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Rise Of The Snakemen [Forgotten Realms]


First Post
Zamtap's Journal

We got back to the portal inn with out difficulty and told the others what we had found.

Upon discussing what we had to do Aeron mentioned that he ought to pay his respects to his father, and that we had 2 other tasks, 1 to find out what if anything Waterdeep’s forces of law knew about Esau Enoch. 2 check if the local Buckman brink and mite store had had any problems. As we were discussing this we noticed a man putting up posters for adventurers to help clean up the mere of dead men, helping a paladin based at Iniarv’s tower. By co-incidence exactly where we want to go humm…

We chose Elena and Gylipus to visit Buckman’s store as they were likely to get into trouble if they met the law enforcers. They reported that while there had been thefts there wasn’t a problem. We should hunt for Esau.

Jebidiah and I went to find out what the lords of Waterdeep and their servants knew about Esau. The first place we tried was the guild of watchful protectors of Waterdeep; they turned me away as I wasn’t an arcane caster. The next place was the local watch house…

We walked up to the desk and asked about Esau, they got out a large ledger which apparently documented all his crimes. We only got a small impression of this man’s villainy. When we mentioned that we intended to stop this man, they questioned our motives. “We don’t want a vigilante action” we explained about Buckman and our past assoations with the case including the letter found in Brocca house. The desk occupier then called for a runner, if your intent on going for this man we’ll supply an escort to bring him in to face Waterdeep’s justice.

A man arrived dressed as a paladin, wearing the colours of Torm, answered the call. “Sergeant Tholl these people are from the guardians of the free and are seeking one Esau Enoch, we wish you to go with them and help the guardians bring this man to justice. You are to go with them and give them aid” We then introduced ourselves then we told him to meet us and the rest at the portal inn. We headed back there to meet up with the rest. Tholl went back to his barracks and then joined us. I made the guardians bit up on the spot it sounded about right for what we are doing, when we know ourselves what we are doing we can give ourselves a better name.

Once at table we ordered food and began telling our companions what had gone, we got as far as mentioning the addition to our party when he walked into the bar area. He spotted us and headed over, we introduced him to those present and conscious, and just told him the names of those unconscious. In the next half hour he proceeded to correct every attempt we made to mislead those who might be listening.

Elena left us early to make her way to her own place, an hour or so later a man comes for Sergeant Tholl and says “someone’s in custody and asking for you” Aeron and I accompanied the sergeant to the local watch house and were made to wait on the ground floor whilst Tholl went to the dungeons to talk to Elena. It appears that she was ambushed and nearly killed her assailant. We asked if he could be checked for a snake tattoo and guarded whatever. We explained to the desk clerk what we suspected from our past encounters, we got a horrid look from the guard who was sent to guard the assailant. There being nothing else we could do for our friend we left to get a nights sleep at the inn which we had booked rooms at (the Safe haven inn) In a strange move for a Paladin Tholl decided to stay at Elena’s side during the night, well I think its strange I’m not sure what to expect really.

In the morning Elena got her trial, She had to mention our past encounters with masked men, and our current target was mentioned by the paladin (oh dear). The trial was ended when the guard reported that the injured and nearly dead man had been broken out of the temple leaving two dead, the guard and a priest (I guess we couldn’t have done anything, I mean we did warn them). The judge acquitted Elena (He said he had no choice about this and seemed disappointed.) and at about midday the whole party of eight met up in the Portal inn.

From there we left in pretty short order. After a quiet afternoon we slept the night half a days travel away from Waterdeep. The next day’s travel was uneventful, in the evening we stopped at a castle that is undergoing repairs it seems to have been held variously by some knights of Tyr, Zents (by stealth) and now a clan of dwarves hold it, so it’s been through a lot, it feels secure now though

Today we came to Iniarv’s tower and met the paladin there; he was helpful, even grateful to see us. He said that the area that we needed to go to was not on his immediate list of places to be cleared but that he would aid us in our quest. Once we asked him what the bounty on Esau’s head was he said if you rid this swamp of him I’ll add tokens worth 10000 to the reward. It standard practice that we give those whom aid us a small level of aid, go see those in the tower and they will give you a healing potion each. We left feeling that we have an ally while we’re out here. We ended the day camped at the start of the causeway that leads to wolfhill house.

DM's Notes:

I have posted this exactly as Gareth handed it to me, without editing it for grammar and typos, as frankly it would take me ages! This is actually the second installment of journal I have been handed, and I'm not going to post the first part as it is a mess. Still he is getting better.

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First Post
DM's Log of Session Thirteen (Part 1)

Setting out to explore the tunnels, the party decided against heading down the southern route, as it had stairs leading down. "Best to clear this level before we go down any further" stated Gylippus, the rest nodding in agreement. Ki elected to guard the bottom of the stairs, in case anything should try coming down after the group, or worse, outflanking them and cutting off their avenue of escape from the cellars.

Alas it turned out that the cellars the group could reach were empty save for the now dead Histachii, and various storerooms with mostly wrecked contents, though Elena found a stash of intact (and very expensive) wine bottles in the old wine cellar, as well as a model ship in a bottle, and Jebodiah found fragments of a very large egg, that Aeron was able to identify as that of a snake. "Bloody big snake!" muttered the dwarf.

Puzzled by a new brick wall at the end of a long corridor, Gylippus subjected it to intense examination, even going as far as to try and disbelieve in its existence. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts. it remained very real and solid. Not one to be put off he then spent the better part of an hour, testing every foot of the tunnels walls, soon joined in this search by Zamtap, though neither was able to find anything remotely resembling a secret door or passage, much to their annoyance. Deciding to head down the stairs, the group were confronted by a square room, in which hung hundreds of different chains, down which flowed rivulets of water, the floor being under nealry a foot deep of the murky stuff. The rest of the group went back to searching the rest of the cellars again and then headed back up to the house, whilst Thols was convinced that there was something untoward in the room, and waded about for some time, getting thoroughly soaked in the process.

Back up in the house, the group elected to search the east wing on the ground floor and Elena opened the door into a room with many suits of ceremonial armour. Walking straight down the middle of the room, heedless of any traps, she snagged a tripwire and the others behind her looked on in horror as all nine suits of armour raised their right arms from behind the shields in front of them, each holding a crossbow and shot at her, all but one of the bolts striking her. Grumbling curses about traps, Elena and Thols (who had finally given up searching the room with all the chains in), split from the others, leaving them to explore the rest of the ground floor, while they went upstairs, the lady pirate tapping herself with her wand of healing as she went, rapidly exhausting its charges.

