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[Rogue Trader]Rebirth of the Dawn Treader (Updated 8/17/2010)




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In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 052.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 052.816.M41++

Location: The Port of Footfall
Course: Docked
Materium: Footfall is a ramshackle void-settlement of asteroids linked together with massive arches and causeways. The entire assembly looks a like giant three-dimensional cobweb – if the spider that made it was drunk and feasted upon a diet of asteroids and leftover space station components. Yet, the station was not a total loss, for there was the 25-kilometer tall stature of the Emperor of Mankind! I'm not about to suggest the God-Emperor over-compensates in any way, but who needs a 25-kilometer tall statue made in their honor?

Or perhaps it is the inhabitants themselves whom are lacking. This outpost, constructed by Parismus Dewain in 410.M41, is deep within Koronus Expanse and far removed from the nearest bastion of civilization in the Calixis Sector. After The Strangling of the Maw three years ago and the ensuing civil wars, the inhabitants surely must need to proclaim their yearning for the Light of the Golden Throne...or at least portray that sentiment to passers-by...

Comments: After receiving my just accolades from Tanthus Moross, Liege of Footfall, via his emissary, I gave the crew of the Dawn Treader a 12-hour liberty in the massive port. The last ten days of Warp have taken its toll on the crew – even my lustknabe have approached their erzwungene unterwerfung with only halfhearted cries of dismay.

But in reality, the liberty was cover for Octus' clandestine mission to meet his contact on Footfall in order to deliver the mysterious box entrusted in our care by Master Scrivener Journ. While there would be no means for the Master Scrivener to verify that we delivered the goods, Integrity is the most important quality of Leadership -- A Rogue Trader's word is her bond. At least that's what my Father told me immediately prior to being hustled to the interior of the slaver's vessel...

It would not do to have Brother Mordechai ask too many questions regarding the Tech-Priest's whereabouts. I fear not the gentle ministrations of the Inquisition for they have no jurisdiction over me, but there is no need to attract unwarranted attention. So we decided once more to distract the Missionary from our activities. This is getting to be an annoying habit. Perhaps the Representive of the Ecclesiarchy will meet with an unfortunate accident en-route to the Magoros System...

In addition to our modest intrigues, I instructed Orbest Dray to make inquiries regarding the Fell Hand's disposition, for the frigate was not in port as we made Warp-Fall at the void-settlement. We must quickly re-supply and give chase to Hadarak Fel. I chafe at the thought of giving the Rogue Trader even a 24 hour head-start!

In the meantime, I responded to the entreaties of the local Imperial Garrison commander, I've already forgotten his name...

The Commander had made a few annoying queries pursuant to the ship-battle at Port Wander almost two weeks ago. Apparently, news of our exploits have traveled far courtesy of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. Following up on the altercation, the Garrison Commander disinterestedly took my rendition of the events for the official record over the Picto-Monitor connection.

However, I had other plans for the Commander. I invited the bureaucrat to dine with me aboard the Dawn Treader. My gracious offer surprised the bourgeois functionary, whom readily accepted.

Once we had supped on fine lebensmittel harvested from the planet, Lucien's Breath, I got down to business. The Commander had something I wanted – the authority to issue a Writ of Salvage for the HDMS Bounty. Although the commission of Garrison Commander carries with it a tidy (for wage-slaves...) salary, the true benefit of the position is pure, unadulterated graft.

And the Commander was no stranger to such considerations...the bureaucrat made a fine show of moral outrage at my subtle offer of mutual exchange, but I could sense his hunger for a share of the bounty, from the Bounty. I offered a pittance, a mere 1% share of the spoils. But that even that miniscule slice would yield more Thrones for the Commander than he had ever known...

Under the weight of such inducements, the Commander quickly relented to my request and agreed to expedite the paperwork process on my behalf. After concluding our business, the Commander made his own subtle offer (Well, about as subtle as an Orc Warboss in the grip of the WAAAGHH!) for a sordid indiscretion. Though it has been some time since I last indulged in a vigorous Debauch, the Garrison Commander was too-low born for my tastes. Instead, I offered the services of my lustknabe to provide a four-handed massage complete with a full-release of tension. The Commander politely declined and we parted ways for the evening.

