes I remember last night,” she says with a sigh. “And I’m thoroughly embarrassed. I don’t know what came over me.” Jake notices Ruby is keeping her distance from him, not really looking at him and fidgeting. “Yesterday was a bad day, Jake, one I don’t hope to repeat anytime soon.” She grabs the single action gun from Jake, lifts up her dress on the right side and puts it on her thigh. She fixes her dress, looks at Jake with half a smile, “Thanks.” Then she looks away again.

“I’ll go talk to the stage drivers if you want. Plus when we get to Tombstone I’ll distract them while you help look over the wheels after the trip. I was hoping that we could just pay them off to delay the stage and use messing with the wheels or something as a last resort if they were not amenable. I'm not sure if I can control the damage so that it is repairable in a couple of hours."

“Ok, I can take care of that.” Ruby starts twisting her hair around her finger. “I was thinking too that maybe we shouldn’t use our real names over in Tombstone? Just in case someone gets word that we are asking about things that shouldn’t be asked about…” She kicks the bottom on the chair she is standing next to.

"There may be folks that know our names from Promise City there, and we may have to go back to Tombstone on other business. I'm a little hesitant to use false names so close by to where we are living. I am worried it will come back to bite us in the behind. It's not like I've never used a false name before, but I'm not so sure that this is the right time. Besides, you are conspicuous." Ruby starts to interject but Jake cuts her off. "Don't you tell me that you don't know exactly how many men's eyes are on you. I'm not complaining, I have a front row seat."

Ruby gives Jake a pout. “That’s not my fault!” She pauses. “But I guess you’re right about the name thing. I just don’t want to be in any more trouble than we already are.” He replies, "Leave it to the last minute, if we need faux identities I can play along." Ruby finally looks up at Jake. “I’m real sorry about slapping you last night. You didn’t deserve it.” Jake can tell Ruby is blushing and uncomfortable. He gives her a little half smile back. "Ah, don't worry about it. I was pretty angry last night, but I got over it. Besides, I'm up one now. Next time I do something that deserves a slap I've already got one in the bank." “Alright Jake it’s a deal.” Ruby got the feeling he really was still mad.

Dorita gives them a wicker basket with food food as well as two ceramic cups and a large ceramic pitcher-like pot with a lid. Jake can smell the aroma of hot coffee coming from the pot. They head over to the Stage, with Ruby heading into the Wells Fargo Office. There are two men getting ready to leave, including the same driver that brought her to Promise City the week before.

Jake sees one other man apparently waiting to board the stage. He appears to be balding beneath his derby-style hat. Hehas a full beard that is mostly white but with flakes of black throughout. He is wearing a wrinkled brown suit, cotton shirt, western style tie and Jake detects the telltale bulge of a shoulder holster. He is also carrying a satchel.

Ruby lets Jake take the basket. She is heading to the Wells Fargo office. Before she does she runs next door and pushes a note underneath the door of Lacey’s General store. It says, “Mr. Lacey, I’m terribly sorry but something of great importance came up today and I have to take care of it. Unfortunately this means I will miss our lunch appointment. I will come see you tomorrow and you can tell me when would be good for us to share a meal. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Love, Ruby.”

She walks up to the two drivers who are getting ready to leave. “Gentlemen, fine day for a trip to Tombstone, no?” She immediately commands their complete attention. The one from the week before says "Pleased to see you again Miss. We'll be leaving for Tombstone in a few minutes. Shouldn't be as crowded as your ride out here." What the hell? thinks Ruby. I guess Jake was right about the name thing. “It’s Miss West. Well, less crowded sounds pleasant. It was rather loud on the ride over here.” Ruby thinks back to Chumbley and laughs to herself.

“I was hoping you might be able to help me with something. You see, I need to do some shopping while in Tombstone and I’m not sure an hour is going to be enough time. I need to get some…” she starts whispering, “undergarments.” Ruby pretends to blush. “You gentleman know how important it is to have a good foundation right?” She flips her hair. “Well, I just can’t find something soft and silky enough here in Promise City. I don’t even know if they’ll have something in Tombstone! But I figured I would look.”

“An hour just doesn’t seem like enough time to properly try everything on. So I’m hoping you might get us to Tombstone a little faster than usual, and maybe wait a little longer? Or am I asking too much?” She looks up at them with questioning eyes. He laughs and says "Fear not Miss West, you can count on Chuck Nevers to be your knight in shining armor. If I drive the team I can shave a good half hour off the time. If I do that both directions we could stay in Tombstone for a full two hours and still be back here at our usual time.” "Mr. Nevers, a girl can always use a knight in shining armor. I really appreciate it." She winks at him and walks to the back of the coach to wait for Jake.

The next to board the stage after ruby is the older gentleman with the beard. He smiles very friendly towards her and says in a very thick German accent "Hello Young Lady, It is a good day for a carriage ride, ya? I am Hans Josef Zikmund."

Shortly thereafter Jake arrives. One other passenger then boards, a middle-aged woman who is helped onto the carriage by both Nevers and the other driver as though she were a member of royalty. Ruby recognizes her as the Saloonkeeper from the Drover's Hotel, where the gunslinger O'Dell had treated the group to a drink when they first arrived in town the previous Sunday. The stagecoach then gets going.

Oh I hope it's a good day for a carriage ride, Mr. Hans." Ruby guesses if she doesn't give her name the guy with the weird accent will leave her alone. She settles back into the seat, trying to get comfortable. She leans over to Jake, "I took care of the time problem, I hope. We should have an extra hour or so."

Jake was hoping on the outside chance they would be the only passengers this morning. But the long leisurely private conversation was not going to happen this morning. Instead he offered up the breakfast that Dorita had provided. She replies, “No thanks Jake, I'm not hungry." By the time Ruby responded to Jake he was practically asleep. "Men" she thinks. She tried to keep her eyes on the two other people in the coach, she tried to keep her head up but it wasn't happening, even when the man mentioned he worked for the safe company. He nodded civilly to the others. No stranger to stagecoaches, his body recognized the ride and began to do what it had done dozens of time before; fall asleep. After a bunch of head bobs she was asleep too.

Mr. Zikmund begins a long conversation with the woman from Drover's Hotel, who introduces herself to him as Vera Blake. She says that she and her husband own the hotel and that every other week she makes a supply run to Tombstone staying overnight on Sunday and coming back on Monday. "Isn't that dangerous for a woman alone?" he asks. She laughs and says "Not with the two guys up top. All of the Wells Fargo employees eat and drink at our hotel, it's as though they were my own children. And they are as protective of me as their own mother."

She asks about him and he says that he is a salesman and machinist for the Harrisburg Safe Company and that he was in Promise City on business. She presses him for more details but he explains that he cannot say, that his business is dependent upon confidentiality. Across the way, the conversation has partially woken Jake, who sleepily listens to what is being said.

Jake's reflexes were good and he immediately woke up as soon as the stagecoach came to a stop. He waited until the other two passengers had disembarked and were collecting their luggage before lightly shaking Ruby's shoulder to awaken her. Jake helps Ruby down from the stagecoach, and she pauses just long enough for a shy smile at the drivers who smile back knowingly. Jake raises an eyebrow but keeps moving.

"We don't have much time, why don't we head right for the Oriental Saloon and look for James Earp. I've been thinking about how we go about this. And it keeps coming back to a plan I don't like or often use." "What?" Ruby says looking concerned. Jake looks grim. "Tell the truth."

"That'll be new and different," Ruby laughs. "Let's go." They start walking then she pauses. "Hold on one second." She runs back to the drivers and says something to them. They nod and she runs back. "Ok, now we can go." She returns and Jake asks "What was that all about." She replies "Just thanking the man for the speedy ride, he says they shaved 45 minutes, it's only a quarter past twelve." Nevers yells "Make sure you're back by 2:30, that's the latest we can wait."
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Silver Moon

Chapter Fifty-eight, “Maggie’s Confession”, Sunday, January 8th, 1882:

It was nearly 10:30 before Katherine woke. Her mouth felt stuffed with cotton and the sun stabbed into her eyes. She sat up very slowly, trying to keep her head from spinning. A few minutes later she was able to get up and look at herself in the small mirror. She was pale and drawn with dark circles under her eyes. On the bright side, no man would look twice at her in this condition.

She dressed herself in a prim blue with a high neck and carefully bushed and plaited her hair before heading downstairs. Kate found an empty table and asked for coffee and dry toast. It arrived a few moments later with a note from Jake. She read it and sighed. Dealing with the Whipple's what not something she wanted to do today. But if it had to be done, it was better done sooner rather than later.

Kate stopped at Gilson's bath house before lunch, taking time for a good soak in the pleasantly fragrant water. After her bath she put her hair back up despite it being wet, and went over to the Promise City Hotel and Cafe. She enters the twenty-by-twenty-five foot two-story clapboard building, the first floor consisting of an open kitchen and a dining area. A sign on the wall reads "Breakfast 5-cents, Lunch 10-15 cents, Dinner 15-40 cents". Another sign reads "Alcoholic Beverages Not Served on These Premises"

There are around twenty tables in the room, most of them with patrons. Two people are busy moving around, a middle-aged plump woman in a calico dress and a slightly overweight older man wearing an apron over work clothes. They are alternating between cooking food and bringing it to the tables. She sees Judge Lacey sitting by himself at a table on the far end of the room, a sad look on his face. She then remembers that Ruby had made a lunch date with the man. Kate wished there was something she could say to make him feel better. On any other morning the smells in the cafe would have been delicious, but today they only made her a bit nauseous.

