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[Rogue Trader]Rebirth of the Dawn Treader (Updated 8/17/2010)

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In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 074.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 074.816.M41++

Supplemental Comments, Continued: I just finished my repast courtesy of the agri-world, Lucien's Breath.

Where was I?

Ah, yes. Yesterday after my away-team had dispatched Lady Ash, we retreated back down the ridge quietly so as not attract any attention from the remaining orcs.

I worried initially the Brother Mordechai would become irate over the murder of the unsanctioned psyker, yet der arschhusten merely sullenly refueled his flamer and fell into line. Perhaps the Missionary has come to accept the order of this ship...

In any case, we made our way to the Xenos Ruin known as The Star Mirror. The white stone structure was a large cylindrical tower with a series of broad, deep steps leading to the single entrance. Once inside the arched doorway, the open interior space revealed the object of our expedition: The Star Mirror itself.

The Star Mirror was a strange, blurry, chaotic collage of streaking lights and pictures floating suspended in mid-air. There was no apparent infrastructure projecting the image into the space. Moreover, the lights themselves made no sense whatsoever – it was a completely random form.

After looking into the Star-Mirror for some time, I gave up trying to make sense of the device. One-by-one, the other members of the crew also caved-in – except the Tech-Priest.

Octus continued to stare deep into the maddening form suspended above us; he eyes wide and pupils dilated. Slowly, the Explorator began to smile, “I see the past and present as one!”

“What are you blathering about, Tech Priest?” I queried.

The saucer-eyed Explorator muttered, “I can see the past and the present as one – they are separated by space. Time is Space. Space is Time. The Time and the Space are one! It is a continuum of Space-Time!” Octus began to cackle manically to himself...

Volkner Alessander slapped the Explorator across the face, sending spittle flying, and, eventually, the Tech Priest returned to his senses and explained his vision:

The Star Mirror recorded all the events of the solar system as though it were a giant picto-monitor. Except, instead of only showing the present, the Star Mirror displayed all of the past events which had transpired since the device was first built. By focusing on different points of space, Octus was able to see the past events and then follow the trajectory of those events as they led into the present. And that was not all the Explorator discovered...

“I've located the The Righteous Path!” exclaimed the Tech-Priest. When the vessel first made warp-fall in the system, the Star Mirror began recording its position and course. By focusing on different points of “Space-Time” within the images, Octus had been to follow the ship's voyages throughout the Magoros system – including its final resting place on an asteroid in the Shard Halo!

“Wait a minute,” asked Quinn Vanberg, “Can you use the same technique to locate the Fell Hand?” Octus returned to his observations and shortly confirmed the arrival of the Rogue Trader, Hadarak Fel, into the system as well as his current position and heading.

Das schwein was not far from the The Righteous Path but couldn't locate the vessel almost right under his nose! Knowing the precise location of your enemy while remaining unbekannt is a powerful advantage in naval combat. With the right tactics, I might be able to leverage the element of surprise to launch a ship-to-ship assault against my adversary...

At first, I thought this “Space-Time” could be a useful concept. So I began waving around my chrono to see if I could observe this phenomena personally; yet, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Bah, “Space-Time” – what a farce! No wonder this stupid Xenos empire failed!

As there was no alien plunder to be had and the Star Mirror itself was too large to move, the away team made our way out of the building.

And that is when the second mob of orcs set upon us...

The exterior of the Star Mirror has a series of wide, deep steps leading up to the entrance of the hall. There was no cover to be had and the stairs themselves would prove no impediment to the charging orcs. Alas, we faced other challenges...

“These orcs have Shootas,” sighed the Void-Master.

Quinn Vanberg was right. The twelve primitive orcs wielded a mismatch of Choppas and Shootas. The 6 orcs with Choppas charged forward while the 6 orcs with Shootas formed a firing line in the rear.

The only tactic which presented itself was to fire on both flanks in order to channel the remaining chargers to un kleinen front. I issued the orders and charged down the steps to set against the first of the chargers in melee.

