RPG Crowdfunding News 048: 5E Special – Oath of the Frozen King, The City of Talos, Cities of Sorcer

In todays crowdfunding column we’re looking at seven campaigns currently running on Kickstarter for 5th Edition. Supplements, Adventures and Card Accessories await to tempt you…

In todays crowdfunding column we’re looking at seven campaigns currently running on Kickstarter for 5th Edition. Supplements, Adventures and Card Accessories await to tempt you…

[h=3]Adventure Kit: Oath of the Frozen King by Absolute Tabletop[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 1st June 2017; 15:49 UTC)


Absolute Tabletop’s Oath of the Frozen King Adventure Kit is a quick ‘build your own adventure’ toolkit providing the DM with adventure concept, maps, encounters and other ingredients to create their own unique adventure.

Adventure Kits are “versatile, flexible frameworks for roleplaying game adventures. Much more like a model kit, some assembly is required. WEr provide the pieces – all you need is some paint, a little glue and a steady hand.

Prep-light, improv-heavy GMs will enjoy the versatility and flexibility that Adventure Kits provide, while GMs who prefer going into games with a lot of prepared material will appreciate utilizing the toolkit to create a fully fleshed out adventure quickly and easily.

Within the kit you’ll find inspiration, mechanics, and ready-made, modular add-ons for each adventure. Use as little or as much as you need to create your unique adventure.

· Adventure Setting: A brief description of the world, realm, and region that the adventure is set in, including a quick note on how to run it in your own campaign world.
· World Primer: The most important tenets of the world that the adventure is set in. These are the details that give the world its tone and feel.
· Adventure Overview: This top-down view includes high concept details of the lore, tone, and possible conflicts.
· Map: Each Adventure Kit includes a modular map of the adventuring location for easy reference.
· Locations: Each area of the adventure includes a flavorful description and applicable mechanics, as well as sights, sounds, and sensations.
· Encounters: This list of encounters includes at least one of each of the following: a roleplay encounter, a combat, a skill challenge, a puzzle or trap, and a cinematic encounter.
· NPCs: Each Adventure Kit comes packed with a handful of unique and thematic non-player characters, complete with basic stats, personality traits, and even secrets for use in roleplay encounters.
· Resolution and Rewards: This section offers some suggested adventure resolutions and ideas for rewards and loot for the adventurers.
· Toolbox: Modular add-ons and adventure enhancements like mechanics, thematic phrases, set dressing, trinkets and loot, and simple generators for monsters, skill challenges, and traps.

[h=3]Dark Naga – The City of Talos for 5th Edition by Dark Naga Adventures (Kevin Watson)[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 14th May 2017; 23:00 UTC)


The City of Talos is the third adventure in the Haunting of Hastur series for three to seven characters of 8th to 10th level.

After the events of The Buried Zigurat, the characters return to the city of Meawold to report to the Minister of Interior Affairs Edmur and enjoy the fruits of their labor. After tiring of the delights of Meawold, and possibly running a bit low on coin, they decide the time has come to accept the invitation from Sherin Po-thole and enter Talos as honoured guests, something no surface dweller has ever done.

With the characters attuned to the necessary magic items, the p[arty returns to the nexus and follows the signs to Talos. There it discovers a wondrous land of adventure and opportunity.

· From the exploration of the nexus, the party saw hints and rumors of lost treasures.
· Negotiation with the Formene Elves will be a challenge. They are skilled orators, and most of them have been practicing negotiation longer than the party has been alive.
· The dangers of the Formene are many, powerful, and unforgiving.
· The riches are nearly beyond imagination. For example, the Formene is the only source of mithril weapons and armor.
· Somewhere in the Talos libraries lie the secrets to why Hastur wants the elves for his master plan.
· The Duchy of Meawold would relish the opportunity to restore trade, or perhaps even reopen the nexus.
· The first heroes to enter Talos will be known throughout the lands and become the stuff of legends.
· The Formene Elves welcome an opportunity to sample the delights they know only through legends, cuts of beef, lamb, pork and chicken, not tasted for nearly two millennia.

