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RS2: The Tokyo Problem (Velmont Judging)

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modus666 said:
OOC: yeah i know what you mean. im betting on something similar as well but gauntlet wouldnt have ANY idea heheh.

OOC: Heheh. Exactly. Gus isn't a brain at all, but he is very wise (whatever that means). I don't want to use that differentiation to play him 'smart' whenever it's convenient, though.


First Post
OOC: Okay, that is weird because I did make a post and thought we were waiting for Nimbus... anyhow...

Timing their attacks Guantlet and Mr. Scares tear a hole in the giant automoton. It turns it head to register the attack before falling backwards...straight towards Guantlet. Before it can crash on the Russian Resolute it vanishes, just like the ninjas before it did.

-there are four ninjas near you with weapons drawn and in defensive stance and four running into the park...let's see if this post manages to go...


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Nimbus turned, hearing that the others were having trouble with the mech, and thinking maybe her light sword could act as a handy can-opener. But seeing the mech fall to the ground and disappear, she just continued turning, using the momentum to take a slice at ninja #1.

[url="http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1037196] 1d20+5=23
Save DC 23
Light Control Strike, Penetrating [/url][/sblock]


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Round Summary Leaving the unknown figure alone for a moment, Scout tries to teleport the robot into the air, but finds the thing just too heavy. Mecha Musme continues to try to get the robot's attention, noting the two figures that decided to stay for the show. Apparently not given orders the robot lazilly followed the flying totemist while nine of the ninjas ran further into the park and another four drawing ningen and taking defensive stances. Not wanting to let the ninjas get away Maddy uses a second thunderclap, elminating five of the ninjas. Working together Guantlet and Gus tear a large hole in the mechanized menace who falls backwards and vanishes before hitting the ground. Nimbus continues her advance and takes out another ninja.

Round 3, Scout

Scout 23
Mecha 23
Ninjas 19
Robot 17
Bright Girl 15
Gauntlet 15
Gus 13
Nimbus 12


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OOC: okay since I haven't heard from Stormwind yet....

Turning to the three remaining ninjas surrounding the invisible Nimbus, Scout focuses her power and teleports one into the air. The ninja falls silently, disappearing as soon as it impacts the ground.



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Marie, with a quick burst of afterburner, flies away from the robot and toward the bush with the heat signatures. Swinging her gatling rifle in front of her, just in case, she pauses in front of the bush and checks out the situation. "Ok, I know someone's there. If you're NOT hostile, now's a good time to let me know." She clucks to herself, and then repeats the statement in Japanese.

[sblock=ooc]Move action to get to the bush and the hiding people. Still doing the defense thing as previously.[/sblock]


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The student photographer takes the oppertunity to snap several pictures of Mecha and a young boy in a black hoodie and jeans scrambles out of the bush. He raises his hand in the air; he appears to be about seven or eight years old.

Three of their teammates vanquished by invisible attackers, the two remaining ninja turn their swords on themselves and disappear before hitting the ground. The four remaning ninja continue further into the park vanishing from the Resolute's sight.

Voidrunner's Codex

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