By the time I return from the Magoros System, the Writ of Salvage should be completed and I will be well on my way to the next salvage – the second for my resurgent Dynasty!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!
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I fear not the gentle ministrations of the Inquisition for they have no jurisdiction over me, but there is no need to attract unwarranted attention.

I'd *love* to hear that excuse actually being used on a real Inquisitor. The Inquisitor would probably get a hearty chuckle out of it as well... on the way to the torture chambers.

I call for more story!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 053.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 053.816.M41++

Location: The Koronus Expanse
Course: En-route to the Magoros System
Immaterium: The Warp moves tepidly. Each day I've traveled through the Warp, I've prayed at the Temple to the God-Emperor for his benevolent protection over the brave sojourners of the Aether.

Comments: The Navigator told me that traveling to the Magoros system would be a ten-day voyage from Footfall based on the chart provided via the Magnate Scrivener Journ. It remains to seen whether der narr read the map properly...

The Tech-Priest reported back on the successful completion of his subterfuge during the liberty at Footfall. The mysterious box and its contents had been delivered without arousing suspicion. Furthermore, Octus confessed to me that he had had a copy made of the Heretical Texts he carried from Port Wander. After commending the Tech-Priest on his initiative castigating Octus' blatant Tech-Heresy, I ordered a full perusal of the documents to ascertain the moral hazard to the crew. I had to remind Octus that Brother Mordechai was not to be bothered with this matter. The Explorator mumbled something about following the will of the Omnissah, not some Terran Inquisition...

Yesterday, I also ordered my agent, Orbest Dray, to remain in Footfall after the Dawn Treader left the port and to establish a Von Krak enclave in the void settlement. The old man had discovered some interesting news while investigating the whereabouts of the Fell Hand...

Lodged in the Golden Throne, the Master of Man keeps an eye over the course of humanity; yet, due to grievous wounds suffered at the hands of the heretical Horus and his rogue Traitor Legions, the God-Emperor lacks the means to directly communicate with his subjects. According the the Adeptus Ministorum, the God-Emperor's voice is too pure for mere mortals to hear...

However, amongst the more notorious inhabitants of the space-station, were the Seven Warp-Witches of Footfall. The Witches were said to hear the voice of the Emperor of Mankind through utilizing the Emperor's Tarot. Orbest Dray had explained that an announcement was made in the void-settlement that the Witches were to reveal a prophesy within a few months time. Will the prophesy be the word and covenant of the God-Emperor to the Koronus Expanse?

In any event, Rogue Trader Dynasties were already lining up to secure a spot at the reading of the prophesy – it was a high honor to witness first-hand the will of the God-Emperor. I subsequently commanded Orbest Dray to secure a Von Krak seat at the reading. I don't care whether the Seven Witches utter the will of the Master of Mankind or make an arschhusten, the Von Krak Dynasty will not be denied the rights and privileges due to a house of our standing!

Before taking his leave, Orbest Dray reported the Fell Hand left Footfall a full 24 hours ahead of our arrival, coupled with our liberty and re-supply, this means the Dawn Treader is a full 48 hours behind the Rogue Trader, Hadarak Fel.

Der Schissen!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 063.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 063.816.M41++

Location: The Koronus Expanse
Course: En-route to the Magoros System
Immaterium: The Warp is slowly becoming becalmed. This bodes ill for our efforts to beat the Fell Hand to the Magoros System.

Comments: The dumkopf Navigator claimed the journey to the Magoros System would take only 10 days – he was wrong.

The Dawn Treader has traveled 10 days but the system is nowhere in sight~!

I confronted the Navigator regarding the delay over dinner in my personal mess with the rest of the bridge crew.

I turned to Quinn Vanberg, the Void-Master, and mentioned my concern about our progress, “You know Quinn, wouldn't it be fantastic if we had another Navigator to plot our course, it seems the Third-Eye amongst us grows too cloudy to gaze upon the Astronomicon...”

The mutated Navigator became visibly riled at my comment, “My course is perfectly charted. If there is a problem with our voyage, it is due to the Explorator not coaxing the machine-spirit properly!”

Octus rose to the challenge, “I coaxed the machine-spirit just fine – the Dawn-Treader loves traveling the Immaterium. Besides, the machine-spirit has nothing to do with the fact that we are stuck in the Warp!”

