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Rise of Skywalker - Bold Predictions Thread


Jedi Master
We are just seven days away from the end of the Skywalker Saga! It's hard for me to believe that this story that has been a part of my life since I was 2 years old is about to come to a close. I've always enjoyed speculating on the next installment, and very rarely been right in my predictions (and could care less, the creative act of making them is more fun than being right), so with that said...

In this thread, make your boldest prediction about how it will all end!

My bold prediction:

Emperor Palpatine will not physically return, but the Sith spirit of Darth Sideous will.

We've been led to believe from the marketing that everyone's favorite Galactic Emperor has returned for the final episode. This has been misdirection. Instead, Kylo Ren will discover the Sith Spirit of Darth Sideous on the wreckage of the Death Star early in the film, and be possessed by it, thus becoming a Sith.

As we saw in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin was reborn Darth Vader, and as Obi-Wan counciled Luke, becoming a Sith is about more than just turning to the Dark Side. It's about your old self being replaced by something completely evil.

Think of Palpatine (and the Sith in general) as a Litch, the Death Star as his Phylactry, but with the requirement that it needs a living host to choose to accept it in in order to become physical once an old body is destroyed.

Once inside Kylo, Sideous will direct him to the fleet that he had hidden away as a contingency plan should Anakin turn on him.

Rey will have to confront Kylo/Sideous, of course, but she will do so with an important piece of knowledge. That the only way to truly destroy a Sith Spirit is for the person who's body is possessed by it to return to the light while still possessed , during an act of sacrifice (as happened with Vader). Thus, Kylo will be redeemed by Rey, but still die, taking Sideous out with him once and for all.

"You mean it controls your actions?" Luke
"Partially, but it also obeys your commands," Obi-Wan

"When that happened, the good man who was your father, ceased to exist." Obi-Wan

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41st lv DM
Well, what he's talking about is not a new idea. Sith spirits inhabiting objects until they can posses a body has been seen in the recent Darth Vader comic books.

I know that. And it's not new in the Vader comics either.
I just doubt that's what we'll get.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I predict it will be a perfectly solid movie of the usual J.J. Abrams caliber but will still have all the loud angry detractors from the usual hives of scum and villainy.

I'm also still holding out for Darth Jar Jar


At best it will probably be an ok movie a'la Solo that feels a bit disjointed from the other two and they are basically where The Last Jedi ended so the trilogy is kinda pointless.

At worst even the casuals are gonna go wtf huh?

Either way they'll be hitting you over the head with member berries of better movies going look at the pretty explosions. JJ doesn't really do original well.

Probably feel disjointed and a bit rushed.

Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
"At last!" cries Rey triumphantly, as the last drops of blood vaporized off her lightsaber. "The remnant of my enemies, Sith and Jedi alike, lie smoldering at my feet! And so I claim this Crown, to rule eternally as Ultimate Empress of the Galax--"

Bob Newhart awakens with a start from a 42 year coma. When his astonished doctors rush in, he explains that he was trapped in the body of a silver, trash can-shaped robot in a weird space opera nightmare.


"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi, sensing the destruction of Alderaan

Except you know, replace cried out in terror with whining on the internet, and of course not to be silenced either. Come save us Grand Moff Tarkin, you're our only hope!

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