Kate thinks “She must have forgotten about the lunch”. She then hears Maggie's voice behind her saying "Katherine, thank you so much for coming." She turns around as Mrs. Whipple enters the building. Katherine replies, “Yes. Well, you did ask." Katherine held her head up and met Maggie's eyes, but her fingers were fidgeting with her small clasp purse. "Shall we sit?" she asked and led Maggie to the nearest empty table. Kate laid her purse on the table and laid the napkin across her lap, waiting for Maggie to speak.

Maggie appear to be rather uncomfortable. She beings "Katherine, first of all, I would like to apologize for whatever it was that Tom did to upset Ruby so. I'm sure he meant no harm and I would never want to cause her any distress. She was so happy at the Lone Star the night before and I was anticipating that you would be with us for a long time." Kate answers, “I would think any apology should come from Mr. Whipple. And if he doesn't know what to apologize for, how can he be sorry?

Maggie replies “Ruby was very happy on Friday. It had something to do with her visit to Mr. Valdez, I understand." Kate paused. Maggie obviously didn't know what had caused the trouble. She took a deep breath and replies, "Ruby was upset on my account, Maggie. On Friday night I noticed that he seemed to be watching me quite a bit," she explained, her face turning red. "But I thought it might just be my imagination, so I asked Ruby to keep an eye on him. I didn't tell her why. She noticed the same thing I did, but I didn't expect her anger. All Mr. Whipple did was look, but it was a look Ruby knew well." The redness had spread to Kate's neck. She was hot and uncomfortable. "She pulled me out then, and I was glad to go. I do not wish for that kind of attention, especially from the husband of a friend."

Maggie's hand begins to shake. She opens up her mouth but no words come out and she shuts it again but her chin is quivering. Her eyes then begin to tear up. "Ka..Katherine I....." she begins to say but stops. Maggie's posture then changes, with the shoulders slumping, as she again looks for the words to speak.

Last night it was Ruby who had recognized something she was familiar with. Now it was Katherine's turn. She had been though so much emotional distress for the last three months that she could see that Maggie was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. And that breakdown was about to occur right here in this restaurant unless she got this woman to somewhere more private, and rather quickly.

Kate dropped a small coin on the table even though they hadn't ordered anything yet. Then she moved around the table and put her arm around Maggie's shoulders. "Why don't we go back to my room where it's quiet, Maggie, hmm?" She got Maggie up and lead her out the door and back toward the Cantina. Maggie clung to Katherine's side for the short walk back. She barely looked up or took any notice of her surroundings until they were inside the room. Kate hoped Maggie wouldn't mind going to a place that harbored harlots as she brought her inside and upstairs to her room. She shut the door quietly behind her. "There now, that's better, isn't it?"

Katherine just let her sit for a while, arm draped across the woman's shoulder. When Maggie finally spoke tears filled her eyes and began dripping down her face. "Oh Katherine..." she sobbed. "My marriage....it's a sham....and it's all my fault." "No dear," Kate said, softly stroking the other woman's hair. "It takes two to make a marriage. Nothing is ever only one persons fault. Why don't you tell me about it?"

Maggie regains her composure. "It happened almost two years ago, around a month after Tom, Flossie and I arrived here. We had bought the building from Elton Hubbard right at the main intersection of the first two established streets. The only other Saloon in town at that point was the Long Branch, and we got plenty of business. Things were going well for us.

Whenever the three of us walked around town nobody ever paid any attention to me, only Flossie. I somehow came to the foolish realization that it was safe for me to walk around town by myself. At that point the town wasn't civilized like it is today. There were around two-hundred men, all the roughneck types, and I was one of only five women. A pair of drunken men cornered me in a back alleyway and threatened to do vile things to me.

I didn't know what to do. I thought of screaming but was afraid that would only attract more lowlifes. I backed against the wall and buried my hands into my pockets, and felt my mother's wedding band. I always wore it on a chain around my neck, but at Tom's insistence would unfasten and pocket it when we went out.

So I had an idea. I slipped it off of the chain, onto my finger, and then pulled out my hand. I waved it in their faces and with every ounce of strength I could muster declared that I was a married woman, that my husband Tom was within earshot, and if they took one step closer I would scream. I then began rattling off lies about Tom being the top marksman in Colorado, and that he could shoot a flea off of a prairie dog at 500 yards.

The bluff worked. They turned and ran. Tom and Flossie both laughed at my ingenuity. Word got around town soon about Tom's no-nonsense wife and how never to cross me. Tom thought I would be safer if people continued to think that. But Katherine, he and I aren't married! We never have been. He's not my husband.....he's my brother."

Kate's hand stilled on Maggie's hair. Her heart seemed to stop and then leap forward and pound hard. So much made sense now. Maggie's room upstairs at the Lone Star, the way she and Tom got along so well but didn't seem to act like a married couple. Suddenly she felt terrible for the things she'd thought of Tom Whipple. It still wasn't polite to watch a woman, but he was not a married man. Not only that, he was a single man who could not even look for a wife. Looking was the most he could do.

"Listen to me, Maggie," Kate said, turning to look her in the eye, "You did nothing wrong. I would have done the same and more to keep a man from trying to harm me in... that way." Kate's hands shook as she took Maggie's. "I can't imagine what that would have been like. Still, I think it's time for the truth, don't you? That's why Flossie left, isn't it? She wanted Tom to marry her, and he couldn't, because in order to do that he would have to tell the truth."

Maggie answers, "Oh yes, that was it exactly. When we first arrived we were all just friends, but as time went on he and Flossie fell in love with each other, but my lie kept them from being together in public. They saw each other secretly, and tried to be discreet, but in a town this small that was impossible. Word got around quickly about Tom's affair, and Flossie hated what people then thought about her.

They had decided that they would reveal the truth last year. But then our Father arrived with Cousin Teddy to put on the second floor. He told Tom that we had to keep living the lie. Our saloon was established for gambling, so our business's reputation was the most important thing. If it became known that Tom was a liar then people would never come here again, they wouldn't trust the games run at the Lone Star to be honest. Tom tried to explain that to Flossie, but she had had enough. She walked out on Tom and me and has been at the Comique ever since.

This last year has been difficult for Tom. He is still deeply in love with Flossie. Up until this week I don't think he ever even looked at another woman. I don't know if Flossie still has feelings for him or not, but she hasn't seen anybody else in all that time. Oh Katherine, I can't keep this up. That awful lie has brought nothing but misery and unhappiness to everyone."

"Then don't. It's cruel of your father to insist that you do. If I were you, I'd go talk to Tom right now. Get the truth out before your Father arrives. Have Tom go talk to Flossie and marry her tomorrow if she's willing." Maggie replies, "Oh no Katherine, he would never do that. Father would disown him and leave the family Saloon in Denver to Cousin Teddy instead. Tom's lifelong dream has always been to run it.

Katherine, you should see Father's Lone Star Dance Hall, Saloon and Hotel. It is very impressive, nearly ten times the size of ours. And very successful despite being the only Saloon in Denver without prostitution. After our Mother died Father insisted that Tom and I had to go and make our own way in the world, to prove that we could do this on our own. He said that anybody who just had success handed to them wouldn't have the right business sense needed to maintain it."

Kate smiled. "But if you tell the truth you'd be free, as well. I'll come with you, if you like. It seems I owe Tom an apology rather than the other way around." Maggie replies, “Oh no, he definitely owes you one. I saw how he was looking at you on Friday night. That was totally inappropriate, you being recently widowed and all. I let him have a piece of my mind that night after you left. He said he would behave himself last night, but apparently he didn't. You owe him a stern tongue-lashing, not an apology.” She answers, “He tried Maggie. I didn't notice him watching last night. If I hadn't asked Ruby to keep an eye on him I never would have known."

Kate continues, "You both need to decide what's most important to you. It could be many, many years before Tom inherits the family business. Is that really worth both of you living such lonely lives until then? You've already proved you can run a successful business. If you can't tell the truth here, maybe you need to move on. Go somewhere that no one knows you and start again, this time as brother and sister. I'll admit though, I hope you'll stay here."

Maggie exclaims "I couldn't bear leaving. I've put so much of myself into this place these last two years. After Flossie left we almost lost the business. Tony's mediocre card playing and my substandard piano playing were just not enough. We struggled for five months until Job Kane came and joined us. During that short period I must have aged five years. Look at me Katherine, I have the appearance of an old woman. I'm only twenty-nine.

But I've accomplished what I set out to do. I've taken this untamed place and created an oasis of respectability. People like you, people like Stanley and Helen have proven that it is possible. I've had some pretty radical ideas, and Tom has fought me tooth-and-nail along the way, but I have proven that I am right. DAMN IT! I've worked hard for what I've created and I'm not giving it up for anything. Her face then turns beet red and she exclaims "Gods! I swore. Oh Katherine, please forgive me for using such foul language in your presence. I don't know what came over me."

Katherine laughed right out. "Would you believe that very word has passed my lips on any number of occasions? Swearing can be a very satisfying experience. Now, let me make sure I have this straight. You want to stay here and run the Lone Star, so starting again is not an option. But you cannot continue on like this. You won't tell the truth before your Father arrives. The only option left that I can see is to open the issue with him again when he arrives. But Maggie, nothing will change if you don't do something. You think about that."

