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Rise Of The Snakemen [Forgotten Realms]


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DM's Log of Session Twenty Nine - Part One

Waking on Nightal 9th after an undisturbed nights rest, the group started down the deep stairwell that the map on the wall showed linked the Citadel layer where they were, to the main habitation layer much deeper down in the mountains. For more than 2 hours, the group worked their way down seemingly endless staircases, which wound around and around, like a gigantic corkscrew sunk into the earth.

After a while, Jebodiahs knowledge of dwarf holds and his peoples construction habits paid off, and he let the others know they were nearing the bottom of the stairwell. Fully expecting a battle at the bottom with more of the clockwork horrors like the one they had examined the previous night, the group girded themselves in spells and protections. Whilst Jebodiah lit the heroism pipe they had recovered from Wolfhill House and smoked it, passing it around for all to benefit, both Aeron and Gylippus clad themselves in Mage Armor, bolstering that with added protection from arrows, the investigation of the destroyed horror having yielded the information that the things possessed a dart launcher. Ash cast a Protection from Evil on himself, while Zamtap's prayers clad him in a Magical Vestment.

So armoured, the group continued their descent to the foot of the stairs, whereupon both Zamtap and Ki activated their Shield of Faith brooches that the cleric had made back in Calimport, while Gylippus and Ash resumed their effective partnership, the rogue checking the floors and walls for traps, the paladin moving forward when the all clear was given, keeping himself and his nimble partner covered behind his vast shield.

Whilst effective however, this method did have one distinct drawback... it was slow going, and so while that pair continued their cautious advance into a large irregular shaped hall entering it from the bottom left corner, Jebodiah muttered something about "This is taking too long" and strode right past them to the first door he could see, getting shot twice for his troubles as darts were launched from several of the arrow holes high up on the walls of the hall, an electrum horror stationed behind each.

And then another volley of darts soared out of the darkness, another sinking into the dwarf through a break in his armour. At this Ash saw that he would be best placed providing cover for the door,.so Gylippus could get it open, and he ran up to stand between where the darts were coming from and the blundering barbarian, only to run right across a trap, the floor opening and depositing him 20' down in a spiked pit, though a fortunate fall ensured he remained unimpaled. Ki then broke from the rest of the group and ran up to beside Jebodiah. Zamtap activated his sunrod, so that everyone could see what was going on, the arrow slits and the majority of the hall snapping into view, as well as casting Wield Skill on Gylippus to bolster his lockpicking abilities. ducking behind his shield, Jebodiah swigged back a needed healing potion. Rolling his eyes and shaking his head at the sword swingers antics, Aeron calmly strolled up to the edge of the pit, and yanked Ash up out of it with his innate levitation power, setting him down on the pits edge where he had intended to put himself.

Another hail of darts was launched at Jebodiah and Ash, the dwarf grimacing as he got shot again, whilst the sound of clanging announced them pinging off Ash's shield leaving him unharmed. Zamtap chanted and created a Magic Circle against Evil around himself, moving up to be with the rest of the group then so that all might benefit from its warding magic. Drinking back another potion of healing, Jebodiah got out of the way of the door, so Gylippus could get to the lock to pick it, though his efforts to do so were thwarted by Ki's attempts to help.

Another round of clanging accompanied the rogues efforts, as more darts bounced off Ash's shield and armour, the paladin hunkered down behind his shield, standing as a living wall between the arrow holes and the rest of the group. without the darts to worry about, and no longer distracted by Ki's interference, Gylippus was easily able to get the lock open.

As yet more darts pinged off Ash's armour, a grunt of pain was heard, one of the horrors having shot at Aeron and hit the wizard, slightly wounding him. With the door unlocked and Ash busy on providing defense, the role of door opener went to Ki who duly opened it and the group peered around the framework into a short corridor which turned a slight corner and ended at another door. Entering this first corridor, Ki and Gylippus checked for traps as they went, neither finding or setting off any. Zamtap responded to Jebodiahs call for healing, using a charge from his Wand of Cure Light Wounds to help mend some of the many perforations the darts had put in the dwarf, the barbarian then ducking into the corridor, swiftly joined by Aeron.

Zamtap and Ash came under fire again, as another volley of darts was launched at them, the priest escaping unscathed, but for the first time a dart found a chink in the paladins armour and wounded him. Still covering for the others, he waited until Zamtap had entered the corridor, only then stepping through the doorway himself, even as Zamtap again tapped Jebodiah with his wand. Ki and Gylippus kept advancing towards the next door, cautiously looking for traps as they moved forwards, but finding none, finally reaching the door and finding it unlocked. Ki immediately opened it and found himself looking into another stretch of corridor, 20' long and ending in another door... as well as a pair of electrum horrors in the corridor, both of which opened fire, shooting their darts at him, neither hitting anything more than the doorframe though.