Trooping up the stairs in the main hall, they decided to explore the upper west wing first, cautiously listening at the door at the end of the balcony and then opening it, into a corridor. The first door they tried was locked, and after encountering two traps thus far, Elena was in no mood to barge the door down and possibly get hit by another, so they moved on and tried the next door they came too. Opening it they looked into a room... and dozens of lifeless glass eyes stared back at them, the room being filled with shelves, on which sat hundreds of lifelike 1' tall dolls. "Weird" said Elena. "And somewhat freaky too, lets look elsewhere", agreed the paladin as he closed the door again.

Meanwhile downstairs the others, having explored the dining room and found only a hole in the ceiling, a gold necklace oddly nailed to the wall in the room above glimpsed through the hole being the only thing of interest they pressed on with their search. The kitchen proved to be coated in rust coloured mold and vines were growing in through the windows. Seeing nothing of interest save a set of stairs leading up, they carried on in a roughly counter-clockwise sweep of the wing, finding an old menagerie filled with cages and a very odd dollhouse, built like a cage. Walking into the cloakroom Jebodiah was blasted with fire from another trap, and as he got over being singed, so Gylippus spotted and disarmed yet another trap in the next room, allowing the group to search it in safety, recovering a silver humidor and a superb smoking pipe, both in good condition and worth a fair bit.

Upstairs, things were not going so well, as the pirate and the paladin had opened the doors into the Master Bedroom and burst inside, only for a heavy hempen net to drop from the ceiling. Thols narrowly avoided getting snared in it, but Elena was good and pinned down as four ceramic pots dropped also, each releasing a large scorpion, which starved and desperate, attacked the pair instantly. Though they were eventually able to beat them, especially once Elena pulled herself out from under the net and got into the fray, the pair took many cuts from the beasts claws, and Elena was stung several times, though she shrugged off the effects of the poison easily enough.

They then searched the room and its adjoining chambers, which turned out to be a ladies dressing room and a never used childs room, with oddly enough a single burning candle still alight in the centre of it. They then forced their way into the locked room, and found an ancient skeleton sat at a desk, no doubt the remains of Hezekiel Wolf himself. Finding nothing of interest in the room, they left the body sat in his chair and lastly went to explore the upper level of the library.


First Post
DM's Log of Session Thirteen (Part 2)

The group downstairs had by now decided to catch up to the two other party members and so headed back to the kitchen to take the stairs in there up to the above level. With Jebodiah in the lead the group trooped into the kitchen, and the floor gave way. Zamtap, who was just behind the dwarf managed to throw himself clear and the rest were far enough back to not be affected by the cave in, but the dwarf plumetted down into the cellars below, landing in a large net and creating an unholy din as tied to the underside of the net were dozens if not hundreds of pots and pans, all banging together now with the dwarfs struggles to get himself free.

Peering down into the deep hole that had appeared, the others could hear the racket from below, and barely make out the dwarf, the noise from below suddenly growing more desperate as Jebodiah could see what the others could not. To which, Ki dropped his everburning torch down the hole on a rope, and illuminated the enormous Cobra that had reared up from the floor under the net and was attacking the barbarian. To his credit, Jebodiah struggled free of the net quickly and dropped down to the ground, drawing Stormcleaver and looking the massive snake in the eye. "Big egg, big snake, righto", he muttered and promptly set about doing what he does best, killing things with extreme prejudice. Helped some by Aeron unleashing magic missiles at the creature, this was mainly the dwarfs fight, and though he took a few bites, the serpents venom had no effect on him, and he handily bested the snake, to be met with a round of applause from Ki, Zamtap and Gylippus who had slid down a rope to the cellar, but stayed to one side.

Having heard the cacophonous sound of the pots and pans banging down below, even from upstairs, Elena and Thols glanced at one another and sighed, and headed back towards the rest of the group to see what had befallen their comrades this time. Aeron joined the others down in the cellar, and they looked around, seeing plenty of muck and bones, as well as a really big dead snake and one way out of the room, up a small set of steps. Gylippus went first, and without looking where he was going, as he snagged another tripwire and closed a portcullis behind him, seperating him from the group. Just then two Histachii emerged from a side tunnel on his side of the portcullis and advanced towards him, tongues flicking over fangs, claws outstretched.

Glancing about, Gylippus saw the lever for the portcullis and heaved on it, to no avail, it was too heavy for him to move and he drew his rapier, backing into a corner beside a sloping water chute that ran from a wheeled capstan in the room he was in, down into darkness. As he battled one of the beasts, so the other went to the portcullis and attacked Jebodiah through it with claws, as the dwarf had been shaking the grate trying to move it. Ki drew his crossbow, Zamtap drew Aerons crosbow and Aeron drew a wand and started casting, conjuring a giant bee on the other side of the barrier to harry the broodguards, immediately starting on summoning another.

Gylippus though was not faring well, and staggered from his wounds, seeing the chute as his only chance at staying alive, he threw himself into it and slid down it some way falling into a large copper kettle, muchly encrusted with salt. He groaned as he looked up and saw on a walkway beside the chute, looking down at him the imposing forms of three hulking creatures, an oriental man clad in black and red, and another figure who could only be Esau Enoch himself!

DM's Notes:

Yep, stinker of a cliffhanger to leave the session on! I'm actually impressed we got through so much this week, especially considering that I had completely forgotten to get any prep done for the session, so this was very much "fly by the seat of my pants" mode. Still I have a good adventure to run the session from, though in my version the house has traps, not malicious jermlaine playing pranks on the PC's.

A note to explain the absence of Noob from recent sessions, Mark who plays him has unfortunately gone and gotten himself stuck on all the late friday shifts at the store where he works from now till Xmas. He should be back in the New Year. I'll probably have to toss a solo adventure his way or something to account for the xp difference. In game, we are explaining that while the others are tackling the house Noob is stalking the grounds to make sure the party can get away if they have too. I'm sure I can throw a few nasties his way that he'd encounter out there to catch him up to the others.
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First Post
No session this week as with Mark/Noob already out of the group for the time being, both Richard/Thols and Gareth/Zamtap had let me know that they couldn't make it. Considering where we left off, and the big fight that the group are about to get into, it would have been crazy to run the session with just 5 of the group (especially considering the dire straits that Gylippus is in), so I called it off for this week.

