Review of WFRP 3E

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First Post
Thank you for the review. I also really like the system. However, the more I play, the more I am dismayed by the lack of "portability." Maybe that's not the right word. Maybe more along the lines of "I lose 1 card, I've lost the ability to reference that action ever again."

Given I like to encourage active and emotional game tables, the fiddly, easy lost bits are tough to manage. I'd shell out cash for a $30 reference manual that had all of the card text and none of the fluff.


First Post
Yeah, I see what you're saying. It's not an issue I've run into yet, but I can imagine it being a huge problem if someone does lose some components. Maybe FFG will start selling smaller packs of stuff, so that we can buy second copies of certain cards.


First Post
Nice review! I am really looking forward to having a look at the gam myself.

I will wait for the german version before having a look, as HDS usually puts in errata before printing. They are great, the german versions of FFG games usually less error ridden than the English ones. (Which is not usual, I have not owned a German D&D book for years)

Nice review! I am really looking forward to having a look at the gam myself.

I will wait for the german version before having a look, as HDS usually puts in errata before printing. They are great, the german versions of FFG games usually less error ridden than the English ones. (Which is not usual, I have not owned a German D&D book for years)
But I guess it's too much to hope for an improved layout and organization in the German version. Because really, finding the rules can sometimes be challenging.


First Post
I can hope... :D ... but yeah, I guess you will be right. Still, HDS did a great job with Descent and Chaos in the Old World concerning bug fixing.

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