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Rodericks Scarred Lands Campaign ( SL spoiler involved)


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This is the campaign write up of my ongoing Scarred Lands Campaign. As I'm mainly fishing for campaign advice, I'll post it here, and not in story hour. Any advice will be much appreciated.

But first a word to my players:
Maia, Nina, Marcus and Ingo, if you by chance stumble across this thread, please stop reading here and now. If I ever get the impression, that somebody of you has been spying here, I will end the campaign immediatly.

My main problem with this campaign is, that although it runs smoothly so far, I have no idea, how to fill the gap till the great finale, which I will be running, when my players are around level 17. As my players are currently level 5 to 6 this is quite a gap to fill.

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The Cast

CALENDULA BLUMFELD halfling female Rogue 3 / Sorcerer (Psion) 3
Alignment: True Neutral Patron Diety: Drendari (not devout)

St 13 Dx 19 Co 15 In 15 Ws 11 Ch 12 HP 37

Appraise +6 Balance +5 Bluff +2 Climb +6 Concentration +7 Decipher Script +5 Diplomacy +3 Disable Device +6 Escape Artist +7 Gather Information +2 Hide +14 Jump +5 Knowledge Arcana +5 Listen +6 Move Silently +12 Open Lock +8 Pick Pocket +8 Ride +5
Search +9 Sense Motive +5 Spellcraft +6 Spot +7 Swim +5 Use Rope +6

Dodge, Weapon Finesse Dagger, Quickdraw

Enkimi, Veshian, Calastian, Elven

Magical Equipment:
Shortsword +2 (Mageblade), Ratspike, Ring of Friendfinding (becomes warm, when first meeting a potential new friend)

Familiar: Assassins Bane

Spells/associated psionic powers:

Level 0 Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead/Finger of Fire, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand/Far Hand, Read Magic

Level 1 Detect Secret Doors, Magic Missile/any psionic attack/Biocurrent, Spider Climb/Spider Climb or Catfall

Level 2 Darkvision/Hear Light

Powerpoints: 9

The Blumfelds are the most industrious halfling clan of Amalthea. Where the other halflings of Amalthea are content themselves with farming and other typical halfling enterprises, the Blumfelds branch into many different trades like brewing, leatherworking and locksmithing among others, making them nearly self-sufficient. Their main enterprise however is the Peach and the Frog, one of the four inns of Amalthea, managed by the clanhead Pyter Blumfeld. Whereas the quality of the services is fairly low, the prices are even lower. That and the fact that the only prostitutes in Amalthea are following their trade here, is making it very popular with the lower ranks of the crimson legionnaires stationed in Amalthea. If there is a redlight district in Amalthea, it`s certainly the Peach and the Frog. The elders of Amalthea tolerate this establishment, because they know, that bored mercenaries are very bad news.
Calendula grew up here, working for her granduncle Pyter as a waitress. From early on she contributed to the wealth of her clan by shortchanging the drunk, and cutting the occasional purses, with approval of her granduncle.
Being constantly exposed to the vices of lower class humans and half-orcs left her with a rather low opinion towards both races.

Her exposure to the psionic artefact at the beginning of the campaign bestowed her with sorcerous powers. At least she thinks she is a sorceress. In reality her “spells” are psionic powers masquerading themsleves as arcane spells. Everytime she casts a spell there is a 3 + spell-level % chance that the appropriate psionic power manifests itself. She then has to make an Int-check at DC15 + powerlevel to master this power, loosing the ability to cast the arcane spell in the progress. This has jet to happen. So far she discovered, that she is unable to use arcane items, and to read arcane scrolls. She also cannot counterspell, and her spells cannot be counterspelled.

Some of you might say, that I´m messing with her character, and taking away control of her character, but IMC whoever touches the bloodstained centerpiece of an unholy ritual with his BARE hands, without having the spellcasters take a look on it first, gets what he deserves.

LANDORN human male Fighter 6
Alignment: True Neutral Patron Diety: Tanil (not devout)

St 16 Dx 14 Co14 In 12 Ws 11 Ch 8 HP 52

Balance +6 Climb +10 Handle Animal +6 Intmidate +2 Jump +10 Listen +1 Ride +10 Swim+ 10

Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Exotic Weapon Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Focus Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialisation Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Focus Longbow,

Veshain, Titanspeak (Orc)

Magical Equipment:
Dwarven Waraxe +1, Small Steel Shield +1 (the first SWORDhit per day misses)

The fourth son of a struggling farmer family, with nothing to inherit, and no real interest in agriculture. So he decided to join the local militia, toying with the idea to join one of the great legions.
Sorry, but the player of this character is one of the quiet ones, and not much into background stories. So not much to work with but sufficient for the run of the mill fighter.