The Arch-Militant, Volkner Alessander, opened up into the left flank with the Stormbolter and the Missionary trained his flamer to the right while the rest of the crew fired into the rushing mob. As the skirmishers closed, the flares of tracers, bolts, flames and slugs arced in both directions from the field.

After the initial line of orcs engaged in melee, the back ranks rushed in behind them. The original plan was to form a “V” with me anchoring the bottom point. However the orcs rush forward in an unruly mob, negating our tactics, so the final formation ended up a “W” with Brother Mordechai and I at the two front facing positions.

Safely shielded from the melee scrum, Volkner Alessander smugly snarked, “Today's forecast -- 100% chance of Death,” as he mowed down orcs on the left flank and rear with his Stormbolter.

Meanwhile, Octus had difficulty, “Chaos brings the darkness and I have a blasted flashlight!” The Explorator fought a gun-battle with an orc shooting from the back line. The two adversaries traded salvos, one scoring hits after the next, but the wounded Tech-Priest eventually persevered. When Octus felled his foe, he exclaimed, “The blessing of the Omnissiah smiles upon me!”

I fared much worse. Initially, I slew an orc at range with my inferno pistol, but once the chargers engaged in melee, I was quickly overwhelmed. Outnumbered two to one, the massive orcs scored hit after hit with their cruel Choppas! Had not Quinn Vanberg rushed into melee in my support, I may have fallen to the brutes on that barren rock...

Facing fewer adversaries due to the accurate fire of the Arch-Militant, the Missionary was able to slay the single orc which survived the hail of explosive bolts. Borther Mordechai cleaved the orc from gullet to groin with his giant chain axe, spilling its viscera all over the steps.

In fact, the entails on the ground were so thick and viscous, Octus activated his Logis Implant and attempted to rush the final orc standing, but he fell down in the ichor surrounding the Missionary. And he was not alone in his troubles – both the Void-Master and I charged into melee but found no purchase amongst the muck...

The Arch-Militant also fruitlessly fired into the fray, but it was the Tech-Priest whom landed the final blow, chopping off the offending orc's leg with his poweraxe and ending the encounter.

The final tally of valor:
Volkner Alessander: 3 killed via his Stormbolter
Octus: 2 ranged kills and he scored the final melee strike
Quinn Vanberg: Dispatched one orc with his bolter and killed another with his powersword.
Brother Mordechai: Only a single orc fell to his chain axe. Such a pitiful display...
And I killed a single foe with my inferno pistol, but slew two orcs in melee combat...

Once the battle ended, the Missionary tended to our casualties; I was the most wounded of the away-team. For some reason, Brother Mordechai was unable to tend to my injuries. “Countess, your wounds require more treatment than I can provide in these conditions,” the Missionary demurred. Strange, that he was able to tend the to wounded Tech Priest...

The rest of the crew collected some Shootas and Choppas for our trophy room. The Explorator examined the Shootas' firing mechanisms, but found only bits of rock affixed to rickety wooden parts. “Somehow they just made it work,” reasoned the Tech-Priest.

When we collected ourselves, the team quickly retreated back to our shuttlecraft; lest any more orcs set upon us. After the shuttle docked and we were safely ensconced in the Dawn Treader, I ordered the crew to head to the Shard Halo in clandestine fashion, running silently.

In two days time, we shall arrive in the asteroid belt. Using the information we gleaned from the Star Mirror, we may be able to circumvent the Auspexes of the Fell Hand and catch Hadarak Fel unawares.

One manner or another, we mean to engage the Rogue Trader in ship-to-ship combat. I have no illusions; the Fell Hand and the Dawn Treader are evenly matched frigates. Should our subterfuge fail, there will no recourse but to exchange battery fire on fair terms with the outcome far from certain.

Goderick Von Krak once said that naval victory is determined in the moment of first contact. Hopefully, the element of surprise serves us well...