"Finally!! Something to fight" growled Jebodiah as he shoved his way past Ki and Gylippus and ran into battle, his fearsome axe slicing into one of the automated beetle-like creatures, the horrors own efforts to attack him back easily deflected by the dwarves axe and armour. Ash then joined the melee, his sword damaging the other horror, whilst Ki's efforts to get in on the action ended in faulire as he tried to somersault over the pair of horrors, getting stopped short as one reared up and lashed out with its fixed razor saw, slicing into the monk. After asking who was in need of any healing, Zamtap walked up behind Ash and saw to the Sunite's minor injuries, as Jebodiah finished the task of clearing a route to the next door, smashing aside both horrors, reducing them to scrap.

While Ki used his healing wand to patch himself up, and Zamtap busily gathered up some of the pieces of the smashed horrors for use as Gondsman components, Gylippus strolled up to the next door, and opened it, getting shot at by another brace of el;ectrum horrors, though he easily ducked out of the way of the launched projectiles. Seeing this new threat, Ash calmly advanced into combat though didn't manage to so much as scratch the horrors bodywork with his swordblow, the creature scuttling aside. Jebodiah rushed up, his axe brought down from overhead in a devastating arc to impact on the horror before him, and not even dent it, the blow sending vibrations back up his arms.

The horror he hit though was better at placing its blow and the razor saw sliced open the barbarians left leg, though the other one failed to find any gap in Ash's armour to exploit, unlike Ash who deftly jabbed his sword into its clockwork innards, mangling some of the workings. "Lets try this again" muttered Ki, leaping up and over the horrors and landing safely behind them this time, jabbing at one horror with one of his daggers and missing it completely! Seeing the blood on the floor from the wound in Jebodiah's leg, Zamtap used another charge from his wand to heal him, whilst at the back of the group Aeron and Gyllipus watched the chaos ahead with bemusement, adding commentary at times.

The battle continued with neither of the horrors able to get past their foes defences, the first being dispatched by Ash. Ki stabbed a dagger into the remaining horror, and Zamtap drew his warhammer, wading into the fray, but failing to hit the scuttling automaton, and getting cut by its razor saw too in the process. And then everyones ears rang, as in the close confines of the corridor Jebodiah brough Stormcleaver down on the electrum horror, annihilating the creatuire in a deafening peal of thunder as the axe's formidible thundering power activated, reminding everyone of just how aptly it was named. As most of the group brushed srpings, cogs and other pieces of shrapnel off themselves, Ash strode to the door at the end of this now cleared corridor section and opened it, looking into a small room with no other visible exits... a dead end.

Heading into the room, Gylippus, Ki and Aeron working together, run their hands over every inch of the walls and floor, eyes searching intently for any signs of a hidden doorway, and finding nothing. Heading back the way they came, the group assemble behind Ash at the door back into the main hall, the paladin opening the door and heading across the the next visible door, a storm of darts accompanying him entering the hall, one getting past his armour cladding and wounding him in the right shoulder. Zamtap activated his brooch of Lesser Vigor, and with Ash now in position to shield him, Gylippus dashed across the hall to the door, checking it over for traps and finding none.
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DM's Log of Session Twenty Nine - Part Two

An onslaught of darts is launched at Ash, Gylippus and even Jebodiah (who was stood in the doorway of the first corridor), injuring none of them but depleting the some of roguish wizards ward against arrows. As the storm of darts paused, the whirr heard as the horrors dart launchers reloaded, Zamtap dashed across the hall and stood over Gylippus, further shielding him. Again freed of the worry of being shot, the sneaky wizard was able to focus his intellect solely on the task of opening the door and did so, opening it into a short corridor, fifteen feet long and ending at another door, he heading inside, quickly followed by Ash. Seeing the door open, Ki, Jebodiah and Aeron all ran across the hall and darted inside it.

Every electrum horror in the hall opened fire on Zamtap, but to no avail, the darts either bouncing off his armour or missing him altogether, the floor of the hall now littered in dozens of spent darts. Searching the door at the end of the corridor, Gylippus discovered a nasty trap that would drop the ceiling on everyone inside. Hearing this, Aeron cast Shield on himself and stepped back out into the hall, while Jebodiah dashed back across the hall to the first corridor. Despite having survived the hail of darts unscathed, Zamtap actually headed into the trapped corridor, passing Ash who walked out into the hall and stepped on another pit trap, the floor opening up under him, but he did not fall, as he was still affected by the levitation magic from earlier, hanging there above the yawning pit below.