Kate put her arms around Maggie and hugged her. "This is tearing you apart, honey. You should talk to Tom and see what's to be done." She went downstairs and got some tea. Up in her room she sat with Maggie until she had cried herself out. She brushed the other woman’s hair out, giving Maggie some time to pull herself together. After the tea was gone and Maggie calm again, Kate gave her one last hug. "Now, you go on home and let Tom know what the trouble was. Then the two of you should have a nice, long talk about what you're going to do." She kissed her cheek and then walked Maggie down to the front door of the Cantina. "I'll see you Monday evening," she smiled as Maggie started home.

Silver Moon

Chapter Fifty-nine, “The Death of Thomas Kale”, Sunday, January 8th, 1882:

Jake and Ruby enter the Oriental Saloon. A man with light eyes, dark hair and a handlebar mustache is behind the bar. "Are you James Earp?" Ruby asks. The man replies "No, I'm Buckskin Frank Leslie, can I be of service to you?" Ruby says, "Actually we need to see James. Is he around?" He replies, In the back room. Have a seat, I'll go get him." Leslie steps away from the bar but keeps the door open and continues to watch them out of the corner of his eye. Thank you!" Ruby says as he walks away.

She looks over to Jake. "I hope your plan works..." They head over to a table. Jake didn't show any visible reaction to Leslie's name, but he has heard it before. He recalls reading an account around two years earlier of someone named Killian who caught Leslie in bed with Killian's wife. Leslie killed Killian, got acquited claiming self defense, and then married Killian's wife.

A man with sharp piercing eyes, a receding hairline and a brushy mustache soon joins them. The resemblence between him and his brothers is very apparent. He sits at the table looking carefully at both of them, and says "May I help you?" "I hope you can Mr. Earp. My name is Ruby West and this is my friend Jake Cooke. We were told you might be able to give us some information about a friend..." Ruby took a deep breath and whispered, "Thomas Kale?" He gives Jake a stern look then back to Ruby and says "Let's take a walk".

Earlier, Chester had thanked the clerk as he took the ticket in hand. He notes the present time on his pocket watch. It's never good to be late, he thinks to himself. I just hope I can find work in this Promise City. It's tough when you don't want to work for the railroads. The flare of a match provides some warmth as Chester lights a cigarette. The ex-cavalry sergeant buys a copy of theTombstone Epitaph and sits down to read. He notices a story about the Oriental Saloon being bought by a Mr. Joyce. After he finishes reading, he walks around town for a bit to get a feel for the town.

At lunchtime he remembers what he read in the paper about the change in ownership at the Oriental. Maybe with a new owner, the food will be better than usual to make a good impression. Sitting down to lunch, he notices someone come out from the back to sit a table where a couple sat. Hmph. Probably complaining about their soup being cold. After a brief conversation, all three leave in a hurry. Well, that's interesting. I wonder what the story there is.

Outside, James Earp gestures to an alley and says to Jake "Not on the main street. You may be trying to make a statement with that coat but I don't want to get caught in the crossfire. Ringo had a lot of friends around here."

Crap, thinks Jake. He thinks I'm wearing Johnny Ringo's coat. Maybe I AM wearing Johnny Ringo's coat. Crap. Crap. It took Ruby a moment to realize what Earp was saying. That could be trouble, she thinks, if any of "Ringo's" friends showed up. And she realized that she forgot to tell Jake what she found out about the coat. She would when as soon as she had the next chance. Earp then says, "Look, I've heard about what you Cartwrights did over in Galeyville yesterday. Take some advice, leave Tombstone and go back to Nevada while you're still alive. You're in over your heads here."

"So did Bill Claibourne show up here yesterday?" Jake asks. James says "Haven't seen him. Was he involved with this too?" Jake tries to determine how much of what James Earp has been telling them is true. The vocal tone and body language make it appear that he is being truthful but he has a great poker face, so might not actually be.

Jake says, "Claibourne was one of the rustlers yesterday, as far as I know he lived through it. I could have killed him and didn't. Maybe that was a mistake. You know how it is, we tried to resolve some issues without putting hammer to powder, but once the bullets started flying...." Jake pauses. "Figured that was how you knew about it, from something he would have said in town. How did you find out?"

James Earp replies, "No big secret actually, Deputy Brekenridge was told the whole story by one of you Cartwrights. He in turn shared it with my brother, the Marshall, who told me. It will be in the newspapers by tomorrow, so then everyone will know. That's why I suggested that you head back to Nevada now while you still can."

Ruby turned to Earp. "So tell me, did you know Tom Kale?" He looks around to make sure that nobody else is around and says "Nice man. I liked him. I dealt Faro to him the night that he died. He was very excited about his wife coming out here. Drank a bit too much that night though and made a comment that he shouldn't have." Earp points to a corner in the alley where two building meet. "They found him dead right over there two hours after that, a knife sticking through his back." Jake says “And would you be willing to tell us what Mr. Kale's ill chosen words were?"

James says "Don't remember them exactly, but they weren't too complimentary. Six of us were at the table that night, I was dealing. Clockwise from right we had Colby Tucker, Tom Kale, Buckskin Frank Leslie, Johnny Ringo and my brother Morgan. Everyone but Frank had been playing for three hours at that point and Frank joined us once he closed up the Saloon to the other customers. So it was around 2:00 AM or so and the booze had been flowing rather freely.

Kale ran into string of good luck and won several hands. Ringo tried to bluff him out on one, he could be really intimidating when he wants to, but Kale was in too good a mood to be bothered by him. When Ringo showed that all he had were a pair of threes Frank burst out laughing and called him stupid for trying that. Kale made the mistake of joining in with an insult of his own. Now, Frank and Ringo go way back and work together on odd jobs, so Ringo will take some kidding from him, but not from a skinny easterner like Kale.

Ringo drew his gun and threatened to shoot him right there. Kale then backtracked and tried to say his comment wasn't aimed at Ringo but at Morgan, who had also bluffed on that hand. Ringo backed down but now Morgan was worked up, but I managed to then calm him down. We played for a half hour more then the game broke up. I figure Kale was up around $ 75 at that point.

Before dawn a drunk stumbled over the body in the alley and started yelling. He looked like he had been dead for a couple of hours at that point. He also didn't have any money on him. The drunk was searched be had didn't have the money and also had an alabi for up until then.

My brother Virgil, the Town Marshall did a thorough investigation but there was nothing linking anyone specifically to the murder. I personally think Ringo did it, he killed a man once just for refusing to drink with him. But Virgil pointed out that Kale was drunk and had a wad of money, so anyone could have done it. We decided it best not to upset poor Mrs. Kale more than necessary. Since Kale had been sickly when he arrived Tucker told her that he had had a relapse and died. We figured that would be the end of it."

Ruby takes a small step behind Jake, takes his hand and squeezes it. She turns her head away from Earp so he can't see her face. This was about the worst news they could have gotten about Kate's husband. She would be horrified to know he had been drinking and gambling too much and that's what got him killed. She didn't want to show Earp how upset she was so she just kept her face away from him and let Jake do the talking. Jake squeezes Ruby's hand back but doesn't betray any emotion on his face.

Jake rubs the back of his neck and shakes his head. "We didn't intend to get in the middle of this, but I guess it is a little late now. Given the relationship between the cowboys and your family, what kind of support might we get from any of your brothers if there was trouble?"

Earp replies, “Probably none. They only have jurisdiction in the two town's they are Marshalls in, and if you're foolish enough to stick around either one of those then you're just asking for trouble, so why should they risk their lives on your behalf?

Personally, I'm glad you took out Curley Bill, Johnny Ringo and the McLaurys. That Cowboy Gang was on a collision course with my brothers and it was only a matter of time until they a gunfight erupted. I had my share of that type up trouble back when I was a Deputy Marshall up in Dodge City, and know that no good comes from it.

The Cowboy Gang may still have a few suspected gang members around to deal with, like the Clantons and I imagine Buckskin Frank there, but with the ringleaders gone they should be easy enough to contain. But your style of vigilante justice just makes things worse. You stirred up enough trouble yesterday, no point in sticking your nose into this Thomas Kale matter, especially since you've already killed the man I think was responsible. Just my opinion though, do what you want, it's your funeral."

“I'm not well known for being on time anyway, " says Jake with a wry smile, "perhaps I can be late for my funeral too. Thanks James. When everyone's done shooting at me maybe I'll stop in for a night 'buckin' the tiger' at your table." Earp replies, "Actually, I'd prefer not to see you again. The person you should probably fear the most is Buckskin Frank Leslie, he knew Ringo best. I'll try to keep him from leaving the Saloon for as long as possible."

They wait for James Earp to go back inside. Then Jake curses and takes off the coat and looks at it inside and out again, "Does this thing have a sign on it! Blast it all. I don't think he would have known we were involved without it. At least from what he said. Ruby says, “Something occured to me when Earp was talking about the jacket. I forgot to tell you something about it. I do that a lot," Ruby blushes. "Anyway, it is magical. Manu... well, someone told me that is had protective qualities to it. So it might come in useful, someday. Maybe just not around here."

"This is bad news, about Tom. Going up against Morgan Earp is not somthing I had on my to-do list. And neither is telling Katherine what really happened. Poor Kate. She won't be happy." Jake rolls it up tight and puts in under his left arm. "Let's head over and see Big Nose Kate and get out of here. We should try and stay out of sight as much as possible until we understand what in Hades is really going on here."