Hopefully we can all make it next week.
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First Post
Well as it happens we couldn't all make it this week, because I couldn't. Got struck down by one hell of a headache that came out of nowhere and I just had to sleep to try and get over it. To my players who waited at the Games Club for me to show up for more than an hour, I humbly apologise for not sewnding notice, I wasn't thinking rationally on my home with this, I just wanted the pain to stop.

There is no Games Club open now till January so I guess we'll reconvene in the New Year and pick up where we left off (hopefully). Once again, sorry.


First Post
DM's Log of Session Fourteen

Figuring that silence was the better part of valour (or at least his best chance at staying live) Gylippus played dead, and amazingly it worked, Alarmed at the prospect of more adventurer types being righht behind the one who had fallen into the pot, and concerned for the wellbeing of his own genius, Esau fled the room, shouting at the oriental man (who he referred to as Shan) to follow him, and for the Megalomen to kill the intruders. One lumbered to the edge of the pot and gazed down at Gylippus, who duly held his breath and lay still, confusing the lumbering thing, which loped off with its fellows towards where the others were battling the Histachii.

Jabodiah was joined by Ki and the pair between them grunted and strained to try and move the portcullis, but to no avil, all the while suffering as the Histachii attacked them through the bars, raking them with their claws. Aeron summoned bees with a wand, to harry the snakemen but to little effect, and Zamtap did his best to patch up the wounds suffered by the dwarf with his healing wand, but he decided he must have bought a defective one, as each used spell had so little effect. It was then that Thols and Elena arrived, sliding down the rope to join their fellows in the cellar, and the constant delay in getting to help Gylippus (and the attacks from the Histachii) caused Jebodiah to lose his temper, draw Stormcleaver and annihilate the gate in a fierce blow, the axe chopping through the iron grille and freeing the group to surge forwards and press their advantage of numbers.

Even as the group broke through though and started driving back the Histachii, so the Megalomen pulled themselves up the water chute and launched into the fray with their great clubs, smashing into Jebodiah and Elena. Aeron summoned another bee to slow a third Megaloman down and then resorted to a favourite spell, dropping a couple of electric loops on the hapless brutes, stunning one and injuring the others. Whilst large and vicious, the Megalomen were horribly outnumbered and outclassed and were swiftly dealt with by the group.

A search of their bodies yielded no valuables to Zamtap's digust, and whilst he was doing that, the rest strung a rope together, tying it to the capstan in the room they were in and they used that to walk down the water chute without sliding, and managed to get Gylippus out of the pot and heal him up. Continuing through the cellars, the party headed down a corridor and were almost through it without incident when Thols and Jebodiah at the front triggered a tripwire, and the front four party members were showered in a fussilade of darts. Elena at the very back of the party just grinned.

The party found themselves in a large keg cellar, filled withg many barrels and casks, and two enormous barrels on a tilter system which Elena activated by climbing on top of the one with a hatch in the top of it, causing it to sink and the other to rise. The group groaned as they head liquid pour from the higher barrel into the lower, and not just any liquid, acidic poison! A search of the room yielded nothing, except a pulley system that was missing chains. Realising that the chains they need were likely in the cellar across the other side of the house, several of the party went to fetch some.

As they were doing that Elena explored the side tunnel; the Histachii had emerged from, finding a dead end with a ladder in it. She shrugged and headed up... and up... and up some more until she found herself at the end of the ladder, in pitch blackness, clearly far above ground level by how many steps up she had taken to get there. Finding nothing, and thoroughly confused as to why anyone would build such a tall ladder only for it to lead nowhere, she headed back and rejoined the others.

Gylippus was easily able to find which chain the pulley needed, though the others insisted on helping anyway, and brought along several other chains, just in case they were needed. With the pulley fixed, they were able to lift the now very heavy barrel filled with acid and listened as it drained back into the other barrel without a hatch. With the barrel raised, they looked inside to see a hidden doorway and a tunnel beyond it. Heading down the tunnel, which weaved a bit, the group walked right into a lightning trap, it electrocuting more than half the group and causing them to pull back.

Not to be put off by a little shock, Thols and Elena charged down the corridor, getting another zapping and carried straight on past the trap and further into the cellars, following a long twisting tunnel. The rest of the group waited as Gylippus searched to find what activated the tra, intending to disarm it. Heading on along the corridor, and leaving the others far behind, the paladin and the pirate came upon an underground garden lit by sunlight pouring through a crack in the ceiling, and two men amidst the greenery and pillars, one clearly dead from a gushing head wound, the other babbling on about how he made himself... at least that is what Elena saw, Thols however, saw a laboratory out of his owrst nightmares, with dissecting tables smeared in blood, six huge glass tubes in which floated gestating Megalomen, and tubes, vials and other equipment everywhere. The same two men were there though, and he shot the clearly mad one, it looking at them, and they looking at Esau Enoch as he drew a scimitar, the blade glowing black, and launched himself at them.

The others were still waiting for Gylippus to dismantle the trap and grew impatient, ordering the rogue to pull back as they copied Elena and Thols tactic, heading onwards to catch up with the front runners of the group. Gylippus decided to have another go at disarming the trap and neatly did just that, strolling on afterwards, in no particular hurry to catch up. In the lab/garden, the battle was fierce, as the unholy scimitar wielded by the snakeman dealt grevious wounds to Thols and Elena, quickly eviscerating the paladin and dropping him and then doing a similarly brutal job on the lady pirate, even as Ki and Jebodiah arrived. The dwarf charged forwards, as Ki made an attempt to save Thols' life with a potion, putting himself in harms way to do so. While Jebodiah was not terribly effective, he distracted Esau long enough for Elena to pull herself back to her feet and run him through, she then collapsing again next to the Yuan-ti from the strain of her heroic last ditch attempt.

Aeron and Zamtap meanwhile had been close on the heels of the dwarf and monk, but Zamtap spotted a tunnel that was cloaked in illusion along the way. Pointing this out to Aeron the pair agreed that their comrades were more important and rushed on, but made sure to note just where the hidden tunnel was. They headed into the central room, both of them seeing the garden instead of the truth, as had Ki and Jebodiah before them.