THALION elf male Wizard 6
Alignment: True Neutral Patron Diety: Tanil (not devout)

St 12 Dx 16 Co 12 In 18 (20) Ws 13 Ch 12 HP 26

Alchemy +11 Concentration +10 Heal +3 Knowledge Arcana +12 Knowledge Religion +7 Geography +6 History +9 Nature +6 Planes +6 Listen+5 Scry +7 Spellcraft +14 Spot +5

Toughness, Additional Familiar, Craft Wondrous Items

Elven, Veshian, Ledean, Sylvan, Draconic, Titanspeak (Orc)

Magical Equipment:
Headband of Intellect +2, Bracers of Archery (work for 25 days, when blessed by a cleric of Tanil), Wand of Lightning Bolt (6d6) 4 charges left, Wand of Darkvision 41 charges left

Familiar: Falcon, Dog


Level 0 Resistance/Ray of Frost/Detect Poison/Daze/Flare/Light/Dancing Lights/Ghost Sound/Disrupt Undead/Mage Hand/Mending/Open Close/Arcane Mark/Detect Magic/Prestidigitation/Read Magic/Steal Sleep

Level 1 Burning Hands/Change Self/Mage Armor/Magic Missile/Sleep/True Strike/Identify/Tensers Floating Disk/Shield/Featherfall

Level 2 Melfs Acid Arrow/Levitate/Mirror Image/Lilliandels Flurry/Alter Self/Flaming Sphere/Protection from Arrows/Locate Object

Level 3 Haste/Dispell Magic

The only child of an elven noble couple, that lives in Amalthea because in a self-imposed (?) exile. Whatever the reason for this exile was, an actual crime, a breach of etiquette, or political dissension, his parents never bothered, or wanted to tell their son about it. The player wanted to provide me with a plot hook, but I´m still undecided, what to make out of it.
However his parents, being the typical elven snobs strongly discouraged their son from mingling with the lower classes. But because the forbidden fruits are the most alluring ones. he sneaked away as often, as he could, to enjoy the fascinating lowlife in the Peach and the Frog, were he formed a friendship with Calendula and Landorn.

ULFGAR EISENHELM dwarven male Cleric of Corean 6
Alignment Lawful Good Patron Diety Corean (very devout)

St 16 (20) Dx 12 Co 13 In 15 Ws 18 Ch 14 HP 45

Concentration +3 Craft Weaponsmithing +3 Diplomacy +11 Heal +8 Jump +4 Knowledge Arcana +3 Knowledge Religion +3 Listen +5 Open Lock +2 Scry +3 Spellcraft +5 Swim +4

Protection, War

Ulfgars family hails from Durrover, where his father, and his other male relatives still live, fighting against the calastian agressors. However, his father decided, to send his wife and his children outof the warzone into the safe Vesh. There he grew up mostly among humans, near a coreanan monastry. As his clan already was rather humanized, prefering Corean over Goran, and as a way to repay said monastery for the continued support of his family, he joined the clergy of Corean. He also showed interest in joining one of the vigils someday, so he was sent to Amalthea to work for the representative of the vigil there, in order to see if he was really vigil material. He is the moral compass, or should I say moral pain in the @$$ for this other morally very elastic group


