• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



He / Him
Is anybody else playing this?

A new expansion called Ideology just came out. I haven't gotten it, but I reinstalled the base game and started a new colony.

For those who haven't played before, RimWorld is a true Indie video game about survival on a distant planet. You are supervising over some survivors, guiding them in building a colony, researching technology, and making it through randomly generated threats.

The random generation is a big draw to this game. There is an amazing amount of detail that is randomly generated - everything from the colonists' traits to the environment to visitors and raiders. You also have a lot of control over what kind of game you want to play by selecting a "storyteller," an AI who will generate either a more logical survival narrative, a more relaxed game, or a very random story.

There's not really much of a "win condition" for the game (other than, I suppose, crafting a space ship and leaving the planet), so the real point of the game is to experience amazing and heart-breaking stories.

My first colony had a string of good luck. Two colonists immediately fell in love, and elephant self-tamed and defended the colonists against invaders...

And then one of the married colonists got shot in the brain, the other one bled out in a medical bed, and the one remaining colonist, who was incapable of growing plants or cooking, crawled into the same medical bed as the corpse to rest.

I decided to end the game there.

I now have a colony built near some caves with big mutant insects. At first I thought this was going to go poorly for me, but raiding groups kept spawning on the other side of the cave! So each time they would get torn apart by the insects before they reached my colony.

Eventually a big caravan of weapons dealers spawned near the caves. As they passed through, they unloaded all their guns and bombs and rockets on the insects... But the caves were so narrow they also blew themselves up! The place is just covered in blood now, but at least the insects are gone!

The only other issue I'm having is that my Warden is very bad at convincing rescued people to join the colony. Usually by this point in the game I have one or two new colonists who have joined up. Okay, to be fair, one new colonist tried to join... but spawned on the other side.of the deadly insect cave. They never made it to the colony.

So anyone else playing? What tragedies are happening in your game?

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