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 077.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 077.816.M41++

Location: The Shard Halo in the Magoros System
Course: Drifting amidst the asteroids
Materium: The Shard Halo is an asteroid belt surrounding the three inner planets of the Magoros system. The distance of the belt from the star renders this segment of the system a frigid wasteland. The spinning rocks glisten with a sheen of ice and crystallized minerals.

Comments: Der Sieg ist im Moment des ersten Kontakts bestimmt!, my grandfather used to say – and he was right!

Over the last four days, the Dawn Treader maneuvered closer to the Shard Halo, running silent. Without the benefit of our Augur Devices, we had no foreknowledge of our enemy's position or heading. Instead, Quinn Vanberg plotted a circuitous route along the last known trajectory of the Fell Hand which maximized the amount of time we spent in the asteroid belt while minimizing the time crossing wide-open space.

Our plan worked – we attacked the Fell Hand from the stern with the element of surprise!

The Arch-Militant, Volkner Alessander, commanded the batteries – a Mars Pattern Macrocannon funded via my Father's enslavement to the Chorba Dynasty – to take aim at the stern of Haderak Fel's frigate. The aptly named Big-Daddy Battery struck true, disrupting the frigate's void-shields.

Exploiting this weakness, Volkner Alessander trained the Starbreaker Lance against the vulnerable vessel. The shot by-passed the heavily armored hull, set the ship afire and disabled a weapon pod.

And that is when I received the bad news – apparently the Dawn Treader is … Skittish

“...What do you mean, SKITTISH?!?” I railed against the Tech-Priest, banishing my plasma pistol.

Octus, suitability cowed, replied “Lord-Captain, the machine-spirit of the vessel is afraid of combat. The cogitator tells me of a terrible fusillade which nearly destroyed it long ago!” The Explorator went on to explain that while the machine-spirit flew faster outside of tactical encounters, once in the throes of battle, the machine-spirit had the tendency to hesitate and slow down. However, with the proper motivation, the machine-spirits might be coaxed to greater speed...

I leapt up from my Throne, turned towards it and blew it to smithereens with my Plasma Pistol. Then, I began cursing at the Dawn Treader in my native tongue; Du Arsch ficken Feigling Stück Scheiße mongrel eines nutzlosen Bastard Hahn...!

The Explorator interrupted my tirade, “Madam, to coax the machine-spirit you have to speak the Binary Language. To the cogitator...”, pointing to his console.

Die Schiessen! I sat back down in the remains of the bridge Throne and calmed myself.

The situation actually made sense; after all, Goderick Von Krak had won our dynasty's Hereditary Renowned Warrant of Trade by virtue of sacrificing his vessel to advance the cause of the Margin Crusade. It had taken many years of effort to repair the damage to my frigate. I suppose the machine-spirit developed this quirk as it laid dormant all those decades...

Quickly, I ordered the Tech-Priest to coax the machine-spirit to greater alacrity in this struggle. The Void-Master had a plan to capitalize on the initial vector of our heading. Quinn Vanberg piloted the Dawn Treader past the Fell Hand along the right flank, hoping to utilize the momentum of our ship to evade the counter assault from our adversary.

The Helmsman's tactic succeed; with one weapon aflame, the enemy frigate fired its remaining weapon – a prow-mounted TitanForge Lance -- and it missed!

Hadarak Fel churlishly hailed me, “Dastardly, Von Krak! Why not fight me face to face?”

“I'll kill you like we killed your Unsanctioned Psycher!” I exclaimed.

“I challenge you to a duel!” sneered the shocked Rogue Trader.

I accepted the challenge, “I'll see you on the deck!” Slamming the picto-monitor off, I ordered the crew to redouble their efforts.

And for once, Brother Mordechai complied with my wishes...