First Post

The characters with the exception of Ulfgar, all hail from Amalthea. For those of you who are familiar with the Harnmaster setting, I was using the Leriel citymap for Amalthea and the Kelaphin-Anuz map for the ruins of Old Amalthea, which was destroyed and despoiled by foul sorcery the survivors of the druid war deemed it wise to found a new settlement a few miles away.
The characters except for Ulfgar were hired by a shady merchant to help him relocate a cache of trade goods, that was hidden by his family in some ancient ruins near Amalthea during the druid war. In reality this merchant was one of the many unimportant great grandsons of Telos Asura, who stumbled across a document detailing the location of a chache of high quality merchandise, thought to be lost during the druid war. These goods were stored inside an impenetrable impregnable strongbox, a veritable treasure by itself, and hidden in a secret compartment in the basement of the former Asura warehouse. the document also detailed the combinations of the chest, which were of course false. The merchant accompanied an asuran caravan to Amalthea, and faked sickness there, in order to be left behind.
So they travelled secretly to the ruins of Old Amalthea (which is not forbidden, but strongly discouraged by the elders) shadowed by Ulfgar and his mentor, who followed them in order to bar them from stirring up any trouble. They found the basement, kicked out the three spider-eye goblins, who squated there, and found the chest. The employer tried to open the chest, and was killed in the process. The chest is very old and working somewhat erraticly, resulting in deadlier defences and the combinations change every few months. On a related note, my players still have the chest, don’t know, that it is malfunctioning, and learned in the meantime, that it belongs to the mightiest merchant house of Ghelspad. Everytime I mention the house Asura, they have unfounded fits of paranoia.
As they were standing around the still smoking corpse of their employer, Ulfgar and his mentor arrived at the scene demanding to know what was going on. The interrogation lasted till dusk, so they agreed to rest here and return to Amalthea the next day in order to explain their transgression to the council of the elders.
At night a player , who was standing guard noticed strange lights and noises from a nearby defiled temple of Denev. Of course they all went to investigate and suprised the blood witch and his two ratman henchman, just as the bloodwitch completed the ritual. They defeated them easily, as the bloodwitch wasweakend after the ritual. Before anybody could have prevented, it the meddlesome halflinggirl touches the charged teaching device with her bare hands. She fell unconcious, and from that moment on, she possessed “sorcerous” powers.

Back in Amalthea, the Council of Elders decided, that the players should bring this artifact to a place, where it can be studied and destroyed, should it prove dangerous. I ruled that the elves of ganjus wouldn’t allow anything slacerian be brought into their realm, so the only option was, to transport it to Mithril, Lokil, or the Phylacteric Vault. As Lokil and the Vault were far away, and the journey to this Places would lead them through highly dangerous regions, my players choosed wisely, and headed to Mithril.

Now the Calastian secret service, and the cult of Belsameth both had agents in Amalthea, who reported these events to their superiors.
Chancellor Anteas was able to connect these events with the machinations of queen Galeeda, his opponent at the calastian court, but lacking further informations he instructed his spies in Vesh and Mithril just to watch the players closely.
The cult of Belsameth on the other hand knew enough of the device and its purpose to realize the danger the artifact meant for the rule of the gods, and the very existence of the world. So they decided to do something about it. The last Slacerians watched the events from their astral fortress very interested.


First Post

Meanwhile the players traveled from Amalthea south to Ontenazu, and were ambushed by the remains of the Kethian pursue party. They defeat them with the help of an elven border patrol, and continue their way through the canyon of souls into Vesh.

On their way through Vesh I was running them through the Evil Unearthed adventure from Dungeon Magazine 82. I just replaced the main villain of this adventure with a titanworshiping druid, who after removing the village priest was masquerading as his successor, using his new resources to unearth an ancient evil from a titanwar battlefield nearby. After eradicating this nuisance they continued their way.

Three days before reaching Mullis Town the the cult of Belsameth striked. A hired band of coal goblins stole the device, and brought it to an abandoned fortress, deep in the Blood Steppes. I used the floorplans of an old MERP introduction adventure for this, the one with the main tower in form of of a squeezed hexagon. There a priestess of Belsameth worked to create surgical improved werecreatures. She had the order, to guard the device, until the cult sends a party to collect it. The players were able to track the goblins with the help of the wizards hawk familiar. They stormed the tower, killed the guardian creatures and captured the priestess. Four of the characters (all true neutral) wanted to execute the priestess for her misdeeds and the cruel experiments she was conducting, but were kept from it by the party cleric (lawful good), who spoke against killing a fellow cleric, who surrendered, even if she was serving an evil diety. This earned him some extra XP, much to the chagrin of the other players, who were already forming a lynchmob.

The fortress was the scenery of the last stand of an corean/madriel company against an overwhelming force of titanspawn towards the end of the titanswar. When it was clear, that they were loosing, and no reinforcement would come to rescue them, they took their dead and the treasures they didn’t want to fall into the hands of the enemy into the lowest level, and sunk them in a great cistern there. Afterwards, they poisoned the water, and placed a magical barrier on the entrance to this level, so that only people accompanied by a priest or paladin of Corean or Madriel could enter.