The City of Talos includes a 32 page adventure book and a 32 page gazetteer with a detached color cover which includes color maps on the interior.

[h=3]The Complete Cities of Sorcery by Scott Taylor[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 17th May 2017; 21:01 UTC)


The Art of the Genre Folio series is a great series. I have a few in PDF and, one day, would love to grab some physical copies. This new volume, The Complete Cities of Sorcery Campaign, takes it’s 128 page hardcover look back to the 1980’s and AD&D with its orange spine. The content is a mega-dungeon combined from Folios #8 to #13 for both 1st and 5th Editions that will include 6 gazetteers, 6 adventures, 6 min-adventures to help flesh out the campaign, a Valoria Places V1-2 section and 6 iconic characters ready to be brought to the table.

The book encapsulates a duo of epic trilogies set in two distinct fantasy cities, Valoria in the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras, and Taux in the Art of the genre world of the Nameless Realms. Six detailed adventures incapsulating grand story telling and weighty dungeons in both 3D and 2D (classic blue) maps help spin a story of struggle, martial prowess, and ingenuity. The Hidden Valoria section takes players from 1st thru 7th level, while the Ghosts of Taux section will revolve around mid-level gaming.

Plus, keeping to the 80’s theme, Jeff Easley is providing cover duties!

[h=3]Fifth Edition Fighter Folio & Condition Cards by Brian Berg[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Monday 22nd May 2017; 04:59 UTC)


Total Party Kill Games are no strangers to Kickstarter or quality 5th Edition products and there latest offering, The Fighter Folio and Condition Cards, looks no less kickass. Sadly not a lot of information is actually available on the campaign page or in the video – which I think is probably the main reason why the campaign is struggling a little at present.


The campaign is for a The Fighter Folio which is a resource for Fighters including new archetypes, feats, backgrounds, magic items, equipment and optional rules (such as the Trick Shot). The books subtitle is “A Class Reference Guide with Tons of New Fighter Options!”. The 5E Condition Cards is a “gorgeous set of cards giving you four of every condition, including the ones from TPK’s hugely popular Fifth Edition Options title.”

[h=3]Hero’s Trove Item Cards for 5E by Lilit Beglarian[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Monday 29th May 2017; 06:57 UTC)


We keep to the card theme with Hero’s Trove Item Cards, a Poker Card sized deck that’s starting off with 96 items (including some duplicates of important items such as Potions and Arrows). Each card will have its own unique artistic interpretation along with all the relevant information about each item.

Hero’s Trove is a project aimed at making inventory management for 5e engaging and fun by turning every item into a card with its own unique artwork. Instead of meticulously writing out all your supplies, just grab the corresponding card and voila! Our goal is to increase immersion by minimizing the amount of time you have to open the Rulebook and make collecting basic look a rewarding experience.

[h=3]Dragon Drop Adventures 5e Vol.2 by Dragon Turtle Games[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Wedesday 31st May 2017; 18:00 UTC)


Dragon Drop adventures are single session adventures for 3 to 5 players that a DM can easily drop into their campaign. This second volume offers up to four adventures to backers…

Trouble in the Catacombs (Level 5)
The famously incompetent necromancer Hang-root has really messed up this time. While researching a powerful artefact, she has unwittingly animated a long dead nobleman, named Canton, and his servants in Catacombs, trapping an exploration party. The undead have organised themselves to reclaim what was once theirs. It falls on you to rescue the exploration party and lay the undead to rest.

The Vampire of Vadim (Level 6)
After several residents were found dead, their bodies drained of blood, the people of Vadim hired a charismatic traveling vampire hunter who promised to track and kill the abomination. After hearing rumours of similar incidents happening in other towns along the coast, Malachi, the local barkeep, suspects the hunter and vampire to be working together in a foul money making scheme, and he’s asked you to prove him right.


