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Rise of Skywalker - Bold Predictions Thread


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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Kylo Ren will succumb to Sidius at first, but will turn against him, and he and Rey will stand together at the end.

And if any ship is confirmed, it will be Rey and Fin.

Every important plot scene and revelation will be a hamfisted apology for/retcon of everything The Last Jedi did.

And regardless of whether one loves/hates/something in between TLJ, it will come off as so incredibly insincere and forced that it'll be the movie that unites every Star Wars fan in sheer disgust.


Main problem will be execution. Love or hate it I think this trilogy will be a bit disjointed.

We have TFA essentially a remake of ANH, TLJ doing it's own thing and whatever RoS is up to probably ending up where we were at the end of RoTJ.

If they mess it up it will be member berry wine fueling pubbie tears.


LOL it will make literally no attempt whatsoever to “apologize” to the people who screeched endlessly online and harassed the people who made TLJ.

Depends how much retcond they do. I don't think they will do to many maybe Rey's background.

According to Rian Johnson they had no overall story arc. JJ wasn't the original plan.

JJ made a bit if effort in TFA to weave in plot hooks for future movies. It seems he will have to make the most of what he can do.

Just based on the trailers it's why I think anything they do will feel rushed or the explaination is going to be weak. They have a lot to cover for example.

How did Palps survive?

Why has he been hiding for 30 years?

Where did he get his Uber fleet from?

Where did the resistance get their fleet from since they were crushed?

How well they introduced the two new characters?

Rey's background was Kylo lying?

Kylo/Rey's relationship in a way that's not ham fisted.

More superweapons?

Is the ending a rehash of RoTJ?

Etc that's just a few basic ones. I suspect a lot if it is doesn't matter or just because?


Dances with Gnolls
Depends how much retcond they do. I don't think they will do to many maybe Rey's background.

According to Rian Johnson they had no overall story arc. JJ wasn't the original plan.

JJ made a bit if effort in TFA to weave in plot hooks for future movies. It seems he will have to make the most of what he can do.

Just based on the trailers it's why I think anything they do will feel rushed or the explaination is going to be weak. They have a lot to cover for example.

How did Palps survive?

Why has he been hiding for 30 years?

Where did he get his Uber fleet from?

Where did the resistance get their fleet from since they were crushed?

How well they introduced the two new characters?

Rey's background was Kylo lying?

Kylo/Rey's relationship in a way that's not ham fisted.

More superweapons?

Is the ending a rehash of RoTJ?

Etc that's just a few basic ones. I suspect a lot if it is doesn't matter or just because?

I mean... A ton of those are just Star Wars tropes at this point.

Superweapons? Check
Secret vast fleets hiding in preperation? Check
Some bad/good person lying or omitting important facts? Check
People not actually dead when we all thought they were? Check

The most important question I want answered is this: If the movie does well and you like it Zard, will your spirit finally be at rest and can move on?
I have to say, I was already excited about the movie, and now after seeing that clip Morrus posted, I can't wait. I knew there was a reason I was keeping away from Star Wars stuff until next week.

My bold claim.
With this newest information, I think... movie will tie things back together. With Palps having pulled on the strings from wherever he is hiding, forces will rise to stop him. Those allies of Leia's who didn't answer before still remember the tyranny of the old Emperor and finally heed the call to help.

Some awesome space battles are had. Some cool lightsabers fights take place. Sprinkle in some interesting but perhaps expected or hoped for conversions happen. BAM! The force is finally at equilibrium with a couple of Grey Jedi.

Voidrunner's Codex

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