The party, now feeling save, dawdled too long in the lowest level, diving for treasure in the cistern, as long as the diver was protected by one of the two meagre slow poison spells Ulfgar could cast per day at this point. The fact, that Ulfgar insisted on bringing the bones of his brothers and sisters in faith to the surface, so that he could give them a proper burial, did’nt help either. Although this earned him some extra XP again.
Nobody bothered, to watch their back, the hawk familiar couldn’t warn them, because there was a flock of dread ravens in the vicinity. A nuisance noone bothered to eradicate. So they were suprised by the pickup party, six barbarian horseman, led by a shadowsorcerer. They took one player as a hostage, and traded him for the priestess, and the device. Then they rode away, with the partys horses.

The Slacerians not happy with the way the events unfolded, sent a party of githyanki assassins, to reunite the device with the living key. They ambushed the pickup party in the sleep, and butchered them. the priestess escaped, and fled to the main Belsameth temple in western Ghelspadh, to report her failure.
She was severly punished and given among other disfigurements the gift of lycanthrophy, and will resurface as a nemesis of the party later in the campaign.

The party found the device sitting in the middle of their slaughtered enemies, which led them to the conclusion, that the device itself was responsible for the carnage. They continued their way to Mithril. While travelling the Cordrada corridor from Mullis to Mithril the druids of Khet made their last halfhearted attempt to regain that enigmatic device. They still hadn’t a clue about the function of the device, but they didn’t like being robbed and with so many parties interested in the device, it just had to be something important. Anyway, all that they could muster in such a short time were a high, and two low gorgons. One might say, this is an overkill for a fourth level party, but help was on the way. The word had finally gotten from Amalthea to the Behjurian Vigil, that a certain party was on their way to Mithril, so about two days after the players left Mullis three vigilants were sent after them, to escort them.

Meanwhile the players encountered the high gorgon, disguised as a peddlar along the way. He suggested, that he and players should travel together, because there is safety in numbers. He was planing to drug the players during the next rest, and butcher them in their sleep. Shouldn’t this be possible, he planned to resort to brute force, calling upon the two low gorgons, he had positioned one day of travel ahead. The players didn’t trust him (two very good sense motive rolls), and declined his offer. As they moved on, the players watched him through Thalions hawk familiar. They noticed, that the “peddlar” was abandoning his cart, and left the road for the hills, where he vanished in a cave. This was the entrance to a vengaurak infested cave complex, a shortcut that would allow him to resurface ahead of the players, and rejoin with his brethen. In the cave he doused himself with vengaurak musk, to make him smell like a vengaurak, so he could travel through the complex unmolested.

The players seeing that, rode back in order to investigate the cave. The hawk also noticed three riders (the vigilants) about four hours behind them. Being rather paranoid, the players covered their tracks, as they rode to the caves. They did a very good job, so the vigilants didn’t notice, that they had left the road and rode on by.
In the cave, they encountered two vengauraks. Realizing, that this was just the vanguard of a larger hive, they decided wisely to leave the cave alone. To bring some distance between them and cave they rode back to the road and made their camp there. Meanwhile the vigilants came to the conclusion, that they should have reached the party by now, they questioned the local fauna, and learned that no group of travellers had come this way, they also learned that three gorgon roamed the woods around there. They retraced their steps and searched for tracks and found the players the next morning. After gaining the trust of the players (as I said, they were rather paranoid at that moment), they finally joined forces. Being forewarned, prepared and reinforced the gorgon ambush next night wasn’t excactly a piece of cake, but the gorgons were beaten without any loses, and the players made some amicable low-level contacts in the vigil.

Upon arriving in Mithril the players immediatly went to the church authorities. They degreed that the device and Calendula should be tested in the wizard guild under supervision of the church of course. After placing Calendula under quarantine for two weeks, checking for signs of some kind of slarecian virus, the tests began in earnest. So far the following things were learned:

1. Calendula can cast her “spells” while inside an antimagical field
2. Her spells cannot be counterspelled, and she cannot counterspell. This was learned, when she was pitted against a lowly wizard apprentice, and forced by Danye Blackfire to attack him with a magic missile spell. An event she hasn’t forgiven Danye yet.
3. Her spells cannot be dispelled.
4. She can’t use magic items like normal sorcerers. She can read scrolls with her read magic spell, but cannot cast them from the scroll.
5. The magical failure chance for wearing armor doesn’t apply to her.
6. On very rare occasions instead of a spells some other mysterious powers manifest themselves.

I’m picturing Danye Blackburn as very businesslike, unemotional, no nonsense person, who treads Calendula like a guinea pig. For the next two months she summoned her three or four times a week making her casting spells till she droped from exhaustion, sumitted her to very unpleasant scrying sessions, and the like. Through some of his new friends in the church hierachy Ulfgar heard, that Danye even petitioned the council to imprison Calendula till she could be 100% sure, that Calendula is a danger to the community. Needless to say Calendula hates her with a passion.

