RPG Crowdfunding News 062 (5E Special Part 2): Mini-Dungeon Tome, World of Myrr, Aquilae: Bestiary o

Welcome back to our 5E Kickstarter 2-parter Special! Yesterday we looked at six campaigns looking to part you from your cash to help them come to life and today we look at another six! Yep, that’s a dozen 5th Edition campaigns currently running on Kickstarter that we’ve covered in two days! Todays selection includes a number of adventures – both multi-session and one-night affairs, an ambitious three volume bestiary and more…

Welcome back to our 5E Kickstarter 2-parter Special! Yesterday we looked at six campaigns looking to part you from your cash to help them come to life and today we look at another six! Yep, that’s a dozen 5th Edition campaigns currently running on Kickstarter that we’ve covered in two days! Todays selection includes a number of adventures – both multi-session and one-night affairs, an ambitious three volume bestiary and more…

Mini-Dungeon Tome for 5th Edition or Pathfinder RPG by AAW Games
(Campaign Ends : Monday 16th October 2017; 21:00 UTC)

I have enjoyed the individual mini-dungeon PDFs that AAW Games have been producing and certainly don’t seem to be alone. Over a thousand people have backed the Mini-Dungeon Tome campaign bringing together over 120 of these two-page adventures in a 250 page hardcover, full color, book for either Pathfinder or 5th Edition.

Mini-Dungeons are two-page, setting agnostic, grab-and-go adventures that can easily be inserted anywhere in to your campaign, or used as a quick evening one-shot. The adventures come in a variety of levels ranging for 1st to 20+. Over a quarter of the adventures included are for Levels 1-3, with just over another quarter suitable for 4th to 6th level characters.

Our goal with this project is to consolidate all our published Mini-Dungeons into a complete hardcover volume published as one book for 5th Edition and one book for Pathfinder RPG.

The layout will be completely redone from the ground up and new stationary backgrounds, graphic effects, and artwork incorporated. Finally, pending stretch goals–we'll add more content and wrap this all into a single, easy to use volume with reference tables, monster glossary, and more. With additional stretch goals we hope to add special guest authors, new artwork, and a gorgeous cover to this hardback book.

Contributors to the project have written for loads of the leading publishers such as TSR, Paizo, Kobold Press, Goodman Games and Frog God.

World of Myrr Adventures Vol 2 & Handbook for Fifth Edition by Cawood Publishing
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 11th 2017; 23:13 UTC)

This latest Kickstarter from Cawood Publishing is for Adventures in Myrr Volume Two, which will contain six adventures, and the Hirelings and Henchmen handbook, both for 5th Edition. The adventures are part of a series based in the World of Myrr Campaign Setting. Volume One took the characters up to 13th level and Volume Two continues with higher level adventures, taking the characters all the way up to 20th level. They can be played as stand alone adventures as well as part of the ongoing series.

The six adventures are spread across three modules for 4 or 5 characters. Each module will be 50-60 pages long.

A11 The City of Magic/A12 Citadel of Aramoor (Character Levels 15-16)
The players escape the city of Bladen on the vampires' warship and head north. They make their way to the city of Nox, known as the city of Magic. Once there, they will continue to deal with the evil Alliance and visit the mysterious Citadel of Aramoor. Agents of the Alliance are everywhere and the party must be prepared for anything.

Monsters include: anti-paladins, evil bards, gargoyles, hobgoblins, hydras, vampires, vampire spawn, and wizards.

A13 Into the Tunnels/A14 The Thunder Halls (Character Levels 17-18)
To avoid the deadly tarrasque, the heroes decide on an alternate route to reach the giants' enclave. A hidden trove of vampire-fighting weapons were hidden in the Thunder Halls during the Dark Times. However, the journey to the giants' halls is still a dangerous one! An old school dungeon crawl makes up a large portion of this module.

Monsters include: cloakers, dragons, elementals, giants, golems, ogres, orcs, rocs, ropers, and xorn.

A15 The Hell Gate/A16 Into the Fire (Character Levels 19-20)
The true leaders of the Alliance are the devils. Our heroes must travel to the Hell Gate in the far north. The only way to close the gate is to travel into hell and close it from the other side! Once there, the party must find a way back home and deal with a city full of devils. Will the continent of Myrr be saved? Or will the Alliance succeed in bringing an army of devils through the gate?

Monsters include: devils (barbed devils, chain devils, horned devils, pit fiends, etc.), dragons, invisible stalkers, succubi, and vampires.