Silver Moon

Chapter Sixty, “Exiting Tombstone”, Sunday, January 8th, 1882:

Finishing his delicious meal, Chester pays his bill, and goes back to Big Nose Kate's to pack before heading over to the Wells Fargo office. Not long thereafter Jake and Ruby arrive at the saloon http://www.bignosekate.com/ They are shown to a table and sit. Ruby asks to speak to the owner of the restaurant and a woman soon arrives at their table. "Yes, may I help you?" she asks.

"Hello, Kate is it? My name is Ruby. This is my friend Jake. If you have a few minutes we'd like to talk to you about something." Kate nods. "You see one of our friends died here in a not so honest way but it seems people don't want us to know the truth about it. And we hear you're the person to talk to get details." Kate nods again.

"His name was Tom Kale and about three months back he had some sort of altercation with Johnny Ringo and..." she pauses then continues slowly, "Morgan Earp."

Big Nose Kate has a noticeable reaction, one of alarm. She says "I know who he was. He ate here a few times until he found room at a boarding house. He pretty much kept to himself for the first month or so after he arrived then he and a friend of his started hanging out at the Oriental Saloon.” What was his friends name?" Jake asks. "Colby Tucker" is her response. She continues, “He would play Faro with my boyfriend and the Earps. I heard conflicting stories about what happened to him. Some say he died of sickness, others have said he was robbed. Morgan would never do such a thing but Johnny Ringo might. He's no good, I won't allow him in my building."

Jake exchanges a quick glance with Ruby and asks Kate, "Do you have any idea where this Colby Tucker spends his time now-a-days?" Jake is trying hard not to stare at Kate's namesake, but gods he thinks, her name fits! Kate says, "He worked for one of the boarding houses but I think he got fired. I think I last saw him shoveling manure over at the O.K. Corral."

Ruby answers, "Well Kate, that is very sweet of you to help us out. I wish we had more time to spend here, I hear the food is delightful. Speaking of time, do you know what time it is? We have to been somewhere shortly." She looks over to a grandfather clock and says "Half past one" Jake smiles and nods to Kate, "Thank you kindly." And motions Ruby away. In a whisper, "We ought to talk to Tucker, but I am more than a little concerned about heading over to the OK Corral. We should go out the back door and find our way onto the stage. I have a bad feeling."

It is obvious Ruby is oblivious to Jake's concern. "What kind of bad feeling? Should I be worried? We still have an hour but if you are that worried then maybe we should try to come back another day to talk to Colby? I just hate to tell Kate anything about Tom when we don't know anything for sure."

"Hold on a moment" Jake tells Ruby and walks back over to Big Nose Kate. "One more thing Kate, if I could trouble you again. Would you just take a quick look out the front and tell me if Buckskin Frank Leslie or any of Johnny Ringo's old pals are outside in the street?" Jake gives her a weak smile. "I'm just wondering about the weather out there...." Kate says that she doesn't see them.

Ruby says, "Alright Jake, I can see you're nervous about something. Do you want me to go out first? Let's get back to the stage, I'm tired anyway. And don't worry, I'll protect you." Jake replies, "When somebody tells you to get outta town and discusses your funeral, you gotta take a little notice. Otherwise you end up in a box." Jake takes a deep breath and a heavy sigh. Then in a falsetto voice, "How was your trip to Tombstone Ruby? Oh, Jake got shot, but I got some nice undergarments." He laughs. "Your choice, we head over to the corral and ask after Tucker or to the stage early. Either way though, we try and not be noticed where ever we can."

Ruby says, "I don't feel like wearing black anytime soon, so let's leave. How about we discuss what to do next back in Promise City?" "Oh and Jake, never underestimate the power of a good undergarment," as she winks. Jake points at the back of Kate's Saloon. "Have you ever seen the back alley's of a mining town? There is nothing like them. If we are going to give in to my cowardice, lets go all the way." He and Ruby will sneak out the back.

About half past one Chester headed back to Big Nose Kate's to get his luggage. Stepping through the door, he is shocked to see the same couple from the Oriental speaking to Big Nose Kate. He amusedly thinks to himself, If I were paranoid, I'd say I was being followed. He pauses in the common room to watch them, just in case. They speak for a while, then Kate walks past Chester to look out the door. She calls back, "I don't see them." The man and woman relax, but then leave through the back door. Chester mutters to himself, "There are some strange people in this town. I'm glad I'm getting out of Tombstone." He gathers his luggage, unloading his rifle and tying it to the top of his bag.

Jake takes extra care in looking around corners and check streets before crossing them. Ruby rolls her eyes repeatedly. "I'm sure you're just worried about me getting hurt and all. I do appreciate the thought though. So sensitive of you..." They get back to the stage with a full 20 minutes to spare. Ruby looks to Chuck, "Thank you so much for waiting for me. I found just what I wanted and got to try on everything and get measured today. I'll have to come back once it's done though so I guess I'll be seeing you again," she says faking another blush. Jake gets in the empty stagecoach and Chuck hands Ruby a bag. "Here's what you asked for Miss Ruby. I had a hard time finding it, tough stuff to come by." "Mr. Nevers, you really might be my knight in shining armor!" She hands him some money. "Keep the change for your trouble today." He smiles back at her. “No trouble at all Miss.”

She gives him a small kiss on the cheek then gets into the coach, keeping the bag behind her back. She turns to Jake. “So, I am hoping you aren’t still mad at me about last night, but I figured a little bribery never hurt anyone so…here…” she thrusts the bag towards him. Inside he finds two bottles of Kentucky Bourbon, one full and one half full. “That’s all they could find I’m afraid. They’re yours to do with as you please.” She pauses and then sits besides him, sitting on her feet facing him. “Of course, if you ever felt like being generous I’d be more than happy to share them with you.” She gives him a sweet smile and Jake can tell she is being sincere.

Wearing a wide smile Silver Jake Cook removes one of the bottles, holds it up and reads the label. He tilts his hat back with one finger and gives a faint whistle. He puts the bottle back in the bag carefully. He turns his head to face her, "Miss West, would you do me the honor of joining me for some after dinner libation? Just the two of us?" He leans his face closer towards hers, and as he does so he hears some horses approaching the coach. Out of the corner of his eye sees two familiar faces. He ducks and quickly pulls her out of view of the window, pointing at the riders.

A quartet of men rides into town on horseback and go by the stage. Two are unfamiliar to them, but the other two they recognize as Billy Claibourne and his friend Dell. The four ride down the street and stop at the O.K. Corral where they dismount and secure their horses. Ruby and Jake both realize that if they had headed there a confrontation would have been unavoidable.

Nevers opens the door and says "We'll be off in a minute. Gilly just went to get the other two passengers." They see the other driver exiting the grand hotel and helping a man with a bag. The bag is old and worn, with a bedroll wrapped around a shotgun and a rifle on the top. The man is wearing dark clothing, with a navy blue bandana around his neck. He has a gunbelt with what appears to be a double-action revolver on one side and a long-barreled revolver on the other. A huge hunting knife is strapped to the outside of his boot. He has on a wide-brimmed charcoal gray hat. The driver opens the stage door and the man enters. A few minutes later a second man exits the hotel and walks in the direction of the stage. Ruby gulps. "Thank the gods for your lucky hat, Jake..."

As the man named Chester leaves the hotel, he lights a fresh cigarette. He has on a dark frock coat over a natural cotton-colored bib-front shirt with beige pants. He walks to the stagecoach as well. Looking up, Chester sees Ruby and Jake. Just my luck, those strange people are on the stage as well. He rolls his eyes and hands his bag to the driver, then boards the coach.

Once all four passengers were on board the coach gets going and makes its way out of town to the east. "Watch the eyes" is what Jake had always told himself. It wasn't the eyes of the last man to board that bothered him, it was the other one, the one with the bandana. The man was doing his best to sit calmly in the seat, but the eyes gave away that he was more nervous and agitated than a chipmunk surrounded by wolves. Ruby doesn't notice the man's nervousness and she starts the head bob she had on the trip down but this time she is close enough to fall asleep on Jake's shoulder.

The first half-hour of the stagecoach ride consists of total silence. The man with the bandana then speaks "You people will probably think I'm crazy, but I've seen each of you in my dreams." This wakes Ruby from her nap. She's heard the old "you're the girl of my dreams" line a thousand times, but this guy clearly didn't use it as a pick up line. He is staring at all three of them and she now notices that his eyes are wide are erratic and a line of perspiration across his forehead. "Well, I hope it was a good dream," she says stretching. "Are you going to tell us what it was about...Mr....? And hey, are you feeling ok?"

Jake doesn't say anything, Ruby's question is enough. He's heard plenty of scams before and judges that this guy is either really loco, or one of the best he's ever seen. So far he does not appear dangerous, but Jake shifts a bit when Ruby wakes up and clears a path for his left hand to reach his back derringer. He also keeps an eye on the other man, watching for his reaction and making sure he is not part of any scam.

The nervous man briefly considers giving her the name of the alias but decides against it, especially since his real last name can also be used as a man's first name. He replies "Riley, the name is Riley. I've been having these dreams since last Monday night. Can't say if they're good or bad, just strange. Each of you have been in them but the main characters seem to be myself and a Indian centaur woman with long flowing brown hair. I can't figure them out but I once knew an Apache who was good with things like that so I was heading over to talk to him." "And this Apache lives in Promise City?" Jake asks.

