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Pathfinder 1E Ring of Blinking + Seeking Weapon


Ok, since the last TPK my group (I'm the GM) is making new characters and the one most responsable has already made his Goblin Pistolero and just asked me what happend with those two items.

First we don't know how long he can maintain active his ring, the ring must be activated to work, it says that work just like "blink" spell. Does he have 7 rounds or unlimited time?

That was the easy question. The other thing is that a "seeking" weapon negates miss chance because the proyectile "seeks" the target and the ring of blinking give 20% miss chance because the blinking between planes. According to the blink spell description the user is "blinking" between the material and ethereal plane, so I don't interprete if the miss chance comes because you can't SEE the enemy or because you can't reach the enemy from the ethereal plane.

The spell says: "Likewise, your own attacks have a 20% miss chance, since you sometimes go ethereal just as you are about to strike."
I see two options here:
1) The 20% represent the randommess of beeing in a the material or the ethereal plane, so there is a 20% chance you are in the ethereal plane and you CAN'T attack your enemy, so you fail despite the seeking weapon.
2) The 20% represent some kind of trouble SEEING the enemy, what you can't see, your seeking weapon can attack, in this case you don't have a miss chance.

I'm confused with this, I believe it's because I don't know how work the ethereal plane.
We want to play this using official mechanics, but if there is not something to make this work in a "legal" way we want something that "make sense".
Anyway, I appreciate any response.

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First Post
My short and simple answer is the 20% miss chance applies, because the seeking weapon still "hits" but an ethereal being hitting a physical being on the material plane simply goes through it.


+1 to what dragonis111 said.

It's not like you can't SEE the target, you might not be REAL on the moment you attack it.

In my opinion, if the ring is permanent and you have it on all the time, you might eventualy get so used to it that the miss chance would get reduced. Kind of like how deaf people loose some of the penalties over time.
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First Post
But I still don't know the time it works.
By my reading, it'll work for 7 rounds (caster level in rounds, per the blink description) every time it is activated. Of course, he can activate it again as a standard action.

That's long enough for most fights, so I'd probably run it as "activate it once and it'll last until the end of the fight." But you'll want to talk out exactly how you want to adjudicate that with the player.



First Post
Whether the ring of blink lasts rounds (most likely) or permanent depends on how much the item costs.
There is a table in the back of the core rulebook, page 550, that explains the cost structure of magic items.
Ring of Blink is 27,000g.
Based off the formula for Command Word (spell level x caster level x 1,800g) we get: 3 x 5 x 1,800 = 27,000g
Command Word activation acts as though you cast the spell, which is rounds/level.
Since you need to be a 7th level caster to make a Ring of Blink, that means you have the affects of the blink spell for 7 rounds.

You could always have the ring specifically made to be continuous, following this formula: spell level x caster level x 2,000 x 4(because blink is measured in rounds).
That would make the ring 120,000g


Yeah; the Blink effect can be reactivated. Not quite permanent, but close.

I would say that Seeking should reduce the miss chance to 20%, but, unfortunately, the SRD description of Seeking says "reduces any miss chance to zero" (italics added). As written, that negates the blink ability. Doesn't seem right though, since the attack should do nothing while you are ethereal, which is 20% of the time. And seems to powerful for a +1 weapon ability.

This question has arisen before. This is inconclusive:


The PathFinder spell and ability are exactly the same as the D20 spell and ability.



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