DM's Notes:

I really enjoyed this session, was a good mix of combat, puzzle solving and traps (I like traps). All in all a pretty good return to the campaign after more than a month's hiatus. I didn't even get any aggro over having cancelled the last session (though the white chocolate choc ices I bribed the group with might have something to do with that!). Though the main villain of this chapter is down, Wolfhill House still has quite a few susrprises left in store for the Party With No Name, as they'll find out next week!

I was disapointed that Mark/Noob didn't show up, as him missing the past few sessions was down to working the late friday shift in the run up to xmas. With that done, I was hoping he would be back at the table. Will have to ask now whether he will be able to continue with the campaign.

elena morninstal

here is the tale of elena morninstal

Elena Mornin'Stal was unbeknownst to her born in the port city of Waterdeep on the Sword Coast.
Born to a loving family that consisted of her father, mother and older brother. Her father Er'il was a simple merchant that dealt in fine silks and furs. Er'il had met Elena's mother Virani when they were both young and had married soon after. A couple winter's after the marriage Virani was with child, Virani gave birth to a baby boy they named Joach in the summer of the following year. The Mornin'Stal family business thrived for years with Er'il gaining customers up and down the Sword Coast.

In the fall following Joach's 14th birthday Virani revealed to her husband and son that she was again with child.
Elena Mornin'Stal was born under the pale moonlight of the first gibbous moon that summer.
Elena spent the next 4 years growing up in the Mornin'Stal house in Waterdeep. Just before her fifth birthday Er'il and Virani along with their young daughter Elena boarded a merchant vessel from Waterdeep bound for Athkatla in Amn. The Mornin'Stal's were hoping to move their trading business down to Athkatla and were sailing down to look at warehouses and houses.
Joach was left in Waterdeep to keep the business going.
Fortune however did not shine on the Mornin'Stal family as the 2nd night of the voyage the ship was boarded by pirates.

The crew of the merchant vessel were slaughtered by the half-orc pirates led by their captain a human known only as Kral.
after all resistance had been quelled on the merchant vessal, Kral had the captured passengers that included the Mornin'Stal's lined up on the deck of the pirate ship 'FarDale'.
Kral inspected his prisoners upon spying Elena, Kral lifted her and instructed his 1st mate Mogweed to take the child to his cabin.
Upon this command Er'il tried to stop Mogweed but Kral drew his cutlass in the blink of an eye and felled Er'il with one blow piercing Er'il's lung from behind he died in a puddle of his own blood.
Kral declared the rest of the prisoners would make fine slaves and had them taken below deck in shackles and manacles.

