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Revised Korred


First Post
Yes, I know there's already an updated korred. But that's 3.0, and I felt like a few things were missing or could be expanded upon.

I took much of the culture and ecology material from an old Dragon article. I made some small additions and alterations to the flavor and mechanics, since I want it to fit in with some material I've been working on (collectively with others over at Dicefreaks) regarding the Plane of Faerie.

A strange creature stands before you, looking much like a satyr without horns. It has dense body and facial hair, and stands only 3 feet tall. At its side it carries a pouch, from which it pulls a set of large shears.

Usually CN Small Fey
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, Listen +13, Spot +13
Languages Common, Dwarven, Sylvan

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size); Dodge, Mobility
hp 27 (6d6+6); DR 10/cold iron
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +7

Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee cudgel +9 (1d6+5); or
Melee Medium shears +9 (1d4+5/x3); or
Melee slam +9 (1d2+5); or
Ranged thrown rock +7 (1d8+5); or
Ranged telekinesed rock +6 (1d6 per 25 lb.); or
Ranged animated rope +7 touch
Base Atk +3; Grp +4
Special Actions animate rope, dance of celebration, laugh
Combat Gear pouch of hair

Spell-like Abilities (CL 6th)
At will—passwall (stone only), shatter (stone only) (DC 14), stone shape, stone tell, telekinesis (move inanimate earth and stone only) (DC 17), transmute rock to mud (DC 17)

Abilities Str 21, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
Feats Alertness, Dodge, Mobility
Skills Bluff +11, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Hide +15, Intimidate +4, Listen +13, Move Silently +11, Perform (dance) +11, Spot +13
Possessions combat gear, cudgel, shears

Animate Rope (Su) As a standard action, a korred can weave 10 feet of rope out of the hair in its pouch. As a full-round action, it can weave 15 feet of rope. A korred typically has enough hair to create a rope up to 40 feet long. This rope has all the statistics of hempen rope. Immediately after the first 10 feet of the rope is woven (without requiring an action from the korred), the korred can control the rope as if with animate rope (caster level 12th, save DC 15). The rope must be unmade completely (requiring 1 standard action per 10 feet of rope or 1 full-round action per 15 feet of rope) and woven again to activate the magic again.

Dance of Celebration (Su) Korreds love to dance in celebration of the pulse of life, for the glory of nature. Two or more korreds can initiate a dance after preparing themselves for 1 minute. As a standard action, any participating korred can force a non-fey it can see and that can see it within 60 feet to join the dance unless the victim succeeds on a Will save (DC 13 + number of korreds participating). The victim is affected as if by Otto’s irresistible dance for as long as the korreds dance. A creature which resists is immune to the compulsion of all the korreds in that group for 24 hours. The dance is exceptionally draining on participants, dealing 1d4 points of damage each round. Compelled creatures do not fall unconscious due to the dying condition but continue to dance until the effect ends or they die. The korreds themselves suffer damage, but only every minute instead of every round. A korred reduced to negative hit points by dancing may resist unconsciousness with a DC 15 Fortitude save.

Dancing korreds must spend a move action each turn continuing to dance (moving their full speed).

Laugh (Su) Three times per day, as a standard action, a korred can produce a booming, jarring laugh. All creatures within a 60-foot spread must succeed on a Will save (DC 15) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Once a creature saves successfully against this effect, he is immune to the effect for 24 hours. This is a sonic effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Rock Throwing (Ex) Korreds are accomplished rock throwers and receive a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls when throwing rocks. A korred can hurl rocks weighing 20 to 25 pounds each (Tiny objects) up to five range increments. The range increment is 100 feet.

Cudgel Treat as club, but damage die increased by 1 step.

Shears Light martial melee weapon, 1d4 slashing damage, critical x3, 2 gp, 3 lb. Korreds suffer no size penalty for using Medium shears.

Most of the time, korreds are encountered in hunting parties of 1-4 members. Korreds prefer to set traps or else lay in ambush when they have decided that they wish to capture or kill a creature. They always make sure that they have earth and stone nearby to use in conjunction with their spell-like abilities.

Korreds are usually encountered while hunting.
EL 5: A korred hunter stumbles upon the party while they sleep. He decides that some of their hair would make a nice addition to his collection, and attempts to collect a little from each of them.
EL 9: Four korreds are patrolling their territory and clearing it of mortals so that their colony can have privacy for a dance of celebration. They decide to remove the party.

Korreds look much like satyrs, with goat legs though not horns, but also with thick facial hair. They always have full beards, long head hair, and dense body hair (though not fur) on their humanoid parts. Korred females are difficult to tell from males by non-korreds, particularly since female korreds have beards as big as males.

Korreds may live in colonies of 20 to 100 members. They do not form into family units within the colony, but rather treat the entire colony as the family. The only special familial link is between mother and child. Often korreds mate on a whim and fathers many times have little to no knowledge about their offspring. A korred female in childbirth is taken underground, to be within the womb of the earth.

It is generally believed that the korred race was created shortly after the Material Plane came to be as it is known today. In that time, the Seelie Queen Rhiannon traveled all over it, learning as much as she could about its secrets and studying mortals. Once, when she stopped her royal procession at night to dance beneath the stars, a pair of dwarven travellers happened by and heard the music. They investigated and were caught spying on the dance. The Queen commanded them to join the dance, and they so pleased her that she blessed them by turning them into the first korreds.
Environment: Korreds live in wild, untamed climates. They normally lair underground, but usually hunt and socialize aboveground. Thus, they are usually found in forests or hills near cave entrances. They are often found near standing stones.
Typical Physical Characteristics: Korreds normally stand about 3 feet tall and weigh about 30 pounds.
Alignment: Korreds are usually chaotic neutral. Their society is very loose and encourages creativity and spontaneity.

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn more about korreds. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (nature)
DC Results
16 This creature is a korred. Korreds love to dance and laugh. Their laughs can be magical and stunning to hear.
21 Korreds are strongly tied to the earth. They can use magic to control and shape stone and earth.
26 A korred always carries around hair in a pouch which it can weave into a magical, entangling rope.
31 Korreds are the stonemasons of the fey. They are often responsible for building stone menhirs.
Korreds revere the vital, living power of nature and the earth. They dance as a celebration of pulsing life and often do so within standing stones which channel the power of the soil and stone. Dance and earth together form the center of their culture. Many korreds dance for as long as they can during dances of celebration, competing to see who can dance longer. In fact, korreds consider it a great honor to die while dancing.

Korreds believe strongly in the fertile power of the earth. They are master stoneworkers, the great craftsmen of the fey. They are responsible for the construction of most of the fey’s stone megaliths, and many of the greatest geomancers are korreds.

Korreds have normal treasure for their Challenge Rating, approximately 1,600 gp worth. They particularly like to collect shears made of valuable metals. They know how to make valuable metals look and function much like sturdier substances, and most korreds have gold shears that only appear to be copper or brass. The substance can be made to reveal its true quality by sprinkling it with anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy water.

A korred’s favored class is druid. Most korred leaders are druid/wizard/geomancers. As for most fey races, clerics are vanishingly rare among korreds; those few who exist typically worship nature and can choose from the Celerity, Earth, Fey, and Strength domains.
Level Adjustment: +3.

Korreds advance in racial Hit Dice through age and experience. They may reach up to 12 Hit Dice.
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Inventor of Super-Toast
Ooh, I like this one. I didn't catch any mechanical errors, although I didn't look all that hard. Good work!

Demiurge out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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