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#RPGaDAY Day 28: What film/series is the biggest source of quotes in your group?

It’s August and that means that the annual #RPGaDAY ‘question a day’ is here to celebrate “everything cool, memorable and amazing about our hobby.” This year we’ve decided to join in the fun and will be canvassing answers from the ENWorld crew, columnists and friends in the industry to bring you some of our answers. We hope you’ll join in, in the comments section, and share your thoughts with us too… So, without further ado, here’s Day 28 of #RPGaDAY 2017!

It’s August and that means that the annual #RPGaDAY ‘question a day’ is here to celebrate “everything cool, memorable and amazing about our hobby.” This year we’ve decided to join in the fun and will be canvassing answers from the ENWorld crew, columnists and friends in the industry to bring you some of our answers. We hope you’ll join in, in the comments section, and share your thoughts with us too… So, without further ado, here’s Day 28 of #RPGaDAY 2017!

#RPGaDAY Question 28: What film/series is the biggest source of quotes in your group?

Darryl Mott: I have banned quotes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and from Princess Bride from my game tables. Because if you let even just one slip through, you’ve lost a good 15 minutes of game time to an amateur re-enactment of multiple scenes. Though I have used this to my advantage when the players have gone just COMPLETELY off the rails and I needed a few minutes to come up with something.

Michael J Tresca: Monty Python and the Holy Grail of course.

Angus Abranson: I think the series that possibly crops up most for me is from Blackadder. Beyond that we’ve had Red Dwarf, Discworld, Star Wars and of course various Monty Python moments. Comedy quotes certainly seem to be more common than others for us.

Rich Lescouflair (Alligator Alley Entertainment; Esper Genesis 5E): It's a tie between Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Star Wars.

Federico Sohns (Nibiru RPG): Probably Star Wars, as well as Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire and (particularly fun) Mad Max.

Simon Brake (Stygian Fox): Possibly Monty Python, but I think everyone brings their own particular streak of TV geekdom to the table.

Martin Greening (Azure Keep, Ruma: Dawn of Empire): Like many other groups I suspect, my group quotes Monty Python often.

Emmanuel Gharbi (Exil, Hellywood): Kaamelott, a french TV show about King Arthur and his knights, a comedy. Very funny and well written by writer-actor-director Alexandre Astier. My plaquées used to quote Kaamelott extensively. Impossible to play Pendragon again !

Garry Harper (Modiphius Entertainment; The Role Play Haven): Monty Python.

David Donachie (Solipsist, Starblazer Adventures): The Princess Bride. Especially "I do not think it means what you think it means".

Richard August (Conan, Codex Infernus): Not so much a source of quotes as of relentless mockery and personal aggravation, my gaming group uses the canonical dubiety of the fourth entry in a series based around a gung-ho archaeologist as a means of torturing me. It pains me to this day.

Ed Jowett (Shades of Vengeance; Era: The Consortium): We're a pretty varied source of quotes, actually. The one that sticks in my mind is Firefly/Serenity... sort of. "It gets you right here" comes up relatively often, as does the phrase "Big Damn Heroes".

Ken Spencer (Rocket Age; Why Not Games): My current group does not quote films much. Past groups tended to stick to the standbys, Star Wars, Monty Python, and Pulp Fiction. It might be the people I play with, but I think with the diversification of media in the past decade or so there are fewer 'must see' shows and people find it easier to watch the shows they want when they want to. This is a good thing, too much pop media referencing kills the mood.

Marc Langworthy (Modiphius; Red Scar): It used to be Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Currently, I’d have to say Game of Thrones.

Darren Pearce (EN Publishing; Savage Mojo): I don’t really think our group has one. But Brookyln 99 features a lot at the moment, thanks to Captain Holt and his infamous: Guarding Hades quote.

Originally created by Dave Chapman (Doctor Who: Adventures in Time & Space; Conspiracy X) #RPGaDAY os now being caretakered by the crew over at RPGBrigade. We hope you’ll join in, in the comments section, and share your thoughts with us too!

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Monty Python (and the Holy Grail), followed by Star Wars (Episode IV & V), I think. Also, a couple from 'The Gamers' by Dead Gentlemen Productions.

But the biggest source of quotes are actually from our past gaming sessions! Many of my players have been gaming together for over twenty years, so we've got loads of anecdotes shared and remembered by most of us.


But the biggest source of quotes are actually from our past gaming sessions! Many of my players have been gaming together for over twenty years, so we've got loads of anecdotes shared and remembered by most of us.

So true! We've got several, too, and references from past sessions. A few of the players in my current group are long-time friends and gaming buddies, to the tune of 17+ years of mostly ongoing gaming groups. We've got a lot of history from which to pull.


Even though we are often playing fantasy RPGs, I would say most of our quotes have typically come from either Star Wars or Star Trek:TOS. We tend to draw on a lot of different sources, though. Everything from Monty Python to Seinfeld.


In my group, practically everything geeky is fair game. Buffy, Princess Bride, Marvel movies, Monty Python, South Park, Star Trek, Star Wars, Dresden Files novels… Anything and everything geeky.


Most of the time it is me making the quotes and giving exp for anyone who picks up on it and quotes the movie or show first.

In general though I remember hearing quotes across the board. From what I remember:
The Monty Python and Mel Brooks movies, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Princess Bride, plus a few others here and there....

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