The Missionary strode the length of the battery decks extolling the virtues of our struggle, “Fear not the demise of our adversaries, for the God-Emperor demands we cull the weak from the ranks of Humanity; only the strongest face of Mankind shall be victorious in battle against the foul Xenos!”

Meanwhile, the Arch-Militant ordered the inspired weapons crew to fire the batteries and shoot the lance once more – breaching the hull of the Fell Hand! The salvo depressurized the frigates' batteries, as well as its prow lance. Many of Hadarak Fel's crew fell into the cold, sparse void...

Sensing the Rogue Trader's imminent defeat, I hailed the Fell Hand and demanded his immediate surrender, “Hand over your sword or I'll present your head to your uncle as a Skull-Servitor! You have 10 seconds to decide!”

In response, the cowardly Hadarak Fel fled; at least, he tried. I'll give the opposing Helmsman credit, for the Fell Hand gave us some difficulty. Initially, we turned about to give chase, but our weapons were out of range and the Dawn Treader's balky machine-spirit yielded lack-luster acceleration.

However, some deft piloting by the Void-Master and fine coaxing of the machine spirits, via the exhortations of the Explorator, caught us up with our quarry!

With another volley of the Big-Daddy Batteries, we disabled both the frigate's Geller Field and its Life-Sustainers...

Yet, it was Volkner Alessander's StarBreaker Lance that caused catastrophic damage to the Fell Hand – the ship was hulked!!!!

In the moment of our victory, the Magoros star pulsed temporarily blinding our Auspexes. Unfortunately, during the lack of scrutiny, my adversary, Hadarak Fel, escaped by virtue of an Archeo-tech Flying Armored-Bridge!

Of course, it was only after we had combed the gutted ship looking for survivors and salvage that we discovered the absence of the entire bridge structure. Not succumbing to panic, I radioed the Void-Master, still aboard the Dawn Treader, to scan the surrounding asteroids, for the errant Rogue Trader could not have gone far...

Shortly thereafter, Quinn Vanberg found the spineless scion of the Fel Dynasty hidden in the crevice of an asteroid.

“Ready the Skull-Servitor!” I ordered the Tech-Priest. When we ran down the flying bridge and breached its hull, we captured the Rogue Trader and his bodyguard inside. We also found Hadarak Fel's Navigator, executed via a shot to the back of his head. Den feigen duo had the courage to shoot their own companion, but not enough esprit-de-corps to die in an honest fight!

Back aboard the Dawn Treader, I had my lustknabe corporeally discipline Hadarak Fel; I think the debauched nobleman actually enjoyed it! The Missionary led the ship-board Death Cult in its ritual sacrifice of the bodyguard. I forced the former Lord-Captain to witness his minion's demise...

I suppose my continued debasement of the Missionary is nearing its end; the Ecclesiarchy would take a dim view of the Heretical Cult's activities. Moreover, Brother Mordechai's order, the Missionaria Galaxia, most definitely would not be pleased to discover his leadership position in the clandestine group.

I think the Missionary and I have finally reached an understanding...

Meanwhile, my crew salvaged the remains of the Fell Hand. Volkner Alessander's precision firing destroyed most of the useable components of the vessel. All that remained of value was the sheer volume of raw material in the frigate's hull and decking. Otherwise, I took Hadarak Fel's Familial Signet Ring, as well as his personal Mono-sword, to hold a place of high-honor in the Dawn Treader's trophy room. Only a few score of the Fell Hand's crew survived the battle and the subsequent radiation from the pulsar. I remanded the prisoners to the tender mercies of the Death Cult.

I'm sure the captives will be fine...

In spite of my initial blustering, I have been convinced by my crew that it is better to hold the Rogue Trader prisoner, rather then execute him outright; the scion of the Fel Dynasty would fetch a high ransom from his family, but his murder would only earn my fledgling Dynasty the scourge of vendetta...

Today witnessed the first naval victory for the resurgent Von Krak Dynasty. I destroyed the smallest vessel of the Fel Dynasty; soon, I will crush the Fell Storm itself, should Oberon Fel once more cross my path in battle...