The Hirelings and Henchmen supplement is a 100+ page book featuring about 180 NPCs. The book will be split into two main sections, one for hirelings and the other for henchmen. Detailed stat blocks for each character will be included. We'll also have art throughout the book. All of these characters could also be used as pre-generated PCs. Finally, we'll include several tables for you to create your own NPCs.

Aquilae: Bestiary of the Realm (Dark Obelisk; Pathfinder/5E) by J. Evans Payne
(Campaign Ends : Tuesday 28th November 2017; 14:32 UTC)

This campaign is looking to fund a three volume Bestiary set that can be used for any campaign setting for Pathfinder or 5E. Over 450 unique monsters, 1800+ total statblocks, loads of art and 1400+ pages of material for Gamemasters.

Each of the 400 OGL monsters will get 2 to 4 pages of information and will be split alphabetically across the first two volumes. Volume 1 will probably be A to M, with Volume 2 covering N to Z.

Volume 3 will feature brand new creatures that have been developed for the Aquilae campaign setting. Some have already been seen before in some of the Dark Obelisk line of books, with others debuting here for the first time. The creatures, and there will probably be about 50 of them in total, are suitable to use in any game or setting.

Horror Of The Necrodarlings! A 5th Edition D&D Campaign by Cory Mann
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 15th 2017; 14:11 UTC)

Horror of the Necrodarlings is a horror themed 3-part campaign for Dungeons & Dragons 5thEdition. The entire campaign is estimated to take 4 to 5 players about 8-10 months to complete. The campaign should take characters from 1st level all the way up to 9th. The three parts are as follows…

Part 1 - TERROR OF TRILL is a level 1-4 module. Your players will wander into a town in the dead of night, and discover something stirring in the forest. as your players fight though farms and cemeteries, the adventure will culminate in a small castle where the root of this problem lays. You will be face to face with something neither you or anyone else have ever seen before. The first of 3 parts will pit you against your deepest fears, and whether you continue the story and get to the bottom of everything...is up to you and your players….

Part 2 - TRAPPED! LIKE UNDEAD RATS… a level 4-6 module that will find your adventurers trapped in an area they know nothing about, with a group of people they have never met before. One by one people are taken into the thick tree line and it’s up to you to find a way to stop this madness. Combining a who-done-it with horrific monstrosities too horrible to imagine. This part leads the players through a terrifying swamp land, and culminates with a cabin deep in the woods, and a unspeakable creature that will shake your players to their cores.

Part 3 - END OF THE LINE…. FOR THE NECRODARLINGS! Is a level 6-9 module that will take your players to the horrific CASTLE NECRO where they must trust each other and their own sanity to get through this hellish nightmare and finally get to the bottom of what’s been going on. With the worst creatures they have ever faced, deadly traps, and possibly...love? In front of them, will they succeed in saving the world? Or die a slow and painful death at the hands….or lips…..OF THE NECRODARLINGS!!

The creation of Farun’s Labyrinth art, a D&D adventure by Clem Savard
(Campaign Ends : Friday 20th October 2017; 02:37 UTC)

Clem Savard is raising funds to get artwork for his Farun’s Labyrinth adventure. Whilst you will be able to pledge for a copy of the adventure when it’s released many of the pledge levels will let you also join in one (or more) Roll20 sessions with Clem himself running the adventure. Lower pledge levels will see you complete the first floor of the adventure, with higher ones running you through the complete module.

Have you ever been trapped in an evil place?
Have you ever thought that this is where you’re going to die?
Have you ever hate someone so badly you want to kill him slowly?
Have you ever wanted to discover riches beyond your wildest dream?
Have you ever been stump by bizarre puzzle?
Have you ever been inside Farun’s Labyrinth?
Farun has designed a place so that all these questions can be answered. Are you interested in accepting Farun’s challenge? It can't be so bad, can it? At face value, there is nothing amiss, or is there?

The adventure starts the characters off at 1st Level and will take roughly four six-hour sessions to complete.

Tales of the Unknown: Adventures for 5E Dungeons and Dragons by kt martens
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 22nd October 2017; 16:12 UTC)

Tales of the Unknown is a series of four adventures that can be used as stand-alone or tweaked and slotted into your campaign. All of the adventures are designed for 1st level characters although can be scaled to play for 1st to 3rd level PCs.

The Satyr’s Sature by Liam May
Traveling into the Feylands is a tall task for the average person; there are all sorts of creatures who wish to trick and ensnare the unwitting folk of other lands. The Satyr’s Satire is no exception. Get involved in a battle of wits and magic that will twist the mind of the bravest adventurer. Discover the magic behind the sword and lute of the Satyrs that hold balance in the depths of the forest.

