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What about them? Just because you invent a microscopic organism that has a symbiotic relationship with a host doesn't mean you've explained how those organisms have access to magical abilities to grant to their host. Midiclorians are just like The Weave in FR. However, the midiclorians are widely mocked and regarded as a mistake even by people who actually like the prequels.

Yes, midichlorians are about as much a scientific explanation of the Force as Obi-Wan describing it as an energy field.


Morkus from Orkus
Yes, midichlorians are about as much a scientific explanation of the Force as Obi-Wan describing it as an energy field.

At least as an energy field, it was mystical to be able to tap into it, which was cool. Midichlorians were just dumb.

Water Bob

The Legends novel, Darth Plagueis, by James Luceno, does an excellent job of reconciling midicholorians with the mysterious Force from the original trilogy. In that novel, it is known that the midicholorians exist, but not much else. There is still mucho mystery. Darth Plagueius studies them. In fact, it's a fate he reserves for some of his enemies. He doesn't kill them, but subdues them and keeps them for study as living subjects. It kinda reminded me of old Vincent Price scary movies where a scientist graduates from studying the human body through grave robbing in the late 1800's and graduating to live victims, dissected for examination.


First Post
However, the midiclorians are widely mocked and regarded as a mistake even by people who actually like the prequels.
It was, I thought, a very clunky way to allow Qui Gon to know with certainty, and to spell it out plainly to the audience, that Anakin was a special kid. A Force detector, of course! That'll make it clear!

It's telling instead of showing - bad practice for writers.

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