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Ryan's Worldbuilding game


First Post
Through Post # 79

Mavnn - 40 points
kinem - 40 points
mfrench - 39 points
Voda Vosa - 37 points

Lorthanoth - 50 points
Reveille- 40 points

[sblock=The Big List of Facts]Fact 1: This world is very close to its system star, so it has abundant sun rays, so vegetation has evolved in giant size compared to the species in Earth. The smaller tree has the size of a giant secouya. There are abundant jungles and forests all around the globe.

Fact 2: There is a city called Farlagh. Farlagh is is a floating city built on a mountain that is sheared and inverted. Farlagh is home to many creatures, some of which can fly. A pair of portals exist; one on the ground and one in the floating city. These portals allow for import of resoures the city needs to remain prosperous.

Fact 3: Dwarves are a short, stocky race who live in tunnels carved out of the giant trees of the planet. Renowned for their fortitude and skill at wood carving and enchanting, some believe that the dwarves are part plant themselves due to their uncanny ability to ‘feed’ by making regular skin to skin contact with plant life and to always know their location within their treeholds. They tend to distrust metal as a raw material, preferring their ensorcelled woods.

It is said that dwarves with in the tree where they were born can ‘meld’ themselves to it, temporarily swapping mobility for immense strength and toughness. Only the brave or the foolish would attack a dwarven clan on it’s home turf.

Fact 4: In the great rain forest Kelkar, a vast network of giant trees, are three independent nations, stacked on top of each other. The elven kingdom Hallath resides on the brightly lit upper canopy, while the human empire Chasro controls the vast central canopies. On the ground is dwarven republic Trodan. All three nations share responsibility for care of the trees, and damage to the trees is forbidden even during the occasional war between Chasro and one of the other nations.

Fact 5: The gates to the city of Farlagh have a group of magical warriors, the Porters, who are dedicated to their protection and oversight. However, they are heavily influenced by the various crime lords who vie for control of the black market goods that must pass through the portals. The elite among these gangsters live amongst the richest in Farlagh -- there isn't much that you can't get from them if you're pockets are deep and the questions kept to a minimum. Their turf wars flare up from time to time, but truth be told they've settled into a rather comfortable equilibrium.

Fact 7: The world is dense and has a massive network of caves and tunnels. Entrance to a tunnel on one side of the world can lead you half way around it if one travels long enough. There are extensive cities in the underdark that have been excavated to be expanded. The capital of the underworld is Gourgach.

Fact 8:The elves are a tall willowly race, who weigh even less than their looks would suggest (roughly 1/5 of a human of the same height). Living among the tops of the giant trees by preferenance, they can innately manipulate the flow of the air around them, allowing them to make immense leaps and to balance on the smallest and most precarious of branches. They consider themselves people of the wind rather than people of the trees, and with training can use their abilities to fling 'blades' of wind, change direction in mid leap and even (in rare cases) learn to control the weather and fly.

While they rarely trade bulk goods, elves are often hired at great cost by the other races as messangers and couriers due to their ability to 'skim' across the heights of the forests. Only the most powerful of magical effects can deliver an item more quickly than an elf.

Fact 9: The rogue elf Lennair Otho is an infamous anarchist, who advocates abolishment of all organized government. His teachings have inspired several assassination attempts (some successful) against government officials within the forest nations of Kelkar, although he has never been directly implicated in these crimes. Some people view him as a hero of the oppressed common people, while others view him as an evil criminal. Evading arrest by the kingdom of Hallah, he fled to the distant floating city of Farlagh. He is rumored to have become one of the crime lords in Farlagh.

Fact 10: The underground systems are ruled mostly by dragons, whose long lives ensure that grudges down below are not soon forgotten. They long ago lost their wings when they made their way underground in search of wealth and magic. They are the architects behind most of the digging, but of course the labor is done by others: especially slaves, bought and sold in the sunless markets of Gourgach.

The huge, ancient terrors of the depths are rarely seen, but their presence is felt through their devoted cults, who would suffer even death to carry out their masters' agendas. Were they to unite, they would be nigh unstoppable, but no two of them has been able to meet peacably within human memory.

