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Ring of the Fey Lord (DM:Atanatotatos, Judge:Lord Sessadore)Up:Lorik, etc.


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ooc:Twoheads:Unfortunately, Galinndan has already spent his two inspiring words. Also, he cannot feystep to Q7 'cause he has no line of sight there. Also, the trees are too thick, they're blocking terrain. Although I suppose you could squeeze through them. But those are a lot of squares.

Galinndan moves forward to cover Ikni from the upcoming ranged attacks. Confronted with the threath of a dozen hundry mouths, he directs Lorik's attack instead of his own, but the half-elf only hits the ground.
The small drakes divide in two small groups, one trying to pull to the ground Galinndan, the other Lorik. Only the first succeeds.
As Galinndan falls, he is immediately swarmed by tens of tooth and claws, and although he spills blood, he manages to defend himself somehow.
The gnome that went into hiding before reappears from thin air, quite misteriously, and shoots a crossbow dart at Galinndan, but the Eladrin manages to defend himself with his shield.

ooc: Please note that the attack vs both Galinndan and Lorik is vs For. Lorik is attacked at the start of his turn by the drakes, for 6 dmg.

24-Elf 1
23-Ikni HP:14/31 S:8/11, AP:0, bloodied
DE-Galinndan HP:15/24 S:5/8 AP:1, prone
Elf 2 unconscious
18-Gnome 1
18-Lorik HP:17/29 S:7/11 AP:1
11-Haruka HP:30/30+8t S:7/10 AP:1, slowed(save ends)
9-Heinrich HP:15/24 S:5/7 AP:1
8-Derien HP:22/26 S:8/9 AP:1
7-Gnome dancer -6, aegis of shielding
Gnome 2 unconscious


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Don Incognito

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A young Lorik wields his sword, the child's hands almost too small to fully wrap around the hilt. He stands in a a dimly lit basement, the walls of which are adorned with various weapons and armor. The young half-elf is facing off against a trio of training dummies under the watchful eye of a bearded old man.

"Again!", the man shouts, angrily tapping his cane against the ground. Lorik tightens his grip and charges forward, cutting down the training dummies one at a time. He barely has time to wipe the sweat from his brow before a strong THWACK from the old man's cane sends him sprawling to the ground.

"Too slow, you're doing it too slow!", the elderly man shouts, spittle flying from his mouth as Lorik picks himself up from the ground. "In the time it took you to fell those men, you were killed twice. When facing multiple foes, your attacks must be swift! And fluid! One swing of your sword must lead into the next. There must be no time to react, no hesitation between one strike and the next. Now, but those enemy soldiers back together and try it again!"

Lorik tightens his grip on his longsword and spits angrily at the ground. Wielding it in two hands, he sprints forward and makes a horizontal cut aimed at one of the drakes. He continues his momentum from the attack, spinning forward to strike again at the nearby gnome. Again, he follows the momentum of his sword, twirling as he brings his sword down on the elven archer.

"And THAT'S how it's done!"

[sblock=Actions]This should make our lives easier.
Free Action: change grip on longsword (+1 damage from using two hands)
Minor Action: none
Move Action: shift to N5
Standard Action: Tempest Dance. I forgot to add the +1 when I made those rolls, but I didn't want to waste 'em. First attack is a 21 to hit for 10 damage against the drakes. Lorik then shifts one square to O5 and makes a second attack against the gnome. 26 to hit, 9 damage. He then shifts one square again to P5 and makes a third and final attack against the elf archer. 19 to hit, 10 damage. The drakes, the gnome, and the archer are all marked. Damn.[/sblock]

[sblock=Lorik stat block]Lorik- Male Half-elf Fighter 1
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 14
AC:18 (17, no shield), Fort:15, Reflex:13 (12, no shield), Will:12 -- Speed:5
HP:29/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:7/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Footwork Lure, Reaping Strike, Passing Attack, Righteous Brand, Tempest Dance
Group Diplomacy: Allies within 10 squares gain a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Group Assault: Allies gain a +1 damage bonus to enemies marked by Lorik.


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Haruka stands momentarily stunned by Lorik's skilled swordplay. She then pulls herself together and does her best to limp gracefully into position before unleashing another flurry of lashing cords at her foes. She stumbles again, causing some of the tendrils to whip wildly about and discharge relatively harmlessly into trees and underbrush. Livid at her performance, she seems to find new determination, and shakes off her impediments.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to L8, gaining concealment from Shadow Walk.
Standard->Move: Move to I6.
Minor: Curse Drakes.
Action Point: Eldritch Blast against Elf 1, taking advantage of Galinndan's Bravura Presence. Hits Reflex 20 for 8 damage. Except it's 9, because I keep forgeting Lorik's feat. Grr! Anyway, if that hits, I get a basic attack from Galinndan, which I will use for another Eldritch Blast against the same target. It misses, possibly frying a squirrel from a nearby tree. If the first attack missed, I grant CA to all enemies until the end of my next turn.

