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Ring of the Fey Lord (DM:Atanatotatos, Judge:Lord Sessadore)Up:Lorik, etc.

Don Incognito

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Cursing softly, Lorik readies his shield as he prepares for a serious battle.

"Try not to kill them!", he shouts to his companions. "Only, you know, don't try particularly hard. And don't let Romulin slink away; he's our only link to the Lady of Nightmares."

Lorik suddenly springs into action, stepping forward and slicing the nearest gnome with his sword. With a smirk, he continues his arc, spinning with his blade before trying to bring it down on the gnome in white. Whatever it was the gnome did to him, it seems to have worn off.

[sblock=Actions]Minor Action: Ready shield
Move Action: Shift to L5 (on top of the unconscious elf)
Standard Action: Passing Attack on Gnome 2. 17 to hit, 7 damage, and he's marked. If that hits (and I'm assuming it does), shift 1 square to M5 attack Elvis Gnome. 16 to hit, 6 damage, and I choose not to mark him, preserving the Aegis.
Saving Throw: 11[/sblock]

[sblock=Lorik Stat Block]Lorik- Male Half-elf Fighter 1
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 14
AC:18 (17, no shield), Fort:15, Reflex:13 (12, no shield), Will:12 -- Speed:5
HP:29/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:7/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Footwork Lure, Reaping Strike, Passing Attack, Righteous Brand, Tempest Dance
Group Diplomacy: Allies within 10 squares gain a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Group Assault: Allies gain a +1 damage bonus to enemies marked by Lorik.

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"Oh I'll try to leave them alive," Haruka replies, grinning wickedly. "Magic's a tricky business though. You can never be sure when it will slip out of your control."

"Whoops!" Haruka cries in mock alarm as she whips a crackling lash at the gnome. "Just like that."

Her bravado doesn't cover the fact that she still stumbles as she moves towards cover.

[sblock=Action]Minor: Curse Gnome 2.
Standard: Eldritch Blast against Gnome 2. Hits Reflex 22 for 11 points of damage. Despite the above trash talk, it, and all damage I deal this encounter unless noted otherwise, is nonlethal.
Move: Move to L10, gaining concealment from Shadow Walk.

Save versus slow: 2[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Haruka Sato- human warlock 1
Initiative: +1 | Passive perception: 9 | Passive Insight: 15
AC: 15 | For: 15 | Ref: 15 | Will: 14
HP: 30+8/30 | Bloodied: 15 | Surge value: 7 | Surges: 7/10
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 1 | Second Wind: not used
Basic Attack/Opportunity attack: +2 vs AC, 1d6
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Dire Radiance
Vampiric Embrace
Flames of Phlegethos

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Just a quick note to say I'm planning to be moving the beginning of this week, and I'm not sure how long it will take or how much internet access I'll have during the move, and once I get where I'm going. I'll let you all know when I'm fully back.[/sblock]


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Sighting carefully down his crossbow once more, Heinrich draws a bead on his next target. Settling lower into his cover, he breaths carefully, and, finding his moment, fires.

Sorry, I don't know why but I assumed it was someone else's turn. My bad.

Minor Action: Reload CB

Move Action: Move back out of sight 1 square(Breaking Line-Of-Sight completely)

Stealth! (1d20+11=27)


Standard Action: Deft Strike; move back to where I have a vantage for firing. Incidentally, there should be some option for full conceal somewhere here... even if I just lean around the dense bushes... shouldn't there?

Aanyways, to-hit and damage, assuming I can find a way to get stealthy and thus get C.A.

Attack vs AC (Assuming Combat Advantage), Damage(CB), damage (Sneak Attack), Damage (Predatory Eye) (1d20+9=21, 1d12+4=16, 2d6+4=12, 1d6=2)

so 30 damage If I hit with C.A.