Of Worgs & Goblins (Level 7)
The people of Atmos Vale have recently been the victims of a devastating goblin raid. The unusually organised and intelligent goblins overran the town and captured several townsfolk before retreating back into the forest. Viscount De Byat has asked for you all by name, and suspecting there is more to the goblins than meets the eye, has requested that you help retrieve the missing townsfolk, and bring to justice those responsible, no matter the cost.

The Orc Situation (Level 8)
The leader of a local caravan company wants to cut one of their normal routes in half to save the company large amounts of time and money with every trip. The only problem, the proposed route cuts right through the middle of Orc territory. She has asked you to ‘relocate’ a particularly violent tribe away from the route, dead or alive.

Each adventure in the series comes with a backstory, tips on how to customise or adapt the adventure to your campaign/setting, the adventure itself, a player mpa and a DM map, notes on how to expand the adventure and plot hooks for future sessions and an appendix of NPCs, Monsters and Magic Items.

[h=3]Darkness Surges – The Second Asatania Campaign Arc for 5E by Michael Cerny[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Friday 2nd June 2017; 00:00 UTC)


The campaign world of Asatania is being released as a series of story arcs. The first instalment, Crashing Chaos, was a successful Kickstarter project last year and now the team are back with the second instalment – Darkness Surges.

Under orders from their liege-lord, the King of the Windsome Chain, players must make the treacherous journey west. They will travel through lands thrown into turmoil, to the great dwarven capital of Hammermuir.

They are to negotiate a treaty with the dwarves to safeguard both kingdoms from the army of brutal savages which has invaded from across the sea.

It won’t be easy – war is raging in the land that they must traverse – and all is not what it seems. Ancient secrets will be exposed, hidden powers revealed, and new mysteries unveiled.

Like Crashing Chaos, the story arc features high quality writing, original ark, complex NPCs, and themes for mature gamers to really sink their teeth into. There’s combat aplenty, but players are expected to have more than just a hammer in their bag of tricks. Negotiating, creative problem solving, and sometimes just living to fight another day =- all are going to be needed to survive the challenges of Darkness Surges.

At the end of Crashing Chaos, characters should have achieved level 6. Darkness Surges will see them through the start of level 8.


If you like what we do here at EN World (the Forums, Columns, News, ENnies, etc) and would like to help support us to bring you MORE please consider supporting our Patreon. Even a single dollar helps Thanks!


If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

Until next time, have fun and happy gaming!

Angus Abranson

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5ever, or until 2024
I actually liked the 5e focus...as that is what the vast majority of the people who come to this site actually play.

But Angus has been pretty good about covering those other games.


I actually liked the 5e focus...as that is what the vast majority of the people who come to this site actually play.

But Angus has been pretty good about covering those other games.

Absolutely agree. These updates have been highly useful in helping me stay up with all the games coming out these days. Otherwise, there's just so much going on, and not enough time to keep track of it all. It reminds me of one of the best parts about DRAGON magazine, seeing the various ads and learning what other games--beyond D&D--are out there and available.


I am interested in the AbTab "Oath of the..." product, as the things I've seen from them thus far have been of high production quality and have all included interesting content. That said, the main book is only supposed to come in at 40 pages, which seems really slim for $25 for the physical copy. $10 for all digital is reasonable, however.


I actually liked the 5e focus...as that is what the vast majority of the people who come to this site actually play.

But Angus has been pretty good about covering those other games.

No issue with an E5 focus post but I would like to see the other games also there is a lot of god stuff out there like Aces and Eights I do nor want to miss


First Post
No issue with an E5 focus post but I would like to see the other games also there is a lot of god stuff out there like Aces and Eights I do nor want to miss

Thanks for the comments and feedback. This week was a 5th Edition special as there were a number of 5E products out there (some ending fairly soon) which I wanted to cover before it was too late. Seemed like a nice idea to roll them all into one column for a change. Back to the usual spread next week :)

Aces & Eights was actually covered in last weeks column, so has had some lovin' from us already :)

Have fun!


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