Kral returned to his cabin where Elena stood on his bed looking out a porthole fascinated by the ocean and her mysteries.
"child" Kral said addressing Elena. Elena turned to face the dirty looking man with one eye that stood before her. "My name is Kral, Can you tell me your name child?", Elena looked into Kral's eye and said "My name is Elena Mornin'Stal, Mr Kral. Is this your boat?".
Kral stood before Elena for a few moments before saying "This is my boat, I call it FarDale. You can stay on the ship with me if you wish and sail the oceans?" Elena's eyes lit up and she nodded up and down. Then she returned to the porthole.
Elena spent the next fourteen years growing up as a pirate, over this time she learnt all the skill's needed to operate a ship. Over the years the crew of the Fardale changed many times, Mogweed took command of his own boat the Si'lura. together Kral and Mogweed operated from the Nelanther Isles.
Working together the two captains had much success in piracy.
Elena learnt how to fight with both longbow and cutlass with many lessons from both Kral and Mogweed over the years.
Whilst on the highseas or in the hidden pirate ports of the Nelanther Isles Elena continued to grow and bloom into an attractive young woman.
Early in the fourteenth summer Elena spent on the Fardale, Kral who by now was getting older and thinking of retiring from his life as a pirate when he decided to hire a Cleric in the hope's of gaining a god's favour.
The Cleric that Kral hired was a young water Genasi woman no more than a few winters older than Elena. Nee'lahn was the name that the Cleric went by and she served and followed the deity known as Valkur, the god of sailors, ships, favourable winds and naval combat.
Nee'lahn and Elena quickly became friends and Nee'lahn began to teach Elena the ways of a Cleric of Valkur.
It was around this time that the Si'lura was attacked by a rival pirate ship under the command of a Orc called Skaaag who had been losing out to both the Fardale and the Si'lura whose ships were swifter and pulled many coup's on the Orc ship's.
Skaaag had had enough and banded together with three other Orc vessels in order to capture and destroy the Si'lura and Fardale.
The details of what happened where a little vague but news soon reached the ears of Kral that the Si'lura had been sunk with all hands apart from Mogweed whose battered and broken form had been chained to the bow of Skaaag's ship 'OathBreaker'.
Elena, Kral and Nee'lahn were enraged over what had befallen their comrade. Kral was constantly on the verge of berserking, so the running of the Fardale and the rescue plan was left to Elena, Who had recently made 1st mate after the previous occupant of the post was lost in a confrontation at sea with one of the orc ships.
Elena instructed Nee'lahn to find out where the OathBreaker laid anchor.
Within the next moon word returned to the Fardale that the OathBreaker had been spotted in the port city of Murann in southern Amn.
Elena set sail for Murann that day determined to save her friend. It took only three days to reach Murann as Fardale seemed to have favourable winds behind his sails. Elena brought the ship to port but found no sign of the Oathbreaker, dishearted Elena, Nee'lahn and Kral went ashore to find a tavern and try to raise their spirits.
As the companions approached a tavern Kral put his arms around his two female friends and pulled them close then whispered "we're being followed Elena you know what to do?". Elena winked with a wicked smile and nodded.
Upon entering the tavern Elena left Kral's side and disappeared into the crowd, Kral and Nee'lahn continued towards the bar. Kral leaned against the bar the subtle form of the young water genasi close beside him, Elena shadowed a large man near the door keeping his body between herself and anyone who came through the door.
The tavern door creaked open, pushed firmly from the street. Kral kept his eyes on the door, a craggy looking man wearing a hooded cloak stepped through the door flanked by four large hooded figures that Kral guessed were half-orc's from the Oathbreaker left in Murann incase the Fardale came to port. The craggy man approached Kral and Nee'lahn, he stopped in front of Kral, the craggy man was a good foot shorter than the old pirate. He raised his head and looked straight into Kral's eyes saying "the captain has requested your presence old man, don't bother trying to resist there's more help outside waiting for if you don't come quietly."
Kral looked slightly to his side where Nee'lahn stood with a worried look on her face. "I'll come put she goes free" Kral said motioning to Nee'lahn.
The craggy man smiled "I don't think you understand kral, the captain wants the presence of both you and your firstmate here so she's coming"
"elena" Kral said softly the name sliding out of his throat to be drowned out by the ambient noise of the busy tavern.
The craggy man led Kral and Nee'lahn out of the tavern escorted by his half-orc companions, once out in the street they were joined by four more hooded half-orcs. Kral and Nee'lahn had their hands locked into manacles and the half-orcs started to march them towards the docks.
Elena watched what had befallen her friends from a darkened alleyway at the side of the tavern. As they were marched away Elena swore under her breath and stated to trail her friends and their captor's as closely as she dared to.
The Fardale had been docked at the fringes of the docks away from other ships to lesson the chances of it being spotted as a pirate ship, but now there were two larger vessels docked there as well one either side of the Fardale. Kral and Nee'lahn were marched onto the larger of the two ships, as Elena drew closer to it she recognised it as the OathBreaker.
Elena knew things were bad, her captain and best friend were in manacles being taken aboard the Oathbreaker, her own ship the Fardale was deserted not a soul could be seen on deck and even worse she was essentially unarmed apart from her throwing dagger that was tucked tighly in it's sheath strapped to the small of her back.
Elena knelt on the side of the docks staring at the three ships said a prayer and dropped quickly yet quietly into the dark water disappearing from sight of anyone who may of been able to see her.
About ten minutes later a small hand appeared from the ocean and grasped ahold of the anchor chain of the Fardale, a second later another hand rose from the depths to grasp the chain a little higher, Elena slowly pulled herself from the ocean and up the anchor. She continued to climb hand over hand until she reached the deck, Elena held the chain tightly in one hand then with her free hand reached behind herback and unsheathed her throwind dagger. With the dagger clenched between her teeth Elena slowly pulled her head over the side of the deck and looked around the deck, there was no-one in sight, Elena swung herself onto the deck.
Keeping crouched Elena slowly made her way way towards the hatch that led below deck. Elena was ten foot away from the hatch when it swung open and a shadowed figure stepped out into the pale moonlight.
Elena was in the middle of the deck with no where to dive for cover so she did the only thing left to her, she threw the dagger towards the newcomer. The dagger flew true and struck its target in the throat, blood sprayed in every direction as the figure grasped at his throat and collapsed into the deck.
Elena quickly covered the distance to the fallen figure, it was a large half-orc dressed in fine cloth. Elena pushed the body faceup and let out a gasp of surprise it was Mogweed.
Elena dashed through the hatch to her cabin where she collected her cutlass, longbow and quiver. Back on deck Elena searched Mogweed's body and found a signet ring on his right hand, all the years she'd known him he'd never worn a ring. Elena placed the ring onto her thumb as it wouldn't fit her small fingers.
Elena climbed the rigging and found a loose rope, she swung to to rigging of the neighbouring Oathbreaker. From here Elena used the rigging to scout the ship, looking for a way to save her friends.
The Oathbreaker was a large warship and had been modified by Skaaag over the years, Elena had Skaaag to thank for the ropes connecting mast to mast. It was as Elena arrived on the main mast that she spotted a gathering below.
Below Elena could see Kral held by a half-orc with a Cutlass to his throat, there were four more half-orcs gathered nearby. a bulky orc presumably Skaaag stood by the plank as the craggy man edged Nee'lahn, who still wore manacles closer to the edge of the plank. Elena strained her eyes to see more clearly, what she saw were weights tied to Nee'lahn's feet. Elena found firm footing and drew her bow, pulling an arrow ready, she took aim at the craggy man and released her arrow.
The arrow hit with a thud into the craggy man's back and he stumbled forward into Nee'lahn, both falling overboard with a great splash.
Kral's guard was momentarily distracted by the splash and turned his head to look, but Kral had seen the arrow hit and knew what to do.
In the second the guard turned slightly, Kral feinted slightly to his left bending his knees ever so slighty so that the cutlass now pointed over his shoulder. Sliding a half-step forward Kral brought his powerful arms up one on either side of his guards arm, this was done with such force that there was an audible crunch as the half-orc guard's forearm broke. Kral dropped to the deck to retreive the cutlass from where it had fallen. Elena's second arrow flew through the now strangely serene air aboard the Oathbreaker and struck hard in the half-orc guard's head, The guard faltered a step forward and then collapsed sideways.
Skaag screamed something in orcish that Elena didn't understand, then blew a horn that he wore at his side. Elena looked down to see three of the half-orcs start towards the bottom of the rigging, each had drawn a heavy curved knife that Elena recognised on sight as kukri. "Oh great" Elena said as she drew another arrow from her quiver.
Kral found himself facing off against the remaining half-orc and Skaaag, the half-orc was weilding a large rusty mace and Skaag had drawn his crossbow and was maneuvering to get a clear shot at Kral. Kral stepped forward quickly with an upward slash toward the half-orc, who parryed the blow with his mace. However kral had expected the blow to be parryed and kicked the half-orc square between the legs, the half-orc let out a low moan and dropped to one knee. Elena released her arrow in a shot staight down the rigging to the nearest half-orc, the lead half-orc on the rigging had turned to his shipmates and said "lets make her our whore before we gut her" as his head turned back to face his intended victim, her arrow hit him in his right eye the force of the blow knocked him off the rigging towards the deck below. A heavy thump behind him caused Kral to turn his attention slightly from the crossbow wielding Skaaag, who took the slip in concentration as his opening and fired the bolt from the crossbow towards Kral.
The two remaining half-orcs closed the distance between them and Elena at an alarming rate, Elena grabbed one of the decking ropes and lept from the rigging as the lead half-orc slashed where her foot had just been. Kral drove his cutlass swiftly through the torso of his stunned opponent, Skaaag's crossbow bolt hit Kral in his upper right thigh causeing him to wince and step back. Elena swung down onto the decking near where Nee'lahn had been, and drew her own cutlass, Elena turned to find the two remaining half-orcs already on the decking headed towards her.
As Skaaag reloaded the crossbow, Kral lumbered towards him pointing his cutlass and hurling abuse. Elena charged the two half-orcs which surprised them, she managed to run one through, but the other slashed her arm as she passed. Skaaag gave up on loading the crossbow, threw it to the ground and unsheathed his axe. Kral stopped near Skaaag and stood as staight as he could on his injured leg, and faced off against his foe.
Elena tumbled across the decking and came to rest in a kneeling guard her cutlass held before her, blood had begun to run down her arm from her wound. The remaining half-orc stalked manacingly towards Elena, the blooded Kukri held out before him.
Kral raised his cutlass high to fend off the overhead swing of Skaags axe, but the force of the Orc's blow caused Kral to fall backwards on his injured leg. Elena saw Kral fall past the form of the advancing half-orc, enraged Elena rolled forward closing the distance between herself and the would-be assailant. Coming out of the roll Elena thrust her cutlass upwards and drove it through the bottom of the half-orcs jaw right up into the brain.
Movement from the gangway drew Kral's attention, his eyes flicked sideways to see five more orcs boarding the Fardale, most likely in response to the blown horn. As Elena stood to start to the aid of her fallen captain, Kral shouted 'get out of here girl you'll only die as well if you stay, live to avenge us.......................go!'. Elena took a second to compose herself then ran to the railing and dived over into the awaiting darkness of the ocean.
That was the night that the Ogre mages attacked Murann supported by their own minions and the Nelanther pirates, who were being guided by Skaaag.
Elena spent the following three months sneaking out of the now occupied Murann, and headed to Athkatla, the journey was hard on the young Elena and she only survived by hunting game with her bow. Upon reaching Athkatla Elena spent three days and nights in a tavern recuperating from her arduous*(not sure on spellin) journey. After the first few days in the tavern Elena found she only had five gp's left in her purse and set about finding a job. As luck would have it Elena found a position on a cargo ship called the Midnight Sun, as the ships cleric. Her studies under her friend Nee'lahn seemed to have paid off. Elena worked on the Midnight Sun for the next year and a half, travelling up and down the sword coast to various ports including Baldurs gate and Waterdeep. Always keeping her ears open in the taverns hoping to find word of the Fardale or the Oathbreaker, but heard nothing.
Hoping to gain more information Elena left the service of the Midnight Sun back in Athkatla, but after a couple months and no word Elena found herself in need of a job again.
The morning Elena was going to head down to the port in search of work, a merchant entered the tavern in which she had been staying and put up a poster advertising for brave adventurers to help guard their caravan of goods as it was transported from Athkatla to Baldurs Gate. Seeing this as possibly an easy job with the potential for her to shoot some game on the journey Elena signed up and was asked to meet at the merchants warehouse the following morning.
upon her arrival Elena found the caravan was to be accompanied by some of Athkatla's soldiers, luckily Elena wasn't the only brave soul to have signed up and she befriended the other adventurers on the road.
They were:
Aeron Greycastle an air Genasi wizard
Gylippys a human wizard/rogue
Ki Tendragion a human monk
Noob Saibot a human ranger
and Zamtap a human cleric of Gond.