Riley replies, "No, I'm not sure exactly where he lives. It's been eight years since I last saw him. I'm told that the Apache live in the Chiricahua Mountains and the closest settlements to them are Promise City and Galeyville, so I figure I would start there. There was also an Indian in my dreams, but it wasn't my friend." Jake’s comments, "Seems your dreams are pretty crowded. Anyone else?"

Riley answers, "Two more, a couple of women. One was a wood elf and the other was a high-class lady type. The really strange thing is that I've never met any of you all before. Normally I only dream about people I've met.

So, you three are obviously together. Who are you?" I hate it when they ask names, thinks Jake. "The lovely lady and I are aquatinted, I'm Jake. This is Ruby. I'm afraid I have never met this other gentleman." Before he can introduce himself Jake continues. "So as you said, we might think this is crazy... Humor me and describe the 'high-class' lady."

Reily replies "She's about 5'4" tall, with black hair that has a wave to it that falls just past her shoulder blades. She had dark brown eyes and a very fair skin. Wore a fancy dress. Anybody you know?" Jake leans his head back against the coach and looks up at nothing. "I should have stayed a few more weeks in Santa Fe."

Silver Moon

Chapter Sixty-one, “Lessons and Advice”, Sunday, January 8th, 1882:

Kate let out a long breath as she turned back into the Cantina. She might have to have a talk with Tom herself. If he wouldn't tell the truth to free himself, perhaps he'd do it to help his sister. Kate laughed at herself. It was not her business to tell others how to live. But Maggie was her friend, and she felt she at least had to speak.

She sat down and had a light lunch, then went back up to her room and wrote a letter to her parents, and one to her brother Henry. She was selective about what she told them, leaving out any mention of gunplay or the difficulties at the Lone Star. From these letters her life would seem very dull indeed. She would have to look out for some gifts to send to Henry's little daughters tomorrow before she posted the letters.

Kate finished sealing up the envelopes and went to see Mr. Gonzales. It was time to begin on those books. Katherine stifled a yawn as she walked down the hallway to the elderly elf's room. Yesterday he had shown them some amazing secrets, and he seemed to indicate that they could come and go. She hesitated in front of the door. It didn't seem right to just open it. Kate knocked and waited for an answer.

Dorita comes up behind her and says in broken English "It okay, you can go in. He says you are one of his "little birds" now. That means that you are apprentice. I am curious, what type of bird did he say you were? Kate smiled. "I'm not used to just going into someone else's room unannounced. He called me a Sandpiper. I have to admit I'm terribly ignorant about birds. What does it mean?"

Dorita smiles "Ah, a sandpiper. That bird that I very familiar with. It is bird that builds its nest upon solid ground rather than up in tree. A mated pair of sandpipers have strong bond and work together to build nest. They usually have clutch of four which they very protective of. Even as the young try to go off the parents still feel responsible and try to help feed them. When alarmed the sandpiper make a loud call, not unlike sound of a wolf. And depending upon season it's coloring varies from very beautiful to drab. It often graceful and dainty in every movement but can be fast and erratic when needed. When in flock they stick closely together. They will also tend to walk and fly in a zigzag pattern rather than a straight line."

She smiles and says, "Of course, not all of that apply to you, I not certain which of your qualities he was focused on. But I'd say some of those seem to fit." Kate replies, "Yes, some. Although I may never know about 'protecting a clutch.'" Dorita laughs at that and says, "You not see yourself very well. Katherine, Ruby and Nanuet would all be lost without you." Katherine sighed a bit. "Thank you. I'm pleased your grandfather thinks well of me. He's a very kind man." She put her hand on the doorknob. "I'll see you this evening," she said and went inside.

Kate stood in front of the place where she knew the door was and proclaimed, "Mahalo Nui Loa." She felt a deep satisfaction as the door appeared. Then she said, "Aloha Ahiahi," opened the door, and went into the magnificent hall. Manuel is inside with his Great, Granddaughter Sonoma. He welcomes Kate and has her join him on the poor quality furniture in the great hall.

He apologizes to her for the poor furniture, explaining that General and President Santa Anna had once provided him with lavish furniture for this mansion, but over the years he has had to sell all of those pieces to get money to survive, replacing them with whatever he could find cheaply. He gives both of them a lecture about the nature of magic, telling of magical lines of energy that wizards are trained to tap into.

He then tells Katherine that there are different types of magic-users. She is like him, a wizard who must undergo special study in order to tap into these magics. He tells her about sorcerers, who can tap into this naturally but usually lack the discipline to maximize this gift. Kate listened carefully to Mr. Gonzales as he explained the basics of how magic worked and the difference between how Ruby and she would use it. He then says "Your friend Ruby is like that, she will probably only need to be shown something once to master it. Her physical body is able to pull in and utilize magic, and with a minimum of study she will be great at it." He then adds, "But there is a downside to that. Those with her innate affinity towards magic tend to magnify the effects of spells cast upon them, which can have both positive and negative side effects." Kate replies, "I should warn her about that. We've already seen it I'm afraid, and it caused us a great deal of trouble."

He then brings them back into the magic room where he gives Katherine instruction in another introductory spell.
After the lesson, and a few rocky attempts at the new spell, Kate engaged Mr. Gonzales in a discussion of some of the books she had lent him. She felt much better after her time with him, and left with two of the new volumes under her arm for her own reading. "Thank you," Kate said as she was getting ready to leave. She kissed him on the cheek. "You've brightened my day."

She stowed the books but one in her room and went downstairs. Her stomach was finally settled and she suddenly remembered she'd eaten nothing but toast today. Dinner sounded wonderful. Downstairs she found Nanuet just settling in a table and went over to join him. Nanuet smiled and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Kate coming down the stairs. She looked to be in good spirits as she approached. He started to get up but then she made her way right over to him so he remained seated and waited for her to make her way over.

"You look well rested," she said lightly. "Oh! I haven't the chance to ask you. The Whipples plan to add another floor to the saloon. They wondered if you'd be interested in some carpentry work beginning next week?" Nanuet thinks it over for a minute and replies, "I have not done much carpentry in my life, but if they need another hand to carry wood and supplies I am willing to take on that job. I might even learn a thing or two in the end. I was also going to offer my help to Flint so he could build his ranch, so between the two jobs I might manage to stay out of trouble for a few days."

Nanuet stands up and pulls out a chair for Kate. "Care to join me for a while or were you going to read those books you have there? I am not hungry now but wouldn't mind a drink." "The books can wait. I'm quite hungry, actually. I haven't eaten much today. The unfortunate after-effects of a few too many drinks last night." Kate settled herself in the chair and replied, “I have to admit, I never thought Flint would take to the idea of ranching. I had hoped I might be able to buy the land from him. But in the end this is best, I think. If you can think of any ways for me to help, I'd be glad to. Although I don't imagine I'd be very handy with a hammer. How have you been keeping yourself busy today?"

Nanuet thinks about any harm or foul that can come from explaining where he had been. These new talents he had acquired were going to be helpful to his friends, that was their purpose. He says, "Do you remember the shaman that helped us when we had our meeting with Geronimo, the one who gave me this necklace? I met with him, he came to me. I spent last night with him and all of today up until now. He has granted me wisdom in his ways and has shown me how to harness the mystic powers of the spirits and our ancestors. I have had an amazing day to say the least. "That must be a wonderful feeling," Kate said seriously. "It's strange. Since we've come here it seems things are changing very rapidly. I can't say I've ever believed much in fate, but it seems you at least were brought here for a purpose."

Kate lowered her voice. "I have spent my afternoon with Dorita's grandfather and Sonoma. He has taught us some very interesting things. I hope to gain some skill." Nanuet says, "If he is teaching you anything like the power he used to change my appearance not so long ago then it is powerful stuff to be certain. If you have the capacity to understand it then you are a special person indeed.

Nanuet then says, “As far as the land goes, we can talk to Flint, maybe he will be willing to sell it still or at least go partners with you on it?" Kate replies, "Oh, no. It is his land, he should do as he pleases there. I'll be happy if he will allow me to come out and exercise Meribel there."

He comments, I agree that things here have been changing rapidly. I feel I have turned the corner in my life and I am heading in a new direction, one in which I had never thought of heading. I even find myself thinking of romance, something which had always escaped me. I am enjoying the company I have found myself in lately, including you, Ruby, Jake and others. Speaking of others, have Jake and Ruby returned yet?"

A shadow passed across Katherine's face. "They're together? All I know is Jake left me a note that Maggie wanted to see me today. They didn't tell me anything else," she said, twisting her napkin. "Not that it's any of my business of course. Romance, hmm?" she said, abruptly changing the subject. "Which pretty girl has caught your eye then?"

Nanuet's face turns a slight red. "Well, Ms. Sonoma I have found to be most pleasing to the eye and the way she conducts herself most agreeable. I brought her flowers yesterday, but unfortunately I have not had the chance to speak with her yet at length. I had asked her if she wished to accompany me on a walk at some point but she did not have the chance to answer. My hopes in romance lie with her at the moment." He pauses and then asks, "What upsets you about Ruby and Jake being together? Do you fancy Jake perhaps? Or do you think that they are in trouble?"

She answers, "Oh no, no I don't fancy Jake. Under different circumstances I might have; in some ways he's a great deal like my husband was. But I have little thought of romance at present. No, I'm only disturbed because they didn't let me know. Silly isn't it? None of you are accountable to me." Kate paused. "Those two do have a way of finding trouble though."