As darts rebounded off his magical protections, Aeron walked to the side of the pit and reached out a hand for Ash to take hold of, dragging him back to safety with a mutter of "This is getting to be a bad habit of yours". Though the darts had no effect on Aeron save to batter down a little of his protective spells, one shot at Ash struck home. Working together Gylippus and Zamtap successfully disabled the ceiling trap, and hearing that bit of good news, Jebodiah ran back across the hall and headed into the second corridor to join them, eager to sink his axe into any new foes that might be on the other side of the door.

The horrors concentrated their shots then, aiming solely at Ki, but the nimble monk ducked, swerved and leapt out of the way, not one dart striking him. The horrors then had a new trick to demonstrate, one of the electrums having yielded its place behind an arrow slit to a superior gold horror, and this new foe blasted a lightning bolt into Ash, though the paladin dodged much of the blast. Ash drew his pistol then, shooting at the gold horror, but the shot impacted harmlessly on the wall to one side of the arrow hole. Wanting to get out of range of the blast, he strode off towards the third visible door. In the second corridor, Gylippus opened the door and came face to face with three electrum horrors and a gold horror too! All of them opened fire at him, damaging his protective spells with their darts, whilst Aeron and Zamtap were engulfed in a lightning bolt, the priest faring much worse than the air genasi wizard. Not waiting for them to advance, Jebodiah pushed past his comrades and smashed into an electrum horror, the lesser automatons forming a wall between the dwarf and their superior.

Out in the hall, Ash again came under heavy fire, but escaped unscathed, as did Jebodiah in close combat in the corridor. With the danger now of gold horrors recognised, both Zamtap and Aeron cast spells on themselves to resist the effects of electricity, while Gylippus cast Shield on himself. Smashing aside a horror, Jebodiah moved further into the new corridor section, striving to get at the gold horror.

Another lightning bolt sizzled in the corridor, badly wounding Jebodiah, the gold having fired through the ranks of its troops, the electricity having no effect on them, and they in turn had no effect on Jebodiah or Gylippus, attacking both with their razor saws but unable to score a telling blow on either opponent. Out in the hall, Ash slammed into the third door, trying his best to shoulder charge it down but his effort was for naught. With both himself and the dwarf hurting badly, Zamtap cast Mass Lesser Vigor on Ki, Jebodiah, Gylippus and himself to help close some of their wounds, while ahead in the corridor, the dwarfs axe hewed through the two remaining electrum horrors, reducing them to shards, as he closed to melee with the gold horror...

DM's Notes:

I think everyone had a lot of fun this session. We played through twenty rounds of combat in all, as the group began their assault on the Clockwork Horror's Lair. Despite this session being played on Friday 13th, this had to the luckiest night I have ever witnessed for dice rolls. I think almost everyone rolled at least 1 natural 20, some rolling several. It was only the second time that Stormcleavers power of thundering got activated. I'm glad I picked the Clockwork Horrors for this stage of Dowinn's Lode as they are great fun to run.
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DM's Log of Session Thirty

Out in the hall Ash ducked behind his tower shield again, sending another volley of darts ricocheting away. He then slammed his sword into the third metal door, making a lot of noise but doing little else with the blow. Back in the second corridor, the gold horror tried to slice Jebodiah with its razor saw, but succeeded only in damaging itself, a piece of its armour plating coming loose exposing the gears of its innards. Casting a Cure Moderate Wounds on himself to recover some of the health he had lost to the golds lightning bolt, Zamtap yelled out to try and get Ash's attention but received no reply. Seeing an opening, Gylippus nimbly stepped in beside the gold horror, but his strike with his rapier was turned aside by the beetle-like constructs armour plating. Such did not stop Jebodiah's axe though, as Stormcleaver cut into the automaton with ease. Calmly watching the ongoing fight, Aeron simply swigged a healing potion.

Undeterred by another volley of darts bouncing off his armour, Ash continued his assault on the third door, but as he stepped back to swing, so he slipped on one of the hundreds of darts littering the floor and fell over, dropping his sword, though he quickly grabbed it again. Ki somersaulted over the gold horror then and stabbed a dagger into the rear of the creature. The horror responded by blasting out another lightning bolt, hitting Zamtap with it, though the blast had no effect, the cleric now protected by his spell of energy resistance. Ignoring the horror, Zamtap tossed his sunrod out into the main hall to light it up, and lit up another of them. With the gold horror now having three foes around it, Gylippus was easily able to stab his rapier into its insides, dislodging a couple gears, and then everyone got showered in debris as Jebodiah's axe thundered on impact, utterly annihilating the horror.