writer's note:
i have taken names for people and ships from james clemens series of books the banned and the bannished as i had just finished reading the series and had all the names running thru my head.
the series is great and worth reading :)
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First Post
DM's Log of Session Fifteen

After a few minutes of looking around and interacting with their environment (not to mention Thols patiently explaining that the garden was an illusion), the rest of the group were eventually able to see the laboratory in all it's grisly detail and they set about dismantling it in one way or another. While Gylippus and Aeron set about making sure that the gestating Megalomen in the six large cylinders never came to be "born", Elena sifted about through the various cabinets and drawers, looking for anything that might be useful and finding a leather bound journal.

Gathering the others around, she read out what she could understand of its contents, as much of it was taken up by bizarre formulae and diagrams. The journal contained a diary of sorts, penned by Esau Enoch himself (which wasn't hard to figure out, the scientist referring to himself a couple times in his own writings), which detailed just what had been going on at Wolfhill House. The reading did not make for good news as the group found out that the results of Esau's research, (how to create quick growing super strong Megalomen clones) had already been sent to Hlondeth and Serpentes months ago.

The group also realised that the "Esau" they had just beaten, and the dead Shan Hsi on the lab floor were the more common variety of clones. Which would explain "Esau's" mad ranting about having made itself when it cutting Elena and Thols to ribbons. the party looted what they could from the laboratory, but it became clear that their intended prey had escaped, likely with the help of the as yet unseen Domino mentioned in the journal as being Esau's wizardly lover.

Realizing the true scale of the threat they faced, the group set about exploring the side tunnels that Zamtap had seen, finding several more cloaked in illusion but just empty chambers, until walking down one side tunnel, the party stumbled straight into a barracks of Megalomen. At the front of the group and with eyes going wide at the sight a half dozen of the brutish creatures, including a couple real monsters ofthe type, Gylippus did what any good hero doesn't... namely fled back down the corridor, pushing his way past the others in the group who due to being in single file were not yet sure of what was going on.

A matter that was soon clarified when one of the massive third generation Megalomen lumbered into the corridor and smashed Zamtap to the ground in one blow. Hastily retreating down the corridor (and dragging the bleeding form of Zamtap with them) the party formed up behind Jebodiah, and then traded talk with the Megalomen's leader, the Yuan-ti Sissiska who was bitter at having been left behind when Esau, Domino and Shan teleported away. Still he was in no mood to surrender and battered as the party were and facing nearly an equal number of foes, they were in no position to take the fight to him, each group holding their place at their end of the corridor and shouting to one another.

After a few minutes of this standoff, Gylippus suggested a retreat out of the cellar and for them to dismantle the aparatus with the barrels, so as to seal the Yuan-ti and his troops down here under the house. Jebodiah was keen to fight, but the others weren't and the dwarf was reluctantly forced to go along with the plan, the party backing off and leaving the deeper cellars, and then removing the chains from the winch mechanism that allowed the barrels to move. With that done, they headed back up to the house and camped in the main bedroom for the night, figuring it to be a readily defensible location. They were not disturbed.

DM's Notes:

Well this week went very well, the group found the journal that gives them the clues they need to pursue the Yuan-ti plot for months of campaign time to come, and Tony's reaction to the journals contents was certainly fun to listen too ("Ohh this is bad", "This is REALLY bad" etc). Too thanks to a lengthy session of dishing out the experience points gained during the groups battles through the house over the past few sessions (which I held back till after they had completed the house, their entire attack taking place in one day afterall, which is no small feat!), everyone gained a level (well except Noob who still wasn't here, but I've received assurance that he will be next session).

