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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


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Void sneaks down the stairwell once again, and enters the underground coliseum. The three giants have not moved from their previous positions and seem completely unaware of his presence.

Looking around at all of the large stone blocks laid out in a matrix on the floor, Void tries to figure out the best way to get their attention without getting too close.

He picks up some rock chips and then hurls them towards the center of the circle. They skitter and rattle along the dust-and-rubble covered floor.

As he ducks behind one of the slabs to gauge the giants reaction, he begins to hear some words spoken in a questioning tone, but still unintelligable to the gith.

He nudges his head over the rock and sees all three giants standing up and looking in his general direction.

The one that was standing previously spots Void's head and points while murmuring something to the other two, who quickly kneel down and grab a loose rock.

"Brunja dorvis!" The center one shouts.

OOC: Void's action? Sprint towards the opening where you came from?

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The nimble gith sprints towards the opening through which he came. As the giants see him turn and run, the two giants who had grabbed some nearby debris hurl it after him, both objects sail high and wide and smash into the stone walls on each side of the entry-arch.

Void continues his run up the stairs and rejoins the others, looking none-the-worse for wear, but panting slightly.




OOC: I'll npc Void, as he had wanted to attract attention then rejoin the group up above.

Actions for the rest of you? So far, I have Domoris' 2 spells cast.


Hudder -- AC25/11/25 HP 85/85 DR 5/Magic ---AP 7/11--- Fort +11 [+14 vs. poison/spells] Ref +7 [+9 spells] (Evasion) Will +3 [+5 vs spells] [sblock=Additional stats]Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60', Spot +6, Listen +3, Search +15
Dragonmark (CL 14)
Least alarm 1/day firetrap 1/day misdirection 1/day
Lesser glyph of warding 1/day nondetection1/day
Greater greater glyph of warding 1/day​

AoO: +11 1d10+11
Hudder steels himself, trying to ready himself to pop out and charge a giant if Void can lure one close enough.


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As the giants come up the stairs, Morph within sight of their position, twists his fingers about him, and whispers a word as soft as a gentle rain. When complete, a burst of glittery shards encompass the giants and they clutch their eyes.

[sblock]Cast glitterdust when the giants come into range.

Spell Prepared(including bonus spells for high Int and for being a specialist wizard)
(4/7/5/4/3) CL: 7 or 8 for fire spells; DC 15+spell level or 17+spell level for transmutations
0: Detect Magicx2, Read magic, ray of frost
1: Feather fallx2, lesser orb of firex2, magic missle, ray of clumsiness, grease
2: invisibility, glitterdust(expended), rope trick, incendiary slime
3: haste, slow, fireball, animate weapon
4: flame whips, polymorphx2[/sblock]


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Void will try to find a place to hide, then, when the giants will come, he will circle them and will go down again to inspect their lair.

OOC: So, Void will hide at the top of the stairs with the rest of the folks, then circle around and head back down while the rest of the group engages with any giants to inspect the lair? Or do you mean that you will hide at the bottom of the stairs, wait for the giants to pass up the stairs, then head back into the coliseum?

OOC: So, Void will hide at the top of the stairs with the rest of the folks, then circle around and head back down while the rest of the group engages with any giants to inspect the lair? Or do you mean that you will hide at the bottom of the stairs, wait for the giants to pass up the stairs, then head back into the coliseum?

Void will hide at the top, if anything will go wrong, he prefers to be up.

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