So far the church authorities give her the benefit of doubt, because although being rather undisciplined (on one occassion she told a high ranking paladin to stuff his haughty attitute, and better going on a crusade against poverty in the stormside than riding around in plains of Lede, slaying titanspawn. Her alignment is slowly but steadily drifting from true neutral to chaotic good), she helped eradicating some minor problems to the city along with her friends.
During the quiet winter months, as Calendula was tested, Thalion wrote a backup copy of his spellbooks, while making sure nothing to terrible happened to Calendula, Ulfgar installed himself as an inofficial church observer of Danye Blackfires experiments. Landorn after wandering aimlessly through Mithril hired himself as parttime watchman to the wardog mercenary company to get some combat training.

Towards the end of the winter I was giving them a tour through the sewers of Mithril were they hunted a band of stranded and desperate slitheren, who were hiding themselves, desperatly trying to figure out a way home, and causing all kinds of mischieve and mysterious giant rat sightings in the stormside district.
The players accompanied a taskforce of vigilants and crimson legionaires bound on anihilating the aforementioned vengaurak hive.

Finally I was running them through the Cradle of madness adventure from Dungeon Magazin 87. I just changed the Thardizun cult into a cult of Mesos whorshippers.
The cult operated from an abandoned farmhouses a few days south of Mithril, where
the cult leader had located his twin sister, from who he had been separated by birth. Together they sired a child, who would be turned into a vessel for an avatar of Mesos
upon birth. Not enough, the twins also tried to blackmail the merchant family, who had adopted the girl at birth. Anyway the players foiled the foul plot, and a certain cleric of Coren again gained some faithfull adherance to alignment XP. After they figured out, that the door to the cult treasury was warded by some kind of disintegration spell, and that a person wearing the ring the cult leader was carrying could probably enter the room unharmed, they fetched the cult torturer they overbeared earlier, and promised him, that he was free to go, if he opened the door for them. Ulfgar didn’t like this deal at all, but was overruled.So when the dirty dead was done, the other players intended to slaughter the man, because he was the torturer of an evil cult. Ulfgar intervened on his behalf make sure that he could make his getaway. A deal is a deal after all

Meanwhile the cult of Belsameth has learned through a mole in the wizards guild, that the halfling was already tranformed into a living key, and has ordered her death. The party has already dealt with the first wannabe assassins, but now they are facing a real danger. Two bloodhounds (a bountyhunter prestigeclass ) Segad (Mnk7/Bhd3) and Varden (Rgr8/Bhd2) have chosen our halfling as their next target. These two are old rivals, who do the odd job for the paladins of Mithril by bringing wanted criminals to justice. They took this assignment, because of the prestige and the challenge. They don’t want to jeopardize their good reputation by murdering an innocent in the city of Corean, by the orders of an evil goddess. But they made it clear, that as soon as she leaves Mithril, she is fair game. Segad even went so far, as introducing himself.


First Post

The current adventure is a sign for how desperate I am. It is based on the computer game Return to Krondor, which is in turn based on Raymond E. Feist’s novel Tear of the Gods. I’m out of ideas, how to bridge the gap to the showdown at the end of the campaign. Fortunatly my players aren’t very well read, when it comes to fantasy literature, they all know their Tolkien, but that’s about it. So I can borrow and steal whatever I want, I didn`t even bother to change the names.

To summarize the background story, every year a great tearshaped crystal forms it self in the great temple of Madriel in Hetanu. Normaly this tear is used to make a stretch of the asherakian desert fertile, or to prevent, that the desert devours a particular piece of arable crop. This time it was decreed , that this years tear should be sent to Mithril, in order that the inhabitants of Denevs Triangle could keep their sapped farmland fertile, and perhaps even expand its boundary. This plan came to the ears of certain titanworshiping circles, so they decided to ambush the ship carrying the tear. Should this plan be successful, it would be a major blow to the divine forces in Asherak, because no new tear would form itself, as long the old one wasn’t either destroyed, or used up in the proper ritual. And perhaps something more sinister could be made with this piece of Madriels very essence.