Nanuet says, “I haven't heard much about your husband Ms. Katherine, I am sure you miss him. I am surprised that you say Jake is like him though. I wouldn't have figured he was the sort of man you would go and marry." "Well, they aren't exactly alike," Kate laughed. "Tom could charm you from twenty feet away, and Jake has a way about him that's very much the same. Tom was steadier, certainly more law-abiding, but he enjoyed ruffling feathers now and then. And I think Jake has more sense of responsibility than he'd like us to believe."

She then says, "Sonoma is a lovely girl, and a walk is a fine idea. She's upstairs with her great-grandfather now, but I expect she'll be down before long. Since it's Sunday and likely to be quiet, you might be able to entice her into that walk this evening." As if on cue, Sonoma comes over to Kate's table with a full plate for her a basket of hot flat breads and a pitcher of cold clean water. “Is there anything else I can get either of you? There's some cobbler still warm if you’re looking for something sweet.”

"Not at the moment, thank you." It seemed strange now to have Sonoma bringing her dinner. It would be more natural for the young woman to sit down and eat with them. Kate talked more with Nanuet and she ate her dinner, glad to have a chance to be comfortable and talk about plain things. Things that didn't involve gunfights. "I think I'll go see Job Kane," Kate said as she finished up. "None of us did yesterday and it must be lonely sitting in that cell."

"Thank you," she said to Nanuet as she got up. "I enjoyed sitting with you." She looked over toward Sonoma and lowered her voice. "Good luck." Nanuet feels relaxed and also enjoys the conversation with Katherine. Kate went upstairs and put her book away, put on her hat then came back downstairs. Nanuet stands and goes to the door holding it open for her. "Have a nice visit with your friend Ms. Katherine, and be careful, it is dark out there." Nanuet then heads back towards his seat looking for Sonoma as he walks. "Sonoma, I am interested in a piece of that cobbler. If you're not too busy maybe you'd be interested in sharing a piece with me?" She says “I'll be right back...”

Sonoma goes to the kitchen where you see Dorita poke her head out survey the dining room then go back to her stove. There is a quiet conversation that seems to be a slight argument from the way the voices raise and lower in pitch but it goes on just under Nanuet's hearing. When Sonoma comes out she is carrying 3 plates of cobbler, one of which she places at a table in full view of the one that Nanuet is sitting. Manuel Gonzalas sits himself at that table and picks up a fork, then Sonoma brings the other two plates over to the table Nanuet is seated at. Nanuet knows that he is being watched as the older gentleman raises his fork in a silent toast in Nanuet's direction with a stern look on his face. Nanuet returns the gesture and then turns his attention to Sonoma.

Nanuet says, "I hope those flowers are holding up, I tried to choose some of the hardier varieties so they would last a bit longer for you. I certainly appreciate your company tonight. Isn't that your grandfather right there," he says pointing towards Manuel "and I heard some raised voices inside, is everything OK?" Sonoma replies, “That is my great grandfather. My mother was just reminding me of umm...expectations and he's sitting there to make sure that nothing...unacceptable happens.” Sonoma blushes slightly then says, “And the flowers are lovely what are your plans are you staying in town or...”

"I see" Nanuet says, copying the shade of Sonoma’s blushing skin "Well, my intentions are honorable, I do now intend to stay in town for a while." he continues to speak as he reaches across the table for Sonoma's hand "I came here with a task to finish, but I had never planned what was to happen after that task was done. It had taken up so much of my life to that point that I had never thought ahead."

Looking into Sonoma's eyes, he smiles and says. "I have a few motivations to stay. I have been offered some work helping build a third story on the Lone Star and as you know from Ruby's display of the money, that I have a little something to keep me comfortable for a while. I am also developing a fondness for a certain someone it seems and don't see a reason to rush out of town. I was also told that my new friends may need me soon, and I have no intent on abandoning them. I have another new friend though that may make staying in town a little more difficult, I may need to see if I can stay in the grove over at the church now and then. My newest companion may like it there."

Nanuet pauses and looks over at Manuel and then back to Sonoma squeezing her hand a little firmer "So the answer to your question is yes."

Kate arrives at the Marshall's office. There are now three people in the two cells, Job in his and another man in with Keach. The new man has bandages over his hand and arm. Sitting behind the desk is Morgan Earp, drinking a cup of coffee. He looks up to see who has entered. His face pales and he drops the mug onto the desk, spilling coffee all over some papers lying there. Kate seems surprised by the reaction. He jumps up and says "Visiting hours are over, you'll have to come back tomorrow". I'm sorry, Marshall, I didn't mean to startle you," Kate said quickly, moving over with her handkerchief to help mop up the coffee.

"It's just barely seven o'clock. Surely I could talk to Job for just a few minutes? I didn't get the chance to come yesterday and it must get dull sitting in there all day." "Make it quick," he states as he walks to the opposite side of the room and starts to rearrange wanted posters on the wall. "Thank you," she replies.

Kate walked over to Job's cell, sneaking a look back over her shoulder at the Marshall. She turned back to Job. "I'm sorry, I'd thought to sit with you for a while, but apparently that's not possible. Is there anything you need?" He replies "I'm fine. Don't know what Earp's talking about though, there are no visiting hours. I'm still on the second book you guys brought. I heard that Jake has had a string of bad luck at his table, Tony too. I'll bet Tom will be happy to have me back soon."

"I'm sure he will. Jake had Evan Adair at his table Friday night, and Tony had a Mr. Van Horne last night. Jake didn't get a chance to deal much last night," Kate said with a slight flush. "There ended up being some other things that had to be taken care of." Kate stepped a bit closer and lowered her voice. "I'm certain I didn't surprise the Marshall when I came in. Not until he looked up and saw me. Why wouldn't he want us to talk?"

Job replies "No idea. I imagine there isn't much going on at the Lone Star tonight being Sunday and all. The Judge still hasn't made it back to town yet so it looks like I'll probably be stuck in here at least tomorrow night too.

I doubt Adair will be back, he was probably just checking out Jake to see if he was worth stealing. Surprised Van Horne came on Saturday instead of Friday. Saturday is usually his Comique night. Either way, Jake and Tony shouldn't have to worry about him again, I'll definitely be out by the weekend. Heck, if I'm still here by Wednesday I'll petition Wyatt to let me be under house arrest at the Lone Star instead."

Kate states, "I think Adair was checking something else out. If I understand it correctly, he tried to get Ruby to move over to the Palace. But he expected her to do more than just sing, if you understand me. He seemed to think I was also in the profession. I don't think she would have gone regardless. I'll be glad to see the last of Adair." "We heard yesterday that the Judge will be back tomorrow. So with luck, you could be back tomorrow night."

Job says, "Depends on when he arrives. With two trials there won't be room at the courthouse. When that happens the trials are held at the Comique, but have to be done by suppertime. Not surprised he wanted to hire Ruby for....other things, or thought that of you too. All of the women who work there are in that profession. Of the six Saloons in town with entertainment the Lone Star and Comique are the only two without prostitutes, and the owners intend to keep it that way. Part of why I work there.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against men wanting female companionship, but those loose women can be really distracting when you're trying to play cards. Oh, I'm sorry Katherine. This isn't a topic I should be discussing in mixed company." Kate shook her head. "No, if I'm going to live here, I can't hide from these things. I imagine they would be, um..., distracting. But I can't imagine being willing to... sell that."

"I'm glad we landed at the Lone Star. I can ease into Arizona there," she smiled. "I should go before the Marshall gets upset. I hope we'll see you tomorrow night." She turns, "Thank you, Marshall," she said as she left the office, trying to decide if she should go back to the El Parador, or go over to the Lone Star and see if she could still play on the piano.

Finally Kate decided to head back to the El Parador. There was a piano there if she recalled correctly, perhaps Dorita would allow her to play on it. It was probably better to leave Maggie and Tom to think things over without her presence. And then she would be there when Ruby and Jake returned. It was getting late, and she wanted the chance to speak to them about Maggie's problem.

The El Parador felt like home when she walked in. Nanuet and Sonoma were sitting together at a table, with Mr. Gonzales not far away, watching without watching. Kate smiled as she went over to Dorita "Would you mind if I play on your piano?"

Dorita says "Oh, please. Go right ahead. The piano does not actually belong to me, one of the guest's purchased it. But she left in November and I don't know when she will be back. She said we could use it while she was away. Sonoma and Estaban aren't performing tonight and some music would be welcomed."

Kate sat down and opened the lid above the keys. Despite the lid being down there was still a thin layer of dust on the keys. She used a handkerchief to wipe them off and then started to play. Must to her surprise, the piano was perfectly in tune, unlike the one over at the Lone Star.

Kate played a few chords and listened to the sweet sound. It was perfectly in tune, and had a sweet timbre that reminded her of the way her grandmother's piano sounded. She began to play a Mozart piece, hoping those in the Cantina would enjoy it, but mostly just for herself. For a while, the music pushed away the nagging worry that was growing in her stomach.

