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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


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The jungle at night can be an eerie place....



The shifter's senses are ablaze as it sits perched in the tall tree limbs, some 30 feet off the jungle floor.

A rustling sound comes from his right and he sees a dark shadowy movement in the bushes.

A moment later, a dark figure appears, covered in a heavy cloak, but your keen eyes pick out the unnaturalness of the creature, as well as what appears to be several short tentacles drooping from out of the hood of the cloak. A heartbeat later shows a second form, similar to the first.

The first one looks directly at your position in the trees.

OOC: Initiative for Domoris and actions. Orange box on the map is the location of the rope trick. Hudder pulled the rope inside after he climbed in.


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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[Init (1d20+5=22)]

Seeing the.. thing, Bird-Domoris twists, its talon's becoming that of a creature twice its size. Malice burns in the creature's eyes, and a brief flash along the length his strangely silver talon indicates something is not what it appears...

[Move action to form morphic talon, standard to active stormfire ring on closest hostile creature. CL check to overcome SR for stormfire ring; Electrical damage if it fires. (1d20+12=26, 1d6=6). Hopefully someone will notice the light (not if sure noise carries...)]


First Post
Round 1 - Complete


22 - Domoris - Form Morphic Talon, Activate Stormfire Ring
21 - Mind Flayer #1 - Move to (5,8), Casts spell
21 - Mind Flayer #2 - Move to (3,8), Charm attempt on Domoris
21 - Mind Flayer #3 - Move to (8,8), Charm attempt on Domoris
21 - Mind Flayer #4 - Move to (9,9), Suggestion on Domoris
21 - Morph - Sudden Shift (IA), Cast Polymorph Self, Move to (6,10),
15 - Davan - Grab gear, climb down rope
15 - Dreadnought - Stunned
14 - Void - Gather gear, drop down from trick
12 - Darv - Gather gear, cast Barkskin on self
10 - Hudder - Jump from 'Trick, Attack Flayer #2 - MISS
6 - Lo-Kag - Stunned

Seeing the.. thing, Bird-Domoris twists, its talon's becoming that of a creature twice its size. Malice burns in the creature's eyes, and a brief flash along the length his strangely silver talon indicates something is not what it appears...

Two of the creatures are outlined in a soft greenish glow, as blue-white electricity crackles around them. [SR overcome)]

The first creature that was seen by the shifter begins casting a spell, which transforms the odd creature into a slightly more hideous thing to look at -- although the size or shape of the creature did not really change.

Much to bird-Domoris' horror, two more of the creatures step out of the brush 10' north of his tree -- thoughts of friendship and loyalty burst into his mind -- he struggles against the potent mind magicks and shakes free. [2 Will saves succeed]

One last thought enters his mind -- more of a provocative whisper than a demand, urging him to go find a frond of a palm fern and bring it back to the campsite. He struggles with the request, trying his best to see through the enchantment being worked upon his mind, although in the dark corners of his mind the shifter wonders if that would be the safest alternative in his current situation. [Will save succeed - AP used]

Inside the extra-dimensional space, Davan, a naturally light sleeper, is roused from sleep by the flashing light outside, as well as the warforged wizard, who stirs from his meditative state.

Morph's form shouts to awaken the others. A pair of metallic wings spring from his shoulders as he drops from the extradimensional shelter and glides down to a landing. Morph chants arcane words the ending syllables coming out in a roar as his form expands in a four-legged body that has red scales, smells of brimstone, and has seven snake-like heads all with jagged dagger-like teeth and a gleaming intelligence in their eyes.

Reacting slower than the living construct, Davan reaches for his backpack and gear, realizing that putting on his armor would take too long. He slips a foot over the opening of the magical space and climbs out into the warm night air, fumbling for the rope.

As Hudder mentions squid-men, Void looks down and shivers at the sight of the Illithids, anger raises swiftly in him but he calms himself. He emerges from the room and immediately hears the dreaded voice in his head once more. He looks around for something to hide behind, but realizes the futility of the situation quickly.

"There you are, my pet. We were wondering were you had gone." The flayer which had just cast a spell stares directly at Void.

As you stare at the flayer, your unnatural sight spots a diadem that you instantly recognize from your people's haunted past -- the flayer wears what looks like a Slaver's Circlet -- you have heard stories about the illithid slavemasters wearing such items to keep track of all of an illithid's settlements gith slaves. You heard stories about the helm's ability know and detect anyone of gith descent over far reaching distances, as well as boost the already fearsome mind powers of the illithid who wore it.

Darv rouses slowly, yawning loudly and starts pawing around for his gear, then opts to forgo his armor. He closes his eyes, incants a few syllables of unknown origin -- his skin appears to thicken and take on a look of a tree trunk.

Hudder is on his feet with rapidity, he pokes his head out the 'trick and then ducks back in once he's assessed the situation.

He yanks on his gauntlets while hissing "We gots ourselves four ugly looking squidmen, dun sumthan ta our big fella 'n a 'forged."

Grabbing hold of his ax in one hand and shield in the other he leaps out from the 'trick directly at the one of the squidmen, swinging his ax in a wide arc that rips through the outer cloak of the creature, but fails to find purchase on the mail the creature appears to have on beneath it. [AP used for jump, 4 pts of lethal damage, 4 pts of non-lethal.]