As leader of the ambush the coven choosed an individuum called Bear (hm/Bar8/F5), a Kadum woreshipper and veteran of the titanswar. He owes his incredible long lifespan to an amulett, granted to his champions and leaders of his armies, by Kadum himself. The amulett enhances the strength, and constitution of the bearer by six points, and provides him with the equivalent of a permant stoneskin spell, which regenerates at dusk, and SR 40. The achilles heel of this artifact is, that it function only as long as the bearer stands on solid ground, or has some contact with his Masters essence, like swimming in the Bloodsea. It also provides no protection against a weapon enchanted with the humble firstlevel paladin spell bless weapon..

Bear travelled to the Toe Islands with a few of his own men, and hired a band of pirates led by a captain named Niut, with whom he worked on ocassion in the past. Niut wasn’t thrilled at the thought of assaulting a ship full of clerics, but he knew damn well, that Bear wouldn’t take a no for an answer.
The ship carrying the tear took the northeren route, in order to circumvent the center of the Bloodsea. The pirates, knowing this, set their ambush at the coast of the northern protectorats,
near a cape, with the fitting name Widow’s Point. The pirates boarded the ship, and bear and his men, gleefully slaughtered the priests. This turn of events shook Niut and his men, even though, they were pirates, murdering priests is a repulsive act even to them. It is also considered very bad luck.
So before Bear could find a way around the wards placed upon the tear, the pirates shoved him over board, hoping he would drown in the turbulent sea, and then disposed his men. Then they quickly transferred the other valuables to their ship, and scuttled the asherakian vessel along with the tear.

Maybe it was the wrath of the gods, maybe it was mere coincidence, shortly thereafter, they were hit by a terrible storm. Only Niut and two of his men survived in a boat taking along the most valuable pieces of their booty. They landed near Mithril, were Niut contacted his old friend Joran the proprietor of the Bitten Dog, one of the better establishments at the stormside, and part time fence. There he figured, he could recuperate, while Joran was turning the booty into coin.
Bear far from being dead, was washed ashore, somewhere south of Artere three days later. He figured that Mithril was the logical place he should start looking for Niut. So he secretly made his way into the city, and began his not so subtle investigation.
Niut soon became aware of this, and managed to get himself arrested for public drunkeness, and disorderly behavior. He figured, the best way, to escape Bear’s wrath, was to be in a secure prison cell for a few days, then paying his fine, and making a quick getaway arranged by Joran to some far away place like Calastia or Darakeene. Should the emergency arise, he thought, he could confess to the clergy, and buying his freedom and the protection of the paladins by telling them were the tear was scuttled.
He didn’t took Bears determination into account. Bear with the help of some local riffraff , motivated by tales of a pirate treasure, assaulted the Bitten Dog, and beated Niuts whereabouts out of Joran, killing him in the process. The players arrived shortly thereafter, and dealed with a few of Bears new friends, who stayed behind, ransacking the place.
Meanwhile Bear assaulted the headquarters of the crow mercenary company, where Niut was held in one of the few cells for minor wrongdoers. Bear literally teared him limb from limb after beating the location of the tear out of him. In his rage Bear overlooked a witness in one of the other cells, who later related pieces of the conversation to the players.
The players arrived on the scene as Bear was making his escape into the sewers. After realizing, that their weapons and spells couldn’t harm him, they wisely backed off.

The authorities, after checking old records, realizied, what kind of creature was causing the trouble, but they couldn’t determine why. It all became clear, when later that day the sole survivor of Niuts crew guilt- and angstridden went to the temple of Madriel and confessed his crimes.

They players were charged with securing the help of the local guild of seawitches, who occassionally raise sunken ships, if the cargo is particiullary valuable. Arriving at the guildhouse, they learned, that the guildmaster was murdered the last night, and the only other guildmember, a quarterorc named Kendaric, capable of such a feat had gone into hiding, fearing being accused of murdering the guildmaster.
After solving the crime, and bringing the real culprit to justice, they sallied forth to Widows Point. To support them in the trials to come, they were generously outfitted with healing potions and scrolls of waterbreathing. I also gave them three NPC to support them. Two NPC and a mole that is. Soine ??? a hf Pal5/Gold Knight3, Kurnog a hom Bar3/Rgr4, with a severe case of undead-phobia, and Amadis a hm F3/Sor5/Calastian Battlemage4 (btw I’m using Nightfalls variant of the CalBm, while it is little bit overpowered, it has certainly more flavor than the official version).

Amadis joined the crimson legion, and worked his way up to the rank of a captain. He arranged to be assigned to guard duty in Mithril, where he and his dread raven familiar, who is capable of becoming invisible, are spying for chancellor Anteas. Being a “friend”, and drinking buddy of Skalus Kadremis, the magical advisor of the Behjuhrian Vigil stationed in Mithril, it was easy for him to get assigned to this mission. In time he will find out, why everybody is so interested in this halfling girl.