The Secrets of Iriestine’s Order by Cory Mann
Deep in the heart of the forest, there is rumour of an underground temple forgotten by the ages, built for a god long dead. You have been tasked by a small town with trying to find out if there is any merit to the rumblings of the temple reawakening and followers flocking to it. Do you and your party have what it takes to delve inside the deepest recesses of the inescapable dungeon?

Itho XIII by kt martens
A crazed old wizard says it's spilled magic; the town drunk says it's something fiery fallen from the skies; the mayor tells you to mind your own damn business. Townsfolk have been quietly ignoring the light that beams from the trees for as long as anyone can tell. It seems, however, that adventurers like yourselves are always drawn to the blue-white glow. When you seek it out - and you must seek it out - what will you find?

The Trickster’s Trap by Jason Lacroix
They say the mind wanders when one sleeps - where it goes, no one knows. There is some talk of ancient forests and creatures long forgotten. Some dreamers are unfortunate enough to be deemed entertaining and find themselves in the dreary town of Lausfstall: a place where the impossible becomes possible and nothing stays the same. Will your heroes be able to keep up with the Mad God's will, or will they fade into the insanity? Can your villains dance the line between moral obligation and personal desire, or will they be lost forever in the recess of their own minds? You see, here in Lausfstall, the sane either succumb to the Mad God’s will, or else they escape, stronger than they could ever imagine...


If you like what we do here at EN World (the Forums, Columns, News, ENnies, etc) and would like to help support us to bring you MORE please consider supporting our Patreon. Even a single dollar helps Thanks!


If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

Until next week, have fun and happy gaming!

Angus Abranson

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Thank you for sharing. It is nice to see that other publishers are tackling high level 5e. I will be curious to see how successful they are.


Just curious, why are the lists labelled "5th edition special" when a fair amount of the items in the list are actually either multi-system or in one case not even for 5th edition? I've noticed that ENWorld of late has been more 5eNWorld and tends to gloss over the systems 5e has to compete with in some areas (Especially the kickstarter columns), but it's really starting to come off as agenda driven when the kickstarter lists are labelled as "5e Special" and then go on to list multi-system products.


First Post
The mini-dungeon tome looked awesome at the start, since my 2 groups can sometimes have sketchy schedules with real life constantly getting in the way of D&D (how dare it!), and this could be used for easy filler for temp DMs. Then my enthusiasm withered as I noticed that fully 50% of the book looks slated for levels 1-6, which is the area of the game already most covered by existing WOTC content and also some of the quickest to be passed by. I'm not trying to say that books shouldn't cater to the assumed audience, but it's frustrating that one of the more common refrains across the community is the dearth of high level content across the board, and even 3rd party sources don't seem to be changing that.

The Dark obelisk bestiary looks good... as in suspiciously too-good-to-be-true good. Not saying the author is being disingenuous, and I'd love it if that much monster content was actually produced, but even with the stat blocks being modifications of the same creature that is a staggering amount of work he's describing. When I think of how long it took me to receive projects like the Tome of Beasts, I dunno if it's worth backing something I might not see for several years. This is further amplified by the very, very low initial bid of 2000$ on KS, which seems weird for the amount of content. I'll keep an eye on it, but something feels off here.


First Post
Just curious, why are the lists labelled "5th edition special" when a fair amount of the items in the list are actually either multi-system or in one case not even for 5th edition? I've noticed that ENWorld of late has been more 5eNWorld and tends to gloss over the systems 5e has to compete with in some areas (Especially the kickstarter columns), but it's really starting to come off as agenda driven when the kickstarter lists are labelled as "5e Special" and then go on to list multi-system products.

In this instance I had a dozen KS campaigns on file as 'live' that were for 5E exclusively or 5E versions so decided to cover them all in a two-part column. It's as nefarious as that I'm afraid. Given that their are still 40+ other currently 'live' Kickstarter RPG campaigns going on I suspect the next column probably won't feature any 5E products ;)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I've noticed that ENWorld of late has been more 5eNWorld and tends to gloss over the systems 5e has to compete with in some areas (Especially the kickstarter columns), but it's really starting to come off as agenda driven

I’m intrigued! What’s our nefarious agenda? :D

Interestingly, EN World’s D&D coverage is at the lowest it’s been in 18 years, and it’s coverage of other systems is at the highest it’s ever been (we even have a whole new(ish) raft of columnists devoted to talking about a range of systems).

Not that it matters, of course. It’s not like it’s a public service, or what a website chooses to write about needs defending - the site started off talking *only* about the latest edition of D&D (and even had that in its actual name back when Eric Noah ran it), but these days talks about other games.
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