Fact 11:There is one big... huge ocean in this world, only one. Known as THE Ocean, not many men, nor dwarfs or elves have seen the wonders that lie in it, and just a few have ventured into its waters. There are some human tribes, living near the shores, that build primitive ships, for fishing, transport and trading, with some of the sentient beings of The Ocean. Some of them have prolific cities underwater, which rival with the floating city of Farlagh. Of remark are the Kradkri, crustacean like creatures, with hard shells and tentacles, who have archive a pinnacle of culture. Many of them dedicate their lives to philosophy and art, others are wealthy merchants, exchanging sea products with the humans. But not all is peace under the deep waters of The Ocean.

Fact 12:The Makaran are the undisputed martial masters of The Ocean. Their sheer strength allows them to mkae hideous blows against their opponents that leave gashing wounds, which makes them bleed out horribly. This is beneficial to the Makaran as blood spilled sends them into a frenzy allowing them tho rage like a barbarian. The Makaran have a feral intellect and thus they throw caution to wind (so to speak) when attacking. They are always at war with with some faction of sea dwellers.

Fact 13:The Karantha are distant relatives of the Makaran, but they live in marshlands and are much more civilized and intelligent. These scaled people are well known as mercenaries, but boast a large number of scholars and wizards as well. They prefer to fight without weapons and many are masters of the martial arts. Because paper would be quickly ruined by their damp environment, they have developed a system of beads placed on strings which they use to record information.

Fact 14: The dwarf mystic Rentheir Denellar left the forest floor that had ever been the home of his people, and moved up to the City in the Sky many years ago. Living on the streets of the city as a pauper, he contemplated the nature of life, meeting the various peoples that visited the city on business, experiencing things that no dwarf could see in the confines of the forest. Eventually word spread of his status as a sort of spiritual leader, and a following accreated around him, seeking to unlock the peace and powers of the mind that Rentheir seemed to have mastered. He arranged for a permanent dwelling for them, but the yellow-robed followers of Rentheir walk the streets of Farlagh begging for food each day as they recite their mantras.

Fact 15: Falgrom is an ancient ruin, lost in the middle of the dense jungles of the equator of the globe. Built into solid rock of a dusty yellow, these ruins are massive and enormous, almost all covered by dense vegetation. Labrynthic in its paths and corridors, its sinousus underground passages connect the inner chambers, most of them obliterated by huge roots or filled with water. Within the ruins chambers lie treasures, artifacts and runes of great power and of astronomic value.
The myth says that these ruins were built by the first race of this world, although not much is known about these builders. Stories of them, and well dated events and traditions of their culture are written in the old walls, in everlasting symbols and runes. Unfortunately no one can still translate those hieroglyphics.
There are several ruins of this ancient civilization, spread over the world, though Falgrom is the only one discovered as of yet.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
Pitch: This world is very close to its system star, so it has abundant sun rays, so vegetation has evolved in giant size compared to the species in Earth. The smaller tree has the size of a giant secouya. There are abundant jungles and forests all around the globe.

Remaining points: 48


First Post
I will support Pitch 1 as well. As long as no one vetoes in the next hour or so, Frukathka is on the clock for Pitch 2.

Frukathka - 50 points
Nightbreeze - 50 points
Awakened - 50 points
Mavnn - 50 points
kinem - 49 points
mfrench - 49 points
Voda Vosa - 48 points

Lorthanoth - 50 points

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Pitch 2 - There is a city called Farlagh. Farlagh is is a floating city built on a mountain that is sheared and inverted. Farlagh is home to many creatures, some of which can fly. A pair of portals exist; one on the ground and one in the floating city. These portals allow for import of resources the city needs to remain prosperous.

Remaining Points: 48
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First Post
Do I understand that you mean the top of a mountain has been chopped off, turned upside down and now floats?

Assuming that's what you mean by 'sheared', I'll support pitch 2.

Can I suggest we start numbering pitches?

If no one vetoes these, looks like we're heading for a pretty high magic, high adventure (pulp?) world: floating mountains, giant plants...

Side note: I'm assuming that a later pitch can't include information from a pitch that isn't more than 24 hours old in case it's vetoed?

For example, if I suggest adding lizardmen, no one should propose a pitch that builds on that till 24 hours after the time stamp?

If we're posting an unrelated pitch, I'm assuming we can do it as soon as we like when our turn comes up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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