Thus ends Chapter Two of the campaign. The group now have to battle their way back through the Poison Dusk tribe, return to Waterdeep and alert the powers that be to just what the snakemen are up too.
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First Post
Player Handout: Esau Enoch's Journal

The group found this diary in his laboratory in session fifteen. I have posted it here in it's entirety as following the plot thread for those reading this and not at my table might be a bit difficult if they were not able to read it.


Mirtul 7th

I have received word today that my services are needed once again in Faerûn. Not before time too, I am heartily sick of these jungles in Kara-Tur, though some good has come of the past few years spent here. I have gained myself a worthy companion and bodyguard in Shan Hsi, a disgraced assassin of these strange lands. I must make haste back west to Hlondeth.

Uktar 17th

After months of travel across the Endless Wastes, and then the Inner Sea, I finally arrived in the City of Serpents. Only to be handed a message, and bundled onto a caravan bound for the Sword Coast. Not at all what I was expecting. I have copied the message in full below:

To the esteemed Esau Enoch

My apologies for not greeting you in person on your arrival in Hlondeth, but secrecy is of the utmost concern. Let me explain. A while ago, one of our explorers on the Sword Coast, found an interesting location. The humans call it Wolfhill House, apparently it was built by a nobleman some time ago by the name of Hezekiel Wolf. What the fool did not realise is that he built the house on a knoll that exudes a magical aura. This aura causes things to grow larger. I immediately thought of what use this could be put too, as I am sure you have by now. I am sending along one of my best wizards, her name is Domino. She can help you with the magical side of things, but it is your analytical mind that I feel is best suited to harnessing this aura and figuring out how best to use it to the vrael olo's advantage.

Yours Sincerely


Well I could hardly refuse, such a challenge lay ahead of me, and my mind is already awhirl with possibilities. As well as the lovely Domino, my benefactor has provided me with a couple retainers, some pets, and all the equipment I will need for a modest laboratory.


Hammer 6th

We arrived at this Wolfhill House this morning, the place is falling into serious disrepair. Still, the surrounding swamp is pleasant enough, and should guarantee that I am not disturbed in my work. Shan quickly found an access to the cellars beneath the house, and there is plenty of room down there to set up the laboratory.

Hammer 7th

After investigating the house and its grounds thoroughly, I can write that this places growth aura is considerable in its effects. I have lost several retainers from my company whilst battling the giant spiders we encountered here, and we have decided to leave the giant wasp hive well alone. Still, none infest the cellars, and I have little use for the house itself.

Hammer 9th

We have discovered that the house is infested with annoying jermlaine. These midget terrors harrass us at every opportunity, but I think we are winning in this battle. As many as there are of them, they are no match for Shan and Domino, and the pair have been hunting them to great effect. I doubt there will be any left within a week or two.

Tarsakh 21st

The laboratory is fully assembled, and after a few experiments I have been able to determine that the growth aura only affects things that are still growing. It has no effect at all upon myself and my staff, yet the eggs laid by my pet snakes are larger than usual, and their hatchlings are barely a month old and considerably larger than they should be. This is a worthy challenge for my intellect, we cannot utilise the aura to simply increase the size of our existing servants and creatures. In order to tap the potential here, we must create new life here for it to be affected. Yet to bring in large numbers of our kind to create a viable breeding population would attract too much attention, and invariably alert the authorities in Waterdeep to our presence. I must think further on this.

Kythorn 2nd

I have it. The perfect solution to the problem. If I cannot bring in a population to benefit from the aura, then I shall create one here. I have experimented before with the possibility of cloning using alchemy rather than wizardry. I believe that I can better the efforts of wizards in this regard, and prove that science is superior. To this end I have directed Shan to abduct some travellers off the road that runs around the east of the mere. Humans will provide me with suitable subjects to experiment upon.

Flamerule 7th

I have sent word back to Hlondeth via Domino (having an aide who can teleport is a great help in my work), informing them of my findings, and also of my needs. In order to pursue this line of research, I am going to need great quantities of many ingredients, which are impossible for my cell here to acquire. Too my laboratory as it is, is inadequate to the task ahead. To that end, I have requested the aid of every Viper's Fang cell on the Sword Coast, so that they might procure the needed equipment and ingredients which I need, and ferry them here to my base. Thankfully the river that flows past the house is deep enough to take small ships. I will have my other retainers construct a small jetty there.

Flamerule 10th

Domino returned today, to inform me that my benefactor has agreed to back my ambitious plan, and that word is being sent even now to the various cells to activate them from their dormancy.

Marpenoth 1st

I've done it! I have successfully created a pair of clones from one of the human captives. Not only have I, Esau Enoch, managed to create life, but by alchemy I have solved the problem that has plagued wizards. My clones are not consumed with the desire to destroy one another, so it is possible to make many copies of a single individual. Too, these clones are significantly larger than their "parent". Deliveries have started to arrive at the house now, and my laboratory grows more extensive by the day it seems. Still at the moment, these clones are mere copies of the original, albeit larger. Not of much use as yet. there is still much work to be done. I have had them changed to histachii, they will provide a useful addition to my guards here.

Marpenoth 15th

The house was attacked yesterday by a group of adventurers. There were three of them, and they were woefully unprepared for what they encountered. While one was slain easily, the other two, an Uthgardt tribesman and a woman, fought fiercely before being brought low by a sleep enchantment. They will provide the perfect specimens from which to breed a new strain of clones.

Marpenoth 17th

In light of the recent attack on the house, I have had to distract myself from my experiments to see about bolstering our defences here. To that end I have made contact with the local lizardfolk tribe, who style themselves as "The Poison Dusk". They were impressed with me (and with Domino's command of magic), and have agreed to keep watch over the swamp that surrounds the hill the house is built upon, and thus provide a useful first line of defence. Too, I won't have to be bothered with them getting underfoot in the house itself, as they view the hill as taboo, owing to the large insects that live here. I do so love dealing with primitives!

Uktar 4th

With Domino's help, I have concocted a solution to add into the cloning chamber during the clones creation. Comprised of venom's, herbs and some powedered metals, quicksilver and a few other things it alters the mind and bodies of the forming clone, giving them partial immunity to poisons and rendering their minds more susceptible to control.

Nightal 24th

After a lot of thought, I have decided to try and clone one of the clones. I am curious to see what the effects would be.