Save vs slow: 12! I pass![/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Haruka Sato- human warlock 1
Initiative: +1 | Passive perception: 9 | Passive Insight: 15
AC: 15 | For: 15 | Ref: 15 | Will: 14
HP: 30/30+8 | Bloodied: 15 | Surge value: 7 | Surges: 7/10
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used
Basic Attack/Opportunity attack: +2 vs AC, 1d6
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Dire Radiance
Vampiric Embrace
Flames of Phlegethos



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Heinrich purses his lips, considering the situation. Dangerous... but not deadly... I'll keep my 'little trick' in reserve... for now.

Sliding forward through the shadowy woods, Heinrich finds a new tree to hide behind. Unfortunately, a branch snags on his armor, creating far more commotion than he intended.

Sighting down his crossbow, he loads it once more, aiming carefully, then releasing the arrow from near the ground, confident of his cover.

Minor Action: Load CBOW

Move Action: Move to G10

stealth check (1d20+11=12)

Standard Action: Sly Flourish

sly flourish vs AC on the Drake Swarm. (1d20+7=26, 1d12+6=15)



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Galinndan's inspiration has taken Ikni as far as it can. Nerati's turn, I think. With that thought, Derien lets Nerati's power pour out in two directions: healing toward Ikni, retribution toward the drakes.
[sblock=OOC]Minor: healing word on Ikni, for 6 plus her healing surge value hp.
Move: 2 squares to I6.
Standard: Lance of Faith on the drakes, 14 vs. Reflex, 9 damage. If that hits, Lorik gets a +2 power bonus on his next attack against them.[/sblock][sblock=mini-stats]Derien Falk - Elf Cleric 1
Initiative +3 Passive perception 22 Passive Insight 19
AC 16 For 12 Ref 13 Will 16
HP 22/26 Bloodied 13 Surge value 7 Surges/day 8/9
Speed 7 squares Languages Common, Elven
AP 1 Second Wind not used
Longbow +5 (1d10+3)
Powers: Lance of Faith
Sacred Flame
Cause Fear
healing word 1 of 2
Elven Accuracy
Channel Divinity
Hunter's Quarry
Cascade of Light[/sblock]


First Post
Lorik's sword fells one of the tiny drakes and cuts the gnome in a fine display of swordsmanship, while Haruka blasts the elf, and a squirrell on a nearby tree, too.
Heinrich snipes another drake from afar, and Derien's power restores most of Ikni's strenght, although his spell fails to affect the pack of drakes.
The dancing gnome casts another spell at Ikni, but the radiance bounces off Galindann's shield, and the gnome also fails to affect Lorik with a charm.

The elf steps forward, disappearing in a blur, and reappears while shooting an arrow at Lorik; while the arrow breaks against a tree, the elf nocks and realeases another with uncanny speed, but this one misses Lorik too, although by only a few inches.

ooc:unfortunately, Lorik cannot shift from N5 to O5, because the trees are blocking him (though it is possible to move from O6 to O5; so he only gets to attack the drakes and the gnome; he hits both, though.
Also, no shadow walf from Haruka, since she couldn't move more than 2 squares.
The elf gains stealth (these guys can use stealth in plain view somehow, if you haven't figured out yet) but misses Lorik twice even with its racial reroll due to cover.

24-Elf 1 -8
23-Ikni HP:27/31 S:7/11, AP:0
DE-Galinndan HP:15/24 S:5/8 AP:1, prone
21-Drakes -12, marked by Lorik, cursed by Haruka
Elf 2 unconscious
18-Gnome 1 -9, marked by Lorik
18-Lorik HP:17/29 S:7/11 AP:1
11-Haruka HP:30/30+8t S:7/10 AP:1
9-Heinrich HP:15/24 S:5/7 AP:1
8-Derien HP:22/26 S:8/9 AP:1
7-Gnome dancer -6, aegis of shielding
Gnome 2 unconscious



Ikni shoots a grateful look at Derien, then returns to the fray. She steps up beside Lorik and slashes through the drakes, trying to catch several of them with the blow. The branches catch at her sword, though, and the drakes escape unscathed.

[sblock=actions]Shift to M5. Sword burst, 8 vs. drakes' reflex presumably misses.

Ata, I'm confused about the movement restrictions. The enemies seem to be moving and firing freely through the trees, but we can't? Is that right? What's going on? Nature +3 and Arcana +9 if it makes a difference...
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[sblock=cov & all]uhmm... no, the enemies cannot move through the trees, they haven't (at least, the shouldn't have, but don't think I unadvertedly made them do so) There's that passage where the gnome and the drakes are, you can't pass there simply because the squares are occupied by enemies. Also the trees are granting cover to you too (as noted in the above attack that missed Lorik. If you're talking about the stealth checks, that's a different story.

Ikni's arcana check: 14 Urgh, apparently Ikni doesn't know much about feys...

However, let me know if you think I missed something.
pdate coming soon.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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