Silver Moon

Chapter Sixty-two, “Attack of the Cowboy Gang”, Sunday, January 8th, 1882:

Chester had been quiet. During the first part of the ride he sneaks a glance at his fellow passengers. He thinks “The man with the rifle might be a real curly wolf and that he’d better not relax around him. The woman is pretty, though. What happened to the other man's coat? I thought he was wearing one earlier.” After Riley commented about his dreams Chester thought “Wonderful. Another one. What does that make me, then?” Chester shifts his body so that his gun is easier to reach. Just in case. As Riley continues Chester thinks, “This guy is spinning a fine tale. Although, these other two seem to have some idea what he's rambling about. "Sorry, sir. I'm new to the area. I don't know who these people are." He hopes that will stop this nonsense.

Ruby looks over to Jake with wide eyes then back to Reilly. "I'm afraid to ask, but you didn't say what happens in these dreams..." The man says "Well, I'm confused about this myself. Hopefully my Apache friend will be able to shed some light on this." He then leans back for a nap, lowering his charcoal gray hat over his eyes.

The stage has gone over the foothills of the Dragoon Mountains, leaving the mountains behind as they cross into the eastern half of the Cochise County and the middle section of the trip between the two towns along the relatively flat terrain. Jake looks at Ruby and shrugs his shoulders. He no longer felt like sleeping. He hoped this dreaming thing wasn't contagious. He just stares out the window.

Another hour passes. The stage has long since gone over the foothills of the Dragoon Mountains, leaving the mountains behind as they cross into the eastern half of the Cochise County and the middle section of the trip between the two towns along the relatively flat terrain. At approximately 4:15 P.M. they have a hilly area immediately before them, which is the southwestern point in the Dos Cabezas Mountain Range. They reach a point where the road forks, the left going around the nearest mountains and on to the towns of Dos Cabezas and Promise City, and the right trail leading to the Lazy S Ranch.

The carriage begins to turn on the main road to the left to the northeast, and then makes a very sharp turn around and onto the southeast trail. The turn was so sharp that Ruby slides into Jake and Chester falls off of the seat. The ex-soldier falls onto the floor with a "whomp." "Hey driver! Be more careful about those turns. You trying to get us killed?" He continues in a low voice, "I would've gotten a lot less jostling' riding through a prairie dog town." He asks Reily, Jake, and Ruby, "Is everyone else alright?"

Jake scoops his arm around Ruby before she slides off the bench after bumping into him "Honest, I didn't pay him to do that." He hands her his hat and sticks his head out the window. Looking forward and back while putting is hand on his revolver. Around 500 feet back he sees five men on horseback carrying weapons, who were apparently blocking the northeast roadway. They start to charge. Their faces are covered with bandannas. Chester notices Jake reach for his weapon. "What do you see out there? Trouble?"

Jake pulls his head back in and responds, "Five men on horses blocking the road. I suppose since they are wearing bandanas they think they are robbing the stage. Anybody got a rifle and care to join the drivers on top? It is still too far away for a pistol shot to be much good." Chester grimaces, "I do, but it's in the luggage rack."

Ruby exclaims, "Jake, you're not thinking of climbing up there are you? It might be Clabourne and they are looking for you and you'd be giving them a perfect target While he is talking he unrolls the leather coat he had been sitting next to and puts it on. He takes a revolver out of the pocket it was in and stuffs it in his belt opposite his holstered gun. "Thanks," he says to Ruby and takes his hat back then throws it under the bench, "Don't want to be losing that.”” Jake can tell Ruby is worried. Then she says with a smile, "Besides, I'm a better shot than you..."

They hear the sound of the driver yelling above, following by the sound of a whip cracking. The eight-horse team begin galloping down the road at a speed none of the passengers would have ever thought possible from a stagecoach. As Jake looks back he sees that the bandits were also taken by surprise, as they are now further back, a good 800 feet behind. They then hear the sounds of one of the drivers moving across the roof of the stagecoach followed by the sound of a rifle shot from above.

The stage continues onward for another mile, the distance between it and the pursuers amazingly continues to increase. The man on the roof continues to fire a shot from his rifle at the outlaws every few minutes. Ruby manages to get a good look back at the outlaws and recognizes the shirt of one of them as being the same color and pattern as the shirt that Buckskin Frank Leslie had on earlier that day.

The carriage then passes a half dozen men on horseback, three standing to each side of the road, who point rifles at the outlaws and fire in unison. The five masked men stop, turn, and then ride off back the way they came. The men with the rifles do not go after them, instead turning and accompanying the stagecoach forward for another half mile and into the Lazy S Ranch.

Once the stagecoach comes to a stop Chuck Nevers opens the door and comes inside to speak to the passengers while Newton Gilly talks to the ranch owner. Nevers says, “Sorry about all the commotion back there. That was really bold of them to attempt a stagecoach robbery in broad daylight. You’re safe now. The Shaw family owns the Lazy S Ranch. Thy have had more than their share of clashes with the rustlers, so are willing to help us out.”

Chester says, "That's OK. We will all seem to be safe. I'm sorry I yelled at ya for your drivin'. Thanks. Ruby says, "Oh don't worry, Mr. Nevers wouldn't take insult to that. And what is your name sir?" Chester winks, "That's good to know. I guess you need to have a thick skin in his line of work." He holds out his hand, "I'm Chester, miss, Chester Martin. What's your name?" Ruby offers her hand in return. "Ruby West. On your way to Promise City?" He says, "Yes, I am. I'm looking for some honest work. Do you and your friend have business there as well?" Ruby raises an eyebrow at the mention of "honest work."

"No, we don't have a business. I sing at the Lone Star Saloon. At least I did before last night. And Jake here plays poker there, at least he tries to," she winks. "They are in need of some workers to help build up the place I think. What happened last night? If you don't mind my asking. I'm not much of a card player myself. About the Lone Star… I've got a strong arm. Could you put in a good word for me? I know you don't know me, but any little bit helps." Jake is smiling and half listening to Ruby & Chester's conversation.

Ruby looks him up and down. "Oh you look honest enough. I'll mention it to the Whipples. Last night... well, it's a long story. Maybe some other time? If you do work at the Lone Star we'll be seeing each other a lot. Plus you'll probably need a place to stay? I know a good place."

Ruby finally takes a breath in. She had enough of shooting to last awhile. Couldn’t they even get a coach ride in peace? She knew it wasn’t just a robbery. Now they knew that Ruby and Jake were headed to Promise City. She leans over to Jake and whispers; “Did you happen to notice Buckskin Frank Leslie’s shirt? I think we’re in trouble now Jake.”

"Now you think we are in trouble." Jake rubs his eyes and gives a heavy sigh. Ruby says, "Yeah, well, we weren't getting followed then were we?" Jake says, "No, I didn't notice his shirt. So if you are right do the math, Leslie plus four other riders. We saw four riders, two of which were Bill Claibourne and that Dell guy. Billy Claibourne, heh, we let him live once. If he is stupid enough to come after me I won't make that mistake again. Let's just play along with these folks for now and find out what they are thinking and what they are offering."

Jake strains to hear what Gilly and the ranch owner are saying. Newton Gilly finishes his conversation with the ranch owner. He then walks over to the passengers and says, "Sorry for the delay. We had to really overwork the team to outrun the outlaws, so the horses need to rest for a while."

Ruby takes a look over at the horse team and notices something interesting. In the past whenever she completed a spell she would see a faint aura of residual magic for a few minutes afterwards, something that others couldn't see. She now detects a similar aura radiating from the horseshoes of all eight horses on the team. The aura fades after a few more minutes.

Newton continues "The ranch owner, Emery Shaw has offered to cook up an early dinner for you all. His son Humphrey is going to ride into town to go get the Sheriff. I’ll be going along with him and will come back with the other three Wells Fargo employees to ride alongside the stage. We’ll get you all to town safely, albeit a few hours late.” Jake says, "That is mighty generous of Mr. Shaw. And mightily lucky those men were out on the road. I wonder how they knew we needed help?" Gilly replies "I think they heard my rifle shots and rode out to investigate."

Emery Shaw, a muscular and healthy looking silver-haired man in his fifties, walks up to Ruby with a swagger to his walk, and says "Fear not little woman, you are perfectly safe here. I've had clashes with that Cowboy Gang before and have always prevailed. They tried rustling some of my cattle last year and I personally managed to get a shot into the leg of their leader, Curly Bill Brocius."

Ruby gives a giggle. “You must be mighty brave to go up against a man such as Curly Bill. And very generous to let us stay for dinner. Does this kind of thing happen often?” He replies, "Not anymore, he was killed yesterday by a group of brave men" he replies. He then extends his hand towards her and says "May I escort you to dinner little lady?" Ruby gives Jake the I-have-to-talk-to-you-look.

Jake manages to keep a poker face and not laugh in the ranchers’ face. "Mr. Shaw, perhaps you could show Miss West here where she can refresh herself? And afterwards I for one would like to hear more of your stories about you and your men giving the Cowboy Gang what for." She takes Shaw’s arm. "Of course. I would also like to hear some stories of brave men. And I am getting famished!" As she lets Shaw lead her away she throws Jake a dirty look over her shoulder. She should have known he was going to let her suffer.

Silver Moon

Chapter Sixty-three, “The Shaw Family”, Sunday, January 8th, 1882:

Shaw brings them inside the main house of the ranch and he calls over a beautiful young lady with long auburn hair. He tells Ruby "This is my daughter Ellen. She can show you where to wash up." The women escorts her through the huge two-story wooden building which must have close to thirty rooms inside. She opens a door to a room with a large canopy bed with ruffled fringe. At the far end of the room is piping leading to a hand pump with vent beside it to direct the water to either a large metal bathtub of a smaller ceramic washbasin. Embroidered towels hand on a rack with the initials VAS stitched on them.