Out in the hall, Ash pulled himself to his feet as darts pinged off him, no longer really caring about them, returning to attacking the door, managing to actually dent it this time. With the gold horror gone, the rest of the group moved up towards the door it had been guarding, with Ki checking the door over and announcing that he found no traps on it. With that Jebodiah pushed past and opened it, heading into another short corridor which ended at yet another door. Shrugging, he strode towards it, only for the floor to open under him, depositing him into a 80' spiked pit, to the cry of "Not agaiiiinn!!" heard by the others above, and then a whole lot of growling and snarling from the pits depths as having gotten impaled on 2 spikes, the pain had triggered the dwarfs berserker frenzy! Aeron walked up to the edge of the pit, peered down into its depths, and then walked back towards the main hall.

As darts rebounded off his armour and shield, so Ash battered the door again, a loud clang heard throughout the main hall as he put another dent in the metal door. Sighing, Zamtap and Ki got out the lengths of rope they had taken from the kobolds and started tying them together, calling down to the furious dwarf "We'll pull you out, but not until you calm down!", their only reply being curses and growls as the dwarf hauled himself off the spikes he was impaled on, and set about destroying them with his axe. Seeing that those two had things in hand to effect a rescue, Gylippus headed back towards the main hall also, heading after Aeron who then darted across the main hall to try and reach Ash, only to run across the opening to another pit trap that the paladin had avoided, and he fell 60' onto spikes, one impaling him through a leg, the wizard unconscious and bleeding to death at the base of the pit.

"Aeron!!" cried Ash, seeing the genasi drop into the hole, and hearing the scream of pain from below and then silence. Ignoring the hail of darts that pinged off him he ran and jumped into the pit after his friend, getting impaled himself once, but stretching out a hand across the base of the pit and laying it on the wizard, returning him from the brink of death. As Gylippus made his way across the hall to the lip of the newly opened obstacle, so the gold horror behind the arrow slits blasted lightning at him, though he easily avoided it. Down in the other pit trap, Jebodiah finally calmed himself down and tied the rope about himself that Zamtap and Ki lowered down. Healed now, Aeron stood up, pulling himself off the spike and drank a healing potion.

At the top of the pit it was Gylippus turn to take a pelting from the darts, a couple of them hitting to deplete his protection spell. He quickly made his way to the metal door and picked one of the doors three locks. With Zamtap and Ki braced on the other end of the rope, they hauling up the slack, Jebodah began climbing up out of the pit. Aeron had another way entirely of getting out of the pit he was stuck in, casting Fly on Ash who grabbed the wizard, aand soared up out of the trap to land near the door beside Gylippus..

With the paladin positioning himself to shield the wizards from as many of the horrors as he could, none of the ensuing barrage of darts had any effect on the three figures by the third door, and Gylippus was easily able to pick the second lock. For some reason though, the paladin got a bit overconfidant, and flew out into the middle of the hall, getting himself lightning bolted by the gold horror, the electricity badly hurting him, to teach him a lesson in humility.

Flying back to land in front of the wizards again, the next volley was also ineffective most of it bouncing off Ash's shield, as Gylippus picked the third lock and opened the door into a long corridor, seeing ahead 2 electrums and behind them 2 golds, he moving just inside to get out of the main hall. Seeing foes he could actually fight, Ash flew down the corridor, launching himself into an electrum, hiw sword tearing into the construct. alternating between getting pulled and climbing, Jebodiah nears the top of the pit, aided by Ki and Zamtap, the pair heaving on the rope to hasten the dwarfs ascent. Seeing the new group of horrors blocking the corridor ahead, Aeron muttered "I've had just about enough of this" and chanted, his spell bringing into being a sphere of telekinetic force, which he immediately sent hurtling down the corridor into an electrum, it having no effect though.

As darts smacked into him, Aeron could feel his protective spells energy depleting, the darts battering down his defences slowly but surely by sheer attrition. Ash easily parried the attacks of both electrums in the corridor, and then destroyed one. Gylippus stayed back for the moment, casting a Scorching Ray into his spell-storing rapier. Back in the other corridor, Zamtap and Ki finally hauled Jebodiah up out of the pit, while Aeron and Gylippus watched as both gold horrors blasted their lightning into Ash, the paladin teetering and then finally crashing to the ground. At that, Aeron dashed up the corridor, pulling a potion from his belt as he went, and ignoring the nearby horrors, forced the healing liquid down Ash's throat to bring him back from the brink of death. repaying the favour the paladin had done for him less than a minute before.

