Romance of the River Kingdoms II

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Dr Simon

Mayhem erupts. Magister Ten and Mistress Kumiko stand transfixed by amazement. From the corners of the room, guards begin to move forwards, other party guests stare or flee, according to their disposition.

Mystal bends to treat the Vashti. She is badly cut, but conscious, and Mystal manages to stop the bleeding for the moment. Ape's spell seems to have no effect on Shakou as she advances, and unnatural snarl on her face and the Vashti's blood splattered on her clothes. For a moment she contemplates her comrade in arms, then lunges at Mistress Kumiko of the Merchants League, slicing her arm badly.

Actions as above conducted. The Vashti is now on 1hp.
Shakou rolls a 1 on her renewed Will save, so no effect from Ape's spell.
Shakou attacks Kumiko with dagger, 13+3=16, hit for 1d4=3 damage.

Initiative count:


Dr Simon

OOC: I think each new casting will grant a new save - I see no evidence against that. Note that the spell doesn't expel hostile spirits, only grants the recipient the chance to resist control.


First Post
"No!" Annika cries as Shakou attacks another unarmed civilian. "I will be your foe, if that's all you want!"

Ghostly flames ripple along the sorceresses arms and shoulders as she lifts her hands and projects a blast of fire at the raging tiger-woman!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Could we get a quick map? I want to attack with touch attack that will position her away from innocents and as much in the middle of the party as possible before killing her :devil:

Dr Simon

Shakou ducks Annika's ray of fire, which shoots past the ear of a startled looking Magister Ten and burns a hole in one of his wall-hangings.

10's a miss, Shakou has an AC of 13 for touch and non-touch (no armour, good Dex).

I took the liberty of moving Annika a 5 ft. step away from Shakou (as you were all bunched together) to avoid an AoO.

Hopefully you are all clear on the map, PCs are initial letter in speech colour, as is the Vashti. Magister Ten and Mistress Kumiko are pink 'M' and 'K', pink 'X's are other partygoers and staff (we can assume more outside the room), and blue 'X's are guards, in shiny breastplate and armed with sword and spear.


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First Post
"Someone grab her!" Annika calls. "But don't kill her! I saw some kind of...rat spirit possess her! She's not in control of herself!"

Walking Dad

First Post
AC 15 (T15, FF13), HP 43/43, F +6,R+3,W+7 (Spells: 1:5/5, 2:3/4)
Ape Form (AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14)

Ape conjures the spirit magic of his own, protecting himself.


Casting Protection from Spirits on himself.

Spells (CL: 4, DC: 13+spell level)
infinite/Day Level 0: Stabilize, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
5/Day Level 1: Produce Lightning, Shillelagh, Lesser Vigor, Detect Spirits, Summon Nature's Ally I.
4/Day Level 2: Summon Nature's Ally II, Protection from Spirits, Ball Lightning

Baboon Traits:
AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14
Fort: +7
Refl: +5
Will: +7
Move: 40', cimb 40'
Init: +4
Perception: +10


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Mystal tumbles past Shakou toward Annika and coming up on his feet pokes at Shakou's calves with his stick, disbalancing her. He grabs her with his free hand and pulls with all his weight and she stumbles.

"Ape, grab her, don't cast, it doesn't work."

Move: tumble two squares north (acrobatics +11)
Standard: melee attack +9; 1d4-1/18-20/x2; on hit shakou needs to make Reflex DC 16 or swap positions with Mystal (sorry Shayuri, it's the only way I can make her not adjacent to VIPs)

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