I let the two minions argue for a few minutes before drawing the meal to a close. A wise leader allows some rivalry to exist amongst the crew – it impels the surly lot to try harder...

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 065.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 065.816.M41++

Location: The Koronus Expanse
Course: En-route to the Magoros System
Immaterium: The Warp is becalmed, verdammen!

Comments: For two days the Dawn Treader has been stuck in the Warp, making no progress to the Magoros System whatsoever!

With each passing hour my boredom and irritability grows. I've flogged my lustknabe to within an inch of their lives simply to pass the time...

But the real object of my ire is the inkompetent Navigator. Unfortunately, I cannot motivate the mutant using the same techniques as I do with my other disobedient minions. The Navigator belongs to the Navis Nobilite and the mutants' guild holds powerful sway over the pursuit of the Rogue-Trade. Without a Navigator's psychic view of the Astronomicon, it would be impossible to travel the AEther.

At least that's what he keeps telling me...

So, I must find other ways to motivate the Navigator to mind his work. Earlier today, I called the Navigator to my bridge along with the oldest amongst my lustknabe.

When the duo arrived on the bridge, I beckoned them over to my Throne and gestured for them to each take an apple from the nearby cornucopia. Once the two had taken the fruit, I ordered them stand to back a few meters and hold the apples outstretched from their bodies.

“Tell me, Navigator,” I said ,lazily drawing my plasma pistol, “How long till we get to the Magoros System?”

“Well, Madam, it is complicated,” began the Navigator.

I shot the lustknabe in the face. “Then, make it clear!” I screamed.

“Soon, Madam,” stammered the mutant, “it will be soon!”

I admonished the Navigator, “I pray you are right, there are only so many apples on-board the ship...”

I dismissed the chastened mutant and had my valets drag away the lustknabe's corpse. For the Navigator's sake, I hope he does not disappoint me again.

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 067.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 067.816.M41++

Location: The Koronus Expanse
Course: Theoretically, En-route to the Magoros System...
Immaterium: Blast the Warp! The Ruinous Powers must be toying with the Dawn Treader to see how long we can sustain our resolve to maintain this course.

Comments: We have been traveling for 14 days since our departure from Footfall. The Nagivator assures me that the Warp conditions affecting the Dawn Treader must surely delay the Fell Hand as well.

I remain skeptical, for the Warp is notoriously unpredictable. Hadarak Fel's vessel left 48 hours prior to us – for all I know, the Rogue Trader already could be sacking the Righteous Path!

Das schwien!

Incensed at our situation, I called the Navigator to the bridge along with the oldest of the lustknabe still living.

The lustknabe looked scared, for word had gotten out regarding my increasingly frequent summary executions of the crew. The Navigator sauntered into the bridge with a smug air about him -- he knew whom held the power in this circumstance.

“So, Navigator,” I tiredly queried, “what excuse have you for me today?”

“Well, madam...” began the smarmy Navigator.

“Save, it!” I pointed to the terrified lustknabe, “Congratulations, you have been promoted. You will be the new Navigator.”

The lustknabe looked relieved and excited. “Thank you, Countess! I will not fail you.” The old Navigator was stunned, “But Captain, this boy cannot be the Navigator of the Dawn Treader; he has not the Talent for sensing the Astronomicon.”

“Silence, fool!” I replied brandishing my plasma pistol. “Now, my new Navigator, tell me how long till we reach the Magoros System?”

The mystified lustknabe turned to the mutant whom remained silent.

“I don't know ma...” replied the new Navigator as his head exploded in a spray of plasma. The mutant grimly wiped boy-grisel from his face.

“Do not come back to the bridge until we land in the Magoros System,” I screamed at the mutant, “Get out of my sight!”

"Yes, madam," the Navigator relied as he stiffly walked out of the bridge.

I have a name for my pain – and it is the Navis Nobilite!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 069.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 069.816.M41++

Location: The Koronus Expanse
Course: En-route to nowhere...
Immaterium: Bah, why bother!

Comments: Sixteen days into the voyage, and still no Magoros System.

We better get there soon – I'm running out of lustknabe!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!

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