The remaining electrum horror in the corridor attacked Aeron with its razor saw, but narrowly missed. Seeing the danger to himself and the wizard, Ash grabbed Aeron and flew back down the corridor and out into the main hall, placing the genasi down beside Gylippus before he flew down into the nearby pit trap, and hovered there 20' down, using it as cover from the darts. Heading out into the main hall, Ki smirked as a dozen horrors launched their darts at him, and the gold blasted lightning towards him also, he evading every one of the multiple projectiles and nimbly sidestepping the bolt of electricity. Scuttling down the corridor towards the main hall, both gold horrors attacked Gylippus in melee, but neither was able to hit him. Zamtap saw to Jebodiah's wounds, casting a moderate healing spell on the barbarian. Gylippus saw how the battle was turning against the group, and fled back across the main hall, diving into the second corridor, to be met by Jebodiah heading in the opposite direction and gulping down a healing potion as he walked. Focusing his will power on the Defenestrating Sphere he created, Aeron sent it slamming into a gold horror, sending the creature bouncing off the ceiling and walls of the corridor, heavily damaging it.

While Ki and Aeron came under fire, neither were hit by the fussilade of darts, and Ash flew up out of the pit then and shut the third door, much to Aeron's annoyance, the wizard cursing "I need to see the sphere to control it!". Ki headed back into the the second corridor then, as a gold horror forced open the third door into the hall, pushing aside Ash who been trying to hold it closed against the construct, it then blasted a lightning bolt into Aeron but to no effect, the wizard avoiding some of the blast, his spell of energy resistance soaking up the rest of the electricity. Back in the second corridor, Zamtap caught up to Jebodiah and cast a Lesser Vigor on him with a wand, the dwarf then running across the hall towards the third door and the horrors there. Grinning in satisfaction, Aeron smashed the gold horror again with his sphere.

A storm of darts smacked into Jebodiah and Ash, catching both of the groups fighters off guard, the darts finding weak spots in their armour and hurting the pair of them. bleeding profusely, Ash left the fight in the third doorway to Jeb, and flew across the hall, back into the second corridor, seeking the healing magic of Zamtap. The gold horrors pushed their way into the hall now, lightning bolting Jebodiah and slicing Aeron. Using his wand of Lesser Vigor again, Zamtap cast the spell on Ash to start his wounds closing, the paladin though grumbling about how this would take too long. Responding to the lightning bolt, Jebodiah hewed a gold horror in half with his axe, as Aeron smashed the other around with his sphere, the wizard relishing the chance to really batter the things.

Seeing the genasi wizard as the greatest current threat, the electrums in the hall opened fire solely on him, further depleting his protective spells but failing to actually injure him. One attacked Jebodiah in melee though and lightly wounded him. Ki makes an effort to try and heal Ash, but the charge from his wand of cure light wounds does not have much effect. The gold horror behind the arrow slits fired its lightning bolt at Aeron, but had no effect on him, while the other remaining gold failed to score a hit on Jebodiah in melee. Zamtap saw to more of Ash's considerable wounds, laying a cure moderate wounds on the paladin, while Gylippus ran back into the hall, tumbling past the gold horror battling Jebodiah, as the dwarf failed to hit it. Aeron had more success though, battering the horror to scrap with his sphere.

Another onslaught of darts saw one of the annoying projectiles find a gap in Jebodiah's armour, lightly woundiong the dwarf as it embedded in him. Ki continued trying to heal Ash's wounds, but another of his wands charges did very little. Zamtap cast another healing spell on Ash, healing up a good number of the cuts and bruises on the Sunite. Gyllipus lent his aid to Jebodiah, trying to hit the electrum attacking the dwarf with his rapier, but not managing to get past its armoured shell, the dwarf missing also, though the beetle construct was unable to avoid Aeron's defenestrating sphere, getting battered about by it.

DM's Notes:

Week two of the ongoing battle vs the Clockwork Horrors, up to 34 consecutive rounds of combat now! The party are making progress, slowly but surely, and there were a couple moments this week that I imagine will be remembered years from now, namely Jebodiah falling down the pit trap and using his first Frenzy on the spikes at the bottom of it! And also Ash jumping into a 60' spiked pit in order to lay hands on Aeron. Now thats what I call self sacrifice!!


First Post
DM's Log of Session Thirty One

Jebodiah grunted in pain as another dart found its way past his armour, though none of the storm of projectiles had come anywhere near Aeron. Ki finally succeeded at providing a useful amount of healing to Ash with a touch of his wand, followed by Zamtap using a cure light wounds on the paladin. At that the cleric headed out into the main hall from the second corridor, and got lightning bolted by the gold horror up in the missile gallery for his troubles, though the bolt had no effect. Heading into the third corridor, Gylippus advanbced up to a bend and peeked around it, spying a gold and electrum horror a little distance away, and also a branching side passage. Jebodiah marched up behind him and peeked also, and then drank another of his healing potions, having emptied much of his potion belt by now. Aeron headed just inside the third corridor and leant against a wall to catch a breath as his sphere finally vanished.

