Rules oddity - Martial or Simple weapon


My character was in a situation, battling an ally who was possessed. Clearly didn't want to kill them.

It occurred to me that a sack of coins (i.e. a coin pouch) makes a pretty good sap.

IRL a sap was a leather sack, relatively small in diameter, loaded with lead shot. In game it does a D6 of non-lethal damage.

When we went actually to look up sap that damage, we discovered that this simple club-like implement is listed as a Martial weapon. A club, on the other hand, is a Simple weapon.

Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot, over?

Any other weapons you think might be mis-categorized?

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I've always allowed players to do this and just called for the improvised weapon penalty. I never thought about simple vs. martial part of it!

How about you move the damage die down one and call it a nonlethal club or something like that.

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