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Rogue One Review (Spoilers)

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you know there's a trope for that Missing Trailer Scene and the way you go on, feels like it's only this movie that has done it.

My issue is not with a trailer scene that is now missing. My issue is with the main character responding to something that is not in the movie. My issue is with a sloppy edit, where Jyn now is clearly responding to something that was removed from the movie. That is hasty editing, and bad film making.

Posted this in the other star wars thread

would say it was good and there a few moments where its really good but I think Force awakens is still better.

1) Honestly there isn't 1 character in rogue one that holds a candle to returning or even new characters in FA. I wanted and maybe my expectactions were unrealistic. I wanted rogue one to be the Force 10 of Navarone of this generation. I wanted to care more for each character and I blame the director for this. 5-10 minutes for character development would have helped. Forest Whitaker and the pilot needed much more depth

2) I thought the beginning of Rogue 1 dragged at times (yes last 40 it makes up for it)

3) Really don't feel characters have that much emotion in it as well. I'm going to compare it to similar movies and compare emotions (FOTR-Sean Bean way more emotional scene, alien 2 Ripley vs queen, Dutch vs predator after his companions gunned down insert that type of movie). these are classic movies but in most cases not A+ acting movies. you feel the tension and want to jump into the scene to help etc. FA has that somewhat compared to rogue 1

3) for a casual fan I would choose force awakens. Rogue 1 has a lot of fan service for the hard core fans including rebels tv show. I've had to explain to a bunch of people why Rogue 1 is out instead of the sequel to FA.

The problem with FA is the big bad is so lackluster compared to any sith wannabee or really any bad guy in any movie. For the most part these last 2 movies have dropped the ball on adding new bad guys to hate (jury is out on Snoke)


I really enjoyed Rogue One, even though the trailers did absolutely nothing for me.

I enjoyed seeing Grand Moff Tarkin on the screen, CGI or not.
I enjoyed Vader's violent rampage at the end, reminded me that he was a tangible threat... and also reminded me of Anakin's rampages at the end of RotS.
I liked seeing the darker aspects of the Rebellion.
I enjoyed a proper space battle where I could actually tell what was going on.
I liked how they tied in everything neatly into ANH and didn't go overboard with references and easter eggs.
I *really* liked the ending.

About the only scene I didn't like was Vader and Krennic's exchange on Mustafar, it felt forced and cartoonish.

Saw needed more screen time and character development.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
VII was way to fast for me (again loved it).

I showed my students the originals (digitally remastered on VHS, Han shoots Greedo with no return fire!) they said they were boring and took to long ... wanted to draw my own lightsaber and go Anakin on them!

Same with my kids. The first 30 minutes of A New Hope turned them off Star Wards because of how slow it was to them. And they weren't particularly young when I showed it to them.

Of course they belongto a generation where a half hour (22 minute) cartoon is two 15 minutes (11 minute) cartoons that pack in what we used to watch for the entire time. They expect a much faster pace.


4.5 out of 5 stars for me. While, as noted, the editing was uneven in parts, I thought the pacing was actually quite good overall, the acting ranged from good to superb, and the payoff in the end was absolutely worth the journey.

The biggest impact for me going forward is that Rogue One COMPLETELY changes the tenor of the Rebel Alliance going forward. In Episode IV, V, and VI, I never had the sense that the Alliance was really all that bad off. Rogue One makes it abundantly clear just how fragile, hanging-by-a-thread the Alliance was.

I'm eagerly awaiting my next chance to see this in theaters again. If Empire Strikes Back is #1 on my "Favorite Star Wars Movie" list, Rogue One is #1a.

I liked it better then The Force Awakens, because its story felt different from the previous movies, and not like a rehash.

I was actually wondering if anyone would survive the movie, and kinda expected that they'd leave the room open for at least the two main characters to return. Well, I suppose I did not see their bodies (or force ghosts). But I take them as dead for now.

And the nostalgia for all the old ship models and costumes is also there.

Well, you know the SW fandom is one of the poster children for "Unpleaseable fan base"

Excuse me, are you confusing Star Trek with Star Wars?


The biggest impact for me going forward is that Rogue One COMPLETELY changes the tenor of the Rebel Alliance going forward. In Episode IV, V, and VI, I never had the sense that the Alliance was really all that bad off. Rogue One makes it abundantly clear just how fragile, hanging-by-a-thread the Alliance was.

It also shows how much the Empire were scrambling to keep up with events as well. Yes, the Death Star was fully complete, and had achieved a total of two low-power test firings and one unofficial shakedown cruise, but that was literally just hours - minutes? - prior to the opening of A New Hope, as the Imperial fleet pursued multiple escaping Rebel vessels that might have received the plans. No wonder the Death Star wasn't sufficiently well supplied to field more than a handful of TIE Fighters at the Battle of Yavin - the Empire must surely have been intending a rather less hasty deployment than the one the Rebels pressed them into.

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