We have confirmed the location of the Righteous Path nearby. On the morrow, I will complete my triumph over the Magoros System!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 078.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 078.816.M41++

Location: The Shard Halo in the Magoros System
Course: Drifting next to the asteroid containing the wreckage of the Righteous Path
Materium: Oddly, the Righteous Path itself has become an asteroid attracting many other vessels. The metallic detritus of eons of space-faring vessels and various alchemae of the void have combined to form an icy block whose heart is the very ship we have traveled across the Expanse to find. As a result, the surface is a haphazard amalgam of jagged broken hulls and treacherous sublimates sure to send an unwary void-farer to her doom...

Comments: Thanks to the keen piloting of our Void-Master, Quinn Vanberg, we had found a relatively secure landing site proximate to the remains of the Righteous Path.

After a twenty minute traverse across the gelid terrain my bridge crew and I finally approached the wreckage we had spent the last 36 days seeking.

The Righteous Path had been broken in two. A deep gash in the hull exposed at least 11 decks to the harsh environment of the void. Searching the bottom crease of the breach, we found a means to enter the wreckage of the hulk.

An hour of exploration later led the party to a void-lock leading to the bridge. A thorough examination of the seal by the Explorator revealed that the lock still preserved the atmosphere of the helm. Octus opened the voidlock and we cycled through to the bridge beyond. Once our Voidsuits' Auger Arrays confirmed the air was safe, we removed our helmets to taste the stale air of antiquity.

The bridge was laid out according millenias-old Imperial design. The Lord-Captain's Throne sat near one end of the bridge overseeing various consoles sunken in the floor. Each of the consoles served as the instrument panel for one of the bridge crew; the Helmsman, the Explorator, the Navigator, the Arch-Militant all had arrays of controls presenting the information relevant to their trade.

Unlike traditional naval design, the walls of the bridge were also lined with banks of battle-servitors. No doubt, the Lord-Captain of the Righteous Path felt such automated defenses would reduce the chance mutiny from the crew.

Perhaps, I should investigate such a bulwark in the Dawn Treader...

In any case, I was not the only one excited with prospect of reviving such ancient servitors. “The sounds of a servitor are a hymn to the Omnissiah,” were the Explorator's exact words.

To properly interface with the servitors, Octus needed to access the core cogitator; his goal was to cajole the machine spirits of the bridge to activate the servitors under his command. The core cogitator vestibule was secreted past a door just off the bridge. The Tech-Priest hurried to the vestibule to restore power to the door and the bridge, so that he may investigate the core cogitator beyond.

In hindsight, it may have been inadvisable to return power to the bridge without disabling the servitors first...

When the machines launched their attack, the Missionary, the Arch-Militant and I were investigating the throne.

To our dismay, two of the servitors nearest to the throne lurched to life and moved to strike from both of our flanks. Brother Mordechai and I split to face the battle-servitors on two-fronts.

This tactic turned out to be an utter failure...

On the left flank, I was stunned after recklessly charging into melee with the battle-servitor via a wicked counter-strike from its shock glove. My verdammt minions didn't even come to my aid right away!

The beshissen Arch-Militant, Volkner Alessander fired at the right flank to support the Missionary instead of his Lord-Captain on the left! Adding insult to injury, Volkner's Stormbolter was equipped with Tempest rounds which shocked the battle-servitor, rendering it incapable of attack.

Oh, the irony – I was lying on my back helpless and stunned and instead of counter-stunning the battle-servitor intent on ending my reign as Lord-Captain of the Dawn Treader, the Arch-Militant saved that werlos Brother Mordechai!

Fortunately, the Void-Master had better sense. Quinn Vanberg charged over to rescue me on the left flank. The battle-servitor attacked the Helmsman with its Chainsword, but he parried the strike with his Power-sword; the active power-field even destroyed the servitor's chain weapon!

