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Ring of the Fey Lord (DM:Atanatotatos, Judge:Lord Sessadore)Up:Lorik, etc.

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Haruka sees the gnome dissappear before her eyes. She snarls as she fumbles at her belt for a sunrod.

"What, running away are we? Afraid of getting your delicate little hands dirty? You coward, come back here and-"

Her tirade is cut short as Lorik knocks out the other gnome. She stiffens and shudders slightly as her eyes roll back in their sockets. A second later she shakes her head and continues talking, although now her tone is even and measured.

"I think we just took out another one of your friends. Surely you can see this fight has turned against you. Why bother continuing this farce?"

She steps forward and lashes out with another coil of energy, but she misses her target.

[sblock=Actions]Free: Gain 4 temp hp from Infernal Pact, overwriting the remaining temp hp from Vampiric Embrace.
Minor: Draw a sunrod so I can turn it on later.
Move: Move to P6
Standard: Eldritch Blast the drakes. Misses. Well, shoot.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Haruka Sato- human warlock 1
Initiative: +1 | Passive perception: 9 | Passive Insight: 15
AC: 15 | For: 15 | Ref: 15 | Will: 14
HP: 30/30+4 | Bloodied: 15 | Surge value: 7 | Surges: 7/10
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used
Basic Attack/Opportunity attack: +2 vs AC, 1d6
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Dire Radiance
Vampiric Embrace
Flames of Phlegethos
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Heinrich smiles. I thought we'd have an easier time of it... but I was right... these guys underestimated us.

Sliding back in the bushes, Heinrich slows his breathing, then, moving forward, he once again takes a bead on the drakes, trusting to his cover to make the attack a surprise.


Move Action: Move back-and-forth one square, simply to trigger stealthiness.

stealth (1d20+11=20)

Minor Action: Reload

Standard Action: Sly Flourish on the drakes, vs AC (1d20+9=21, 1d12+6=14, 2d6+4=11)

If 21 vs AC hits, then 25 damage


ooc: Just catching up on this thread; thanks for NPCing Ikni, Ata. A couple of questions about the last round. First, Was the gnome adjacent to Ikni on her turn? If so, Sword Burst is an area attack so she should have made an attack against him too. Also, Lorik had the gnome marked I believe, so he gets a combat challenge attack when it attacks Ikni, yes? I'm thinking both of those attacks get resolved before the gnome hits Ikni, so maybe she has a few more HP. She's gonna need 'em.


First Post
ooc: Ah, you're certainly right on both things, cov, I apologize. Then while we wait for Derien's actions, both you and don can roll your attacks, and if the gnome drops before, Don can change his actions on his turn, of course (the gnome has 34 hp, but I think you know this :p)


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Watching the swarm of drakes avoid Nerati's consuming vengeance, again, Derien begins to feel rather put upon. Perhaps this is a sign. If you cannot find your nets, maybe you're looking in the bottom of your boat. On that disquieting thought, Derien steps away from the battle and goes hunting for his missing gnome.

[sblock=OOC]Standard: Lance the drakes, 9 vs Reflex, 5 damage. What the :):):):) IC, honestly.
Move: three squares SW, looking for Romulin.
Minor: Perception 28! If Romulin hasn't escaped entirely, I can probably spot him.[/sblock]


First Post
As the gnome attacks Ikni, Lorik is ready to step in and cuts him, knocking him unconscious, finally. The warrior then turns his attention to the drakes, felling the few ones left with a swipe of the blade that only connects by a small margin, but is sufficient against the tiny, fierce creatures.
Haruka lights a sunrod, enlightening the woods with its bright light.*
Heinrich tries to conceal himself from the elf. The fey notices him, but cannot escape the bolt aimed at his leg, that wounds him badly.**
Derien moves close to the elf when his spell fails, he looks for Romulin but there's no trace of him. Instead, he sees the rope that was tying him lain on the ground near the trees to the very South. And also, something that looks like a piece of paper near the rope.

Then you hear the voice of the dancing gnome crying in pain at the sight of the dead drakes: Nooooo! My precious!!! Paaay you will!!!, which reveals his position to you (he was standing only a few steps from Derien, like he was hiding in plain sight thanks to some kind of magic). He launches a spell not unlike the one that had opened the battle, and impairs Lorik's and Ikni's sense of balance and direction again.
He then gathers his arcane energy in a blinding green light, that washes over the unconscious Galinndan. When the light is gone, the Eladrin, too, has disappeared.***
The gnome then moves away from you.
The elf gets away from Derien**** and shoots an arrow at him, but the wound on his leg makes him miss his balance, and aim.

ooc:*The drakes are dead, and Haruka can't see any other enemy from where she is, so I made her light the sunrod. I hope it's alright.
**For the same reason, I made Heinrich attack the elf. The stealth check was not sufficient, though, so no SA.
***Strictly fluff. I had said Galinndan would disappear someway or another.
****Provoking an OA.

24-Elf 1 -22, bloodied
23-Ikni HP:13/31 S:7/11, AP:0, bloodied, slowed(save ends)
DE-Galinndan HP:-1/24 S:5/8 AP:1, unconscious
Drakes dead
Elf 2 unconscious
Gnome 1
18-Lorik HP:7/29 S:6/11 AP:1,bloodied, slowed(save ends)
11-Haruka HP:30/30+4t S:7/10 AP:0
9-Heinrich HP:15/24 S:5/7 AP:1
8-Derien HP:22/26 S:8/9 AP:1
7-Gnome dancer -6, cursed
Gnome 2 unconscious


[sblock=Galinndan's fate]Open to proposals. I was thinking something on the line of "reappears fully healed, but completely naked, in the middle of a bush of thorny roses a few steps from the Drowned man" :devil:[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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