A few days later, they reached Arete, a little seaport in the northern protectorates, which was under some kind of siege at that moment. Herstons men, a group of Vangal horsemen, some thirty heads strong, come to Arete two or three times a year, to resupply themselves, party down, an rearrange the furniture in the local inn, some times burning it down. The inhabitants give them their due because of Herstons efforts the region is nearly titanspawn free. However the inhabitants of Arete prefer to take refuge in little fort of the crimson legion on these ocassions. My players being wise and boring avoided this piece of local folklore, and sneaked past them.

Three days, and two random encounters later the players reached Haldons Head a tiny village, close to Widows Point. The region around Haldon Head has the reputation of being haunted. This stems from the last days of the ledean empire, when a coven of necromancers choosed the natural caverns under Widows Point as the starting point for their quest for immortality, because these caves for some reason attracted negative energy like a magnet. An immense focus was errected in one of the caves to bundle this excess of energy.
The two leaders of this coven, each choosed his/her own way to achieve the great goal. The more conservative Thormond choosed the traditional way and became a liche (Necr12). Serlis (Sor9) on the other side, being used to the more sensual pleasures of necromancy, and not as advanced in the art as her partner, wasn’t very fond of the idea, spending eternity caught in a withered corpse. So she opted for artificially induced vampirism, to avoid the “yes master syndrome” of traditionally created vampires. Because of this extremly energy intensive method, the two had a falling out, as it was interfering with Thormonds plans.

As a result, the coven split into two factions Serlis and her brood of three (one sorcerer, and two fighter types around level 5 or6), and Thormond, the superior necromancer and his mostly mindless undead servants. To most of the coven members the blessed state of being undead was denied. Their status was reduced to be the breeding stock of new experimental material. The more usefull mortal servants were in particular lean times forced to eat the dead, creating a caste of ghouls in the progress. Some of these ghouls escaped their servitude and formed a third faction under a selfproclaimed ghoulking, a cowardly bunch living from the scraps they can steal from their former masters.

When the titans war began, Serlis and Thormond sealed of the complex, and hid themselves from history. As a joined venture both turned a number of krakens into zombies to provide them with the corpses of drowned sailors, and seafood for their mortal servants via the subterranean connections to the Bloodsea.

Shortly after the end of the war, the first version of Haldons Head was founded, as the place was uncommonly fertile, and fishing was plentifzl, when you knew your way around the reefs. Serlis and Thormond saw these settlers as a wellcome way to replenish their breeding stock. So one night they made a suprise attack, and dragged them all kicking and screaming into their subterranean realm. This didn’t go unnoticed. A small group of druids of Denev became aware of the incident. They sealed the complex physicaly, by causing a landslide, and spiritualy, by placing potent ward around the complex . They left one of their members behind, to guardthe site, as they had pressing matters to attend elsewhere. They promised to return in force to eredicate this evil, but alas they vanished in the turmoil, that plagued the land shortly after the war. The remaining druid asked her superiors repeatedly for help, but since the evil under Widows Point was apparently dormant, it wasn’t very high on their to do list. Soon the whole matter was forgotten . As she grew old the driud took a disciple, so someone could continue her work. The tradition of the Widows Point witch was born.

Serlis and Thormond didn’t mind being seale off, in fact they both had grown so accustomed to the focus, that it bordered on addiction. They wouldn’t have left the caves, even if they could For now they had what they wanted, and there were other ways of influencing the outer world. Eventhough their bodies were imprisoned, the mind could reach out along with the tiny amounts of negative energy seeping through the wards.

The next wave of settlers was unconciously compelled to take up the wrecking trade, luring ships onto the reefs with false beacons. This earnt the necromancers a great deal of corpses. During the hag war, however the settlers made the mistake of trying to capture two particiular ships. By sheer luck they survived the stranding, and the cargo consisting of about a hundred mercenaries from Darkeene wasn’t very pleased. They slaughtered every living being in the village, including children and lifestock. When they came to their senses again, they threw the corpses into the sea, in order to cover their tracks. Guess, where these corpses landed.