Nevertheless, the servitor struck me again with its shock glove; once more I was heavily wounded in dire combat...

At that moment, the Tech-Priest finally gained entrance to the core vestibule and spoke the Binary Language to the Cogitator. Octus assuaged the angered machine-spirits and implored them to call off the attack. The battle-servitors complied...

Belatedly, the Missionary made his way over to me, whilst I still lay twitching against the side of the Throne, and tended to my injures. We need a new combat apothecary aboard the Dawn Treader!

With the bridge secured, the plunder of the Righteous Path began in earnest. Octus was able to recover and repair both the Battle-servitors; they will make a fine addition to our maritime assault capability.

Now that both the remains of the Fell Hand and the Righteous Path have fallen under my domain, we can reap rich plunder and profit! It will take a few days to completely sack the two vessels and then return to Footfall as the victorious conqueror of the Magoros System!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 085.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 085.816.M41++

Location: The Koronus Expanse
Course: Returning to Footfall
Immaterium: Strange, that the Warp-storms which plagued the Empyrean whilst we were en-route to the Magoros System seem to have subsided. The Navigator assures me that we should reach Footfall after only 7 days of travel. Needless to say, I am less than confident in his Auguries...

Comments: Over the last seven days, my victorious crew has completed the sacking of the both the Righteous Path and the Fell Hand. The holds of the Righteous Path were brimming with ancient Xenos technology. The alien artifacts will yield rich profit in the cold trade markets of Footfall...

During the down time, my wounds finally healed under the ministrations of the Missionary; perhaps I have been too hard on his skills as an apothecary. Of course, Brother Mordechai still stirs malcontent aboard the ship as the de-facto leader of the Death Cult...

In the meantime, I have also secured the ransom of Hadarak Fel. The Dawn Treader's Astropath reached out through the Warp to contract the Astropath aboard the Fell Storm. Relaying messages back and forth, Oberon Fel and I entered into negotiations...

“...so why should I give you such vast holdings and estates in exchange for my nephew?” asked the Lord-Captain of the Fell Storm.

“For starters,” I began, “It would be a great loss to your dynasty should your heir be eliminated. Moreover, it would be a shame if the other Rogue Trading dynasties learned of how easily I destroyed the Fell Hand in naval combat. On the other hand, if we conclude this agreement ahead of time, there will be no need to broadcast Hadarak's failure to our peers and you can punish him however you see fit...”

“Yes,” replied Oberon Fel, “you have a point. Yet, the torture of my heir must be answered in kind.”

“Come now, my Lord,” I cooed, “I have trained my lustknabe well. There will be no permanent damage. Besides, under the right circumstances, such domination can be a...pleasurable release...to one accustomed to the responsibilities of plying the Rogue Trade.”

Oberon Fel chuckled, “I have been known to seek such pleasures myself. In fact, should we ever cross paths, we should discuss this matter in person...”

“I look forward to it, Lord-Captain.” I demurely concurred. Randy old goat! Still, a vigorous debauch would be a fitting end to this escapade. In addition, subverting the head of the Fel Dynasty would turn a former adversary into a powerful ally...

Eventually, Oberon Fel and I hammered out a truce, settled on the ransom, and agreed to a personal rendezvous sometime in the future. Altogether, a successful negotiation!

Speaking with my factotum, we estimated the value of the recovered materials, artifacts, and the various estates and holdings of the ransom offer. The factotum entered the data into his Calculus Logi and determined the net worth of the Von Krak Dynasty. By the time we unload this cargo at Footfall and take claim of the Fel Dynasty properties, we will have increased the net assets of my house by 17% – in just over 44 days of exploration!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
Writer's Note

And so ends the first voyage of the Dawn Treader...more to come!

Nevertheless, this story hour will be taking a brief hiatus in order to begin a new story hour for the pre-release adventure of DeathWatch.

Stay tuned for ...


Coming to a story hour near you!

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