Zamtap ignored the darts in the main hall as they bounced off his armour and spells. As the barrage ended and the whirr could be heard of the horrors reloading, so Ki and Ash dashed out of the second corridor across the hall towards the third, Zamtap walking past them and into the corridor to catch up with Gylippus and Jebodiah. Seeing that the rest of the group were close behind, Gylippus handed his everburning torch to Jebodiah and then crept across the corridor and darted into the mouth of the side passage. Jebodiah activated his Shield of Faith brooch as he readied himself for more combat.

Back in the main hall, the electrum horrors open fire at Ash but to no effect and many of them then abandon their positions behind the various arrow slits, heading along a back passageway towards the party. Ash and Ki ran into the corridor and move up to where Jebodiah and Zamtap are waiting, Ki walking out to get a better look down the corridor at the horrors waiting there, and getting shot at by the electrum, the dart narrowly missing him though. Zamtap cast a cure light light wounds on Jebodiah and handed off a potion of healing to Ash as the cleric did his best to get the group healthy again. Gylippus darted out from his hiding place and attacked the electrum horror with his rapier, but his blow failed to do more than scratch the constructs armoured shell, as Jebodiah moved up to join in the fight also, he glanced down the side passage that Gylippus had been hiding in, his excellent dwarven vision spotting another four electrums further down that way.

The electrums attacked Jebodiah with darts and Gyllipus with razor saw, but were unable to wound either of the pair. As ash swigged back the cure moderate potion that Zamtap had handed him, Ki joined Gyllipus in battle with the electrum, stabbing it with his claw bracer, but getting cut in return by the gold horror's razor saw as it launched itself into him.Zamtap then cast a spell on Ash to allow him to resist electricity, and he then walks up to beside Jebodiah. Gylippus fails again to stab the electrum he is fighting and steps back from it, allowing Jebodiah to take his place, but the barbarian is similarly unable to score a telling blow.

The same could not be said of his foe though, as the electrum jabbed its razor saw into Jebodiah's right shin wounding him. Ki and Zamtap remained unhurt by the efforts of the other electrums to harry them with saw and darts, the group of four remaining in their place in the side passage. As more horrors moved into the corridor from another side branch further along, so Ash flew over them and landed in their midst, concentrating his efforts on taking out a gold horror directing them, knowing that its lightning posed the greatest threat to his companions. Ki activates the second daily use of his Shield of Faith brooch, while Jebopdiah next to him neatly sidestepped the lunge of a gold horrors saw. Moving up behind the group, Zamtap cast Prayer to bolster their effectiveness, though it had little effect on the horrors in the corridor, their innate spell resistance rendering the spells negative aspect ineffective. Gylippus stepped back further, moving into the side passage, as Jebodiahs temper burst loose again, the dwarf raging, his anger increased if anything as his first hit clanged off the gold horrors shell, the second hitting but doing very little damage to the creature.

As more and more electrums appeared in the coirridor, the group of them that had been behind the arrow slits now scuttling towards the group, so the ones grouped around Ash faled to hit him, and those in the side passage were also unable to hit Gylippus with their darts. Ash further damages the gold horror he is fighting, and Ki tries twice to stab it but fails both times, the creature then lightning bolting Ki and Zamtap, but neither are hurt by the blast. The other gold horror lightning bolts Ash and Jebodiah hurting the barbarian. Zamtap casts Divine Power on himself and advances into the side passage to place himself between the electrums and Gylippus, shielding the roguish wizard who cast a Magic Missle on an electrum, the magic bolt unable to penetrate the automatons spell resistant carapace. Jebodiah was having more success though, his heightned strength paying divideneds as he smashed aside an electrum and gold horror in quick succession.

As another round of attacks by the various electrum horrors had no effect on the group, they pressed their attack, Ash destroying one electrum and Ki damaging another. Zamtap then charged down the side passage towards the group of four horrors, activating a ceiling pendulum which he dodged and a collapsing ceiling, which he didn't, the priest getting battered by falling stone blocks and debris, but still stumbling through it and smashing into an electrum with his warhammer. With the cleric having cleared a pathway, Gylippus nimbly followed in his steps and attacked another of the electrums, though his rapier point simply scratched the creatures shell. Jebodiah continued to clear a path through the swarm of electrum horrors, destroying one and badly damaging another.