After the hag war the place was settled again, but apart from occasional outbreaks of diseases nothing serious happened. This changed a few months before the players arrived. Ransur, a wizard from Darakeene, dabbling in the necromantic arts, came across a passing mention of said necromantic coven. He spent the next six years unearthing additional information about this cult and his whereabouts. When he finally could pinpoint the location, he charmed a beggar women and her underaged daughter to play the role of his family. This was meant as a kind of disgiuse, making him look less suspicious. Furthermore they could save him as sacrifices, should the need arise.
Arriving in Haldon Head, he took up his old family trade charcoaling, and started snooping around. But his attempts to get entrance into the cave complex were foiled by the witch. Frustated Ransur searched around and found an old crypt hidden in the woods, with an explicit undead presence. The inhabitant was a vampire of Serlis’s brood, who was imprisoned here for trying to betray his mistress to Thormond, shortly after the creation of the focus. Ransur promised to free him, if he would help him dealing with the witch. Of course the vampire agreed. When Ransur dipelled the wards of the sarcophagus, he brought his “family” in order to quell the madding thirst of his new accomplice. The vampire descended on the poor women, turning them into his spawns. Then the three turned on Ransur tearing him apart. In the next two weeks the vampire and his growing brood of spawns preyed on the hapless villagers. A very vocal minority held the witch responsible for this menace, and were trying to convince the rest of the villagers to burn her. One of the farmers even went so far, that he poisoned his own cows, so that he could blame their sickness on the witch.

The group arrived, and imeadiatly tried out the shipraising ritual, but something (the necromantic focus) interferred with it, so they went to the village, and learnt of its problems.50% of my players are female, so witchburning does not sit well with them. Maybe I will prey on this “sympathy for witches syndrome” later in the campaign.The players talked to the witch first, quickly indentified the nature of the problems, and dealt with the vampire and his brood, without the help of a certain halforc barbarian, who couldn’t overcome his fear of undead. they nearly loosing three levels during the fight, and Ulfgar learnt the hard way, that undead are healed through inflict wound spells. The player is one of the fastidious kind, bordering on rule-lawyerness. It was real funny to see him screw up for a change.

With the village and the witch saved, my players could proceed to the entrance of the caves, laid open by the witch. Those of you, who know the computer game can certainly imagine, what immense kind of fun, my players had with the door puzzle. In short, it is a hexagonal divice, with six differently coloured rays, who must be reflected to certain points with the help of little prisms, within a time limit. After each mistake a minor skeleton knight appeared, They made three mistakes, and are about to enter the caves a little bruised.

Some of you might say, that I have forgotten the two bloodhounds. Far from it! Segad, who is relativly popular with some elements in the church hierarchy of Mithril, knew exactly where the players were going, so he chartered a little sailing boat, and arrived in Arete a few days before the players, there he convinced a local peddlar with contacts to Haldon Head to make his business trip there a little earlier. Segad disguised himself as his coachman, with the help of his ring of polymorph self. There he waits at the inn for an advantageous opportunity. He will most likely strike, when the players return to the inn weakend by their fight with Bear. The funny thing is, that I mentioned him twice, when my players stayed at the inn, but they didn’t get suspicious. That are my players, always paranoid, but always overlooking the obvious.
Varden on the other hand isn’t exactly well liked in Mithril, because of the cruel way, he treats his victims. He is tolerated, because he is useful at times. Because he didn’t have access the secret informations like Sedag, he follows the group in a distance of three or four days on foot. Because he figured out that the hawk, who always accompanies the wizard is most likely a familiar, he runs at night, and hides at day. One day after the group will enter the caves, he will reach the vincinity of Haldon Head, there he will stumble across Bear, and the two will make a deal. The for Bear, and the halfling head for Varden.

We ended the last session on this point. The next session is scheduled for the 28th December.
What will happen in the caves depends totally on the players, which way they will take, whom the choose to fight or talk to etc, and if they manage to play the three factions off against another. The ghouls are the likely allies of the players, as they wouldn’t mind , if the focus was destroyed. But getting more out off them as information and moral support will be hard.

The other problem, they will facing after conducting the shipraising ritual and recovering the tear is of course Bear. He is nearby, but all that he has left are four bandits, who will most likely run, if they face serious opposition. But Bear is a walking slaughterhouse in his own right. If things go underservedly bad for my players I will have the witch cast a few supportive spells from afar.


First Post
Phew, I've finally done it. I wish you a merry X-mass and happy reading. Because of the whole X-mass thing I probably won't be back before Friday. I have relatives to see, and to quarrel with, the usual X-mass madness.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Nicely done Rodrick. Course if you want to change their devoutness, offer them the opportunity to pray to one of the gods/goddesses to aid them. Heck even Enkili! ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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