S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black


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16 - Sanne - Attack Giant #42 - 2 HIT for 42 damage, then 5' step to AG38
16 - Thanor - Attack Giant #42 - 2 MISS
16 - Voadam - 5' step back to AF47
16 - Ipshivi - Invoke Walk Unseen
16 - Morika - Attack Wolf #13 - 1 HIT for 9 damage, 5' step to AG48, Trip check FAIL
16 - Aeranduil - 5' step to AH48 - Attack Wolf #13 - 1 HIT for 13 damage, Attack Wolf #4 - 2 HIT for 18 damage, Trip check FAIL
16 - Yoggrith - 5' step to AG40, Attack Ogre #9 - 2 HIT for 30 damage
10 - Giant #42 - Attack Thanor - 1 HIT (crit confirmed) for 40 damage
10 - Giant #40 - Move to AG/AH36 - Attack Thanor - 1 HIT for 16 damage
10 - Giant #16 - Laugh uncontrollably
10 - Ogre #9 - Attack Yoggrith - MISS
10 - Wolf #4 - Attack Morika - 1 HIT for 13 damage - Trip attack SUCCESSFUL
10 - Wolf #6 - Attack Aeranduil - 1 HIT for 14 damage - Trip attack SUCCESSFUL

Sanne makes another pair of stabs at the giant in front of her, then steps back so that only one can reach her again -- her stabs are well aimed and pierce the hide of the giant's lower body twice, causing copious amounts of blood to spew forth.

Thanor continues his attack on the giant in front of him, but the knight's axe swings wide each time. "Foul beastie -- you'll taste me axe again!"

Morika continues her furious assault, with somewhat less success. She withdraws one step from the wolf she attacked, luring them into hallway so they block it.

The halfling fades from sight.

Yoggrith advances upon the second ogre, quarterstaff held high over his head, and delivers two fierce blows once again,"You will die in a moment."

Aeranduil, backs up, fires a quick shot into the wolf in front of him, dropping it, then fires two in quick succession at the wolf in front of him.

Then. All. Hell. Breaks. Loose.

The giants nearest Sanne and Thanor converge on the dwarf and land lucky blows, cracking his helm down the middle and sending the dwarf to the floor, unconcious, after hearing him utter,"Someone git tha nummer o' that train...."

On the other side of the battle, the two wolves in front of Aeranduil and Morika both latch on to their targets and drag them off of their feet.

Things seem bleak for the intrepid would-be-heroes.

Condition Summary:

Voadam: (43/43) - Mage Armor (~ 6 hrs), Wall of Ice (32/70 rounds), Mirror Image - 3 images (45/70 rounds)
Yoggrith: (95/90) - Spikes (~ 7 1/2 hrs), Bear's Endurance (20/80 rounds), +2 STR, +1 CL, 5 temp HP from Death Knell (119 minutes)
Aeranduil: (32/64) - Prone
Sanne: (34/65) - Giants Bane Infusion (147/200)
Morika: (53/66) - Prone, Barkskin (735/800)
Ipshivi: (46/46) - Spiderwalk, Walk Unseen
Thanor: (-2/107) - Unconcious, Shield of Faith (62/80 rounds)

Ogre #10 - dead
Ogre #9 - 30 damage
Giant #16- 42 damage, prone
Giant #42 - 86 damage
Giant #41 - dead
Wolf #4 - 18 damage
Wolf #8 - dead
Wolf #13- dead

[sblock=Aeranduil][MENTION=29098]Rhun[/MENTION], Unfortunately, going back, I see that Morika moved to AG49 last round, so to make things somewhat smooth for me, I'll have to leave you @ AH49 to start this round. Sorry about that.[/sblock]
***FYI - starting this combat, all future initiative will be same for the party -- so you will all act, then enemies, etc, etc to simplify and speed things up a bit. ***

OOC: sorry for the delay, real life (house projects and spring landscaping) has gotten the best of me. Think I'm caught up now.
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Aeranduil continues slowly backing up, firing arrow after arrow as he moves.

AC 23, HP 46/64

5' step to AH48, full attack (target Wolf 13 first, then Wolf 4 is 13 goes down)

3 arrows, using Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot and Adjust the Range/Woodland Archer: +15/+10/+15 (1d8+7).

[sblock=Adjust for Range]
Adjust for Range – If you miss a foe with a projectile weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on all other attacks in the same round to hit the same foe.


First Post
OOC: since my posts are being eaten tonight (had to update the IC combat thread twice, as it somehow got lost. :( ), here is your updated map.


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