Ruby is amazed by the luxury of the room and the house. “This room is beautiful, Ellen is it your room? You must love living here. I would love to have a bath in a private room like this.” Ruby touches the towels on the rack. “VAS?”

Ellen replies "This was my mother's room. We use it for the occassional female guest who might come by. We don't get that many female guests though, not that my sister Trisha and I mind. Most of the men who work here are handsome rugged men. Even better are the two great looking men who we have here right now as guests. You'll meet them in a few minutes at diner." She then smiles and adds, "But hands off, Trisha and I saw them first." "Is that a challenge?" thinks Ruby.

As a afterthought Ellen says "So what do you do in Promise City?" Ruby replies, "I sing and dance at a Saloon. It's a job, nothing too exciting." She looks at the sorry state of her dress. "Darn! I ripped my dress getting jostled around in the coach. I'm going to need to do some shopping when I get back to Promise City." "So does this happen often, you taking in strangers from the coach?" Ellen replies "No, but we were expecting trouble. Don't worry about the dress, you look fine. I'd offer to loan you one of mine or Trisha's but I doubt that it would fit. You're, well, more bosomy than either of us."

While Ruby is washing up, Jake corners Chester. Asks him if he knows about the Cowboy Gang, and the feud with the Earps. Chester smiles, "I don't really know anyone down here. I got tired of Kansas and Tombstone was the next departing train."

Jake gives him a quick summary of what is going on, including some names of those on both sides. "So why'd you decide on Promise City instead of finding work in Tombstone?" Chester replies, "I take it you've had a run-in wit' some of those fellas? You and Miss Ruby must be lucky not to end up goners. As far as Tombstone goes, I didn't like the feel of the place. I figure Promise City has a better ring to it, don't you think?" "Yah, I suppose it does." Jake says.

Ellen leads Ruby back outside, picking up Jake along the way. They then enter the dining room, where Emery Shaw is sitting along with a young strawberry blond woman who resembles Ellen. Also at the table are the men called Chester and Riley from the coach, Chuck Nevers, and a few ranch hands. Also seated at the table are the two 'guests' who Ellen had spoken of, as Heath and Nick Barkley look up towards Ruby and Jake. Emery gestures to them and tells Ruby "There are the brave men I spoke of."

"Nick, Heath, good to see you again." Jake pulls Ruby's chair out for her. Ruby sits down. "Thanks Jake." She nods towards Heath and Nick. "And it is good to see you again." She glances over to see the jealous looks on Ellen and Tricia's faces. "These certainly are brave men. We hear you have some stories to tell?"

Heath is unsure of how to answer. Nick says "Well, you both have already heard them." He then adds "So, I hear that the Cowboy Gang went after you guys just now. Emery has been nice enough to host our herd here, but we've been afraid of retribution for what we did to that Gang's leaders yesterday."

Emery speaks up and says "I've got men posted a mile out all around the ranch, which is why we were able to react so quickly when we heard the shots. If that Cowboy Gang comes here looking for trouble they'll regret it. Heath here says that Curley Bill is dead, so I imagine the rest of the gang is unsure of what to do next until a new leader steps up. I imagine that'll be Johnny Ringo."

A bit self consciously, Jake takes his coat off and puts it on the back of the chair and sits down. "Does anybody know where Johnny Ringo is?" Nobody present knows the whereabouts of Ringo. He was seen a few weeks back in Tombstone and earlier than that in Galeyville. One ranch hand thinks he saw him fairly recently in the town of Dos Cabezas.

The meal is concluded and Emery invites the men to join him out on the veranda for cigars and whiskey. Jake will pass on the cigar, never acquired a taste for them, but thanks his host graciously for the whiskey. "A fine meal. Thank you, Mr. Shaw. I'd be glad to bend an elbow wit' you." He lights his cigar. "This is a fine smoke, sir." Picking up his glass, Chester toasts his host. "Here's mud in your eye."

Ellen and Trisha head into the parlor with Ruby. She assumes they are going to offer her tea and cookies, but instead they offer her whiskey and a chance to play poker with them. Ellen says "What do you expect? We hang out on a ranch full of men." Ruby gladly partakes in the whiskey and the poker. During which Ellen and Trisha talk mostly about the men and press Ruby for details of whatever she might know of Heath and Nick. She'll tell them anything she knows about them but she won't talk about Jake. Ruby discovers that Ellen is 22 and Trisha is 20. Their mother died 7 years earlier.

Meanwhile, Emery Shaw asks Jake, Chester and Riley about what they are doing in Promise City and if they ever considered ranching. Riley says "I'm going to look for some work there. I haven't thought about ranching. I used to be in the cavalry, so I've been around animals." Jake tells him he's currently working for Condon, but has a number of interesting skills and does odd jobs on the side, like dealing poker at the Lone Star. "I've got no talent with animals and no experience ranching, but you're a fine host here Mr. Shaw and if you ever want some help with a poker game for you and your friends just let me know."

Jake says, "I didn't realize just how familiar you were Mr. Shaw with the Cowboy Gang problem. Given that, let me say again I appreciate your hospitality. So let me say too, that I have reason to believe that Buckskin Frank Leslie, Billy Claibourne and his friend Dell were among the five horseman. And I don't think they had come all the way out just to rob the stage." He nods to Nick Barkley. "I'm a little worried about some folks in Promise City who don't know that they could be in danger. As you said Nick, I think they are looking for revenge." Nick says "You mean the Cartwrights? I wouldn't worry too much about them, they've got a long history of taking care of themselves."

Emery Shaw tells Jake how pleased he is that Curley Bill is gone and not to worry so much about the others. He adds "Those guys you mentioned are mostly Tombstone folks, they usually don't head over to this side of the county. Give Sheriff Behan and his deputies a week to clean up this hornet's nest and things will then settle down again."

I do agree with your assessment, they were probably coming here for revenge against the Cartwrights and Barkleys. But they'll be moving out for good on Tuesday, and I doubt the outlaws will follow them all the way to Nevada and California." He then glances at Heath and Nick and adds "Although my daughter's might. I'd better lock them in their rooms when you boys decide to move on."

It's around 6:30 PM when Humphrey Shaw and Newton Gilly return, along with Deputy Sheriff Colin Hunter, Wells Fargo drivers Billy Glass and Chandler Wells, Office Manager Kris Wagner, and office clerk Coolie Fagan (a half-orc). The stagecoach is readied to travel again. Chester shakes Emery Shaw's hand. "Thank you for the meal and the drink, sir. That was right nice of you." Nick and Heath decide to ride along as well. They decide to take the bumpier but shorter cattle trail to Promise City rather than the main road, arriving back in Promise City at around 8:00 P.M.

Kris Wagner is very apologetic to all four passengers. He refunds both Chester and Riley the $ 3.00 they had each paid for the one-way fare and refunds Ruby and Jake each $ 2.50 (half the price of a round-trip fare). Chester comments, "Not much you could have done about it. Your drivers kept us safe. But thank you anyway." He doesn't refuse the refund, though.

Wagner takes them to the front door of the El Parador rather than making them walk from the Wells Fargo buildings. Ruby says, Chester, this is where we are staying. It's not the nicest place in town, but it has the nicest people in it." She says with a wink. Chester comments, Well. That's good enough for me. I hope it's cheap."
She turns to Jake. "Two questions. What are we going to tell Kate about where we were and..." she pauses and bites her lip, then looks up at Jake, "Is it too late for that after dinner drink?"

Jake passes his hand over his mustache and says "Tell her you went shopping for undergarments and a surprise for me. And that I wouldn't let you go to Tombstone alone. It's at least partly true." Then with a smile he lifts the bag with the two bottles in it, "I'm still looking forward to that drink. As far as I am concerned it is still early. Why don't we cleanup, put stuff away and say hello to folks. Otherwise I'm sure we'll get interrupted. Katherine will have chickens if you don't talk to her and tell her everything is all right." He catches the look concerned look on Ruby's face. "For now at least, everything is all right. Go!" He gives her a little push from behind.

Nick and Heath head off in search of the Cartwrights. The four passengers head into the El Parador. Chester enters the Saloon, which is relatively quiet at the moment. He sees a high elf and two wood elves sitting together at a table. A human woman is sitting at a piano. A wood elf and another human are at a different table. Another wood elf is behind the bar. He approaches the one at the bar and inquires about a room. The man introduces himself as Pedro and says that rooms are $ 1 a night. Chester pays for one night and Pedro hands him a key to Room #8, which he says is on the second floor.

Jake looks around the room checking for Elliot or his friends. Not seeing them he heads upstairs and drops his stuff off, including the troublesome coat and extra pistol. He then notices the deck of cards he was carrying is 51 cards light, and is not surprised that the single card in his pocket is a queen of hearts. Laughing, he quickly comes back down and looks for Dorita. Securing two of whatever desert she can locate he heads over to the jail to see Job Kane for a couple of minutes. He figures if he gives the marshal one, he might give him less of a hard time.

Riley is the next to enter. He immediately recognizes Sanoma and Nanuet from his dreams. He figures there is no point in putting off the discussion so walks directly to the table, puts down his bag and rifles on the floor beside them, stares Nanuet in the face and says "Hello. This may sound odd, but do you know an Apache named Kajika?"
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