Attacking Ash, Gylippus and Jebodiah in melee, the massed ranks of the electrums managed to wound the barbarian. At that Ash flew up and over the electrums again, to get at the remaining gold horror, but his sword blow failed to hit it. Ki stabbed an already damaged electrum twice, but his dagger and claw bracer did not do much damage to it. The gold horror then blasted Ash, Ki and Jebodiah with lightning, again shocking the dwarf. In the side passage, Zamtap bashed the electrum he had hit before again, further damaging it, while Gylippus stabbed his opponent, discharging the Scorching Ray from his rapier into its innards, but the fire was absorbed by the creature having no effect on it. Clearly enjoying the fight, Jebodiah continued to wreak havoc on the massed electrums, Stormcleaver hacking another two apart.

Attacking many of the group in melee, the horrors scored another hit on Jebodiah and wounded Ash also, the dwarf gritting his teeth as only his rage was keeping him standing now. Ash thrust his sword into the gold horror, damaging the creature but failing to drop it, as Ki attacked an electrum and nearly fell over, only his extraordinary agility keeping him on his feet. The gold horror hit and hurt Ash with its saw, as Jebodiah stepped to one side to get out of the fight, pulling a potion from his belt. With his attention elsewhere, an electrum gored him badly with its razor saw, and while the potion helped, the dwarf was still in a very bad way. In the side passage, neither Gylippus nor Zamtap were able to damage the electrums they were busy with.

Seeing the dwarf stagger, the electrums pressed their attacks, but were only barely able to wound him further and theit attacks did nothing at all to Ash, Ki and Gylippus. The gold horror neatly avoided Ash's clumsy sword thrusts, but its own attack went badly wrong, when Ash caught its razor saw on his shield, the weapon breaking much to the paladins amusement. Seeing Jebodiah in need of healing, Ki tumbled through the battle and tapped him with his healing wand, patching up some of the dwarfs many injuries, the dwarf responding by smashing another electrum aside. In the side corridor, Zamtap smashed one electrum and Gylippus damaged another.

Seeing an opportunity to take down one of the party, the electrums swarmed around Ki and hit him several times, badly wounding the acrobat, though he doesn't let this stop him, easily tumbling out of the mass of horrors to heal Jebodiah again with his wand, Ash joining in by flying over the electrums and handing his friend his last cure moderate wounds potion, which the dwarf duly swigs back.. The gold horror left with no weapon but its lightning, discharges a bolt at Ki which he easily avoids. As another electrum scuttled forwards to engage him in melee, so Zamtap bashed it with his warhammer, having more luck than Gylippus beside him who missed his foe.

The electrums again managed to wound Ash and Jebodiah as they swarmed around the group in the corridor, though they failed to hit Gylippus and Ki with their attacks. Ash then cast Divine Favour on himself, as Ki saw to his own severe wounds with his healing wand, and Jebodiah failed to hit any of the many foes around him. Zamtap's blow smacked harmlessly into the horrors carapace then, while Gylippus's slid neatly into his foes clockwork insides, mangling a couple of cogs.

DM's Notes:

And the battle continues, as we reach 46 rounds of consecutive combat now, the sheer attrition of the horrors tactics starting to wear down the party. I know they are now thinking of how to secure themselves a place to rest for a bit, as all the spellcasters are running low on magic and the partys wounds are now starting to accumulate faster than they can heal themselves up, especially given that their cleric is busy in melee some distance from the partys main fighters (which Gareth has admitted was not clever planning on his part). Since killing off the party is really no fun at all, I think I'll be merciful and allow them to do so if they have a good method for how to avoid being found while they rest


First Post

3 weeks of continuous melee; no wonder we're looking for places to rest...

I seem to remember the Dwarf in the pit event as being somewhat more heartless:

"Huh, the dwarf's fallen down a pit again. Ok who has the rope?"
"What, you want to haul him up in that state?" <Sounds of raging Dwarf drift up from 80' below>
"Hmm, see what you mean. So do we just leave him down there?"
"Well, he can't go anywhere and he isn't hurting anyone else..."
"Ok, so we drop the rope down when it all goes quiet?"
"Sounds good to me"

(Character names withheld to protect the guilty :D )


First Post
Fraggleonacid said:
3 weeks of continuous melee; no wonder we're looking for places to rest...

I seem to remember the Dwarf in the pit event as being somewhat more heartless:

"Huh, the dwarf's fallen down a pit again. Ok who has the rope?"
"What, you want to haul him up in that state?" <Sounds of raging Dwarf drift up from 80' below>
"Hmm, see what you mean. So do we just leave him down there?"
"Well, he can't go anywhere and he isn't hurting anyone else..."
"Ok, so we drop the rope down when it all goes quiet?"
"Sounds good to me"

(Character names withheld to protect the guilty :D )

Heh heh, well summarised! And yes things did go a bit more like that, but I left that out of my log mainly cos I wasn't keeping that great a track of who said what, and also cos I had a LOT of other stuff to type up. These logs keep getting longer I swear, I'm gonna develop Carpal Tunnel at this rate!