Hammer 19th

The experiment has produced an interesting result. Not only was cloning the clone a success, but it seems that several effects are magnified. The growth affects the second generation clone just as much as it did the first, producing a creature larger and stronger still, but the effects of the solution upon it are also increased. As far as Domino's tests can tell, this new creature is completely immune to poison, and its mind is even more in thrall to our wills. We celebrated our findings with a writhing. It was exquisite to join with one so close to being my equal in intellect.

Ches 13th

Again the results multiply. A third generation clone is larger, stronger and more obidient than one of the second generation. I have sent this new clone with Domino to Hlondeth, as I am sure that my benefactor is eager to see the results thus far of my work. I am continuing to refine my research and alter the solution. The Viper's Fangs have been a great help to me in my work, I could not have come as far in my research as I have without them supplying me. They have orgaised themselves well, the cells in other cities channel their efforts to Broca House in Baldur's Gate, which in turn then sends the ships to here. I also receive a small stream of supplies from Waterdeep via Carbo Haulliers.

Ches 15th

It seems my benefactor has decided to share the results of my research with more of our kind, namely the vrael olo of House Se'Sehen in Serpentes. I am not overly surprised by this development, as the houses of Se'Sehen and Extaminos have been allies for centuries. Too, those of Serpentes have access to far greater resources than Hlondeth does, especially as most of the ingredients for the solution can be easily harvested from the Black Jungles.

Mirtul 20th

An unexpected and unwanted visitor arrived on todays shipment, Sissiska, a halfblood from Serpentes. No doubt here to check on my progress, as though I need someone to watch over me. It seems that while my benefactor is content to let me get on with my researches, his allies are eager for results that they can use. This could not have been worse timed, as my latest experiment has ended in failure. It would seem that a fourth generation Megalomen (my term for the altered clones), is impossible. While larger and stronger then the third generation, it is virtually mindless and useless to our cause, as it cannot understand instructions given to it.

Kythorn 11th

Domino returned from Hlondeth to report that the cloning there of the third generation Megalomen I sent them was a success. Using my methods, they were able to create a half dozen copies of it, all of which retained the size, strength and other improvements that my research has gifted them. They have passed the information to Serpentes, as well as begun work on enlarging the facilities there, to accomodate the creation of dozens of Megalomen at a time.

Eleasis 3rd

I have made some small improvements to the cloning process. It is possible now to grow a fully adult Megalomen in half a tenday. Sissiska has insisted that I send this information to Serpentes first, and I will have to do so. I cannot afford to make an enemy of the nation he represents.

Eleasis 14th

Domino has spent the past tenday teleporting between here and Ss'inthee'ssaree, transporting Megalomen and equipment, as well as a complete copy of my researches. I know enough to know, that House Se'Sehen will swiftly be able to breed an army of my creations. For too long have human realms prospered on the Chultan peninsula, lands that belong to the vrael olo, and will soon be reconquered.

Eleint 2nd

I have sent word via the last ship to Broca House to cease sending me any more materials. I have directed them now to funnel their gathered supplies towards Hlondeth. I still believe that there is a way to create a viable fourth generation Megaloman, and am intent on remaining here for a while yet to pursue this line of research. Sissiska is staying also, curse him, as is my beloved Domino and the ever loyal Shan. I have enough guards to see off any curious adventurer types who might poke their noses into my work.

Even should my efforts in this regard fail, I have still succeeded beyond any reasonable expectation. I have delivered to the vrael olo the process for them to create an unlimited number of slave soldiers, stronger, tougher and more tractable than the humans we have always had to rely upon in the past. Humanity's days are numbered!

Marpenoth 6th

I was informed today by an emmissary of the Poison Dusk that a group of human priests and paladins have taken up occupation in the Ruins of Iniarv's Tower, which overlooks the eastern side of the Mere. Presumably they are there to try and deal with the recent attacks on travelers along the High Road, which are not of my groups doing. As far as I know they do not know of our presence here, but they must be regarded as a threat nonetheless, should their efforts to solve the problem of the attacks result in them launching attacks on the Poison Dusk tribe, thus weakening my defences. I have ordered the lizardfolk to keep a close watch on these humans, and to deal with any incursion into the swamp from there.

Marpenoth 10th

I received word today from Waterdeep that the Viper's Fangs cover company in Baldur's Gate, Broca House, has been all but wiped out by the actions of a group of adventurers. Furthermore, there seems to be no trace of the perpetrators within the city, and a search of the House's compound by one of the surviving cultists revealed that both the Houses ledger, and the letter I had sent to "Janesh Broca" were missing. They believe that this same group of adventurers are even now heading northwards towards this house, and me! I have informed Shan and Domino of this impending threat, as well as the Poison Dusk tribe. We have several Megalomen here as well as Histachii. Let them come, we are well ready for them! I have not bothered to inform Sissiska, if they kill him, so much the better!


First Post
Aeron Graycastle's History

Born 5th Tarsakh the Year of the Dragon.

Aeron was not born into happy circumstances, his mother (Jasmal Evenwood) fleeing both civil war in her homeland of Tethyr and the mad wizards lab in which her twin sons were conceived. Hoping to put both problems far behind her she fled to Waterdeep where she supported herself and her sons as a minor hedge wizard before meeting and marrying Ander Graycastle an up and coming member of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors (Waterdeep's Wizards Guild).

This ushered in a much happer period in Aeron and his brother Randal's lives as their mother and step-father were able to nurture their considerable magical gifts that might otherwise have lain fallow. Aeron was particularly facinated with his step-father's air elemental familiar "Amra"

However it could not last as Randal grew envious of Aeron's greater talent and their opposing nature's as earth and air Genasi drove them apart. Eventually Randal left seeking another teacher perhaps another wizard or perhaps simply life.


Aeron's only specific foe is also his creator (Esau Enoch) who likely is unaware of his existance or emnity, though Aeron dearly wishes him dead for the agony he inflicted on his mother.


Aeron's Mother, although scarred by her experiences has largely recovered (but still trains her pet cats and familiar, Anet to kill any snakes they see) and now earns her living as a magical artificer. She slightly favors Randal over Aeron.

His father has contiued to rise in the Order and is dedicated to his work though he also enjoys a good hunting expedition (often using Amra as a spotter for game).Aeron's relationship with his father is slightly warmer due to his pride in his apprentices skill with magic.

Randal, Aeron's brother is an Earth Genasi and also his otherwise identical twin (something that often caused confusion among their fathers friend's), has not been heard from in some time but this is only to be expected due to distance. His knack for Abjuration magic also mitigates the families worry.

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