• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

RPG Magazines (printed).

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Can anyone tell me if any one of these magazines have 3.5 content?
e-zine or print does not matter.

Thanks in advance.................

Kobold Quarterly has 3.5 content. Though I'm not quite sure how they will handle it in the future. (Probably both 3E an 4E content but i'm not sure.)

Mark Plemmons

Knights of the Dinner Table magazine by Kenzerco
Kenzer & Company

(Thanks for the mention!)

Issue #148 has just been released on the webstore, and is on its way to distributors and retail stores right now.

If you're looking for d20 or D&D 4.0-compatible content, there's been some in most of the recent issues. You can see which ones by looking at the table of contents for each issue.

You can also use the advanced search function to look for certain terms mentioned in the table of contents, like d20, D&D, Conan, Traveller, etc. (Just set the search category to 'KoDT Individual Issues' and be sure to click 'search in product descriptions'.)


While Pathfinder is predominantly an adventure focused title, I have found the additional content in each issue to be great. Between it and Kobold Quarterly I am mostly not missing Dragon too much. Mostly.

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