Target: Nearest Elfie



First Post
Derien can't help it; he laughs aloud at Haruka's bravado. "Here," he says, pouring Nerati's power into a wreath of flame, "maybe this will help."[sblock=OOC]Move: 2 squares to I7.
Standard: Sacred Flame, on Gnome 2 if it's still alive after the mauling Heinrich just inflicted and on the Elvis Gnome otherwise, 17 vs. Reflex, 9 damage. Also, if that hits, Haruka gets to make a saving throw.
Speaking of which, save vs slow: 10![/sblock][sblock=mini-stats]Derien Falk - Elf Cleric 1
Initiative +3 Passive perception 22 Passive Insight 19
AC 16 For 12 Ref 13 Will 16
HP 22/26 Bloodied 13 Surge value 7 Surges/day 8/9
Speed 7 squares Languages Common, Elven
AP 1 Second Wind not used
Longbow +5 (1d10+3)
Powers: Lance of Faith
Sacred Flame
Cause Fear
healing word 2 of 2
Elven Accuracy
Channel Divinity
Hunter's Quarry
Cascade of Light[/sblock]


First Post
As Lorik's sword wounds both gnomes, they both disappear from your sight, just like the ones you encountered previously did. Nevertheless, Heinrich and Haruka target the exact the place where the fighting gnome was, and do they guess right! The gnome turns back visible while dropping on the ground, motionless. Derien is less clever, or lucky, and his spell doesn't seem to reach the spellcaster.
Which reappears only a moment later, sending a scintillating bolt into Ikni's eyes, dazing him. Free them! he yells, turning at the elf behind him.
Hearing him, the elf turns and maneuvers behind a bush with something you cannot see. A moment later, you understand what the screech you heard before was. A pack of small trained drakes moves towards you with a hellish noise, baring their teeth at you.
Meanwhile, the elf archer takes a difficult shot at Lorik, wounding his arm with an arrow.

[sblock=initiative and status, round 2-3]Lorik hits both, Haruka and heirich manage to hit the invisible gnome, which goes unconscious. Derien misses, though.
Ikni takes 5 dmg from the gnome and is dazed(save ends). Lorik takes 6 dmg. Everyone starting teir turn adjacent to the drakes is subject to an attack.
Notes:Heinrich could get steatlh, not with concealment, but with cover: those are thick trees, not bushes.
Lorik doesn't have his shield readied, since as I said, readying a shield is a standard action.
Drakes' initiative:21

24-Elf 1
23-Ikni HP:14/31 S:8/11, AP:0, bloodied, dazed(save ends)
DE-Galinndan HP:21/24 S:5/8 AP:1
Elf 2 unconscious
18-Gnome 1
18-Lorik HP:23/29 S:7/11 AP:1
11-Haruka HP:30/30+8t S:7/10 AP:1, slowed(save ends)
9-Heinrich HP:15/24 S:5/7 AP:1
8-Derien HP:22/26 S:8/9 AP:1
7-Gnome dancer -6, aegis of shielding
Gnome 2 unconscious



Ikni's head swims as she tries to focus. She prepares her body for a sweeping attack if the drakes approach, but cannot seem to make her feet move.

[sblock=actions]Argh, I hate being dazed! Standard: ready action to use Sword Burst if the drakes move into range: hits reflex 12 for 10 force damage. Probably a miss.
Save vs. dazed: 15

[sblock=tactics]Ugh, three tough monsters left. I don't know which one to go after first. What do we have for area attacks against the drakes, which I assume is a swarm? Ikni has an at-will close burst 1, but I think our strikers are best against single targets. That argues for them focusing on the elf or the gnome, with Ikni tanking the drakes. But she'll need lots of healing, those things are tough.


First Post
[sblock=Tactics]Oh skiv, drakes. No aoe on my end, so I should go after the others. Which will be difficult, being slowed. Ata, I assume that going through the trees (say up to P9) will cost double movement, correct? I'm thinking that a couple of us could move around behind the drakes at get to the artillery.

Cov, I wonder if you should Aegis the drakes, since they'll be making more attacks per turn than the dancer, assuming the melee folks choose to stay close to them.

Hmm, for Galinndan, what if he (minor) Inspiring Worded Ikni, (move) Fey Stepped to Q7, and (standard) Leads the Attack against the dancer, giving Ikni, Lorik, and me a bonus to hit against him (as well as some good damage, hopefully). What do you guys think?

Oh, and should we do something about Romulin? Or rather, what should we do about Romulin? Shoot him in the back (nonlethally) as he runs? I certainly could do that if needed, since I doubt I can reach much else on my turn.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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