S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold OOC - Recruiting


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I would think all character archetypes are welcome at this point -- the party has:

1 skill monkey (Void)
1 meat shield (Dregon)
1 arcane caster (Char)
1 divine caster (Dori)
1 striker / blaster (Deric)

May / could leave:
1 meat shieldy guy (Grommett)

So, recruiting 1, potentially 2 if Vertexx69 doesn't come back, so basically the character(s) could be anything, as we are already stocked with the minimum at each position.

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I think another healing-capable/oriented Cleric would be a good idea, for anyone reading this. Those giants hit hard. :p

In the meantime, do you want me to keep running Grommet for any battles, s@s?


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In the meantime, do you want me to keep running Grommet for any battles, s@s?

Yes please! Thanks.

Plus, I was pondering the ideas for a back-up healer type and going through Complete Divine / Complete Mage -- could be a good opportunity for someone to try out a hybrid PrC. You normally don't see too many opportunities for something like an eldritch disciple or eldritch theurge, let alone the various PrC's in Complete Divine.

But I'd also recommend another meat shield -- Dregon is taking a pounding, partly because even though his AC is 25, the BAB for a Hill giant is
+16/+11. Frost (+18/+13) and Fire giants (+20/+15/+10 !!!! OMG) await....

Don't get me started on any guest-star appearances by other giant-kind (stone, cloud, etc).
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s@squ@tch, I am already in the Team Black game. Would it be allowed for me to join Team Gold as well or would you prefer a player who is not in the other team?



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s@squ@tch, I am already in the Team Black game. Would it be allowed for me to join Team Gold as well or would you prefer a player who is not in the other team?


I'd like someone who wasn't in the other game, as it would give that PC an advantage in some situations.


First Post
Still recruiting!

Also, the fact arose that our skill monkey is more skill-specialized in hiding/scouting, so opening chests, finding traps are a bit less-than-ideally covered.

Just keep in mind that most of the party points to the good side of the spectrum, so an assassin would be not-so-well received. Not saying that it isn't possible, just would require some good backstory and reasons why he/she would want to adventure with some goody-two-shoes without sinking blades into them at every opportunity.

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