First Post
DM's Log of Session Thirty Two

As the battle continued to rage, so the electrum horrors engaged in melee with Jebodiah and Ki did well, hurting both of their foes, while the one fighting Zamtap some distance away still couldn't get past the clerics considerable armour. In the thick of the fighting, Ash destroyed one elctrum and badly damaged another, his sword wreaking havoc on the gears and cogs inside the creatures. Ki tapped Jeb with his wand, but again it failed to have much effect, the monk muttering about having bought a defective one. Scuttling to one side, the damaged gold horror further up the corridor blasted lightning into the trio of Ash, Ki and Jeb, succeeding only in wounding the dwarf though. elsewhere Zamtap and Gylippus were not having much luck in their battle, with only the cleric able to hit thier foes and then only barely denting its carapace. With the last of his enraged strength, Jebodiah swung his axe but missed twice, as his body began to really feel the aftereffects of his battle rage. Further back in the corridor, Aeron moved up to where he could view the battle, and seeing the parties main fighters beginning to grow weary, he cast haste on the three of them, to speed the fight up.

With the parties main combatants sped up from the haste spell, they laid into the horrors, though it took Jebodiah a while to get back into the swing of things, as he struggled with exhaustion, his own body defying his attempts to inflict further damage on the clockwork collectives soldiers. Still he had more effect than Zamtap and Gylippus, as they began to move back towards the rest of the group, pursued in ernest by the remaining electrum horrors in their passageway. To try and speed things up further, seeing how weak some of the party looked, Aeron cast another Defenestrating Sphere into the mix, it sending any horror it came into contact with bashing off the ceiling and walls, shrapnel scattered across the corridor floor.

As the group finished off the horrors they had been fighting, so Ash spotted more and flew down another corridor to do battle with them, wishing to clear every one of the creatures from this part of the complex, as the group needed to rest and didn't want any of the clockwork creatures in the vicinity while they did just that. Joining Ash in his one man crusade, Ki ran down to aid him, fighting alongside the paladin as the battle turned ugly, one of the electrum horrors sacrificing itself by triggering a ceiling block collapse trap onto the pair, with the acrobatic monk easily avoiding it, and the walking tank paladin getting struck badly by falling masonry. While they did battle, so Zamtap saw to the grevious wounds of Jebodiah, the dwarf slumping against a wall, happy to sit a fight out for once, knowing that he'd fought as hard and as well as he could this day. Gylippus stood and watched, enjoying the spectacle, whilst Aeron used more spells to renew the haste on the two fighting, and damage a gold horror with magic missiles.

It did not take long though for the group to emerge triumphant and they gathered together to catch a breath, with Zamtap casting a Lesser Vigor on several of the group to allow their wounds to heal up slowly. Gylippus and Ash searched a side passage, and located numerous small rooms, disarming a few traps along the way, and then finding a larger dwarven home of several rooms with two entrances. Zamtap sealed one shut using a domain spell to shape the stone and turn the doorway into wall, while the group piled inside the chambers and barricaded the other door shut behind them.

No sooner had they each selected a room or corner of one for their own, than the sound of snoring could be heard from where Jebodiah had simply slumped, axe in hand, exhuastion finally claiming him. Leaving him to his well earned sleep, the rest decided on watch rota and settled down for a rest also.

DM's Notes:

Well at 59 consecutive rounds of combat, that is by far and away the longest fight I have ever run. I decided to write it up a bit differently this time, as I was getting a bit bored of the "round by round" style narrative. Let me know what you prefer reading though, cos if people prefer the other style then I'll go back to it. The group finally got to rest (and got XP too, cos I never award it in the middle of a fight, no matter how long the fight is!).


First Post
Brakkart said:
elsewhere Zamtap and Gylippus were not having much luck in their battle, with only the cleric able to hit thier foes and then only barely denting its carapace.

Yeah, I expect the clockwork horror scribe might say the same thing for the Electrums success in that fight :) It was like the death of a thousand cuts, just without the cuts. Can Clockwork Horrors die of exhaustion?

Brakkart said:
pursued in ernest by the remaining electrum horrors

Whoah! Where did Ernest come from?

Brakkart said:
Gylippus stood and watched, enjoying the spectacle,

A trap detector/disabler is SO redundant in this party, just send in the Dwarf/Paladin/Monk and watch the fireworks.

Brakkart said:
I decided to write it up a bit differently this time, as I was getting a bit bored of the "round by round" style narrative.

Do it the way that seems best/interesting to you, just keep the updates coming. I await them earnestly... :)

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