The warforged warrior and goliath sit frozen in place, completely unaware of the goings-on around them.



Condition Summary:

Morph: Polymorph Self (140 rounds)
Lo-Kag: Stunned
Dreadnought: Stunned
Hudder: (77/85)
Flayer #1: Faerie Fire (5 rounds)
Flayer #2: Faerie Fire (5 rounds)

Note: no light exists in the clearing except for the Faerie fire effect on the two Flayers (shadowy illumination to 5', 10' for those with low-light vision), any PC without darkvision, i.e. Davan/Morph/Dreadnought/Domoris/Lo-Kag will not be able to see the other two in the heat of battle without stopping and making a listen check.


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Hudder lets out another grinding snore, muttering something about "... me honor..." before rolling over and putting an arm over his head.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Bird-Domoris caws in anger as the things tear at his mind, and blood-fury begins to take over. A dark blur, the druid dives for the nearest foe, his feathery form becoming more hardened and oddly fanged as it does so.

[OOC: Shift (free) and dive (aerial charge for double damage): AC 31, 27hp. Lighting damage from ring this round: 5]


Davan rises, wondering what could of caused that flash. He rouses the others, thinking that a flash in the wilds would (if it hadn't been caused by) wild creatures around. "Rise, and do so quickly. Something is going on." He slips on his gear and heads out.


[sblock=OOC]Do we need to roll to wake up? Or are we just up?

And, Hudder doesn't have his armor on, I think. Conveniently... that may not matter. Illithids not being the hitting types.

Of course with a Will save of +2... Might as well be naked.[/sblock]


First Post
Graf said:
[sblock=OOC]Do we need to roll to wake up? Or are we just up?

And, Hudder doesn't have his armor on, I think. Conveniently... that may not matter. Illithids not being the hitting types.

Of course with a Will save of +2... Might as well be naked.[/sblock]

OOC: Consider everyone in the 'trick as woken up by Morph and Davan.


Hudder -- AC15/11/15 HP 77/85 DR 5/Magic ---AP 10/11--- Fort +11 [+14 vs. poison/spells] Ref +7 [+9 spells] (Evasion) Will +3 [+5 vs spells] [sblock=Additional stats]Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60', Spot +6, Listen +3, Search +15

AoO: +11 1d10+11

Stats assumptions he's sleeps with all of his magic items on except his armor and cloak (still aren't on) and his gauntlets (which he pulled on).[/sblock]

Hudder is on his feet with rapidity, he pokes his head out the 'trick and then ducks back in once he's assessed the situation.

He yanks on his gauntlets while hissing "We gots ourselves four ugly looking squidmen, dun sumthan ta our big fella 'n a 'forged."

Grabbing hold of his ax in one hand and shield in the other he leaps out from the 'trick directly at the one of the squidmen, swinging his ax in a wide arc.

Obviously this may not happen this round. I provide rolls and explanation of intent for the DM to adjudicate as necessary.

I think, in game terms, Hudder is trying to move and attack the squid in 3-8 (like to charge but dreadnaught's in the way).

I've assumed that an enthusiastic and reckless dwarf could squat down and jump out of the invisible 3x5 window (especially one wearing boots of springing and striding). I've assessed myself a random -5 penalty.
Since the window is in the "middle" of the orange square (bizarre rule choice) I'm assuming that he's got around 12 feet to go. A standing broad 12 foot broad jump would normally be around a 24 DC (assuming we can't run in the extradimensional space).
I'm assuming that the "falling distance" is "free"; that since he's broad jumping he can't also jump down (so he takes full damage).
So it's Jump +15-5 vs DC 24 + spending an action point (goes, looks up action points at CL 8 we get two action dice, so I'll get the better of the 2d6, and the last 2d6 will be damage taken from my "fall".).

Le roll: 9+10+(5 or 1)=24, with 8 points of damage.
(I realize just making a roll you've set up yourself is suspicious but, for what it's worth I swear I picked it all out and then rolled).

assuming he's successfully landed in 2-9 the Attack roll on squid man (3-8): AC 18 Damage 18.

What the squid men think of a muscular dwarf naked safe for metal gauntlets, metal bracers, boots and a loincloth flying through the air at them I leave for the DM to decide.

The stat block above shows reflects Hudder's mostly au natural state (as well as the damage he took from the fall, because even if it's nearly impossible to make the jump he's still going to try)[/sblock]
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First Post

Init: 21

Morph's form shouts to awaken the others. A pair of metallic wings spring from his shoulders as he drops from the extradimensional shelter and ends his flight on the ground near the flayers. Morph chants arcane words the ending syllables coming out in a roar as his form expands in a four-legged body that has red scales, smells of brimstone, and has seven snake-like heads all with jagged dagger-like teeth and a gleaming intelligence in their eyes.

0: Detect Magicx2, Read magic, ray of frost
1: Feather fallx2, lesser orb of fire, magic missle, ray of clumsiness, grease
2: incendiary slime
3: haste, slow, animate weapon
4: flame whips

Grow wings an immediate action and fly down to (6,10), speed of 60 should get me there without trouble. Cast polymorph(duration doubled due to favored shape, and on the defensive if needed) to take the form of a seven headed pyrohydra. 10' reach and any attack of opportunity are at +7 for 1d10+4 damage[/sblock]

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