Romance of the River Kingdoms II

Walking Dad

First Post
AC 15 (T15, FF13), HP 43/43, F +6,R+3,W+7 (Spells: 1:5/5, 2:3/4)
Ape Form (AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14)

"Thanks, magister, very thoughtful of you. We are in your debt. But a debt is beautiful after repaid." Ape says, ready to leave with the Vashti.


Spells (CL: 4, DC: 13+spell level)
infinite/Day Level 0: Stabilize, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
5/Day Level 1: Produce Lightning, Shillelagh, Lesser Vigor, Detect Spirits, Summon Nature's Ally I.
4/Day Level 2: Summon Nature's Ally II, Protection from Spirits, Ball Lightning

Baboon Traits:
AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14
Fort: +7
Refl: +5
Will: +7
Move: 40', cimb 40'
Init: +4
Perception: +10

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Dr Simon

Back at the narvinda, the Vashti asks you all to join her on the roof terrace. As she paces up and down, she seems to emit an icy anger that you haven't seen her show before. Above, the bright broken moon lights up a clear night sky, the largest fragment like a craked egg, trailing its smaller moonlets behind it. Below, sounds of partying from the people of Cormondal enjoying the Laburnum Festival.

"I feel I've let Shakou down," says the Vashti. "She's locked up, and that spirit still has her, from what Annika says and what it said when we caught it." She stops her pacing.

"I've been looking through my aunt's papers," she says. "I thought that whatever plan she had, whatever task she was setting you up to do, I might find some more clues, might be able to jump ahead of her little game.

"I'm still not sure what she was up to, but I did find a note that was obviously left for me to find. It said that if I had any questions I was to head into the water margins and seek the Temple of the Weeping Moon."
She points north across the Leng River, to where reed beds mark the far shore and the border with Ashoyin. "Over there, somewhere. Also, we've found reference to a shrine to the Monkey King, up near the headwaters of the Leng. It may be a lead in your hunt for the Jade Elixir."

The Vashti looks down over the edge of the roof terrace.

"The only problem is, I wonder if this 'honour guard' that the Magister left me will let you leave?"

Far be it from me to suggest a course of action, but as a reminder, several options are available:

Seek the Temple of the Weeping Moon
Seek the Shrine of the Monkey God
Spring Shakou from jail
Root out the remaining Paper Lantern Gang
Investigate the Magister further
Use the Heartsflow flute to summon up Catfish and return to the spirit realm without the Jade Elixir
Anything else you can think of.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"There was nothing you could do in public, Honored Vashti. We need to get some solid evidence on Magister and cast him out. Then we can void his accusations of Shakou. And if we free her before, well, more power to us. That man is corrupted or ensorcelled or both. But we probably should plan away from you. It wouldn't do to have Vashti implicated in strange events that are about to happen.

That said, we could use some protection from malign influences if you can offer such. My will is trained well, but even I could succumb given enough attempts."

Walking Dad

First Post
AC 15 (T15, FF13), HP 43/43, F +6,R+3,W+7 (Spells: 1:5/5, 2:3/4)
Ape Form (AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14)

"He is right. You... we couldn't do anything in this situation.This temple you mentioned, the Temple of the Weeping Moon, is there an oracle? Maybe we can get there the information to prove Shakou's innocence." Ape suggets.


Spells (CL: 4, DC: 13+spell level)
infinite/Day Level 0: Stabilize, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
5/Day Level 1: Produce Lightning, Shillelagh, Lesser Vigor, Detect Spirits, Summon Nature's Ally I.
4/Day Level 2: Summon Nature's Ally II, Protection from Spirits, Ball Lightning

Baboon Traits:
AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14
Fort: +7
Refl: +5
Will: +7
Move: 40', cimb 40'
Init: +4
Perception: +10

Dr Simon

"Thank you," says the Vashti. She touches her blood-stained robe. "And thank you also for your healing, Growling Ape. I wonder... I wonder if the same type of spirit has the Magister as attacked Shakou? Are we certain he is possessed? Did anyone notice anything when using second sight? It may be that the Magister's house has an infestation of hostile spirits." She is thoughtful for a moment, then looks down abruptly at Mystal.

"I'm... not sure," she says. "In answer to your question, that is. I'll see if Sister Archivist has any protective magic we can spare. And as for your question, Master Ape; again, I'm not sure. Once again Great Aunt Vasu left riddles and hints." She closes her eyes and recites as if from memory. "'Travel directly north through the water margins of Leng for two days as the eagle flies to find the archway. As you pass through, be mindful of what you seek.'"

To jump ahead a bit, Sister Archivist will be able to find protective talismans for each of you that act, in game mechanic terms, as a potion of protection from spirits (CL 6th). I.e. anyone can activate them, but they are single-use.


First Post
"I didn't see a spirit in the Magister," Annika says, then admits, "But I wasn't really looking at him either. The spirit in Shakou seemed to said it had done what it wanted to do. But it could come back any time."

The eagle-woman fumes silently, then says, "This is clearly about the paper lantern gang. Their underground opens up here somewhere. The magic to summon spirits is not far from the magic to raise walking dead. And with Shakou hostage, our investigation is stymied. That must be what the spirit meant. If the Magister is possessed as well, then someone in his household must be casting these spells in secret, running the gang. Maybe even posing as a lowly servant."

"We could go to this oracle...but I am worried what will become of Shakou if we leave her here. And maybe it's best if we save the oracle until we have no other way. We may not get a second chance to consult it."

Walking Dad

First Post
AC 15 (T15, FF13), HP 43/43, F +6,R+3,W+7 (Spells: 1:5/5, 2:3/4)
Ape Form (AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14)

"I came to similar conclusions. But what do you propose as our next action? We cannot break into a magister's house and are likely under surveilance." Ape asks Annika.


Spells (CL: 4, DC: 13+spell level)
infinite/Day Level 0: Stabilize, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
5/Day Level 1: Produce Lightning, Shillelagh, Lesser Vigor, Detect Spirits, Summon Nature's Ally I.
4/Day Level 2: Summon Nature's Ally II, Protection from Spirits, Ball Lightning

Baboon Traits:
AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14
Fort: +7
Refl: +5
Will: +7
Move: 40', cimb 40'
Init: +4
Perception: +10


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I cannot break Shakou out myself, but I can deliver her her tools. She might be able to get out then. And we can make our way out together. Then we busy ourselves with proving there is something fishy about that Magister. I did observe him and I cannot say for sure he's possessed, he could be under some magic charm. He definitely wasn't himself at all times we were there."

Dr Simon

"I don't doubt that you could do it, Mystal," says the Vashti, "but suppose Shakou manages to get herself free, then what? If the Magister is not himself.... The legal way to remove him would be to appeal to a higher ranking Magister, which would mean sending word to Llaza. Sister Herbalist won't like me sayng this, but I think we should find whoever is raising spirits and deal with them ourselves.

"Mistress Kumiko might be able to help us, if I can contact her. The gang were using the cistern under the town, you said. Perhaps some more clues can be found there, particularly the exit in the Magister's House?"

Decisions, decisions...
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First Post
"I agree," Annika says, folding her arms stubbornly. "It will be dangerous without Shakou...she's one of the strongest of us...but we have no choice. If there are shadowy forces controlling the Magister, then by ending them we free him...and then he will free Shakou."

"We should start looking for ways into the underground."

Split the Hoard

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